Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2)

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Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2) Page 5

by Brenda Trim

  Skipping the huge four-poster bed, he contemplated strapping her to the wooden X, or placing her in the swing hanging from the ceiling, but decided he was too far gone. He was on a razor’s edge, and needed to make his selection before he lost even more control. Along the opposite wall was an assortment of whips. He stalked quickly across the room, his large steel-toed boots echoing loudly throughout the room. He ran his fingers across the various wooden canes. He skipped those, and decided the knotted cat o’nine tails would fit his current mood.

  Weapon in hand, he strode back to the waiting female. As soon as he was within range, his hand arched back and the ropes hit her back, eliciting a deep moan from them both. He hadn’t even given his hand the order to strike. He was wound tighter than he realized.

  He reached down and ran his hand through the curls between her legs and found wet female flesh. He loosened the tension on the leather straps and flipped her over. He brought the leather down on her breasts, enjoying the red welts that immediately formed. Returning to the chest of drawers, he bypassed the toys and other implements to grab a black candle off the top. The strike of a match widened her eyes; she knew what was coming, and was as eager for it as he was. He reached her side and caressed her red swollen breasts while he dripped black wax onto her clit. She arched back and screamed.

  He slid the leather strap from her mouth and lowered to whisper in her ear, “What was that?”

  “More, whip me more. Please, sir,” she whimpered.

  He stood up and smiled. This was why he came to this Goddess forsaken club. The cat bit into her flesh repeatedly, amplifying his arousal. His leathers hit his knees and his cock was in his hand before he blinked. He stroked himself then flipped her back over. Her ass was so soft and plump. The cat hit her plush globes, causing them to redden enticingly. He thrust his cock into her ass and stilled.

  Grabbing a fist full of her hair, he pulled her head up to him and growled in her ear, “Tell me, bitch. Tell me now.”

  “Mmmm,” she groaned in pleasure as he felt her orgasm begin. He yanked on her hair again and grasped it tightly, anger burning through him. She blurted, “Please don’t kill me...”

  Hearing her words was his cue, and he set into a punishing, brutal rhythm, seeking a brief moment to silence the voices from his past.


  “That could be the nastiest thing I have ever seen, I think my retinas are fried,” Jace remarked as he and Zander drove down North 36th Street toward Elvis’ home under the Fremont Bridge. He had no idea trolls had sex, and wished he was still ignorant of that fact. The female troll’s body was grotesque, her backside was as big as a house, and Elvis was using a small car as a toy in places nothing should ever be shoved.

  “Och, I agree. The Queen is going to be pissed off that her portal is being used as a sex toy. I doona think I’ll tell her she is crawling through a device that was shoved up a troll’s ass,” Zander shuddered.

  “I haven’t seen the female troll before,” Jace observed as he twisted his head upside down to get a look past intimate body parts to her face, “and I would’ve paid two tolls to avoid this whole fucking scene.”

  Zander chuckled and glanced over at him. “Aye, me too. I think she is new to the Montlake Bridge. I heard a rumor that there was a new transfer. Elvis looks to be quite the player.”

  “That’s not right, Liege. Should we wait for them to finish or do we interrupt? I’m not sure of troll mating habits and we don’t have all night, but I don’t want to cock-block him either. He could crush us both with one swing of his fist.”

  “I doona know aboot troll habits either but from the frantic sounds, I think they are close to being done,” Zander observed. “I’ll park here and take our time walking over that way we can stop them before they begin another round.”

  Jace stepped onto the damp sidewalk, grateful the late summer weather hadn’t turned too cold yet, and looked back to Zander. “I hate that your Eve of Eternal Union was interrupted. I know you aren’t in the dog house with Elsie seeing that you have been busy saving her beloved sister, but you guys should have been in bed for weeks. We had a poll going on how long you two would be holed up in your rooms. I lost a bundle on my bet.”

