Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2)

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Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2) Page 2

by Brenda Trim

  “What do you want with me? I have nothing to give you. Let us go or you will regret it. The Dark Warriors are seconds away from us,” she brazened. “You won’t get away with this,” she threatened.

  “Ah, but that is where you are wrong. We already have. Cast the spell now, Aquiel. I’ll take care of her friend,” Azazel ordered. Immediately, the Fae began chanting in a lyrical language and as her body became heavy, she fought the hold he had on her. She met Jessie’s frightened eyes and watched the tears flow. When Azazel palmed her friend’s breast, Jessie struggled against his hold. Cailyn screamed out her anger.

  “No, leave her alone, you sick bastard!” She had to get free from Aquiel’s grip and help Jessie. She tried to kick out, but her feet felt like they were encased in concrete. She missed the Fae by a mile and her broken leg burned with pain. She lifted her arm to push at the Fae, but it too became weighed down. She wondered what he was doing to make her movements sluggish and uncoordinated.

  When the demon sank his fangs into Jessie’s carotid, Jessie stopped struggling and went limp in his arms. “No…Jessie! Don’t hurt her!” Cailyn pleaded. Spots winked in her vision and her head lolled as she spent the remains of her energy fighting when she heard Azazel’s grating voice. “She will be my most beautiful skirm yet.”


  Jace closed the front door of Zeum and heard the sound of Elsie’s frantic voice in the hallway followed by Zander’s deep Scottish brogue. The compound the Seattle Dark Warriors called home was silent but for the king and his mate. Jace hurried to the war room and came to a halt in the doorway. Elsie was in tears and clearly upset about something.

  “Zander, I am telling you Cailyn is in danger. The archdemon and the Fae are going to hurt her. This premonition was different. I saw events unfold, unlike before, when I only experienced feelings of doom. They are going to take her. Please, call,” Elsie pleaded. Anxiety, anger, and a sense of urgency bombarded Jace at hearing Cailyn might be in danger. The idea didn’t sit well with him, and he had no idea why. Sure, he was a doctor and his focus was on healing people, but it went beyond that and he barely knew the female.

  “I see it too, a ghra. Apparently, we now share your premonitions. Doona worry, I will do everything in my power to make sure she is safe.” Zander vowed, grabbing his cell phone and making a call. The magic behind a mating amazed Jace. He understood that Fated Mates would share any special abilities they had with each other once the mating was completed, but he had never actually seen it, because Zander and Elsie were the first mated couple in over seven hundred years.

  “What’s going on?” Jace asked, recalling the first time he had met Cailyn. He had been immediately captivated. Not one to be aroused by females, Cailyn had inspired arousal so hot and painful, he’d lost his breath. The pull to her had not diminished in the least over the months. If anything, it had become stronger. At Zander and Elsie’s mating ceremony, it took all his years of celibacy to keep some distance. Simply recalling her sweet face and voluptuous curves had his body hardening.

  Elsie’s sharp gasp intruded his reminiscing. “They have her Zander, do something,” she said frantically. His heart stuttered before it began racing with his worry for Cailyn.

  “Thane,” Zander barked into his phone, “where are you?” Zander’s Scottish accent deepened with his agitation.

  Jace heard Thane’s voice echo on the other end of the phone. “We are right outside San Bruno State Park. Cailyn’s flight landed early and we have been rushing to catch up with her.”

  “Pick up the pace. My mate and I have both seen Aquiel capture Cailyn. Do whatever you must to get to her,” Zander ordered the warrior.

  “Yes, Liege,” Thane responded.

  “Call when you have her. And, Thane, failure is no’ an option.”

  “Are they going to make it to her in time?” Jace demanded after Zander ended his call with the San Francisco Dark Warrior. His protective instinct was in overdrive. As a healer, the welfare of others always drove him, but this was altogether different. He didn’t understand why, but he had to get to Cailyn and protect her.

  “Is she going to die? I thought no one lived once you had a premonition about them,” Jace asked Elsie, switching gears as the thought occurred to him. He was shaking and couldn’t contemplate Cailyn dying. His body shuddered and it was unnerving, to say the least. His reactions to Cailyn were intense, and continued to baffle him.

