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Alien Nation Page 29

by Gini Koch

  Headed off and upstairs. But I stopped midway up. “I know you’re there.”

  Siler appeared next to me. “Did you hear me breathing?”

  “No. I just know how you roll. I don’t need babysitting.” Started off again, this time with him visible next to me. “Per Antoinette, the kids are asleep but we can see them in the morning, right before we leave. I assume you want to go over with me.”

  “I do. But I mainly wanted to mention that the empire in Star Wars started similarly to this. Since it’s a reference I know you’ll not only get but embrace.”

  “Yes, I know. And I also know that it’s not going to be easy or smooth or anything else. What I also know is that no one on this planet is going to declare me and Jeff their sovereign lords, Alpha Four’s policies or no, so I don’t think we’re at the same risk as they were in the movies.”

  “I think that if Muddy’s correct, five or six shiploads of aliens are going to be declaring you their rulers.”

  “If Muddy is correct about that. I’m not saying that he’s lying or even wrong, but he has an agenda. He wants us to stop the Aicirtap before they destroy his system. He also wants us to stop the Z’porrah from uplifting already sentient races, based on what happened to the Aicirtap. Having met some Z’porrah personally, I can’t argue with that mindset.”

  “And the Turleens want to come to Earth if their planet is destroyed. I know. But . . . can you trust him?”

  Thought about it. “Yeah, I can.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  Shrugged. “He reminds me of Richard. And you.”

  “Ah. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should. I’ve almost never been wrong about who I could trust.” Of course, I’d been wrong in a big way when we’d first gotten to D.C. But why mention that now?

  “Malcolm mentioned that you’ve been wrong before. But the person who fooled you was a pro at doing so. And you weren’t in your element.”

  “Of course you know about that. Look, if the Turleens are lying about the Aicirtap we’ll know fast. However, if they’re not—and John Wruck doesn’t seem to think they are, and neither does Jeff, and he can read them by now—then we only know about what’s coming behind the refugees because of them.”

  “I’m more concerned that you and your husband are about to become the rulers of this world.”

  “I’ll take Jeff as a ruler over at least half of the actual rulers we have right now.”

  “No argument about that. However, it’s going to create a backlash we may not be able to survive.”

  “If it happens. You’re assuming that Jeff and I are going to toss on crowns and say that everyone has to listen to us. We aren’t.”

  “But you are,” Siler said patiently as we reached my rooms. “You’re going on a world tour to basically tell all the leaders what you told Antoinette—what’s coming is so terrifying that we need to join together or be destroyed. But there can only be one leader in a situation like that and, once the battle is won, will that leader give the control back to the ones who used to have it?”

  “I know what I want to say, which is yes, but I can see a lot of scenarios where that would be worse than just keeping hold of the reins. But, since I have you as my Jiminy Cricket, and, frankly, the Turleens looking like the real thing, I’m probably good.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “Just remember that many times it’s easier to take control than to give control up.”

  “And often the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sometimes they’re a worse enemy. And sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t. I have to go give the world a Coke and a smile. And I need to do it at hyperspeed.”

  “Basically, yeah.” He didn’t look comforted.

  There were Secret Service agents in the hall. Opened my room, pulled him inside, and shut the door. Expected to hear through the Secret Service Grapevine before sunrise that I was having a torrid affair with Siler.

  “Look, this is a between us only right now statement. I could not care less about getting the rest of the world on board—the aliens are coming whether they like it or not. I’m going to the Middle East because I point-blank know that’s where Cliff Goodman’s hiding out. I’m positive that the Casey Thing was actually a badly completed clone. And that means Cliff’s back in the cloning game. My plan, my real plan, is to take him down, permanently, before he can capture, sway, or compel any of the new aliens that are coming here to hide into becoming his next cloning targets, particularly the ones Muddy already identified as the Z’porrah’s next targets, the minotaur people called the Q’vox. Now, are you in or are you not?”

  Siler stared at me, as a slow grin formed on his face. “I knew I’d chosen my allegiance correctly. In, one hundred percent. I’ll reassure Malcolm and Wruck that there’s more going on and that they’ll approve, but won’t tell them anything beyond that until we’re on-site. I think Butler is already aware that you’re going to be doing something more than diplomatic.”

  “Yeah, he told me as much.”

  “Good. At least half of your team are fighters, too. And with the Chief Usher along, you actually have someone who can be diplomatic if needed.”

  “Vance is coming, too. He’ll handle all the real FLOTUS stuff. I’ll handle what really needs to be done.”

  Siler laughed. “Or, as you all call it, routine.”


  FASTEST FAKE QUICKIE in the world over, Siler left and I dragged over to the bed. Broke down and got undressed since I was in FLOTUS clothes and they weren’t nearly as comfortable to sleep in as a concert t-shirt.

  Dumped my clothes on the floor—O-dark-thirty was soon enough to put them into the hamper. Got into bed, my head hit the pillow, and I was out like a light. My second-to-last thought was that I hadn’t eaten anything that would help me have weird dreams where I could more easily talk to ACE. My last thought was that I was finally too tired to care.

