Blood Rush

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Blood Rush Page 18

by Jenika Snow

  “Adrik!” He stopped in the center of the hallway and looked around. “You fucking coward. Come out now and face me like a male of worth.”

  A door on his left opened, and the bastard who had hurt his sister walked out. Adrik may not have been the one who actually harmed her, but the fact that she was his mate and he had let her down was the same in Kaleb’s eyes.

  Wrath and vehemence spiked inside of him, and he launched himself toward Adrik. He slammed into the other male, and the two of them went flying through the open doorway and into the room. They fell onto an end table, and the lamp on it crashed to the floor. The sound of breaking glass dimly registered to Kaleb as they each tried to gain supremacy.

  “Stop this, Kaleb.”

  Adrik’s voice was a rough growl and held his own anger, but Kaleb didn’t care. All he knew was that his sister was hurt and Adrik would soon be feeling the same kind of pain.

  They grappled for control, and finally Kaleb got the upper hand. He slammed his fist into the side of Adrik’s head, and the vampire cursed. There was a moment where Kaleb felt pleasure at that curse of pain, but he wanted to hear more come from Adrik’s mouth. Adrik threw him off, and he slammed against the back of the couch. His head clipped the side of it, and the hard wood caused his skull to split open. Stars danced in his vision, but he quickly shook them away.

  He stood and felt power hum through him. It was time to let his inner beast out and show the vampire who held all the power. He could hear the sound of his clothes ripping as his body grew. His nails grew into lethal claws, and he dug them into his palm, reveling in the pain it caused. He stared at Adrik with all the malevolence and hatred he felt. The vampire was also in battle form. His body was thicker, bigger, and Kaleb could tell he was grappling for control. His eyes were completely black, and his fangs were bared in a warning sneer.

  “Will you let me speak, you stupid fucking fool?”

  “There is nothing to hear. You let her down, and because of that, I plan on killing you.” Kaleb charged forward.

  He swiped his claws out and grinned when he felt them sink into Adrik’s flesh. The Breed’s roar of pain had Kaleb smiling in triumph.

  “Stop this, now! I called you because Kayla needs her brother. You are taking your anger out on me when you should be focusing on Kayla.”

  He ducked when Adrik tried to grab him around the throat. Kaleb couldn’t think clearly, couldn’t even fully register what the vampire had said. He charged toward Adrik again, but the vampire was fast. Adrik wrapped his thick arms around his waist and held him tight.

  “I could render you unconscious right now if I chose to. Calm the fuck down, and listen to what I have to say.”

  Kaleb snarled as Adrik spoke slowly and steadily behind him. To hell with that. No way was he letting this leech have the upper hand. He slammed his head back and grinned when he heard the sound of bone crunching. The smell of blood blossomed in the room, and Kaleb spun around. Blood poured out of Adrik’s nose, and even though the bone and cartilage were destroyed, Adrik’s body started to knit itself back together instantly. More cracking and popping filled the room, and in the next moment, the vampire’s nose was as good as new.

  Kaleb went after him again, but a set of meaty arms caught him and put his pursuit to a halt. The smell of vampires filled the room, and Kaleb looked around. He had been in such a rage that he hadn’t realized anyone had entered. Five Blood Breeds were now squeezed into the small space. The bastards were big and emitted a power that would make a lesser man cower, but it just pissed Kaleb off.

  “Calm down, Lyken.”

  Kaleb knew that voice, Aleksei, the king of the Blood Breeds. “Let. Me. Go.”

  “Not a chance.”

  He was spun around quickly, and now looked into bright blue eyes and an expression that was a warning all in itself.

  “You come into my house and fuck with one of my men?”

  “He’s only worried about Kayla.” Adrik’s voice sounded behind him.

  Kaleb didn’t say anything, just gave Aleksei an unwavering stare.

  “Can you control yourself, boy?”

  Kaleb gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He willed himself to calm down, and slowly his anger started to ebb. He gave a tight nod, and the king of the Breeds released him. The tension was thick in the room. As pissed off as Kaleb was, he needed to rein in his rage. He didn’t want to admit it, but Adrik was right. He needed to focus all his energy on Kayla and getting her away from the vampires.

