Alien Nation

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Alien Nation Page 27

by Gini Koch

  “Paul,” Raj said when the sound was finally turned off for all the screens, “this definitely makes your points, both of them.”

  “Figured it was easier to show you than to try to explain it,” Gower said from the speakerphone.

  “Which points were?” I asked Jeff quietly.

  “That I’m staying here and you’re starting your tour in the Middle East and leaving, most likely, tomorrow. Don’t play like you don’t know—Paul told us he’d already spoken to you.”

  “Wasn’t trying to hide anything.” Well, not about that. “I just wanted to be sure we were on the same page and all that.” Chose not to focus on flowers and instead to worry about whether or not the kids should be coming with me. It was a legit concern and something Jeff would expect to pick up from me emotionally.

  Wisely, as it turned out. Jeff squeezed my hand. “I think we’ll have to leave the decision on the kids to your mother and uncle, baby.”

  There were so many people in here that I’d missed him, but my Uncle Mort was indeed in the room. The fact that I’d missed him was just a testament to my lack of observational skills, since he was in the Military Corridor. Colonel Marvin Hamlin, Colonel Arthur Franklin, and Captain Gil Morgan were with him, and they weren’t the only ones.

  I was kind of surprised to see Lt. Col. Sergio Gonzalez here, in from Home Base, aka Area 51, and Colonel John Butler, too. Butler was now an in-control android, but under the circumstances, couldn’t argue about having the additional military support, and presumably Gonzalez had felt it was worth it to bring Butler along. That Hochberg wasn’t sitting with them was only due to the fact that he was sitting with the rest of Jeff’s Cabinet, who were all bunched together.

  In fact, Alpha Team and Airborne were sitting together, along with Christopher, Doreen, and the others from our Diplomatic Mission. The Planetary Council were together, with White next to Alexander and Doreen, or as I was fast coming to think of it, bridging the gap. Meaning we were aligning according to groups. Just like the rest of the world. This boded.

  People were talking amongst themselves, mostly about what we’d seen on TV. Nudged Jeff. “Did you request that everyone sit according to party lines?”


  Chuckie, who was on Jeff’s other side, leaned over. “Humans are tribal,” he said softly, “and right now, every human in this room is frightened and huddling with their tribe.”

  “You’re not.”

  He grinned at me. “You’re my tribe, Kitty.”

  “You’re part of Hacker International’s tribe, too.”

  “They’re huddling in their tribal location,” Chuckie said with another grin. “I’m not. I’m huddling with my smaller tribe.”

  “What am I, chopped liver?” Jeff asked.

  Chuckie laughed. “No, I include you in the Tribe of Kitty, Jeff. And, apparently A-Cs are tribal, too.”

  “And just as frightened,” Jeff agreed. He heaved a sigh. “I don’t want us reacting out of fear or hatred. I want us going forward in the way I know we can—as representatives of the best Earth has to offer.”

  Jeff hadn’t been speaking loudly and there was a lot of noise in the room, but A-Cs had hearing far superior to humans. White made eye contact with us. “That is the correct goal, Jeffrey. World cohesion, greeting the new horizon bravely and compassionately.”

  “Then we need to do our best to help and support,” Jeff said. “And convince the rest of the world that they want to do the same.”

  “That’s the religious summit’s stated goal as well,” Gower said. “Not sure if we’re going to manage to actually achieve it, but at least everyone here is willing to work for that goal.”

  “Everyone? Really?” Mom asked. “I find that shocking, honestly.”

  Gower chuckled. “Well, seeing aliens arrive outside of Pueblo Caliente today gave those of us pushing for unity a boost.”

  “Do the other religious leaders know we have more aliens coming?” Chuckie asked.

  “No. I didn’t know until Kitty told me. I’ll ask Alpha Team why they kept that from me later.”

  “We didn’t want you distracted,” Reader said. “And that’s because you’re the one who told us to not distract you.”

  “I didn’t get that memo, my bad.”

  “Your timing was good, Kitty,” Gower said.

  “Paul is my favorite.”

