Shattered Glass

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Shattered Glass Page 8

by A. C. Katt

  Milo broke the silence. “Come up beside me. I want to hold you close to me. Christ, I never want to let you go. If we could, I’d stay in this room next to you forever.”

  Liam replied, “You are my first lover, my own golden man.”

  “And I’ll be your last,” Milo added jealously.

  “Milo, I have never even looked at anyone else with the love I have for you.”

  “Baby, I have a confession. Although I’ve fucked many girls, I’ve always been more attracted to men, but I saved myself for you. It was always you.”

  Tears streamed from Liam’s eyes.

  Milo looked at his lover in concern. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  Liam put his hands around the back of Milo’s head, leaning his forehead against Milo’s. “Nothing’s wrong, my love. I’m happy, and your words are so beautiful, they move me to tears.”

  “Settle in by my side. We have a couple of hours before breakfast arrives, and I want you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to receive your birthday present.”

  “What more could you give me that I didn’t already receive last night and this morning?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Three hours later, a discreet knock sounded at the door. “Room service,” a disembodied voice called from the dining room. “Mr. Stamis, you have a delivery at the front desk. Shall I call to have it sent up?”

  “Give us thirty minutes,” Milo grunted, half asleep. He looked over at Liam’s tousled raven hair, obstructing the view of his intense violet eyes. “Good morning, beautiful,” Milo said. “Are you ready for breakfast?”

  “I can’t believe it, but I’m starved. Should we shower first?”

  “No, honey, we have the hotel robes, and the bath just calls out for two occupants. Let’s enjoy it together after breakfast.”

  “I have something to show you, Milo.” Liam rose, went to his duffle bag, took out the letter Walt gave him the day before, and handed it to Milo.

  Milo read the words that erased some of his fears. He looked up at Liam. “She knew.”

  “Yeah.” Liam sat back down on the bed. Milo pulled him into his arms and they both wept.

  “She only wanted our happiness, baby.”

  “She used to tell me that my happiness was all she ever needed.”

  * * * *

  They sat in the circular nook off the dining room at a table for two. Milo had arranged a lavish buffet for their pleasure.

  The beauty of the view from the rounded alcove, the elegantly set table, plus the breakfast feast sent Liam into rapture. His ever-present smile bloomed into impish glee.

  Milo sat down and Liam plopped right on top of his lap. “I’m going to feed you,” Liam said, gaily kissing his lover before he got up to prepare a plate. He swept one of the hand towels over his arm and twisted an imaginary mustache. “Eh, monsieur, we have ze eggs Benedict with a buttery smooth hollandaise, perhaps a side of bacon and a waffle with fruit. And coffee, with one of ze famous mimosas to follow?”

  Milo laughed so hard at the bad imitation of a French waiter that he almost fell off his seat. “Whatever you wish, baby. We’ll share the plate,” Milo replied, still chuckling.

  They’d just finished their last sip of mimosa when they heard the second knock of the morning on their door. Milo got up to answer.

  “Delivery for Mr. O’Shea. Can you sign here, please?”

  “Certainly,” Milo said with a grin. “Liam, you have a delivery.”

  Liam walked in as the concierge and several bellmen brought in six brightly wrapped boxes. The last gentleman in line was the butler in charge of the suite. He handed Liam a large picnic basket with a hand-made bow in Liam’s favorite blue and green.

  “What is all this?” Liam asked.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” Milo answered. The basket on Liam’s arm began to sway. “Let me have that. You sit down and start opening your presents.”

  “Something tells me I should open that basket first.”

  “Perhaps.” Milo grinned.

  As Milo handed the basket back to Liam, a tiny pair of paws peeked out from each end, one snow white and the other coal black. Liam flipped back both ends of the basket and saw little pointed ears and noses. “Oh my God, you got me kittens!”

  “Not just kittens, my love. Persian kittens with a pedigree as long as your arm. They have fancy registered names, but I’ll leave their house names to you.”

  “They look like a piano keyboard.” Liam laughed.

