Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2)

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Mystik Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 2) Page 21

by Brenda Trim

  A flash of fire brought his attention back to the battle. The big-burly-muscle-head she was with had dusted his opponent and turned to incapacitate the once facing off with Mackendra. It was obvious that they had worked with each other for some time. There was no communication, but the goateed-bonehead slid up behind the skirm and grabbed his arms and without missing a beat, Mack plunged her blade home. Kyran snuck behind a large evergreen to avoid being seen. He peered around the trunk just in time to see the guy with a death-wish embrace Mackendra and swing her around.

  “You were amazing, as usual,” muscle-head breathed.

  “So were you. I could have handled that last one without you, but thanks for the help,” Mackendra replied easily. Her confidence was sexy as hell.

  The goateed-bonehead set her down and cupped her cheek and Kyran heard how the guy’s breathing became erratic. Kyran nearly jumped out from behind the tree and freed the guy’s head from his shoulders until Mackendra rebuffed him.

  “That’s not going to happen. You know that, Stitch. Let’s finish our patrol. We need to tell the others what we heard.” Kyran watched the sway of her fine ass as she walked away, using all of his considerable strength to remain in place. Only after she disappeared did he realize what she had said and wondered what they had heard. If he wasn’t so fucking keyed-up, he would have followed and listened in, but that wasn’t safe at the moment. He had a sudden craving for a Creamsicle.


  Cailyn looked out the window as they made their way through Seattle to the Rowan sister’s house. Jace had explained to her that the sisters were triplets who were witches. She was surprised to learn witches were different from sorcerers. Sorcerers were creatures of instinct, magic, and the power of the moon, whereas, witches were creatures of potions, circles and the four elements. The two types of magic were different, yet both stemmed from the Goddess.

  These young, impetuous girls had recently hit adulthood and come into their power. The Dark Warriors believed a prophecy claiming that triplets born on a rare blue moon would become the most powerful witches ever known. Apparently, the Rowan sisters were the only set of witch triplets to have been born on a blue moon.

  They drove across 520 Bridge and the sight of the lake was amazing to her even in the moonlight. One side of the water was calm and still, while the other was turbulent and choppy. The dichotomy was stunning during the day, but rather eerie at night. Cailyn understood the bridge itself caused the difference, but couldn’t help but feel magic was at play.

  Water gave way to land and the suburbs, and soon they were exiting the freeway, heading into an affluent neighborhood in Belleview. The opulent houses were stunning. “Are there any poor immortals? I thought you said these witches were twenty-seven or something.”

  “Yes, there are many poor realm members,” Gerrick replied tersely.

  “So, there’s like a realm ghetto then. That’s hard to believe. Your version of a ghetto is probably what I’d call a normal sized home,” Cailyn teased the growly warrior.

  “No, they don’t live in homes at all. Where some live would scare the living hell out of you. Pray you never see it,” he said as he looked at her square in the eyes over his shoulder from the passenger seat. This guy was intense and scary, and she shuddered at the lack of emotion in his ice-blue eyes.

  Jace grabbed her hand and twined their fingers together, offering comfort. “Gerrick, stop. You’re scaring her,” he chided. “But, he is right, Cai. There are poor realm members, and it is an area that is best to avoid.”

  “Don’t sweat it, Cai. It’s in an area that is generally unsafe in Seattle, and you wouldn’t wander there alone. I’m developing a kind of social services for the realm to help our poor, but its slow going. Those with money don’t want to part with it to help others,” Elsie shared. Cailyn smiled at her sister, thinking how well that role fit her personality.

  “I see that the rich aren’t any different just because they are supernatural,” Cailyn remarked.

  “Aye, there are selfish beings in all races, and politics abound in the realm,” Zander remarked as trees and houses flew by.

  Before she knew it, the car was slowing as Bhric pulled into a long drive. It was too dark for her to make out much, except for several weeping birches scattered amongst evergreens and various shrubs on the spacious property. They approached the house and soft lighting greeted them at the top of the U-shaped drive.