  “My premonitions have changed,” Elsie explained. “Now, I get pictures of the events that are going to occur. Earlier, I had a vision of Cailyn being chased by skirm who ran her off the road. Then Aquiel grabbed her from the wreckage of her car. There is an urgency beating in me that tells me we are in a race against time.”

  That was enough for Jace. Aquiel had proven to be a wicked creature, and skirm were once humans who had been turned into mindless killing machines by an archdemon. The thought of Cailyn being harmed by either one had his anger turning to rage. “Are Ryker and Gage with Thane?” Jace inquired about the other San Francisco Dark Warriors. Given what Elsie described, Thane would need the help.

  “Aye, they are. Jax is also with them. They have taken to patrolling in larger groups with the increase in skirm activity, and that is paying off for us tonight,” Zander replied, pulling Elsie into his arms.

  “Why haven’t they called yet? This waiting is driving me mad. She can’t be hurt,” Elsie sobbed. Zander wiped tears from her cheeks and kissed her lovingly. Jace marveled at how patient Zander was with his mate. He held and comforted her rather than pointing out that it had been less than a minute since he hung up with Thane.

  Panic made it impossible for Jace to sit down, and he paced restlessly around the room. He had enough adrenaline running through his veins to sprint to San Francisco. He’d do anything to get to Cailyn in time. His protective instincts were stronger then they’d ever been. At that moment, his mate’s soul stirred in his chest, making him wonder if it was possible that Cailyn was his Fated Mate.

  He dismissed the idea without giving it another thought. The Goddess would never curse a female as heavenly as Cailyn with a mate like him. He wasn’t fit to be a mate. Lady Angelica had seen to that.

  The main line rang and Zander hit the speaker button before Jace made it a step. “Dark Warriors,” Zander growled.

  “This is Thane. We’re at the scene of the accident. The moment we cleared the trees, the demon sneered at us, grabbed the Fae and disappeared. We have the females. The Queen’s sister is alive but hurt. Her friend has an obvious demon bite on her neck. How do you want us to proceed? Normally, we let the human medical teams take over at this point. Do you want us to call for an ambulance?”

  Jace stopped dead in his tracks as his anxiety over Cailyn riddled him. He was relieved to hear she was alive, but hearing she was hurt made his heart drop into his feet. “A human hospital would be a bad idea,” he blurted before anyone else could answer. “Take it from me, this situation will bring too much attention to the realm. We must handle it ourselves.” He turned to Zander, determination riding him. “I need to get to them,” he declared. No one was keeping him from going to Cailyn.

  “I agree. The fastest way will be to portal to Basketane,” Zander pointed out, referring to the San Francisco compound. “Do you think you can afford the energy drain? We doona know the extent of their injuries.”

  “I will do whatever it takes to get to her as fast as possible and I will heal her…even if it kills me,” Jace vowed, ignoring the shocked gasps and questioning looks.

  “Text Gerrick and tell him to return,” Zander said, saving Jace any further explanations. Jace had a message sent to Gerrick and Killian, fellow sorcerers, before Zander finished talking. Their reply was instant, causing Jace to curse as he fired off another text.

  “What?” Zander asked.

  “They are fifteen minutes away. I’ll have to do this alone.” They didn’t have that long. He needed to be there, now.

  “Take the females back t
o Basketane,” Zander said into the speaker phone, holding Jace’s gaze steady.

  “We are loading them now and will be waiting for you,” Thane responded.

  “We will be there shortly. Gerrick is five minutes oot and they will set the portal immediately upon his return. Send another crew to clean-up the accident scene. We doona want the human authorities getting involved,” Zander instructed.

  Sweat beaded Jace’s brow and his heart was racing. He listened to Zander comfort Elsie and the others who had joined them discuss this turn of events. Jace was worse than Elsie had been, cocking his ear for Gerrick or Killian every ten seconds. Sitting around waiting was not something Jace did well. He needed to take action. Another lap around the room didn’t help. The moment he thought he would go mad, Gerrick walked in the front door.