  “Ebony and Ivory?” Milo suggested.

  “Not original. How about Minor and Major? That would be sticking with the music theme.”

  “Minor and Major it is,” Milo declared.

  “What the fuck is in the rest of these boxes?”

  “Well, they needed litter boxes, travel carriers, beds, grooming tools, toys, scratching poles. I gave up and got two of everything,” Milo stated with a straight face.

  “Milo Stamis, I love you to pieces. Oh, shit, they’re tearing up the wrapping paper. You get Major and I’ll get Minor. If they get lost in this place we’ll never find them. Eh, Milo, we’re going on tour. What do we do about the kitties?”

  “Why do you think they have so much crap? They’re traveling with us. I booked them a seat.”

  “You are unbelievable. We are going to own the most spoiled kittens in the cathouse.”

  “Damn straight,” Milo answered. “And I intend to have the most spoiled lover in the universe.” As Milo grabbed Liam and pulled him in for a kiss, a cat bit his ankle. “That one is yours!”

  * * * *

  “Wake up, you lazy bastard. The tour bus will be here in an hour!”

  “Ohhh, Bart, my head,” Rick groaned.

  “Little too much party last night, eh, stud?”

  “What happened to the blonde?”

  “Nothing. I stuffed some cash into her bra, thanked her nicely for her favors, and sent her on her way.”

  “I don’t think I can make it to the bus. Do you have a little something to get me up?”

  “I’m going to have to start charging you, buddy. It’s not like I get them for free.”

  “Whatever. Just keep it between the two of us.”

  “I have some Dexedrine. Meth works better, but it’s more addictive.”

  “Give me the Dexedrine; I have enough bad habits without adding meth.”

  Bart laughed and went to his duffle for the pills.

  Chapter 6

  Cloudless days of clear blue skies

  Tears of joy are in my eyes

  Watching you laugh and sing

  Knowing you’re my everything

  I want you

  Skies are grey and dark with rain

  Still my love I can’t complain

  My body sings when you’re with me

  What a wonder life can be

  I need you

  You don’t have to understand

  Or say it back at my command

  All I want is you my dear

  Beside me here from each year to year

  I love you.

  —Shattered Glass, “Clearing,” Love Songs

  * * * *

  “I can’t believe we’re finally home,” Liam said as he released Minor and Major from their carriers. “How do you think our jet-setting cats will react to being housebound for the next six months?”

  “I don’t know, baby, but you better run because I’m going to christen every room in this fucking house,” Milo said as he slapped Liam’s jeans-clad ass. “Let them find their own recreation.”

  Liam ran up the stairs and Milo followed. The oversized four-poster bed in the master suite, covered in a thick down comforter made from blue Egyptian cotton, stood ready to welcome them home for the first time in six months. The band played sixty tour dates and spent the time in between either traveling by plane or tour bus. They found it grueling, but it was finally over. Liam figured that they had at least a couple of weeks before they needed to start work on the new album. It wa
s early spring, and Milo spent the later part of the tour calling landscapers and reading seed catalogs.

  By the time Milo made it up the stairs, Liam was already undressed, lying amid the pillows, naked and waiting. It didn’t take more than two minutes for Milo to join him.

  “You tired, love?” Milo asked.

  “No, horny. So get your beautiful bare ass over here to take care of business,” Liam replied.

  “Demanding little bastard, aren’t you?”

  “And you love every minute of it.”

  Milo slid under the sheets and pulled Liam close.

  “I missed this,” Liam said, “having you to myself. On the road, you were so busy. It seemed we had a stopwatch regulating our time together. Now that Sam has passed the bar and opened his agency, it won’t be that bad anymore, will it?”

  “I can’t say. I still have to take care of the day-to-day problems on tour and in the studio.”

  “But we’ll have more time together, won’t we?”

  “We’ll try. Come here. I want to touch you. You are not the only one who missed making love at leisure.”