  A secret smile inched across Zander’s face, telling exactly where his thoughts were at the moment. Locked in that bedroom with his beautiful mate. For the first time, Jace was jealous of what Zander had with Elsie. “I will rip that fucking demon limb from limb and shred his insides for interrupting our night. I should be inside my Queen right now rather than watching these trolls go at it. But, no, that Goddess-damned demon had to go and up the ante.”

  “Do you feel any different now that you are fully mated?” Jace wanted to eat his words as they escaped his lips. Except that his curiosity about what he would never experience wouldn’t be denied. The Goddess knew better than to gift a broken male like him with a Fated Mate.

  “Aye, I feel verra different. Like I can take oot the archdemons and their skirm with a flex of my little finger, then take on the demons in hell withoot breaking a sweat. This new strength is invigorating. I never knew what I was missing before…but having both our souls complete and intertwined is beyond words. I havena had an opportunity to explore the new powers I was given through the blood exchange of our mating, but I look forward to it. Any description you have been given on the sexual changes you will go through is woefully inadequate,” Zander murmured.

  Jace wondered what it would be like to actually ejaculate when he had an orgasm. Not that he knew what it felt like to have an orgasm. At this point, he wondered what it would be like to be aroused by a female and not vomit. Unfortunately, he was doomed to never know any of it.

  Tinkling sounded in his ears, and strong pheromones reached his nostrils at the same time. None of which, he realized, were coming from the randy trolls. He glanced over and Jace’s eyes bulged at the sight of ice crystals dripping from Zander’s fingertips. Those were major new powers for the Vampire King, and Zander needed to control them ASAP. “Uh, Liege, did you know that you’re icing the sidewalk?”

  Zander snapped to attention and the ice immediately disappeared. “Och, I was thinking of Elsie. She consumes me completely.”

  The bellow of a T-Rex interrupted their conversation. “I hope they didn’t just topple the bridge.”

  Zander chuckled, “From the look on his face, I would say that was the grand finale. Och, I’d wager that registered on the human’s Richter scale.”

  The sound of boulders scraping echoed and Jace realized it was Elvis talking. “Now you understand why I have my reputation. I’m sure you’re glad that you transferred here.” Apparently, that was Elvis’ version of pillow talk. Suddenly, that large gray head swiveled their way.

  “Vampire King, you’re lucky you weren’t here any sooner and didn’t interrupt us before we were done, or you would be missing a limb or two,” Elvis drawled and withdrew from the female troll.

  “Bluidy hell. Losing a limb would be preferable to my eye sockets bleeding from the sight. Elvis, you’ve ruined the bliss of my Eve. I’m surprised the Queen allows you to use her portal in such a fashion,” Zander countered.

  “The magic’s vibration is irresistible, isn’t it, Priscilla?” Elvis cooed, ignoring Zander. Jace shuddered at the thought of where that VW had been. There wasn’t enough bleach to remove that image from his brain.

  “Mmmm, yes it does. Who are these handsome creatures, Elvis?” The female troll purred.

  “Your name is Priscilla? As in Elvis and Priscilla?” Jace blurted.

  “Yes, but I’m much better looking than that human. What do you want?” Elvis asked tersely. “We have much to do before dawn turns us to stone.”

  Zander removed a large ruby pendant from his pocket and held the offering out to the troll. “There has been an incident with my queen’s sister and we need an audience with her Highness.”

  “Oooh, that’s beautiful.” Jace shivered at the tone of Priscilla’s voice. It gr
ated like fingernails on a chalkboard, and the high pitch didn’t match her large frame.

  Apparently, Elvis was anxious to get back to his extracurricular activities as he wasted no time palming the ruby and calling the Queen. Elvis’ eyes gleamed bright silver, growing larger than hubcaps, and a mist shrouded the area around the VW. Jace’s heart leapt with hope when Zander leaned in and whispered, “The Queen agreed to meet with us.”

  Jace shoved down the desperation he felt as the enchanting Fae Queen emerged from the vehicle. Idly, he wondered if the contraption smelled vile, given where it had been.

