Blood Rush

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Blood Rush Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  Today was the day she was going into the mountains with Kaleb to meet the rest of the clan. She had agreed to stay the night in the compound, but she made no guarantees after that. He tried to talk her into spending the whole weekend up there, but with a stern look and a shake of her head, that subject was quickly dropped. She was taking a big step in this new life, and she thought that spending one night up there was a big sacrifice on her part, given the fact all of this was new to her.

  When she told Adrik of her plans, the line had gone silent, and she knew he wasn’t happy. Frankly, she was getting sick of all of the testosterone being thrown around by her brother and Adrik. She was pulled in two different directions. On one side, she wanted to be with the only man she had ever loved, yet on the other side she felt it was her duty to stay by her twin’s side. It didn’t help matters that Adrik and Kaleb were of two different species, creatures that weren’t enemies, but had very different views on what they expected.

  She wanted desperately to talk to Adrik, to find out more about his life, one that she really had no idea about. She wanted to know why he had lied to her for all those years, why he had listened to her brother and stayed away if she was his Chosen. Questions bounced around in her head, questions she was damn sure going to get answers to.

  She hadn’t spoken much to Lana, just a few times here and there. She wanted to tell her friend she knew everything, wanted to tell her about what Adrik was, although as she thought back to how Lana had acted when she found out she was seeing Adrik, it was almost as though her best friend had already known.

  Checking her overnight bag once more, Kayla made sure she had everything she needed. It was still fairly early, but they had a two-hour drive ahead of them. Kaleb had said the Lyken clan’s compound was beautiful and that the scenery was breathtaking. She would be the judge of that, although she had no doubts that the mountain compound was a picture-perfect place. She was more worried about the people who lived within that mountain retreat. How would they react toward her? Would they like her? Accept her?

  She threw a couple other things in her duffel bag and headed downstairs. The sound of Kaleb banging around in the kitchen was loud enough she had heard it upstairs. Not being able to stop the smile that broke over her face, Kayla thought of the old times. She tossed the bag toward the front door and walked into the kitchen. Kaleb was throwing food into a bag in between taking long gulps out of his coffee mug.

  “Why are you packing food? You said it’s only a two-hour drive.” She smiled as he threw in a full-sized bag of chips, some fruit, and, of course, cans of beer.

  He looked up at her as he took another sip of his coffee. “We might get hungry.”

  “You mean you might get hungry? You’re packing enough food to feed a football team.”

  He shrugged and zipped up the bag before he finished the rest of the coffee.

  “Are you about ready?” Secretly, she kind of wanted to get this over with. She didn’t know how things were going to work out up there, but she hoped she could handle whatever was thrown at her.

  Two hours later, Kaleb and Kayla reached their destination. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, her heart beat quickly, and her palms were so sweaty she had to wipe them on her jeans. Anxiousness and fear waged war inside of her. She was about to meet a compound full of werewolves.

  “Calm down. I said you have nothing to worry about.”

  She threw a dirty look Kaleb’s way but didn’t respond. How would he like it if he were just introduced to this new and crazy world? How would he feel if he were about to be introduced to Lykens?

  Soon they were greeted with a huge stone wall and wrought iron gate. Kaleb rolled down the window and pressed some numbers into the small keypad nestled into the stone. The gates opened soundlessly moments later, and the truck moved forward. She gripped the handle of the door, her whole body tingling with anticipation. Could she possibly be feeling excitement?

  “I can sense how anxious you are, Kayla. I can smell your excitement. I know you can feel the pull. Maybe it just took you coming here to awaken that part of you?”

  “Don’t talk like that.”

  “Like what?” He gave her a confused look as he continued to drive down the twisting dirt road.

  “Like you can sense how I feel. It’s weird.”

  He gave a throaty laugh but didn’t respond. She looked out the window at the bright green trees that surrounded them. She rolled down her window and breathed in the intoxicating scent of freshness.

  They drove for another ten minutes before the trees thinned out and a monstrous wooden compound was revealed. Children ran around in the front lawn. The grass that grew beneath their feet looked vibrant and plush. The children stopped playing and ran inside as the truck approached. Kaleb brought the truck around to the side of the house, where several other expensive-looking vehicles sat.

  “Are you ready?”

  No. She looked at him, took a deep breath, and nodded. She probably wasn’t ever going to be ready, but it was a little late to turn back now. They both got out, and she followed Kaleb around to the front and up to the massive wraparound porch. Thick wooden pillars supported the large structure, the scent of wilderness saturating everything. She felt so…at home. It was unnerving.

  They stopped in front of the stained-glass double doors. Kaleb turned around and took hold of her hand. When he pushed open one of the doors and led her into the foyer, Kayla felt her eyes widen as she took in the extravagant interior. A large staircase was directly across from the front doors, the dark hardwood flooring covered in a thick red carpet. A grand crystal chandelier hung from the cathedral-style ceiling, skylights placed on each side of the chandelier so that the light would reflect off the crystals.

  “I was wondering when you would show. Is this the lass?”