  Milo traced his hand down the curve from Liam’s chest to his ass. “I love the texture of your skin, the way your nipples nub under your shirt whenever I’m near you.” Milo lowered his head and sucked first one, then the other.

  “Oh no you don’t; not this time,” Liam protested. “This time, I’m in charge.”

  In a move he knew would drive his lover wild, he ran his tongue over the shell of Milo’s ear and worried his teeth over the lobe. Continuing down his jaw line, he placed kisses and occasional sharp nips along Milo’s collarbone, then buried his face in the golden hair across his pectorals. Laving the division between Milo’s ribs, he tongue-washed the area from his chest to his navel.

  “I love the way you smell and taste, Milo. When we still lived in Hazlet, I used to sneak your sweaty T-shirts and sleep with them pressed up against my face.”

  Liam’s hands moved along with his mouth, soothing, stroking, pinching, and petting Milo’s golden skin. He reached down and cupped Milo’s balls, moving his head to rub against Milo’s long hard cock, already dripping with pre-cum.

  “I’m going to make you feel so good, my love. I’m going to love you so hard you’ll never be free of me.” Liam fisted Milo’s cock and tasted the pre-cum from its head. He began to stroke it, timing the strokes in concert with his tongue lapping the sensitive underside.

  Milo moved beneath him. “More, baby, please,” he moaned.

  Liam moved his head and began to take the whole of Milo’s shaft into his mouth. Bobbing his head up and down, he murmured, “I’m going to suck you so hard you’re going to think I’m a Hoover.”

  “Fuck, your mouth is so hot. It’s not going to take long. Will you swallow it all for me? Lick me clean. Do it, baby. Claim me with your mouth.”

  Liam rolled Milo’s balls in his hands. “Come for me, love, show me how much I please you.” Liam wet his finger and began to worry at Milo’s hole.

  “I’m gonna—”

  Milo shot his jism straight into Liam’s waiting mouth and Liam sucked up every drop. Milo tasted salty, bittersweet. His cock softened. He cleaned around Milo’s cock and then rested his head on his belly.

  “Come up here, Liam. Let me take care of you.”

  “No need darling, I came when you did.”

  “From sucking me off?”

  “From sucking you off,” he answered, very pleased with himself.

  At that moment the kittens, having found their way into the bedroom, jumped up on the bed. “Come up here, baby. I think it’s naptime for a party of four.”

  * * * *

  Liam felt tiny needles sticking into his bare chest. Attempting to turn and go back to sleep, he felt a light tap on his head, followed by more pinpricks. Opening one eye, he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. The clock read seven A.M., feeding time. Groaning, he carefully sat up and grabbed the kittens while attempting to extract himself from the tangle of sheet and the weight of Milo’s leg on his hip. The housekeeper had the day off, and the cats didn’t care that their masters spent most of the night matching music to lyrics. He knew Milo was exhausted. He slowly moved out from under the bedding and padded down to the kitchen, attempting to walk with two cats twirling around his ankles.

  “Okay, guys, I get it. Stop your mewing before you wake Milo up.” Reaching the kitchen without tripping over a cat or stepping on a stray paw, he grabbed the bag of dry food and poured some into one of the four sets of cat dishes before filling a bowl with fresh water. Grabbing a bag of Kona beans, he pulled the grinder from the cabinet and began the process of making fresh coffee.

  The past few weeks had been heavenly at home, but work was another matter. He spent yesterday in hell. They went over the new material with Rick and Bart. Bart said something snide about everything Liam wrote. The bastard even made fun of his T-shirt. Bart always managed to be nasty to him when they were alone, but made his more outrageous comments in front of the band and made it look like he teased Liam.

  Shit, Milo never cares what I wear. He prefers me naked. Liam got a little pissed that Milo hadn’t spoken up for him, but he got over it soon enough when Milo promised that they would spend all day together today. He rummaged in the fridge and found some sausage and a carton of eggs. He started to make his lover breakfast.