  Sent Stryker Dane, the Head of Hacker International, a text telling him to put the best hackers in the world onto my newest craze that was right up their Conspiracy Theory Alley—find all of the triangles in the world that could be alien landing sites. Asked for specific focus in the Middle East, but didn’t tell them where. Not because I was trying to be coy, but because I wanted to see what they found without my influence.

  Stryker’s response was suitably enthusiastic. Apparently I’d finally given Hacker International a job they were excited about. Go me.

  Len and Kyle came in now, Kyle pushing Olga’s wheelchair. He placed Olga in between White and Alexander, while Adriana stayed standing, just like Buchanan, Siler, Wruck, and the boys, once Olga was situated. Meaning the guardians were doing their own form of tribal cocooning.

  Olga looked around the room, then smiled at me. “Interesting times.”

  “And it’s a Chinese curse for a reason.” Quickly shared with the room that I’d already contacted Mona and that we were on schedule for me to hit Bahrain first. “I’m not sure how much time we’ll have to give to that region, but I think Russia and its neighbors need to be next on the hit parade.”

  Olga nodded. “We will ensure that you’re meeting with the appropriate people and that they’re properly appeased for being chosen second.”

  “Regionally second,” Gower said. “Logistically, we have no idea until we know what the Bahraini Diplomatic Mission can arrange for us. Plus, I’ve got the rest of the religious leaders of the world to wrangle. We’re in agreement that it’s the Middle East first, but beyond that, how long we’re in the region is up in the air.”

  “Speaking of things up in the air,” Chuckie said, “we can’t take forever. We have ships arriving in less than a week.”

  On cue the com went on. “Excuse me, Mister President,” Walter said, sounding stressed. “But we have a situation.”

  “Is it the same situation that it’s been all day?” Jeff asked. “Or is this a brand-new situation?”

  Walter cleared his throat. “Ah, both?”

  “More clarity, Walt, less panicking.”

  “Yes, ma’am, Chief First Lady. The first of the alien spacecraft is within our solar system.”


  THE ROOM THREATENED TO ERUPT. Humans liked to talk a lot when they were panicking, and though A-Cs were normally quiet when thinking, they were a lot more like humans when they were frightened. The noise level was intense and getting higher every second.

  “Enough!” Jeff bellowed. No one could bellow like my man. The TV screens and curtains shook and everyone stared at him. Everyone also shut the hell up. “No one will be speaking other than me, Kitty, Chuck, or Walter. If one of us asks one of you a question, by all means, reply promptly. Otherwise, if you want to panic, leave this room right now. I don’t need the emotional stress, and panic won’t solve anything. Clear minds, calm emotions, and silence right now. Period.”

  The room went still. Noted that Uncle Mort and Mom both looked quietly impressed. Yeah, Jeff was an amazing leader.

  Crossed my fingers and sent up a prayer that our first arrival wasn’t going to be the Faradawn Treeship. “Which one, Walt?”

  “The ship Mister Wruck identified as being from the Sirius system, the Roving Planet of the Themnir.”

  “How close are the others?” Jeff asked.

  “Unsure, but they still appear to be behind the Themnir ship.”

  “Walt, can we tell wha
t part of the world they’re heading for?”

  “Not yet, Chief First Lady. They’re near Neptune at this time. But I have more data coming in from the Alpha Centauri planets, because they’re tracking as well.”

  “So it’ll be a little while,” Chuckie said, “but not what we were hoping for. Hours, not days.”

  “Will something called a Roving Planet even attempt to land?” Jeff asked Wruck.

  Who shook his head. “I don’t know. The Turleens may have an opinion.”

  Muddy stood up on the conference table. It was the only way he could be seen or heard. “Because the Themnir are coming to seek refuge, they will request a landing. They will most likely be heading for a large body of water—it will be difficult for the Roving Planet to land on flat ground. It’s possible, but we,” he nodded toward Mossy and Dew, “have discussed it and feel that water is the most likely choice.”