  “Where is she?” He could hear the anger still laced in his voice but made sure to keep his composure.

  “We have her in one of the underground rooms. She is currently sleeping. Dr. Chenobova gave her a light sedative so that her body had some time to heal.”

  Adrik moved next to him, and Kaleb curled his hands together. It took everything in him not to go after the vampire.

  “As soon as she is well enough, I plan on taking her out of here.” Kaleb cut a glance at Adrik. He expected to see a sneer on his face and his fists pumping against his chest as he barked out “mine.” What he saw surprised him, though. Adrik stared at him, his hurt and self-anger clear on his expression, as well as filling the room with the scent of his desperation. The vampire hated himself for what had happened to Kayla, and all Kaleb could feel was satisfaction. Maybe his anger would leave eventually, maybe it wouldn’t. What he did know was that Kayla wouldn’t be seeing Adrik again.

  They filed into the elevator, and Adrik pushed the button that started the descent to the very bowels of the club. The tension was still thick, and Kaleb was to the point of growling with the need to leave the tight confines. Thankfully, the door slid open moments later, and he stepped into the frigid corridor.

  As they made their way through the long and winding tunnel, Kaleb wasn’t the least bit pleased that he was surrounded by fucking vampires. The sooner he got his sister out of here, the better. Once Kayla was safe in the compound, he would make sure she never saw Adrik again. It was clear the Breed couldn’t keep her safe, and although he knew Kayla wouldn’t agree with his decision, he was going to make damn sure she never went near Adrik again.

  They led him down the tunnel until they stopped at a large closed steel door. One of the Breeds opened it, and Kaleb got his first look at Kayla. Her face was an ashen color, and she appeared worried, even in sleep. Several bruises marred the side of her face, and he couldn’t help the growl that left him. Kaleb strode forward and stopped at the edge of her bed. An IV was hooked up to her arm, and a clear fluid was running in the tube. He inhaled deeply, and although plastic encased it, he could tell it was just salt water.

  Glancing to the side, he saw a small Breed female in a long white jacket writing something down on a clipboard. As if she sensed him staring at her, she glanced up.

  “Are you the doctor?” Was that his voice, strained and gravelly? He turned back toward Kayla and clenched his fists. When he looked back at the doctor, he saw her staring at him. She may have looked young, but even he could see intelligence and age in her eyes.

  “I am.” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and smiled. The clipboard was placed under her arm, and she took a step toward him. “I’m Dr. Chenobova.”

  “How is she?” He took her outstretched hand and shook it gently.

  “She’s doing well. Aside from the broken arm, she has sustained some superficial bruising.”

  She pulled the blanket back that had been covering Kayla’s arm, and he could see the thick white cast that covered her lower arm.

  “You are aware, I’m sure, that she doesn’t heal as we do.” At his tight nod, she continued. “In a few months, her arm will heal, but I’m not sure if mentally she will ever be okay.”

  “What do you mean?” Adrik had been pretty vague about what had happened, and now Kaleb felt his anger rising again.

  She breathed out and bounced her gaze from Kayla’s to his. “You are aware of what a traumatic event can do to an individual me
ntally?” She took a step forward. “Your sister has just gone through a very distressing time in her life. Don’t be surprised if she isn’t the same.”

  Kaleb didn’t know how to respond. Adrik stopped beside him, and Kaleb gritted his teeth. As he listened to Adrik spill the story of Emmitt and what had happened in the meadow, he knew without a doubt a life with the vampires was not for her. She needed to be with her own kind, ones who could protect her. The hard part would be convincing her that where she wanted to be wasn’t necessarily where she belonged.

  Chapter 32

  Kayla slowly woke to the sound of water tinkling beside her ear. Before she opened her eyes, she was aware of something cool and wet being placed on her forehead. She wanted to push it away, but her arms felt as though lead weights held them down. When she finally was able to pry her eyes open, her vision was so blurry she couldn’t make anything out. The sound of people mumbling penetrated the haze that settled in her brain, and she turned her head, trying to see who spoke.