  Jace raced to the double doors. “Come on, Gerrick. You can get caught up later. We need to cast a portal to Basketane. Now!” he snapped when Gerrick made no move to assist him.

  “My sister is hurt and at we need to get to her,” Elsie told the surly warrior from the doorway to the war room.

  Jace knew Gerrick hated hearing a female was in danger, which was no surprise, given that his mate had been brutally murdered centuries ago by skirm. Thankfully Elsie’s words kicked the warrior into gear. With only the two of them casting the portal, it would take all their energy and deplete them both, but he couldn’t wait for anyone else.

  Needing to bolster his magic, he summoned his sorcerer’s staff from the Goddess’ realm. A bright, white light flashed and then he was gripping the familiar Alder wood of his staff, the additional hum of power radiating into him. The serpent that adorned the top of the seven-foot, weathered pole gleamed in the overhead light. Jace took a deep breath to center his energy. He could do this.

  He glanced over and saw that Gerrick had summoned his own staff. He nodded at the warrior and they began chanting in the ancient tongue. Jace felt the magic build beneath his skin. Green, blue and purple lights similar to the aurora borealis undulated all around them. The power increased until Jace thought his skin would split. With a sideways glance to Gerrick, they threw the magic into the giant foyer. A mystical doorway formed, and an elegant drawing room with antique furnishings and wood paneling was visible on the other side of the portal. A sultry cinnamon scent wafted through the opening.

  Jace’s heart stopped as Jax walked into the drawing room cradling Cailyn.


  “Cailyn, oh my god. Are you okay?” Elsie cried out, making Cailyn turn her aching head. Elsie, Zander, and Jace looked back at her. Her heart sped up when she saw Jace. He was as sexy as she remembered and he was there to save her. The house behind them looked familiar. She realized they must have created a portal to get to them. The magical doorway looked exactly like the one they had created the night of her sister’s graduation party, when they had fled the battle with the demons outside of Club Confetti.

  Elsie rushed to her side, cooing words of comfort. Cailyn wanted to erase her sister’s worry and reassure her. She had always hated seeing Elsie afraid or unhappy. Not that her sister had needed her much of late. Elsie had changed in more ways than just becoming a vampire. She had always been confident and capable, but now there was a power about her that demanded respect.

  The Goddess Morrigan had chosen wisely, Cailyn thought, when she picked Elsie to be the queen of the vampires. Cailyn recalled seeing the Goddess at her sister’s mating ceremony. Her mythology course in college had taught that Morrigan was the Goddess of War and Death, but Cailyn had come to learn that was a small aspect of her Godhood. She was also the Goddess of Birth, and had created the Tehrex Realm, along with the supernaturals that dwelled there. It was odd to think that this realm of beings co-existed on earth with humans. Elsie was now a vital part of these supernaturals, but old habits die hard, and Cailyn didn’t think she would ever stop mothering her baby sister.

  “El. I’m going to be fine. These guys got to us in time,” Cailyn soothed, trying to mask her agony. A low masculine growl had her turning in Jax’s arms. Unable to hide the wince the pain caused, she noted Jace was rapidly approaching her.

  “Give her to me,” Jace demanded, anger etched into his masculine features. The gentle way he eased her from Jax’s arms to his was surprising, given how angry he appeared. Still, she had to grit her teeth against the movement. Her leg felt as if a hot poker was being rammed through the muscles and bones, and her head was killing her.

  “A ghra, your sister is safe. We must get back through the portal to Zeum so Jace can regain his strength and tend to her. Jace will have her up and running in no time. Stop fretting. Let’s get back through,” Zander instructed as Bhric, Zander’s brother, took Jessie from another warrior. Cailyn breathed easier and watched Elsie and Zander turn back to the portal.

  “Has Jessie regained consciousness?” Cailyn asked the Vampire Prince. She was terrified for her best friend. She would never forget watching the demon bite her.

  “No’ fully. Jace, you need to do something for this puir lass. She’s writhing and moaning. Here, I’ll take Cailyn and you can take her,” Bhric answered.