  Cailyn glanced back at the lawn and saw that a small patch was illuminated by antique gas lamps. She was surprised to note the lawn wasn’t perfectly manicured like you would expect to see in such an affluent neighborhood. She wondered if the young witches received angry letters from their HOA.

  She had her door open and was stepping out before Jace made it around to her side. His scowl made her pause and glance up at him. His amethyst eyes had darkened with displeasure. “What,” she whispered, placing her hands on his chest.

  He placed his warm hands over the top of hers and took a step closer to her. Her body responded to his nearness, making it difficult to focus on the issue at hand. “I wanted to make sure it was safe before I opened your door,” he murmured.

  “Surely, with you here, I’m safe,” she replied.

  “Have you heard nothing about the dangers that lurk the night, you stubborn woman?” he breathed and brought his lips down on hers. The world around them vanished, and there was only them. She lost herself in the passion of his kiss until the slamming of car doors and a masculine laugh broke the moment.

  Their surroundings returned in a rush, and she blushed to her roots over her public display of affection as Bhric chuckled and approached the ornate red door of the house. An elaborate pentacle surrounded by tiny stars was painted in black on the front panel. She figured the R in the center stood for their last name.

  “Come on, let’s do this,” Jace uttered as he tugged her behind him.

  Bhric knocked on the wood and she heard a woman’s voice calling out from inside the house. She thought she heard her say this had better be good or she was turning whoever was interrupting into a toad. Cailyn was suddenly frightened of what they may face.

  Wanting to be prepared, she accessed her own power and tried to read the minds of the witches. When she opened her mind numerous words and images flooded in. She wasn’t able to make sense or identify who was thinking what. They lived in close proximity to numerous humans, and she was bombarded by so many thoughts that she was forced to shut it down.

  Before she could regroup, the door swung open to reveal a tall, exotic woman with black hair that hung down to her hips. The young lady was drop-dead gorgeous, and her brown eyes glittered with amusement when she saw Bhric standing on the stoop. “Hello Bhric,” she purred and draped her body against the door jamb.

  A black smoke rose from a ring on her finger. The smoke had a sweet smell, but surprisingly didn’t choke her out. Cailyn shrieked when a black bat fluttered from her finger and settled on the witch’s shoulder. “Not you, sweetie. My other Bhric,” the witch cooed, petting the animal.

  “Hello Suvi. ‘Tis good to see you again, lass,” Bhric replied as he picked up her hand and kissed the back.

  “Mmmm. Always a pleasure,” Suvi responded. It was obvious the two of them had a history.

  Another woman with bright red hair poked her head around the door and greeted the warriors. When she rested her arm above her head in the door frame her silver bangles jingled as they shifted. The bracelets coupled with the colorful skirt reminded Cailyn of a gypsy. “It’s good to see you all. Now, before Suvi gets too distracted by Bhric, what brings the Vampire King to our door step?”

  “Ah, Isis, ‘tis been too many months. How are you and your sisters settling into your powers?” Zander greeted the red-haired witch.

  Isis waved her hand dismissively. “We’re settling. The house is still standing, and that’s something, I suppose. You know how it is. Please come in,” Isis said as she turned, calling out to Pema. Cailyn assumed th
at was the third sister. She wanted to laugh as Suvi grabbed Bhric’s hand and pulled him along. Jace shrugged his shoulders and they all entered the house.

  “Have you been training with Cele?” Zander asked as they entered the home. Cailyn glanced down and noticed what she thought was a line of salt along the threshold of the front door. She craned her neck, taking in the entryway. The walls in the small area were black and the floor was a dark brown oak. Cailyn thought it was an odd color choice. The overhead light fixture was turned off in favor of white candles on sofa tables flanking the door.

  Isis’ red hair was swaying in in the candlelight as she shook her head and continued walking. “Cele isn’t exactly easy to work with. She wants control of our power for her own selfish purposes. I know she believes the prophesy about the power of three, but that doesn’t mean it’s about us. Besides, we chafe under her tutelage. We are doing a fair job of honing and controlling our craft. We have each other.”