  “Zander Tarakesh, what a surprise. I did not expect to see you on such an important night for you. I do hope your mating ceremony wasn’t interrupted,” Zanahia murmured, catching his attention. The queen’s long blonde hair flowed freely down her back, and her silver crown matched her silver eyes. Jace had never seen her before, and had to admit the Fae Queen was mesmerizing.

  “Your Highness,” Zander bowed and took Zanahia’s hand and kissed her pale knuckles. “The ceremony was completed, but our evening was interrupted when Elsie received a vision regarding her sister, Cailyn. I’ll get right to the point. My sorcerers tell me Cailyn is under some type of Fae spell, and as you know, Aquiel is responsible. I need your help reversing it.”

  “I am glad to hear the ceremony went well. You must tell me about the experience. Surely there is something new to be learned, given the uniqueness of your mate.” The Queen’s interest was genuine, yet unease at that interest skittered down Jace’s spine.

  Jace understood the need for politics and niceties, but wanted to scream. They didn’t have time for this. Cailyn did not have time for this. He had not experienced anxiety or fear since his imprisonment several centuries before, but he was buffeted by both regarding Cailyn’s condition. The longer Cailyn was under the magic, the worse she became. He feared that the longer they took, the greater chance Cailyn wasn’t going to make it. She was human, and time was not their friend.

  “With all due respect, Zanahia, I doona have time to share anything aboot my mating right now. Cailyn is in trouble and we need to act quickly to help her,” Zander interjected. Jace was relieved that Zander cut to the chase.

  “Yes, of course. I apologize, I am as curious as everyone else is about your mating. It was a momentous event, after all. With regards to Cailyn, I am afraid that I will not be of much help. All I can say is that if you were to ask the right people, they would tell you that seeking the Voodoo Queen is a dangerous and impossible trip. I can’t say anymore. I must protect myself and my people, you understand.” Her smile held more venom than her innocuous words. Jace didn’t stop to consider her mood. They had a place to start, and if rumors were true, the trip to Marie Laveau was going to be deadly.

  The Voodoo Queen was a myth as far as he knew, so he had no idea how to find her. He wracked his brain for other options, but there were none. “We don’t have time to go to New Orleans and seek Marie Laveau. Cailyn is not stable enough to make what is sure to be a treacherous journey. If you don’t help us, she is going to die,” Jace cursed impetuously. Sweat poured down his back as palpitations slammed his heart against his rib cage with his anxiety.

  “Calm doon, Jace. Zanahia, surely there is something more you can offer. I know you doona want to see an innocent suffer,” Zander implored, trying to appeal to the Queen’s empathy. Zander had lost his mind if he thought this female was going to give them any helpful information.

  The Queen paused and clasped her hands in front of her body. “I am truly sorry, Zander.”


  Elsie sat on the bed next to Cailyn and laid her head in Cailyn’s lap just like they had done countless times when they were children. They’d always had a special bond due to their unique abilities. When they were little, it was Cailyn that Elsie went to when she was teased ruthlessly by her peers. It was Cailyn who had taught her sister how to cope, and made it better.

  Elsie had had premonitions for as long as Cailyn could remember, and the other kids called her names and ostracized her for them. Cailyn had learned early on to keep the fact that she was able to hear what others were thinking to herself. It only took her parents threatening to take her to a psychiatrist and have her medicated for her to realize that she needed to keep her ability secret and pretend she was normal. She didn’t have anyone looking out for her, or helping her, so she made certain that Elsie’s sanity was never questioned, and she had the support she needed to cope.

  It wasn’t easy being different. It had been difficult for Cailyn to make friends as a child when she knew what the other kids were thinking, both good and bad. It only worsened when she became a teenager and could go out on dates. Dates were short-lived most of the time because she wasn’t one to sit at dinner with someone while they thought about her breasts or having sex with her. She hated how men lusted after her body and didn’t see her as a person.