  She could now hear the voice more clearly and recognized it as female. There was more shuffling and then the sound of a door opening and closing. She squinted, trying to see who spoke. Something warm coasted over the bridge of her nose, and she tensed.

  “Shhh. Close your eyes, and I’ll try and clean this ointment off.”

  Kayla’s face was tender, but she couldn’t remember why it would be. When the rag left her face, she opened her eyes again and could see clearly. A woman, probably no more than twenty, stood over her. A crease between her eyes marred her perfect complexion.

  “How are you feeling, Kayla?” The young girl spoke softly.

  “Where am I?” Why can’t I remember anything? As Kayla rose into a sitting position, the young girl wrapped her hands around her shoulders and helped her to sit up. Kayla’s head throbbed, and a wave of nausea threatened to overtake her.

  “You’re at the compound. Do you remember anything?”

  The compound? Shaking her head at the girl’s question, Kayla looked down at one of her arms. A bandage covered the crook of her arm. A glance at her other arm showed a bright white cast.

  “What is going on?”

  “That’s where the doctor had an IV running.” The girl placed her hand gently over her bandaged arm. “It was pretty bruised up when he got the catheter out, so I am sure it hurts like hell.” She placed her other hand on the cast. “You broke your arm, unfortunately. I don’t know how long this thing has to stay on, though.”

  Kayla glanced at the girl. She tried to remember what the hell had happened, but everything was fuzzy.

  “I’m Joslyn. I saw you at the party we had a while back, but I don’t think you saw me.”


  Joslyn smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re at the Lyken compound. Kaleb will be here soon, and then he can explain everything.”

  Still nothing came back to Kayla. She placed a hand to her forehead and touched a tender spot. Joslyn made a small noise and wrung out the rag before placing it on her forehead again.

  “You have a cut on your head, and that’s why it’s so tender. It keeps bleeding.” Joslyn ran the rag over her head tenderly. “I put ointment on your cuts and bruises, hoping it would speed up the healing process. You’ve been unconscious for some time, and that’s why you can’t see very well, I assume.”

  “Thank you.” She could sense pure concern from Joslyn. Before Kayla could say anything else, the door swung open, and Kaleb, along with three other very large men, poured into the room.

  The look of relief that crossed over Kaleb’s face made Kayla wonder how bad she had really been. “Kaleb, what’s going on?”

  Although three men followed Kaleb into the room, when he gave them a nod toward the door, they left. Joslyn stood next to her bed, and Kayla didn’t miss how the air in the room changed. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something passing between her brother and Joslyn.

  “Joslyn, could you give us a minute alone?” The young girl nodded and made her way past Kaleb. Before she walked by him, he grabbed her hand and stopped her. “Thank you for tending to my sister. It means a lot to me.”

  Kayla saw the girl blush fiercely and nod before leaving the room. When it was just the two of them alone, Kaleb moved to the edge of her bed and sat down.

  “Can you please tell me what’s going on?”

  “You don’t remember anything?” Kaleb lifted his hand and touched the side of her head. She winced as he skimmed over a tender spot.

  “I can remember bits and pieces. I was supposed to meet Adrik in the meadow, but after that, I draw a blank.”

  “You must have really hit your head hard.”

  Kayla wasn’t blind. She could see the nervousness in Kaleb. When he started to speak, she could do nothing but sit there and listen with growing fear. As he recounted what had happened, it all came back to her. Emmitt. The meadow. The fear when he chased after her, intending to kill her. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and the same kind of fear she had felt back in those woods resurfaced.

  “Oh, God.” Tears welled in her eyes as she pictured that night. “How long have I been out?”

  “A little over a week.”

  Shock filled her. The first thing that came to her mind was Adrik, and the second was everything else. Did she even still have a job? What had transpired during that time?