  The sisters stopped at the end of the hall and slid a wood door open. Cailyn was surprised to see that there were no electrical lights on in the house. Every room they passed was lit with candles, and there were wall sconces down the hall. She couldn’t see a whole lot, but each room they passed seemed to be painted a different color.

  Suvi muttered foreign words and the bat vanished to become a silver ring on her right index finger before she got down to business. “Surely, you didn’t come here to talk to us about our training. What can we do for you?”


  Jace kept hold of Cailyn’s hand as they stepped into a large, open room. “We are here for me. You see, I have reason to suspect I have been under a sorceress’ spell for about seven centuries, and I need your help.”

  He would have laughed at how the Rowan sister’s eyes bulged at that, but it was too serious. It was Suvi who found her voice first. “How do you not know if you are under such a spell? That’s a long time to be under someone’s influence. You should have felt when the enchantment was cast.”

  Jace lowered his head in shame. She was right, of course. Only a weak sorcerer would not have recognized the casting of an enchantment. He suddenly wished Cailyn wasn’t there to witness his weakness, yet he needed her there supporting him. There was no way he would get through this without her to keep him grounded. “It’s a long story. Suffice it to say, this would have happened shortly after I passed my stripling years when I was under great duress.”

  “That only explains why you didn’t counter act a spell. Even a sorcerer coming into his power is able to detect magic, especially if there is malignant intent. Please have a seat, this may take a while,” Pema said as she glided gracefully into the room. Cailyn jumped when Pema spoke and Jace pulled her closer, realizing she likely hadn’t heard her approach.

  He glanced around the room for the first time. The walls were painted blue and white and the hardwood floors continued throughout. The furniture displayed the sisters’ youth with its modern designs. He saw that the kitchen was surprisingly similar to Marie Laveau’s. There were jars with herbs and flowers, as well as crystals and incense. He guided Cailyn to a nearby sofa and took a seat.

  “We need to hear everything you can tell us about the person and circumstance surrounding the spell,” Pema instructed.

  “I will try, but this isn’t going to be easy.” Jace took a deep breath and briefly explained what he experienced at the hands of Lady Angelica, leaving out the details about how she sexually tortured him. Zander and Cailyn had known what he suffered, but the others couldn’t hide their shock over the news.

  “Goddess,” breathed Bhric, scrubbing his hand through his hair. “I always wondered where you had disappeared to, and why Evzen took power when you were next in line. I had no idea.”

  “We are going to have to start calling her the Royal Bitch. I can’t believe you have left her alive all these centuries. If that had happened to one of my sisters, I’d kill her with my bare hands,” Isis remarked as she brought her waist-length, red hair forward, braiding the ends.

  Jace noticed Isis’ agitated movements and how she became angrier by the moment. It was a sharp contrast to Pema’s composure. The calmer Pema was, the more Isis settled down. Suvi grabbed Isis’ hand and she was once again under control. Jace was amazed at the impact they had on each other.

  Cailyn squeezed his hand. “I couldn’t agree with you more, Isis,” she said.

  “That certainly would explain why you didn’t feel a spell casting, but why, after all this time, do you now believe that you are still under an enchantment?” asked Pema, smoothing her purple shirt as she sat on the edge of a chair.

  Bile rose in his throat. He didn’t want to divulge his problem. He would look like an idiot if there was no spell, and he became ill during intimate moments because he couldn’t handle the abuse he suffered. He had no desire for anyone to hear about this, and suddenly wanted to run from the home and never look back. This had been a mistake. He couldn’t lose the respect he had worked so hard to earn over the centuries. It was bad enough to have his mate aware of his shame.

  He was about to get up when Cailyn broke the silence. Sweat broke on his brow as he prayed to the Goddess that his mate didn’t betray his issues. “I am the one who suggested there was something going on. Do you really need all of the details to get the answer to our question? I don’t know anything about magic, but it seems like you want to know out of curiosity.” He wanted to kiss this female. If he thought he loved her before, that was nothing compared to how he felt now. His heart swelled with the emotion.