  A half hour later, he set everything out on a tray and was headed up the stairs when the phone rang. Milo picked it up. Damn, now he wouldn’t be able to wake up his love with food and kisses. Slipping into the bedroom, he stood quietly while Milo spoke on the phone.

  * * * *

  “Morning, Milo.”

  “It’s a little early for you, Bart, what do you want?”

  “I got you a spot on Letterman today. Someone canceled, and I know the talent coordinator.”

  “Doesn’t Sam usually take care of this?”

  “Yeah, but this guy and I are fuck buddies, so when the opening came up, he called me.”

  “It is a great opportunity for the band. Have you called Rick? Liam’s right here.”

  “They don’t want the band, Milo. They want you.”

  “I made plans for today.”

  “Has Liam put a collar and leash on you now?” Bart laughed.

  Milo bristled. “No, you know it isn’t like that. Stop being such a bitch.”

  “I’m not half as bitchy as the diva you live with. I really like him, but sometimes it’s like walking on eggshells, being around him. Come on, I gotta let this guy know quick.”

  “What time?”

  “You have to be in Manhattan by two. I’ll pick you up and introduce you to Tom, my contact. It’s good press for the band.”

  “All right, I’ll tell him.” Milo hung up the phone and turned to see Liam standing at the foot of the bed, holding a tray.

  “I thought I smelled fresh coffee, baby, and you made me breakfast.” Milo smiled.

  “Who called?”

  “No good morning kiss?”

  “Milo, who was that on the phone?”


  “Damn it, I knew it was that slime bucket before I asked. What did he want?”

  “Now, Liam, don’t get all riled. He got me a gig on Letterman today.”

  “What time do we have to go?”

  “They only want one of us and they asked for me. Bart arranged it with a buddy. It will be good for the band.”

  “You promised me we would have today together. We get so little alone time now.”

  “Don’t be that way. A shot at Letterman doesn’t come around very often.”

  “Yeah, I bet. Here’s your breakfast.” Liam put down the tray and left the room.

  Milo put the tray aside, put on a pair of pants, and followed Liam downstairs. He found Liam sitting at the kitchen table, tears streaking his face. He knelt beside the chair and put his arms around Liam.

  “Be reasonable, hon. The new album won’t be out fo
r another four months. We need to keep our name in the news.”

  “Milo, you don’t understand. Bart hates me. Every chance he gets he has something nasty to say. He did this deliberately because he knew you and I planned to spend today together.”

  With growing impatience, Milo stood. “What, you think someone canceled out on Letterman just so Bart could piss you off? Get real, Liam. You’re paranoid about Bart. He just teases you. I don’t have to leave until two. It’s only seven thirty. We could go down to the antique center in Red Bank and find a bench for the garden.”

  “I could go with you to Letterman.”

  “Unfortunately, they only wanted me. If you come, it could put them on the spot and we might not get another invitation.” Milo kissed him gently.

  “All right, whatever you say. I’m going to get dressed.”

  Liam tried his best not to show his disappointment the rest of the day but it was difficult and their conversation became more strained as time progressed.

  Milo was still getting changed when Bart pulled up. He knocked once and let himself into the house as Liam came down the stairs. “Baby pouting because Daddy has to work?”

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m getting tired of this.”

  “Get as tired as you want, you little freak. By the time I’m through, he won’t want to wipe the floor with you, and that is a promise.”

  “I’m going to tell Milo what you said. I write the music for this band. You are just the fucking drummer. Replaceable.”

  “But everyone likes me. You come off like a whiny child. Besides, why would Milo believe you? He actually thinks I like you, you little cunt.”

  “He’ll believe me because he loves me.” Liam pushed past him.

  “We’ll see,” Bart whispered as he continued his walk to the kitchen.

  Liam spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the house deep in thought. Milo would not even consider his claim that Bart was out to get him, and he didn’t know how to prove his case.

  * * * *

  Rick rang the doorbell at four and caught Liam watching the early news in the media room.

  “Hi, come on in. I could use the company,” Liam said when he answered the door.


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