  “I have to see Adrik. I have to make sure he’s okay.” She pushed the blankets off her legs and hung her legs over the side of the bed. Kaleb’s hand on her shoulder stopped her.

  “You’re too weak to be getting out of bed. Hell, Kayla, you almost died.”

  He was right, but she had to make sure Adrik was okay. The last thing she remembered was almost falling into some kind of pit in the ground and the sound of Adrik’s animalistic growl sounding around her. She pushed his hand off of her and went to stand, but Kaleb’s hand gripped her wrist firmly.

  “You can’t go, Kay.”

  “I’m fine.” Anger started to grow inside of her. She was in pain, true, but she needed to make sure Adrik was okay. “Give me the phone.” He handed it to her, and after several failed attempts to get a hold of Adrik, she knew what she had to do. “I have to go see him, now.”

  “I’m sorry, Kayla.”

  Her heart stopped. The way her twin looked at her, as if someone had died, made everything inside of her body freeze. She feared what he would say, feared he would tell her Adrik was dead.

  “Oh God, Kaleb. Please don’t tell me he’s gone.” Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she stared at her brother.

  He shook his head. “No, he’s alive.”

  A gush of air left her, and she found herself laughing. It wasn’t funny, but the relief she felt was so monumental she couldn’t help her reaction.

  “Then what is it?”

  He let go of her hand, and she saw a strange emotion flicker across his face. When she stood, a moment of dizziness washed through her, but she closed her eyes and waited for it to pass. Maybe it would have been smarter to stay in bed and heal, but she could rest when she was dead.

  “I can’t let you leave.”

  She smiled at her brother’s concern. “I’m fine, Kaleb, really. I appreciate everything you and the others have done for me, but I have to go. I need to see Adrik and make sure I still have a job.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  There was something in his voice that made her stop what she was doing and turn to look at him. “What is it?”

  “You can’t see him because he doesn’t want to see you.”

  As she stared at him, she waited for him to crack a smile and tell her he was joking. He didn’t do either, though.

  She didn’t believe him. Brother or not, there was no way Adrik would stop loving her. Kaleb was just trying to control her, trying to keep her at the compound and make her not be with the man she loved, who just happened to be a vampire and a sworn enemy of the Lykens.

  “You can’
t keep me here, Kaleb.”

  He stood and paced the length of the room. “Maybe I can’t, but you have to see it from my point of view. I’ve already lost both of my parents, and I’m not going to lose you, too.” He ran a hand through his hair. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but you have to know the truth.”

  “Adrik loves me. He wouldn’t want to be separated from me.”

  “Maybe he loves you too much to really protect you.”

  Confusion swirled in her mind. She didn’t know what to think. All she knew was that she wanted to be with Adrik. She wore sweats and a tee, and it looked as though that was what she’d be wearing since she couldn’t find her clothes. A pair of slippers sat on the floor, and she put them on. Her head still ached, but she pushed the pain aside. This wasn’t her home, and aside from Kaleb, the people in the compound weren’t her family. In Adrik’s arms is where she belonged.

  “Where are all my things?” Kaleb didn’t answer her, and her irritation grew. “Fine.” She didn’t need any of it. When she walked by Kaleb, he gripped her wrist, stopping her.

  “You can’t leave.”

  She looked down at where he held her wrist and then back at him. “You can either take me to where I need to go, or I’ll fucking walk there. You aren’t Dad, and I’m not a damn prisoner, Kaleb.”

  Their eyes stayed locked for several tense seconds, and then he finally let go of her wrist and breathed out.

  “I don’t want you getting hurt, and I know you will once you see him.”

  “You’ll see how wrong you really are.” Kaleb was delusional to think Adrik wouldn’t want her.

  “Come on. If you really want to go, I’ll take you, but you’ll see how right I am when he breaks your heart.”

  He led them out of the room and out the front door. When she was in his truck and buckled in, she closed her eyes and breathed out a sigh. It felt so right leaving the compound, but there was a feeling inside of her that made her feel uneasy. It had to be the events of the past week rearing their ugly heads. She was going to see the man she loved, and that was all that mattered.


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