  “I like you, you’re feisty. I see that you are his Fated Mate,” Pema observed, pointing to the mate mark behind Cailyn’s left ear. “No need to get bristly. We aren’t a threat to you or him. We would never do anything to harm him, because our society would fall to pieces without the Dark Warriors. They are the only thing standing between us and the skirm. That being said, we need some information. You see, magic must have a focus and we need to know where to concentrate our energy. It is not mere curiosity. Although, now I must admit to more than a passing desire to know details.”

  Cailyn smiled with saccharine-sweetness and tilted her head to the side. Jace had come to know that look well over the past days. He debated stopping what he knew was coming. His instinct was to jump in and protect her from these witches who could crush her with a thought. But, he trusted in the goodness of the Rowan sisters. They would understand her protectiveness as his mate. “You might want to be careful. I’d hate to see curiosity kill the cat. Suffice it to say, you need to focus your energy on anything that may sabotage our intimacy.”

  Pema stared intently at Cailyn, but she didn’t back down an inch, and he saw a grudging respect light the witch’s sea-green eyes. Finally, Pema nodded to Cailyn and turned her attention back to him. He suddenly wasn’t sure he was ready for this. What if they did discover a spell? Worse yet, what if they couldn’t remove it?

  All of a sudden, he choked on the dread that he would be asked to leave the Dark Warriors. A weak warrior was a liability, and danger to others. He didn’t feel fit to protect Cailyn, and wouldn’t be able to do that without the warriors at his side. She would be better off without him.

  Pema’s voice broke his mental bashing and he had to shake out of the gloom. “Fair enough. We will take this on, but this won’t be cheap, and it will take us all working together. Are you willing to give us Rhys for another month?” she spun and asked Zander directly.

  Bhric blurted, “What am I, chopped liver?” at the same time Zander replied, “Nay, we canna allow that. We need every warrior on duty, which brings up another issue. You need to beware when you leave your home. The danger has increased exponentially, and the skirm are kidnapping females of all races.”

  “I will gladly stay home with Bhric,” Suvi purred, sliding the warrior a hot glance.

  Isis smacked her shoulder. “Focus sister, we have work to do.”

  Jace took a deep breath. It was now or never. He
girded his resolve, and faced the sisters. “What do I need to do?”


  Jace had been pacing the Spell Room for the past ten minutes while the witches made their preparations. The earth tone walls and hardwood floors were closing in on him despite the twenty foot ceiling and large circular skylight. He had wondered how they were able to perform magic in an interior room. Witches needed the four elements to cast their spells, and the moon aided in their ritual.

  Isis pushed a button and vents along the side of the window opened, allowing fresh air in. Jace admired the Celtic design in the leaded glass of the dome. The inner circle of the design was done with clear glass to allow maximum exposure, with vines and flowers interwoven around the edges in blue, purple, and green glass.

  His gaze returned to the sisters. They had swept the room with a besom and placed their cherry wood altar directly under the skylight, yet weren’t performing the ritual. How long was this preparation going to take? Jace’s sorcery was vastly different, in that he channeled his magic through his staff and very little preparation was required.

  Jace anxiously rubbed his wide, silver cuff as he watched them set a trio of white rune-carved candles, and a ceremonial athame in precise positions on the altar. A scrying bowl filled with water was surrounded by numerous colored crystals. Finally, each of the sisters lit one of the candles, and then Pema grabbed the bowl of salt and dried lavender from Suvi.

  Snakes writhed in Jace’s gut, they were ready to cast the circle and begin. He suddenly wasn’t so sure about this. He wanted to run away and forget everything, including Cailyn, but there was no backing out now. He forced his fears and trepidation into a vault, because any negative energy would taint the space and could alter the spell. He closed his eyes and called forth an image of Cailyn and found his calm amidst the storm. As scared as he was of the outcome, his Fated Mate had become his everything.


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