  “Unfortunately, Bhric, there isn’t much I can do for Jessie, yet. That bite mark on her neck is not from a skirm feeding. It’s an archdemon’s bite. She has been envenomated. The portal is ten steps away. Suck it up and stay close behind me. The portal is going to close quickly. Our power is waning and we can’t keep it open much longer,” Jace replied, not missing a step. That sexy voice jolted and soothed her at the same time. She could only describe his voice as raw. It made her entire body come to life.

  Cailyn nestled closer to his warm chest and relished when he responded by clutching her tighter. She was right in not wanting to be alone with him. Being this close to him was fogging her mind, which didn’t help with her dilemma.

  She loved John, and wanted Jace, but saw no quick and easy fix to her feelings. Instead, she forced her thoughts to an easier topic. “What’s wrong with Jessie? What did he do to her?”

  “First, tell me what happened?” Jace countered as he continued walking and carrying her. She looked around while thinking how best to condense what she’d just gone through. It was mind boggling to think that with a couple steps they had skipped an entire state and went from San Francisco to Seattle via a magical portal.

  Cailyn was still trying to wrap her brain around all that went on in the Tehrex Realm, which she only learned about a few months ago. Given her own special abilities, it hadn’t been a stretch for her to believe that there was more out there, but this was something else entirely.

  The silence in the room was uncomfortable and she realized that there was a large group of people all waiting for her to respond. It surprised her that some of the San Francisco Dark Warriors had come to Zeum with them, and were looking at her expectantly.

  She focused on the events of the evening. “We were driving back from the airport and an SUV full of skirm forced us off the freeway. Once they had us isolated, Azazel and Aquiel appeared in the middle of the road. The skirm in the car hit me from the side and I lost control. We rolled over several times before I hit a tree. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever been through.” The memory of it had her palms sweating. She looked over to her friend to reassure herself that Jessie was alive. Small tremors shook Jessie’s body, and Cailyn didn’t think she was aware of what was going on around her, despite having her eyes wide open.

  “Before we were able to get out of the car, the Fae grabbed me and the demon grabbed Jessie.” Cailyn fought back her emotions and blinked back before continuing. “He bit her after he heard you guys coming to save us. He said something about her being one of his skirm, his most beautiful or something like that. I tried to fight back and help her, but the Fae said some foreign words and I couldn’t move. Nothing else happened before they disappeared seconds later,” Cailyn finished.

  “What exactly did the Fae say?” Jace asked, tension lacing his every word. The severity
in his tone took her back. She assumed his anger was directed at the Fae and demon, not her. Either way, he looked as if he could rip something apart piece by piece.

  “I have no idea. I couldn’t understand the language he was speaking. It could have been Chinese for all I know. It doesn’t matter what he said right now. I want to know what’s going on with Jessie. Tell me she is going to be okay,” she pleaded.

  “I need to know what the Fae said. Fae are capable of casting spells none of the sorcerers in the realm know how to counteract,” Jace retorted, his hold on her tightening. “As for Jessie, I believe she is indeed becoming a skirm. And that means she is going to be under the influence of the archdemon who turned her.”

  “What a bluidy fucking mess,” Zander cursed. “Kadir and Azazel are bold but not verra bright if they think we will give this skirm of his free reign in our compound.” Cailyn didn’t like the sound of what Zander was saying.

  “We should take care of her now before she is a risk,” Gerrick added.

  A cold dread slid down Cailyn’s spine. “No one will be taking care of Jessie, not unless it is to heal her and make her better,” she said, indignant at what they were implying. How could they be so callous talking about killing her friend? Cailyn was determined to prevent anything else from happening to Jessie. She had been through enough because of Cailyn and her association with these creatures. Cailyn refused to let her go through any more pain because of her. She wiggled, trying to get to Jessie, but Jace refused to let her go.

  “Stop it. Cailyn, we have no idea what we will be facing once she is awake. Normally, skirm are consumed with bloodlust and kill when they feed. They feed from humans, and right now you are the only human in this compound,” Jace told her, keeping his gaze locked on her. The empathy and sadness he reflected back at her only angered her further. He had already concluded that her friend was a liability, too. It was clear that he agreed with the position of confining her, then killing her.


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