  Had no idea how long I’d been asleep but someone shook me gently awake.

  “Is it time already?” I mumbled, keeping my eyes closed.

  The shaking continued.

  Managed to drag my eyes open. There was no one there. Groaned, rolled over, and put the pillow over my head.

  The pillow was removed and the gentle shaking continued. My brain mentioned that it was possible that I was asleep and, if that was the case, maybe this was ACE trying to reach me.

  ACE? I thought in my mind. Is that you?

  Nothing but the shaking.

  Rolled onto my back and opened my eyes again. This time, there was someone there. Mephistopheles was sitting at the edge of my bed, shaking me awake.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  The Fugly of My Nightmares smiled at me, always a weird combination of terrifying and nice. He still looked like a huge, blood-red faun, complete with curling horns coming out of his forehead, fingers that ended in claws, and bat wings. “Do I have your attention?”

  “Oh my God, yes. I wanted to talk to ACE.”

  “I’m sure you did. I want to warn you.”

  “About what? There’s a lot going on.”

  “There is. The Turleen is correct.”

  Waited. That appeared to be his entire contribution. “Um, yes? You woke me up or whatever this is for that? Muddy’s right? Or did you mean Dew or Mossy or a Turleen I haven’t met yet?”

  “Muddy. He is correct. The Z’porrah’s uplift will bring nothing but agony to any race so graced with it.”

  “Good to know. I really didn’t doubt it.”

  “What has been done to the Aicirtap has been done before.”

  Waited again. Again, Mephistopheles seemed to have shot his entire wad. “So, am I supposed to guess or know what you’re talking about or what? Seriously, as dream clue-givers go, you’re usually better than this. Though, admittedly, you’re al
ways as obscure as possible.”

  “That’s in the rules. Obscurity is required in order to have the visitation.”

  “Gotcha. It’s guessing game time, then, is it?”

  “It is.”

  Heaved a sigh and sat up. “I really hope I’m actually still asleep and getting some kind of rest. Okay, when was the bad uplift done before?”

  He gave me the “really?” look. “Think about it.”

  Did my best. “I got nothin’. They sure didn’t uplift humans.”

  “No, the Ancients did that.” He stared at me. I stared back. He winked at me. Slowly.

  “Are we starring in a remake of The Sting or Ocean’s Eleven or something? If so, I didn’t get the script and I have no idea what you’re so cleverly trying to impart. Words would help me an absolute tonnage.”

  He heaved a sigh. “Just ask the Ancient or the Turleens about the Cettans and the Uglors.”

  “The who and the what?”

  “They were two races that were dependent upon each other. The Z’porrah gave them the uplift they thought they wanted. It was not what they expected.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Approximately three hundred years ago. In time as you’d understand it.”

  “Gotcha. I’ll be sure to ask about ancient galactic history during the downtime we won’t be having.”

  “Ask them as soon as possible. It’s relevant to your interests. And mine.”

  And with that he disappeared. Thankfully without a puff of sulfur or doing some icky slow fade. Just one moment sharing confusing clues and then the next, gone.

  Flopped back onto the pillows. Couldn’t tell if I was asleep or awake, but either way, now was the time to try for ACE again. Tried to concentrate, but all I got was the blackness of dreamless sleep.

  For a while, at any rate. Heard a faint voice that sounded quite far away. Calling my name.

  ACE, is that you?

  Yes, Kitty, ACE is here.

  Relief washed over me. It’s so good to talk to you. Are you okay?

  Yes, Kitty, ACE is okay. Jamie is okay, too. ACE has been . . . busy.

  Doing what? Can you tell me?

  Jamie is very powerful. So are many of the other children. ACE must teach them and ACE must watch them closely so they do not . . . interfere inappropriately.

  Is that what you’re doing, training and watching over the kids?

  Yes, but ACE still watches over Kitty and the others, too. And ACE can do more. Just not all the time. He sounded hesitant.

  I know. It’s okay. You shouldn’t do all for us, we’ve had that talk many times.

  Jamie does not agree.

  Ah. Um, is she fighting you?

  In a way. Not unpleasantly. Jamie is a good girl. Lizzie is a good girl, too.

  Are the other kids good, too?

  They are.

  Silence from ACE. Had no idea where he was going with this, so focused on the first issue I was worried about. Should I bring the kids with me on my world tour?

  They would like to go. ACE has been . . . discussing it with them.

  Interesting. Jamie and Charlie?

  All the children who are special, like Serene and Naomi and Abigail are special.

  Are. He was speaking as if Naomi was still alive. Of course, for ACE, she was. She was a superconsciousness now, too. Is Naomi safe?

  As safe as the rest of us.

  So, not safe at all. Great. Which kids are special besides Jamie, Charlie, and Patrick? Becky is, I assume.

  Yes, Becky is very special. All the children in the Embassy Daycare are special in some way.

  There was something in his tone that made me replay this sentence over in my mind a few times. Considered what he’d said earlier. Are you talking to Lizzie, too?

  In a way. Jamie loves Lizzie very much. Lizzie is the big sister Jamie wants.

  Why does she want a big sister when she is the big sister?