  “What are the odds they’ll go for the Bermuda Triangle area?” I asked him. Mouths opened. Put up the paw. Mouths closed. “Per the Turleens, that’s a standard landing site. So is the area where the Planetary Council landed as part of our pre-wedding festivities. Basically, we should start looking at any major triangular area as a potential alien spacecraft landing site. But, the only person who gets to talk next is Muddy. The odds, in your opinion, of the Themnir going for the Bermuda Triangle?”

  “Very good. It’s a known landing site and would put them near to where you are, which is their goal.”

  Hoped he was right and that the Themnir weren’t headed for the Persian Gulf. Felt the need to race off, but knew we had to handle as much as we could before I left for the other side of the world.

  “We could have a problem if they’re presumed to be landing in international waters,” Chuckie said quietly to Jeff.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Some countries will consider that ‘claiming’ the new aliens will give them an advantage.”

  “Will one of those countries be the UK?” Jeff asked now. “I mean that question seriously—they’re our ally.”

  Chuckie shook his head. “I have no idea, we’re in brand-new territory. Countries have betrayed each other for far less than what we’re about to experience.”

  “It will not matter,” Alexander said, breaking Jeff’s no speaking until spoken to edict. “We are on this planet, and, as an emperor, should the need arise, we are more than willing to announce Earth as part of our empire.”

  Uncle Mort chuckled. “I like your moxie, son, but that won’t fly here, and it could cause problems, too.”

  “Frankly, wherever they land is going to be an issue,” I pointed out.

  Muddy was still on top of the conference table. He stomped his foot and everyone looked at him. “I see I must repeat this again. I would greatly appreciate if all of you would listen to me this time.” The entire room went still again, this time focused on the Turleen. “Every single ship and every being on those ships are all coming to meet with the same two people.” He nodded toward me and Jeff. “The King and Queen of the world.”

  Mouths again opened. Put up the paw. Mouths again shut. The FLOTUS Paw In Action. Oh well, there were lamer superhero powers. “Muddy is choosing his words quite carefully. Before you all freak out at us, Jeff and I are really clear that we’re not the King and Queen of anything, let alone Earth. However, we literally have a galaxy full of hurt heading toward us. So, in the interests of my getting on my world tour faster as opposed to slower, we’re all going to stop worrying about policy and who ‘owns’ what newly arriving aliens. They own themselves. Period.”

  Jeff nodded. “They’re either coming to ask for asylum or to attack. Those coming to ask for asylum will have that granted.”

  “You can’t make that decision, Jeff,” Hochberg said worriedly. “Congress has to approve.”

  “Oh, so glad you brought that up, Fritzy.” Looked back at Alexander. “Now’s the time to go all We Are Emperor Alexander, dude. For the rest of the room, I’m going to point out Jeff’s cousin, Emperor Alexander, sitting with the Planetary Council from the Alpha Centauri system, and share that they have more firepower than we want to contemplate. They can use it to help us, or they can use it to force us to cooperate with the Greater Galactic Community.”

  “I vote for helping us,” Chuckie said dryly. “If my vote counts at all in this monarchy.”

  “Dude, of course it does. Jeff gave you permission to talk freely and everything. And I’m perfectly willing to play nicely with others. They just need to keep to our timeline.”

  Alexander cleared his throat. “I wasn’t trying to ‘take over,’ Kitty. I was saying that I was willing to make an official announcement.”

  “Want to explain that?”

  “Of course. Per our royal lines of succession, despite Jeff refusing the crown on Alpha Four, the bloodline is still that of our royal family. Technically, Jeff would be the King Regent of Earth, since this was the planet he chose to remain upon. That is how we refer to all of you on Alpha Four. And based on how our royalty works, that makes you the Queen Regent, Kitty. Jamie and Charlie are the Princess and Prince Regent. All of Alfred’s line, and Stanley Gower’s, and my late aunt’s, have a claim to our royalty and all the rights and such contained therein. Hence what I was saying was that I’d share the fact that, since we have a King Regent on Earth, Earth is, therefore, considered to be part of the Annocusal Royal Empire.”