  Kayla turned her head as an extremely large man walked into the room. His hair was dark and short, the strands disheveled. Her heart started to beat against her ribs. It was clear this man was much more than he appeared.

  His forest-green eyes gazed over her body as he smiled. “Ye’re early. We dinna expect you for another few hours.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “No, but no harm. I am still verra happy to see you.”

  Kayla took a step back as Kaleb and the other man slapped each other on the back, huge grins on their faces. It was as if the two had known each other for years, although they probably had, given the fact Kaleb had lied about his whereabouts for so long.

  “Kayla, this is Callum McGregor. Callum, this is my sister, Kayla.”

  Callum took a step forward, and Kayla had to crane her neck back just to look into his face. What is it with all the men in this town? They’re all giants.

  “I am verra happy to finally meet you, lass.”

  She took a deep breath, his strong evergreen scent filling up her senses and making her light-headed. He had a thick Scottish accent that seemed to fit his persona perfectly. He grabbed her hand and, like a gentleman, bowed at the waist and kissed the top of her hand.

  “Have you seen Aedan?” Kaleb looked around the massive foyer.

  “Aye, he is in the game room with the others.” Callum looked down at her one last time, a small smile tilting one side of his mouth.

  Kaleb looked over at her and gestured for her to follow him. She looked over her shoulder and said, “It was nice meeting you.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.”

  Kaleb led the way down a wide hallway. It seemed to go on forever, with doors lined up on either side of her. Finally, Kaleb stopped in front of a set of closed double doors. No sound came from them, but once he pushed them open, noise bombarded her senses. Loud music poured out of the huge room, which she realized, once she got a good look, was a game room.

  She followed Kaleb in, no one seeming to pay any attention to them. Two pool tables were on either side of her, the sound of cracking pool balls almost too loud for her ears. A full-sized bar was set up in the corner, with
bottles upon bottles of whiskey and other amber-colored liquor lining the shelves behind it. A big-screen television was on one side of her, showing a football game. Leather couches and chairs were everywhere, as well as a modest-sized kitchen area opposite of the television.

  The room was filled with oversized men. A few of them gave her the once-over and then slapped backs with Kaleb.

  She looked to her left, and her gaze settled on a huge man leaning against the wall, pool stick in hand. His sandy-blond hair hung to his ears, and his bright blue eyes spoke of knowledge and power. That’s the alpha.

  There was a distinct pull toward him, as if her mind knew who the alpha was. It was the strangest feeling, a sensation that she was a positive magnet and he was the opposite.

  “That’s Aedan. The alpha.”

  Kaleb’s voice was right next to her, and she looked over her shoulder and nodded. “I know.”

  “You can feel the pull, can’t you?”

  She nodded again. The thing was, even though the sensation was almost calming, she didn’t know if she liked it. Aedan pushed off the wall, his gaze never leaving hers as he walked up to them.

  “Kayla, I presume?”

  She nodded and swallowed.

  “Ye’re just a wee thing, aren’t ye?” His eyes roamed down her body, but it wasn’t anything sexual.

  At five foot nine, she had never been called a “wee thing,” but then again, the men in the room neared seven feet tall. She could feel, could sense, that he was assessing her as a wolf would do with a stranger.

  Aedan whistled, and everyone around in the room stopped what they were doing and stared at them. Her heart beat frantically again because she knew everyone’s eyes were on her—the outsider.

  “You don’t have to be scared. You’re one of us, Kayla.” Aedan’s voice was low and soothing, and she instantly felt herself relaxing. He smiled down at her and nodded, as if he knew he had helped.

  “Come on, let us go somewhere quieter.” His Scottish accent held authority and strength, and she blindly followed him out of the room.

  It scared the shit out of her.

  Chapter 13

  Adrik paced his living room, his thoughts on Kayla. He hadn’t seen her for a week, and it was driving him mad. He had spoken to her during that time, but it wasn’t the same. Now that he had tasted her blood and knew without a doubt that she was his Chosen, the separation was hell. He wanted nothing more than for her to be with him at all times, but times were different than what he was used to, and Kayla was a strong and independent woman. She reveled in her freedom.

  The possessive male inside of him didn’t like that.

  The sun had set a little over an hour ago, and it took all of his restraint not to call her every five minutes during that time. He knew her emotions must be bombarding her with meeting the Lykens, but his fingers itched to pick up that phone, dial her number, and hear her voice.

  For the past week, it had taken all of his willpower not to go to her home, but with Kaleb being there constantly, he had kept his distance. He didn’t want to be the driving force that separated Kayla from her family, but he knew how the Lykens felt about mixing species. If she became fully involved with the clan, would she ultimately choose them over him? He had been asking himself that question every day for the past week.

  He looked at his watch again and then over at his cell on the kitchen island. Fuck it. He walked over, picked it up, and punched in Kayla’s number.

  “Hello?” Loud laughter and noise rang through the receiver and muffled her soft voice.


  “Hello?” She spoke a little louder into the phone. “Hold on a sec.” Gradually the noise dwindled until it was a low murmur in the background.