  It is a natural thing. Many children long for a younger or older sibling, depending. In Jamie’s eyes, Lizzie can do no wrong.

  That sounds dangerous.

  It would be if Lizzie were not the person Lizzie is. However, Lizzie is Lizzie, and that means Jamie has chosen Jamie’s hero wisely.

  Hero. Well, why not? Lizzie was honestly a hero, after all. And better to hero worship the kid who’d stood up to evil when she was eleven than the kid who’d turned to the Dark Side as fast as possible. Um, there are kids hero-worshipping Stephanie out there, aren’t there?

  Yes. Jamie would like ACE to make them think differently. But ACE cannot and will not. And Jamie is learning why this must be so.

  Is this something I can do anything about right now?

  No. What is coming is more important and what Kitty goes to do is more important.

  So, back to the question of bringing the kids along. Should I?

  ACE does not believe it will be necessary. If Kitty needs ACE, or Jamie, or Charlie, or Lizzie, they will be able to help Kitty. Said with finality.

  Decided ACE was done with this particular part of our conversation. But I sure had new things to worry about, which was nice, since I didn’t have enough of that going on right now.

  We have aliens coming. The first ship will be spotted by most of the world soon. And we can’t have these aliens attacked. At least, not the ones coming here for protection.

  What they flee is terrifying. Said utterly calmly.

  Terrifying because of what they are or because of what they’ll do to us?

  Terrifying because of what they have become.

  Are the Aicirtap evil?

  No more or less than humans or A-Cs are evil.

  That leaves wide range for interpretation. The Turleens think that the Aicirtap want to eat all of us.

  They do. Now that they have been newly uplifted, they believe that the rest of the sentient races are to them as cattle are to humans.

  Who were the Cettans and the Uglors?

  They were the example. But people forget. ACE sounded sad.

  Did you watch over them in any way?

  No, ACE is much younger than that. But ACE learned much when ACE was . . . exiled. ACE is happy to be home with Kitty, protecting Jamie, watching over Earth. Earth is ACE’s home and ACE will not desert Earth. Ever.

  You’re going to have to protect us from ourselves again, aren’t you?

  ACE fears this will be true, yes. Jeff will do Jeff’s best, just as Kitty will do Kitty’s best, but some will not listen. ACE cannot do all that ACE would like. And even less than Jamie would like.

  You do a ton for us already ACE. Jamie has to learn that no means no.

  ACE cannot stop the Aicirtap from coming to Earth.

  That’s okay, ACE. That’s not your job. Not really.

  But ACE is here to protect.

  I know. But you’re restricted by the Superconsciousness Council and also, even if they were all gung ho for you to protect us from everything, that would ultimately destroy you. And you matter, just like everyone else. You have a right to exist and be happy and safe, just like everyone else. And I don’t want you doing something that would harm you.

  There is always risk. Kitty knows this.

  Yes, but I don’t want to lose you, ACE. I don’t want you harmed, especially permanently, any more than I want Jamie or Charlie or any of the other kids harmed.

  ACE knows Kitty and Paul would like ACE to return to Paul. But this cannot be.

  We know. People just like to wish for things, even things they know they can’t have. And Jamie is safe with you and vice versa.

  ACE was quiet. Not a good sign.

  Um, she is safe with you and you are safe with her, right?

  Others are watching. Watching ACE and Jamie. Watching Kitty. Watching . . . others.

  Knew he meant Algar. Decided not to say that aloud, so to speak. We’re interesting, I guess. How much risk does all this watching create for us?

  Much is happening here. Much more recently than has happened over time. The galaxy has taken notice of Earth.

  That sounds foreboding.

  Earth is about to take its place in the galactic community. ACE knows that Kitty knows this. But others do not. How Earth deals with all that will come will determine much. And ACE cannot help too much or ACE will doom Earth.

  Because the other superconciousnesses would feel that we weren’t worthy or something like that?

  Yes, something very like that. So ACE is limited in what ACE can do. Jamie is learning this, but still does not agree.

  I understand, but you’re right. Can you prevent us from launching nukes at friendly aliens or each other?

  ACE can do that, yes. That is what Kitty calls self-preservation. ACE cannot keep Jamie safe if the Earth explodes in nuclear warfare.

  Was always impressed by the way ACE spun his way through the morass of superconsciousness red tape he was stuck in. If you can keep us from launching the nukes and such, that’s plenty, ACE. It’s more than any of us can do, and it’s vital to everyone’s survival.

  What if the missiles are aimed at the Aicirtap?

  The big question. And the one I didn’t have the answer for. Can the Aicirtap be saved? Unuplifted or something?

  It is . . . possible, yes.

  Then we have to try to save them, first. Muddy says they were kind and fun and friendly before. If we have the chance to save them, to at least give them the choice of being saved, then we have to try.

  And if the Aicirtap will not accept the help? If the Aicirtap refuse to be retrograded back to what the Aicirtap used to be? Then what will Kitty do?

  Whatever we have to in order to survive and protect our world and our allies’ worlds from being destroyed. And that does include the nuclear option, unfortunately. I’d offer a pacifistic choice, but cows are pacifists and we eat them.


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