Levels of Ascension BoxSet

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Levels of Ascension BoxSet Page 34

by Amy Proebstel

  “Thank you,” Rasa managed to say as she tried to hide her jumpiness.

  The older maid led the way into a large and airy room with plush furniture and a gorgeous view overlooking the district. “Please make yourself at home. I have ordered some snacks and tea for you. Ah, here it is now,” she said as she moved aside for two other women to bring in the hot teapot and the plates of snacks. She gestured for them to set them down on a side table near one of the more comfortable-looking chairs.

  Rasa sat down next to the table and realized she was quite ravenously hungry. “Thank you. It all looks so lovely. I’m sure I’ll be very content to await Elder Wilken with this food and the gorgeous view.”

  “I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve heard anything from him,” the maid said as she left the room.

  Rasa selected an item from the tray of edibles and popped it into her mouth as she poured herself a cup of the hot tea. She stood up and walked to the wall of windows and looked out over the countryside. It was hard to imagine when Elder Wilken stepped down from his office, this would be her new home and the people of this land would be her responsibility.

  She had spent the past twenty-one years training for this moment and, yet, the idea scared her half to death. There were bound to be mistakes made, but she hoped her intuition would help guide her to the right decisions.

  Furthermore, she knew this post was highly coveted because of the potency of the ley lines beneath this part of the country. Even at this moment, she could feel the surge of energy ready for her beck and call. It was almost as good as the power available on Acaim. She hoped her promotion to this post would not cause contention among the Elders.

  It was then she realized there would have to be an assembly of the Elders to promote her as the successor to this post. She was certain there would be a lot of anger and tension at the meeting. Not only would she be the first female Elder, she was also going to be receiving the best location, second only to Acaim.

  Rasa felt a moment of clarity when she realized Jehoban’s plan for her new post was designed to distract the Elders long enough for Amanda to extract Nealand from Tuala. She chuckled out loud at the devious manner in which Jehoban planned to help Amanda without seeming to interfere with the order of things on Tuala. She was still smiling when she heard someone clear her throat behind her. She turned swiftly to see who had wanted to get her attention.

  The head maid said, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve received word from Elder Wilken. He will be back at the Residence within the hour. Is there anything I can get for you while you wait?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ve been enjoying the view as well as the wonderful repast you have prepared for me. Thank you.” Rasa meant every word she said and hoped her sincerity came through.

  The maid smiled in appreciation of the compliment and curtsied before she turned and left.

  Rasa wandered over to the pastry tray and picked another appetizing bite and popped it into her mouth. She had picked a strawberry tart and it practically melted in her mouth. If this were the type of food they served to guests, she could only imagine the fare for the Elder.

  She toured the rest of the living room to see what other grand sights there were to be found. She discovered a large globe of Tuala which had inlaid precious stones for each jurisdiction. The beauty and precision of it was nothing short of a masterpiece. It appeared Elder Wilken had an eye for art as well developed as his skill in working for the people. She had no idea how much time had passed while she had been sipping on her tea and admiring the craftsmanship of the Residence.

  She heard a commotion in the hallway and walked toward the doorway to see what was occurring. Just as she entered the opening, she came face-to-face with Elder Wilken himself. She smiled brightly and said, “I hope I haven’t come at a bad time and caused you any major inconvenience.”

  “Nonsense, my dear girl! Jehoban sent you at the perfect time. I hope you have been comfortable while you waited for my return.” He leaned forward and kissed Rasa on the cheek before he walked past her and over to the coffee table. He picked up another of the strawberry tarts and ate it with great enjoyment. “My chefs do make the best pastries! Come, come. Let us sit and talk for a while!” He lowered himself into the chair Rasa had originally used.

  Rasa pulled another chair closer to the other side of the table so she could continue to sample the pastries as they discussed Elder Wilken’s plans for Rasa’s future. She sat down and happily ate a chocolate truffle. She smiled at the old gentleman across from her and waited for him to start. This had been initiated by him, after all.

  “Let me begin by thanking you for agreeing to take on this job. I have several more anons before I am wanting to step down, but I felt it was important to make my decision for you public. As the first woman Elder, I want people to adjust to the idea slowly. When it finally comes time for you to step into this role, the community will already know you to be fair and equitable.”

  Rasa sighed with relief and said, “I’m glad to hear you say you want to stay on for a while yet. There is much I need to learn from you before I will be ready to lead the district.”

  Wilken chuckled at Rasa’s deprecation of her skills and said, “I doubt you will have any trouble in the matter. Jehoban has spoken highly of you and your skills for two declans now and I have watched you personally as you have handled the school for the Elders’ children. Even so, I still feel young at heart, but my body has other ideas. A person never knows when his time will come to an end and I want my district to be at peace because they will continue to be guided with a wise hand.”

  “Thank you for your trust, Elder Wilken. What did you have in mind for me while you continue to serve in your post?” Rasa was intrigued with this new challenge. This was turning out better than she could have ever hoped.

