Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2)

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Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2) Page 13

by Brenda Trim

“They have no brains, do they,” Santiago observed, and threw one of his blades at the skirm’s back.

  Jace watched the blade find its home and turn the guy to ash. This was exactly the distraction he needed from thoughts of Cailyn. He wasn’t ready to deal with having a Fated Mate.

  One of the skirm began taunting them, drawing his attention. “We have your precious females, you know. We watch those bitches become ravenous killers. It makes it more fun when we have our way with them.”

  Jace met Orlando’s gaze and knew he was thinking the same thing. Who were the females? And, what were they doing to them?

  “We are aware that you guys have been kidnapping females. Are you that desperate for company?” Orlando asked then looked at Jace. “We should take him in for questioning.”

  Jace nodded his agreement and centered himself to caste an immobility spell. Before he knew what was happening, the skirm that had been doing the taunting grabbed Jace’s knife from his hand and shoved it through his own chest, piercing his heart. He cursed as he watched the flash of fire and the resulting cloud of ash. His sgian dubh clattered to the ground. He scooped it up and turned to capture one of the others, only to find the clearing empty.

  He was stupefied at the fact that one of them had actually committed suicide. Orlando and Santiago wore the same expressions of shock.

  “What the hell was that? Apparently, they’re better controlled than we thought. We need to get back to Zeum and let Zander know what happened,” Orlando advised.

  “Yeah,” Santiago echoed as they headed to Orlando’s mustang. “I don’t get why they would target females. Jessie surely hasn’t shown any signs of being a mindless killer, so what are they doing to these others that cause them to be that way? And why was that kid so terrified of being taken in?”

  Jace somehow didn’t think that was it. “I don’t think he was afraid of us taking him. More like, he didn’t want to face Kadir,” he observed. “They are taking huge risks targeting females like that.”

  “Do you think they are trying to breed with them?” Orlando asked.

  Jace shook his head as he considered Orlando’s question. The thought was extremely disturbing. “Anything is possible. From what we have been able to gather in studying skirm over the years, the males aren’t able to reproduce. And even if they were, human females wouldn’t be able to carry the offspring. We haven’t studied Jessie yet to determine if her conversion left her sterile. The demons are another story altogether, because they are definitely able to reproduce. Let’s head back to Zeum.”

  They were a somber group as they climbed into the car and made their way home. As they drove, they discussed the missing humans and females that had gone missing in the realm. He thanked the Goddess that the San Francisco Dark Warriors had been able to get to his mate before the demons took her. Anger boiled hot and fast through his veins at the thought of what could have happened if they had taken Cailyn.

  Thinking of Cailyn had him wondering if any of the kidnapped females were Fated Mates. He hoped not, because any male whose mate suffered at the hands of such evil was in for hell. He knew better than most that no person should experience pain like that. It irreparably changed one, and had far-reaching effects. Six centuries later, he was still tormented by what he went through. His heart clenched for the females, and Jace felt a sense of urgency to rescue those held captive before any more damage was done.

  The opening of the steel gates to the compound broke Jace from his musings. He was close to Cailyn, his Fated Mate. Fear, excitement, inadequacy, and wonder bombarded him, knowing he was going to see her again. She had no idea what she was to him, and he had yet to resolve how he was going to tell her.

  After the way he had acted, he wouldn’t blame her if she had jumped on a plane and went back to her fiancé. Thinking of the other male had jealousy coursing through his veins. Cailyn carried Jace’s soul, and had been made for him. His chest constricted painfully at the idea that she was going to marry another. His instinct was to deny her relationship and fully claim her for his own, regardless of what she wanted. To do that was certain to earn her wrath and hatred, not that it mattered, because he had no plans to claim her. He wondered what his life would be like without Cailyn. If Gerrick was anything to go by, his life was going to be miserable.

  The moment they pulled up to the front doors, Jace resolved that it was best not to say anything to her about being his. It was best for her if he lets her go, and lets her return to her fiancé, no matter how painful it was for him. He could only give her a life of dysfunction, and he would never do that to anyone.