  Her telepathy was one of the reasons she vowed never to get married. She wanted to be accepted by someone who knew about her ability. She wanted to be able to share all of herself with her spouse, without seen as psychotic. The fact that she could hear the thoughts of her parents, thoughts that were never meant to be shared, had also put Cailyn off of getting close to anyone, especially romantically. The truth can be very hurtful. That desire changed when she met John. He was different. Sure, he desired her, but he also saw her. He loved how devoted she was to Elsie and Jessie, he appreciated her work ethic, and never griped about her long hours. She had not yet shared her abilities with him, but that was more about old fears than him rejecting her. She was sure that he would love her despite her abnormality.

  She came out of her thoughts to realize her sister was watching her. “I want to call John, but I need to tell you something first.”

  “You know you can tell me anything,” Elsie reassured.

  “I know,” Cailyn paused, thinking about how best to tell Elsie. No pretty words came to mind. Nothing to do but tell her. “I broke off my engagement with John.”

  Elsie’s mouth dropped open and did an imitation of a fish before she responded. “When, Cai? Why, what happened?”

  “Several months ago. I don’t know how to explain it, but this has to do with Jace. Things got to the point where I felt like I was doing both of us a disservice if I didn’t call things off until I got my head on straight.”

  “Oh my God! I had no idea that you and Jace had a thing going. How have you hidden it? Why in the hell didn’t you tell me sooner? I’m your sister, and I know you have Jessie, but I thought we were closer than that,” Elsie questioned, the hurt clear in her eyes. Cailyn felt terrible for keeping this from her sister and needed to make it better.

  Cailyn took a deep breath that sent pain shooting through her chest. When she tried to lift her hand to run it through Elsie’s hair, her arm wouldn’t respond. Her body was simply too fatigued to move. She settled for getting her hand to her sister’s arm. “It’s not like that. Jace and I don’t have anything going on at all. Before earlier today he had not said more than a few words to me. I wasn’t even sure he remembered my name, or who I was other than your older sister. My problem was my reaction to him. From the moment I met him I was enthralled. I thought about him constantly and still do. I just couldn’t continue my engagement to John while I wanted another man as much as I did…and do,” she whispered, trying to muster some energy.

  “Oh Cai, you should have told me. I would have understood, and may have been able to help. You have always looked out for me, it’s time I returned the favor.”

  “I didn’t want to ruin your mating ceremony, and before that you had enough on your plate and didn’t need my crap. Besides, what could you do? I need to figure out why I am drawn to him and what to do about it. I still love John, yet am unable to deny wanting Jace. And, now I feel this connection to Jace, making matters more difficult.”

  “Your life isn’t crap, and you are my sister. I will always be here for you no matter
what is going on. And you’d be surprised at how much I understand what you are going through. I mean, I loved Dalton and made a vow to him for life, and never thought there would be another for me. Yet after he was killed, I found myself yearning for…” Elsie trailed off, her eyes going saucer-wide as she put her fingers over her gaping mouth.

  Cailyn’s gut clenched with fear. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what her sister was thinking right then. “I wonder if you could be Jace’s Fated Mate. It sure sounds like how I felt with Zander.”

  Cailyn felt the blood drain from her body. She couldn’t be this man’s mate. She lived in San Francisco, and loved another man, despite what she was feeling right now. “I can’t be. How would I know? How did you find out?”

  “Fated Mates find out when they have sex with one another. There isn’t another way that I know of. I have no idea who we could ask about this. I wish they were back already, maybe Zander has some answers.”

  A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. “Please don’t say anything to anyone until we talk some more,” Cailyn begged Elsie, as Orlando peeked his head into the room, his gaze going straight to her sister. Cailyn held Elsie’s gaze, and was relieved when she nodded minutely.

  “Hey, O. What’s up?” Elsie asked, turning to the Dark Warrior. His white-blond hair was sticking out in every direction. Cailyn had to admit the guy was good looking, but paled in comparison to the sexy sorcerer. From the moment she’d met Jace, he had become the standard against which she judged all others.

  “Just wanted to come and check on you guys. How are you feeling, Cai?”

  “I’ve had better days. I wish the pain would go away. I have no energy for anything, and between the two I can barely function, but Jace and Zander will be back soon with the cure.” She had to believe that they were going to bring something back with them to help her. She refused to accept that this spell was going to kill her.


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