  “I would like for you to move into the Residence so you can be a part of the everyday proceedings. Before I hand down my decisions, I want you to share your opinions on the matters. In this way, I can help to guide you toward the way things are done in this district. Also, the people will see you sitting with me and they will learn to trust you as they have trusted me for the past eleven declans.”

  Rasa nodded even though she was surprised to hear Elder Wilken had been in this post for as long as he had. She knew the Elders lived longer lives, yet she had not appreciated the scope of it until it was shoved right in her face. “That makes sense. I only have one problem with your plan.”

  “And what would that be, my dear?” Elder Wilken smiled and picked up another pastry.

  “Jehoban has asked me to go to my mother’s house in three days’ time to take care of a very important matter. I’m not sure how long I will be gone, but I’ll do my best to return quickly.” Rasa blushed slightly as she thought about the task she would be performing for her mother. She could never tell anyone about it since her mother was from Earth.

  “I’d never presume to think my tasks are more important than those set by Jehoban. By all means, do as He requests and return to me when you are able. In the meantime, I will begin the formal written process for making you my successor. You do accept the post, right?” Elder Wilken stopped himself to verify Rasa’s willingness to proceed.

  “Absolutely, Elder Wilken. It would be my greatest honor to learn from you. Could I ask you a question, though?” Rasa was reticent to even ask, yet she wanted to be certain of something before her acceptance was firm.

  “Ask what you will. I never want you to hold back any question from me.”

  “Why is your daughter not your first choice as the successor?” Rasa looked down into her teacup.

  “From the time she was very little, Pluska declared she only wanted to marry and lead a simple life. This was further confirmed by her utter lack of desire to learn how to use her birth crystal. It appears she has very little aptitude for accessing the elemy which, in itself, would render her incapable of holding this position.

  “She has led her life just as she
planned with one exception: she never was able to conceive. Her grand design was to have many children. She hoped one of them would be a suitable candidate for succession, but this was not to be.

  “Pluska has been a sweet child and I could never be disappointed in her decision to do something else with her life. She has been happy, and it’s all I could ever ask for my only child. I suppose I’m as much at fault for not remarrying and having more children. When my wife died delivering Pluska, I just could not ever come to terms with the feelings of betrayal should I marry again.” Elder Wilken fell silent as he considered the choices he had made for himself. He could not fault himself because his heart had always led his decisions.

  Rasa nodded and said, “Thank you for sharing. I’m sure some of it was difficult to bring out into the open. I understand better where you are coming from and I can honestly say I have no other reservations about accepting this honorable post.”

  “I appreciate your concern. Since we are embarking on uncharted territory with you, I would not want anyone to argue there was a more suitable candidate other than yourself. I assure you, there is no other person who has even the smallest claim to the Manzanit post. You will be undisputed. Besides, who are we to argue against what Jehoban has put into motion?”

  Rasa smiled and nodded confirmation. She had spent enough time around Jehoban to know just how true his statement had been. Jehoban always had the best plan and the people were wise when they complied to His plans immediately.

  With a whirlwind of activity, Rasa found herself being settled into a massive bedroom upstairs. When Elder Wilken had spoken to the staff, the head maid had retrieved Rasa’s bag from the study and shown her to the room she would be using until she became an Elder herself. She was embarrassed to have forgotten about her bag in the first place, and had been deep in thought as the maid led her to her room.

  She unpacked the few things she had brought. She hung up her clothes in the wardrobe and set her ceremonial box on top of the chifforobe. With her hands still resting on her jeweled box, she looked up at herself in the mirror and could not believe her life had just changed. With her upbringing, she trusted Jehoban to know this was her path, now she just had to believe in herself the same way He did.

  The next two days were a blur of activity. Elder Wilken and she probably spent seventeen of the twenty-four hours of each day working together. They had eaten every meal together, sat through several disputes of the local dignitaries, and spoke at length about how the district operated on a normal basis.

  Rasa was glad to know she would have a break from the amount of information she had been amassing. When the third day arrived, Rasa went down for breakfast as usual. She sat at her normal seat and enjoyed Elder Wilken’s company.

  When the last morsel was consumed, Elder Wilken said, “Please tell your parents I’m very pleased with your progress. They have to be very proud of you. I’ll miss you until your return. Please don’t stay away for too long.” He smiled at the girl he had begun to feel was more like a daughter to him than his own Pluska. They shared so many of the same ideas and he was doubly pleased with Jehoban’s decision to send her to him.

  Rasa held her head down at the Elder’s praise and said, “I’ll be sure to pass along your greetings. As to the post, they have yet to learn about it. I was reticent to say anything to them until I was certain you would want me to stay.”

  “Ha! I knew from the moment Jehoban suggested you that you would be perfect. These last couple of days have proven His wisdom. Go home with a clear conscience because I find you more than acceptable. You are the perfect choice and I dare anyone to argue against it!”

  “I’m sure there will be plenty of arguing at the assembly, but it does please me to hear you say you approve of me. I will do everything in my power to keep your esteem. I think I’ll head out in the next few minutes.”

  “Good. It means you will return that much sooner!” Elder Wilken winked at her.