  As Orlando parked the car, his heart began racing and his palms were sweating. His mouth went dry at the knowledge that his female was just beyond those doors. On cue, his body reacted and hardened. Desire hot and wicked ran like lava. The Goddess was a royal bitch for making the mating compulsion impossible to deny. He hadn’t even seen Cailyn and he was ready to ravish her. Excitement joined his trepidation and he jumped out of the car, rushing into the house. He followed the sound of voices to the kitchen with Santi and Orlando following close behind.

  He stopped in his tracks, caught by the beauty of Cailyn. Her head was thrown back and she was laughing at something. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were full of color. She was breathtaking, full of life and he wanted her more than anything.

  “Stop gawking and move it, buddy. I’m hungry and I smell Elsie’s creole. Thank the Goddess, there’s good food tonight,” Orlando remarked as he pushed past Jace.

  Jace moved to the side, intending to head to his room but his feet took him to Cailyn’s side. Her eyes still glittered with mirth as she turned to him. Unable to stop, he leaned down and claimed her mouth in a soul-searing kiss. The feel of her soft, moist lips sliding against his fueled an arousal so intense it hurt more than the mate mark on his ass. The pain of the incomplete mating was indescribable, but not enough to deter from the moment.

  He brought his hands up, hoping she didn’t notice how they shook as he cupped her face and deepened the kiss. Instantly, the connection he shared with her soothed the scars left by centuries of torture. In that moment, none of it mattered anymore.

  She groaned into his mouth as he coaxed his way in. The slip and slide of their tongues tested his control. He wanted to strip her bare, place her on the bar and devour her before he fucked her senseless. Now, he understood the PDA between Zander and Elsie. A simple thought of his mate roused his beast, the good and the bad. Reluctantly, he pulled back and ran his hands down her back.

  Her lips shone with their combined wetness and were red and swollen. She was lost to her lust and eager to welcome him. That he did that to her, and his pride in that warmed him. Another first for him. “Hi to you, too,” she croaked out.

  “Goddess be damned you two, go to one of your bluidy rooms. As I have told Zander and Elsie countless times, we prepare and eat food in this room. Och, where’s the whiskey,” Bhric grumbled, entering the kitchen.

  “Havena you had enough, brathair?” Zander asked from his position behind Elsie.

  “Fuck you, brathair,” Bhric spat as he reached for the bottle.

  Tension mounted in the room as Bhric ignored the glasses and turned the bottle up, leaving Zander to glare at him. Jace hoped the two didn’t start throwing punches. He didn’t want his mate in the middle of a fight.

  “I wonder when Killian will have Confetti Too opened,” Elsie intoned, breaking the silence and changing the subject. She reached back and pulled Zander’s arms around her waist. As if the mention of Confetti conjured him, Killian entered the kitchen. How many of the warriors were in the compound?

  “Did I hear my name?” Kill asked as he scoped the room, casually leaning against the counter as he spoke. “The doors will open in a couple months. My people are hard at work as we speak. I have hired a new security staff, and the Rowan sisters have added a layer of protection so it will be safe to bring your mate back to the club.”

  “Hayden told me he was
assisting with security.” Jace was relieved to hear that the shifter Omega was helping with security. Cailyn would be at the club with her sister, and he needed to know she was protected. “And after what we heard earlier tonight, it’s going to be needed,” Orlando finished as he proceeded to relay what the skirm had told them earlier that evening about captured females.

  A tic had set up in Zander’s jaw and once again, the tension in the room escalated. “A ghra, you are no’ to leave the compound without me, period,” Zander declared.

  Jace saw the familiar ire rise in Elsie’s eyes as she fisted her hands on her hips. “Look here, Mr. Bossy Pants. You don’t order me around. Have we forgotten how to ask nicely? What I do at Elsie’s Hope is important and I am needed there. And, before you go all caveman—”

  Zander’s growl cut her off as he bent forward and tossed her over his shoulder. Jace expected cursing and yelling, but Elsie began laughing and her cheeks heated as Zander stomped out of the kitchen with his queen in tow.