  Let that sit on the air for a moment while I enjoyed Jeff and Christopher’s totally shocked looks. They matched most of the rest of the room’s quite nicely. “I thought that the rules said that if someone said ‘no way, José’ that they were out of contention. And that Alfred, Stanley, and Terry being banished here removed them from the royal line.”

  Alexander shook his head. “Per my great-uncle? Yes. Per Councilor Leonidas, who reviewed all of our royal history once I was put onto the throne, King Adolphus was a traitor to our people and our world, and therefore any decrees he made against another member of the Royal Family are null and void. The entire Martini, Gower, and White families, including the former and current Supreme Pontifexes, are all Alpha Four royalty of some kind, either by blood or by marriage. Alfred is the most direct descendant in the bloodline, but remains a Royal Prince since he officially abdicated once relations between Alpha Four and Earth were normalized. Therefore, Jeff, as his only son, has the strongest claim.”

  “Ah, I refused the throne on Alpha Four,” Jeff pointed out. “We all did, me, Christopher, Paul, and Michael.”

  Alexander smiled at us. A little nervously. “Yes, you did. However, that does not affect this situation, as it was interpreted by our laws as a specific refusal of the Alpha Four throne only. In other words, should you wish it or it becomes necessary, you actually can say you’re King Jeffrey and Queen Katherine of Earth.”


  THERE WAS UTTER QUIET in the room. Could understand that. Galactic royal politics was confusing as hell. And even more surprising. I was, frankly, almost as surprised by this as I’d been when I’d first discovered Jeff was royalty. Nice to know that I wasn’t so jaded that things like this still threw me. And everyone else, based on the expressions of most of the room.

  Chose to be the one to break the shocked silence. “Wow. Well, that’s a handy thing to have in our back pockets should we need it. I’m saying these next words as the First Lady, though. Someone needs to call Congress into an immediate emergency session. Anyone not in town can be whisked here via a nice team of Field agents and the nearest gate. Anyone refusing to show up within the next, oh, let’s call it two hours, will be considered a traitor and tossed into jail.”

  “That’s a tad extreme,” Antoinette said, voice loaded with disapproval.

  “Is it? Oh, I’m sorry, I thought an absolute tonnage of aliens were arriving, with an armada of deadly killers right behind them. My bad. I’m sure we have all the time i
n the freaking world. Let’s all call it a night, sleep in, and hang by the pool tomorrow, what say?”

  The room went still again. Quieter than it had been when Muddy had stomped his foot or Jeff had bellowed or Alexander had shared that the Royal Family was going strong on Earth. Apparently everyone was waiting to see if we were about to get into a Girl Fight. Wondered that myself.

  Antoinette actually tried to stare me down. I was impressed. She folded fast, but still, gave her props for trying. “I apologize for speaking out of turn.”

  “Whatever and as if I care. I do that all the time. It isn’t that you spoke, it’s what you were trying to say that was the issue. And, I’m going to channel Muddy and say that you need to listen, really listen, to what I’m about to say.”

  She locked eyes with me again. “I’m listening.”

  “You have no freaking idea of what’s coming. But I do. Many of us in this room do. And you will stop worrying about protocol right now. In what I’m going to bet is less than twelve hours, all of Earth’s precious protocols are going to be shattered, potentially forever.”

  “You’re talking about our constitution, our laws,” Antoinette said.

  “I’m talking about our survival. When the Themnir arrive, our world will be changed forever. Because, unlike the last couple of invasions, these aliens don’t plan to leave. We will either become a nation of aliens or we will likely perish. If we had the luxury of time, sure, we’d follow all the protocols. But we don’t.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Oh, but I do, I really and truly do. Unless we all work together, faster than we ever have before, what’s chasing the people fleeing here for protection will destroy us. Ergo, I’m going for more than a tad extreme—I’m going Full Monty Extreme, and if you don’t like it, then it point-blank sucks to be you, because I refuse to allow your clucking over meaningless crap to be the reason I, my husband, our nation, and our world aren’t ready for the biggest test we’ve ever had.”


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