  Rasa laughed and stood up from her chair. “I’ll go pack now. If I don’t see you before I go, then I’ll say I can’t wait until I can return and continue learning under your tutelage.”

  She left the room, went upstairs to her room, and gathered her meager belongings as well as her ceremonial box. She checked her tunic pocket to confirm the birth crystal was still where she had left it. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was about to change her mother’s life.

  With a happy heart, and a clear conscience, Rasa teleported herself directly from her bedroom. She had considered taking a telepod, but after her last experience, she was unwilling to risk it. This ceremony had to happen and she was not about to put anything to chance.

  Chapter Eight

  BARLA HAD BEEN over the moon when she had read the message from Rasa about coming home. She had immediately contacted her son, Gravin, and implored him to come home. It had been since Rasa was six that they had all been in the home together. Barla was sad to think it had actually been as long as that, but now they would have their family reunion.

  Gravin had arrived the day before. He had stayed in the bedroom he had used as a child. Nothing had been changed in it since the day he had left home. He was enjoying the last few anons of his retirement to the fullest and seldom made time for his parents.

  Other than the few letters and calls through the patil, Gravin had not had any contact with his sister since the day she had been chosen to be taught by Jehoban. He still felt the jealousy rise up in him at his lost opportunity. It should have been he being sent away and learning all of the secrets from Jehoban.

  Then he considered the fact he would not have been able to spend the amount of time fooling around if he had been chosen. Rasa was twenty-seven and still learning and living on Acaim. Maybe it was not as grand as he had always believed it to be. Rasa had more responsibility on her shoulders than he ever thought would be comfortable. Maybe it had worked out for the best.

  Gravin had never seen his mother this nervous for a guest. He did not realize Rasa had only been home once since she had originally left. Now he was wondering what had brought her to come home at all, let alone requesting a family gathering.

  The next morning, Gravin was relaxing alone in the front sitting room when Rasa translated herself directly into the room. He had known the mode of transportation was possible, but he had never seen it done, let alone seen his sister display any of the various and amazing talents she had surely acquired in her anons of study.

  He stood up with alacrity and came forward to greet her. “Rasa! What an unexpected entrance! Impressive, though!”

  “I’m sorry, it was terribly rude of me to come home this way. I assumed this room would be empty during this time of day. Nobody ever used it before,” she said hastily as her nerves started to get the best of her. “Where’s Mom?”

  “She’s making breakfast in the kitchen,” he answered and then offered, “Would you like me to take any of your things upstairs to your old room?”

  She hated to tell her brother no, but she could not let another person carry her ceremonial box. “Is it where I’ll be staying?” she asked.

  “Yes and I noticed your room has not changed since the day you left, just as mine hasn’t!” he grinned at her.

  Again, Rasa was relieved to receive this information so she would not have to offend her brother. With a thought, she transported her belongings into her room. “No need to bother with my things.”

  “Wow! Rasa, you are going to have to teach me some of these tricks. My life could become so much simpler with them.” Gravin spoke with utter awe now.

  “Let’s go see Mom, shall we?” Rasa said as she led the way out of the room. She was thankful they still lived in the same house and she was able to navigate the corridors and find her way to the kitchen without assistance. She only paused briefly in the front hallway to look up at the family portrait and see the little girl she had been looking back at her.

  Gravin nudged her to continue walking and said, “Do you miss
the old days?”

  “Sometimes. Our futures are bright, though, and we can be glad for it,” she said as she resumed walking to the kitchen.

  As expected, Barla screamed with delight when she saw Rasa enter the kitchen. She wiped her hands on her apron and rushed forward to hug her daughter. She pulled away and then brought Gravin forward to hug them both together. Her children were home and her heart was thankful. Now they just had to wait for Ahn to come downstairs for breakfast for the family unit to be complete.

  Even as she thought it, she heard Ahn’s footsteps as he came down the stairs. More greetings were issued as Ahn grabbed Rasa up off her feet in a bear hug. Barla could not stop smiling with joy to see her husband interacting with their two children. Nothing could get better than this moment.

  “Breakfast is almost ready,” Barla announced cheerfully. She turned back to her task and finished beating the eggs to scramble them in the frying pan.

  “I’ve already eaten, Mom,” Rasa announced so her mom would not prepare a fourth plate.

  The three of them sat at the table and exchanged pleasantries until Barla could join them.

  A few minutes later, Barla brought the three plates to the table and set them down. She looked over at Rasa and asked, “Are you sure I can’t get you something?”

  “I’m sure, Mom. Sit down and eat while it’s still warm.” She patted the chair next to her and smiled up at her mother. Rasa could feel the weight of the birth crystal in her pocket as it rested on top of her thigh. She would make the announcement as soon as they were done eating and the dishes cleaned.

  The meal was eaten swiftly as it seemed nobody was as interested in eating as much as they wanted to hear stories about both Rasa and Gravin. The last morsel was scraped from a plate and Rasa could contain her excitement no longer. She was not about to wait for her mother to wash the dishes by hand. With a thought, she had the dishes cleared from the table, washed, and put back in the cupboard.


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