  Zander’s vehemence made Jace think. Cailyn was mortal, and easily killed with no way to defend against an attack. His gut turned over at how close she had already come to being kidnapped by the demons. “Cailyn, you can’t leave the compound either. You face far more danger than your sister, because you have no defenses. You will stay here where it’s safe.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but I will be leaving. John is in town and I need to see him,” Cailyn retorted.

  He saw red at her words, and jealousy seared him. She was his, not some mundane mortal’s. “I don’t care if the President of the United States wants to see you. Females are being kidnapped and tortured in brutal ways that is causing them to become killers. I will not allow them to succeed in taking you, too. You are my Fated Mate, mine to protect.” He relished the flare to her eyes, and possessive glint that entered at his declaration. Hell no would he allow her to put herself in danger.


  Cailyn was speechless. He had gone from walking out on her without an explanation to claiming her in front of the other warriors. Apparently, he did know. Anger hit hard and fast. She’d had to find out from her sister and Jessie that she was his mate, not the way a woman wanted to find out she was fated to a man. There had been no loving words or revelation. There had been nothing but his backside as he escaped.

  She raked her gaze up and down his body, her anger dying a quick death as she took him in. She hated what the dynamics of this mating did to her. She wanted to hold onto her anger, not become aroused by this. If she were honest, she’d admit how much his authoritative behavior now turned her on right now. No one had ever taken control and told her what to do, and some dark part of her enjoyed it, wanted more. Not that she planned on obeying him. She wasn’t the obedient type.

  “I had wondered if you knew. Elsie told me that I was yours. Not exactly ideal,” she told him crisply, ignoring the current sizzling through her body as he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen. “Look, Jace, I know this whole Fated Mate thing is new to you, and it causes you guys to lose your heads, but you can’t order me around. And, you can’t walk out on me and then stroll back in like nothing happened,” she said wanting to withdraw her hand from his grasp, but his grip was too tight. They entered the media room and she sat on the back of the couch, folding her arms across her chest after he released her.

  Jace stepped close to her and insinuated himself between her legs. She refused to acknowledge the way her stomach clenched with need. She tilted her head back and saw he was both frustrated and amused.

  “Shijéí, I don’t think you understand the danger you are under. Kadir is targeting females, and you have already been a target of his. Now you carry my mark,” he whispered, running his finger across the left side of her throat, making her moan, “making you more vulnerable. You are mortal, and easily wounded. These skirm boasted of torturing females.” He lowered his head and his fingers trailed down her shoulder, gripping her flesh.

  He took several deep breaths before he met her gaze. “I don’t want you hurt. And you are right about one thing, the compulsion drives us in many ways. I become murderous at the thought of you being in danger. I won’t let that happen,” he informed her and leaned down until scant millimeters separated their lips.

  He was going to kiss her again. Her heart raced at the thought and her palms started sweating. All the reasons for her anger and frustration with him vanished. Breathless with anticipation, she lifted her head to close the distance as one corner of his mouth lifted and he straightened his stance. He was enjoying getting her all worked up and leaving her hanging. He knew the affect he had on her, and was playing her like a well-tuned instrument. It frustrated her even further, but damn, if she didn’t find that erotic.

  She was attracted to him, and wanted him like no other. If life was simple and straight forward, she’d jump in with both feet, but life wasn’t. It was best that he didn’t kiss her again; she lost her head when he did. She still cared for John, and felt guilty about being undecided. She needed to make a decision and go forward with it.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” Jace said, bringing her head up. “I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you after just coming out from under the influence of Fae magic. And more importantly, I shouldn’t have left like I did.”

  “What happened was beyond magical for me, and I didn’t do anything I didn’t want.” She relaxed, hooking her fingers through his belt loop. “Why did you leave?”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After several silent moments, he opened them and looked at her hand where it rested. She blushed as she realized her hand was inches from his groin, but didn’t move.