  “Hey, how are you?” He was nervous. Unbelievable.

  “I’m so glad to hear your voice.”

  He smiled at her comment, relief filling him. Had he actually thought she would forget about him? “I’m so glad to hear your voice, too, mila .” He ran his hand through his hair. “How is it going? Are you enjoying it?”

  “It really isn’t as bad as I thought. The people are very friendly.” Her soft sigh was like a punch to his gut. “Do you miss me?”

  He smiled, loving how she could tease him. “I always miss you when you’re not around.”

  Her soft chuckle sounded sexy yet innocent. His cock instantly became hard, and he shifted it around in his jeans.

  “What are you wearing?” Her gasp of surprise at his blatant question turned him on even more.

  “Adrik!” Her voice was a whisper, laced with amusement. She exhaled and whispered, “I’m wearing a pair of shorts and a tank.”

  He could just picture her long legs barely concealed by the material of her shorts. He knew the generous swells of her breasts would be pressed snugly against the fabric of her tee, which would no doubt be formfitting. As his cock swelled another inch, a scowl crossed his features.

  “How many males are there?” He knew it was a stupid question even as the words came out of his mouth, but his need to protect his female overrode the rational part of his brain.

  “Why, are you jealous?” Her tone was teasing again.


  Another soft chuckle from her. “There are a lot of guys here.” At his growl, she laughed and continued, “But there are also a lot of women and children, too.”

  That knowledge didn’t ease him at all. There were still males around, and they were most likely noticing Kayla’s long, slender legs and the other incredible assets of her body.

  He sure as hell noticed.

  “When will you be back?” He wanted her back where he could protect her, where he could touch her, stroke her, fuck her.

  “I am only going to stay tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Why?” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Do you want to see me?”

  He breathed out and rubbed his shaft through the material of his pants with his free hand. He was so hard for her. “God, do I want to see you.”

  She chuckled softly. “Okay, it’s a date then. I’ll call you when I get home.”

  Tomorrow seemed like an eternity.



  “Do you know how much I love you?”

  He placed his hand over his heart, the organ aching with the feelings he had for her. “Not as much as I love you.”

  Kayla smiled to herself as she closed her phone and stared at the huge group of people around the massive bonfire. This whole place, and everyone around, seemed like home. Everyone acted like family, as though they cared for each other on a whole different level.

  They made her feel welcome.

  Her gaze found Kaleb, and she watched her twin. He held a Sam Adams in his hand as he talked to a pretty, young girl. As she looked at him, she opened herself up to her twin’s feelings. It wasn’t hard for her to do. She had always been able to do it, since she could remember. Now that she had finally found out what she really was, she wondered if being a Lyken had anything to do with her ability to connect with her twin on an emotional level.

  She started forward, planning on going back to the group of women she had befriended.


  The deep, scratchy voice had her spinning around. She tried to see who hid in the thick bushes that were shrouded in darkness. She could hardly see, and as she was about to go back to the crowd of people, a large form stepped out of the shadows.

  Kayla took a step back as she stared at the man in front of her. She had seen him briefly during dinner. She didn’t know his name, but she remembered him vividly. He had scars around his wrists, thick ones that looked like someone had restrained him.

  “Dè an t-ainm a tha oirbh?” He took a step forward as he tilted his head to the side and looked at her curiously.


  He spoke Gaelic, as did everyone else she came across in the clan. She shook her head and looked around, feeling very uneasy around this man.

nbsp; “You are a Lyken, yet you do not speak Gaelic?”

  She shook her head, not knowing where this conversation was going.

  “What is your name?” He took another step forward.

  “Kayla.” She spoke on a whisper, not even knowing why she was so frightened. There was just something about him that made her instincts scream.

  “I can smell your fear, Kayla. Didn’t your brother tell you we don’t harm our females?”

  She rubbed her hands over her shorts, her skin suddenly becoming tight and sweaty. He raised an eyebrow when she didn’t answer, and she cleared her throat.

  “I should be getting back.” She threw her thumb behind her, as if to emphasize her point.

  Arms crossed over his thick chest, they looked like twin tree trunks. “I’ll be seeing you around, Kayla.”

  Chapter 14

  Kayla walked briskly to where Kaleb spoke with the young brunette. The girl leaned against a thick oak while Kaleb propped his arm above her head. Before Kayla even made it over to them, she heard the girl giggle loudly.

  Kaleb glanced up and pushed off the tree when he saw her coming toward him. “What’s wrong?”

  Kayla looked to where she had been standing in the shadows and shivered. The stranger’s large, darkened silhouette was illuminated like an eclipse against the moonlight. She looked back at Kaleb and lowered her voice.

  “See that guy over there?”

  He looked in the direction where she tilted her head. “Kay, you’re going to have to be a little more specific. There are about thirty guys around.”

  “There is a guy over by the side of the compound. You can’t see him, only his silhouette.”

  He knitted his brow and shook his head. “There isn’t anyone there.”

  She turned her head and breathed out as she was greeted with…nothing.


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