  “I left for many reasons. To make a long story short, I am not mate material, and when I realized what had happened I panicked and ran. I wasn’t able to handle it and still don’t know what to think or do about it. I’m really not meant to be anyone’s mate. And yet, I find myself unable to stay away.”

  “Why would you say you aren’t fit? Up until you ran to the bathroom, you were wonderful.” She struggled to understand what made this sorcerer feel as if he was unfit to be a mate. She hadn’t seen anything to make her agree. Everyone had baggage. It was a matter of finding that one person to help you unpack and find a proper home for that baggage. Question was, did she want to explore more with him?

  His gentle caress brought her head down. “Your skin is torn from the IV. I was too rough and injured you. Are you hurt anywhere else?” he asked trying to turn her as he searched for additional injuries.

  “I’m not hurt. It’s nothing,” she denied. He shook his head then laid his hand over hers, sandwiching it. Warmth spread through her. When he lifted his hand from hers, she saw that he had healed her injury completely. He may believe he wasn’t mate material, but in her mind he was one of the most thoughtful, caring men she’d ever known.

  “Is healing part of your sorcery?” she asked as she turned her hand.

  “I’m not sure what you know about the Tehrex Realm or sorcerers, but no, it’s not part of my sorcery. There are no spells or magic that can heal injuries. Most of the Dark Warriors have been blessed by the Goddess with extra powers, and mine is the ability to heal almost any wound. The exception being skirm bites, injuries from silver and mortal wounds,” he responded automatically, clearly lost in thought. He was still standing between her legs and she noticed he had begun rubbing a wide silver cuff around his wrist. She wondered about the significance of the cuff.

  “I have an ability to read minds, although, I’m having a hard time reading yours, or any of the supernaturals, for that matter.” Jessie and Elsie were the only two people she had ever told about her ability. Not having to hide her ability was one benefit of being in a compound full of supernatural creatures. She didn’t stand out there. It was freeing to share this with him. She hadn’t realized the burden she carried everyday keeping that information secret. She wondered how these supernaturals kept their secrets so well, an
d for so long.

  “I had no idea you were telepathic. Elsie never mentioned it,” Jace replied, maintaining eye contact. The way he looked at her made her squirm. He saw straight through to her soul and sought a connection with her. She met his gaze, trying to figure out exactly what he was asking her for. She was out of her league here.

  She loved John, and believed they were close, but what she saw in Jace’s depths and felt from his soul told her what they could have was far beyond anything she had experienced. There were forces at work here that she didn’t understand, and she didn’t think Jace was aware of what was driving him either. She was torn, and reminded herself not to accept the invitation in his eyes, or get in any deeper with Jace than she already was.

  “She wouldn’t have. We made a pact as children. I remember when she was five years old she came home from school in tears after she told her best friend her prediction of her friend’s cat dying, and that girl told all their class mates Elsie was a freak. I had to walk her to classroom for a month after that and threaten anyone who made fun of her. I made Elsie promise never to tell anyone about what she or I could do, especially not our parents.” She lowered her head, needing to break the building tension between them and noticed he was rubbing the cuff again. She had never told anyone that story. Despite her efforts to remain distanced, Jace was pulling her in.

  “Tell me about your cuff. It’s exquisite. I love the Celtic symbols,” she observed, taking the conversation to less intimate topics. She refused to acknowledge that she was falling for a guy she knew so little about.

  He released the cuff and grasped her hand. That familiar zing zipped through her at the contact and she suppressed her shudder. He ran his thumb over her pulse point. It was more sensual than kissing, and went straight to her core. She tried to fight what he incited in her, but it was impossible.

  “The cuff was a gift from my father. It is a Cuff de Draiocht, and it helps me channel and focus my magic. My da was Scottish and my mother was from the Onyota’aka tribe. Fate brought them together before your human explorers discovered this land.”


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