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Levels of Ascension BoxSet

Page 77

by Amy Proebstel

  Nothing more had been said about Juila being called out of class. Sofia had wanted to ask about it after school, but was unable to find either girl or the Wilson triplets to ask them. It was almost as if they had all gone off together to do something without her. She felt left out even as her mother picked her up from the front entrance of the school at the end of the day.

  While she sat in class the next day she thought about the night before. She had spent the evening napping on the couch and trying to regain enough energy for school the next day. When the phone rang, she reached over and answered it with a bored tone.

  “Hey, Sofia, this is Jon. Do you have time to talk?”

  Sofia immediately sat up on the couch and held the phone with both hands to her ear. “Hi! Yes, I can talk. What’s going on?”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I think you’re right about Juila and Jena.”

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  “I asked Behn to give me a ride home after school. At first it seemed everything was normal, but then I realized Behn, Juila, and Jena all seemed kind of uptight. I think they were planning something, yet I have no idea what. Now it’s way later than usual and Behn and Valentina just got home and went directly into Behn’s room to talk. Did anyone say anything to you today at school about special plans for today?”

  “No. Juila got called out of class for an emergency, but she never said what it was about.” She was feeling better since Jon felt as though he had been left out as well. “I had something strange happen as well.”


  Sofia told him about her change in energy levels coinciding with her classes with the twins. Even as she explained it, she thought it sounded stupid. “So what do you think? Am I going crazy?”

  “Probably,” Jon teased.

  “Hey!” Sofia began to protest until she heard Jon chuckling on the other end.

  Their conversation had ended with both of them agreeing to share any new information. Sofia wondered if Jon had found out what Behn and Valentina had been talking about after they had gotten home. She was going to ask him when they sat together at lunch. She was startled out of her ruminations when the bell sounded ending the class.

  Sofia ripped the paper out of the typewriter. She was startled when she noticed the teacher standing next to her desk.

  “I noticed you didn’t get much practice in today. Are you feeling okay, Sofia?” Mrs. Shoreham asked kindly.

  Sofia felt guilty about shirking in class because she was too busy thinking. She replied, “I’m just tired. I’ll do better tomorrow, I promise.”

  “It’s alright, Sofia. You’ve always been a great student and you’re further ahead than most of the class anyway. Please don’t feel like you have to push yourself.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Sofia replied. She gathered up the rest of her school books and smiled at her teacher before she escaped into the hallway full of students. After dropping off her things in her locker, she met up with Jon as they were both heading to the cafeteria. “Did you find out what Behn and Val were talking about last night?”

  “Sort of,” Jon started and looked around to make sure nobody was paying too much attention to them. “Apparently, they have been trying to find our birth mother. They didn’t want to tell me about it because they think it’ll upset me.”

  “Why would it?” She had known the three were adopted, but she never realized they might not want to know about their birth mother.

  “I don’t have any memories before we were adopted. I was a really sick kid.”

  “So what did they find? Do Juila and Jena have anything to do with finding her?”

  “They wouldn’t say anything concrete, but I do think the girls are involved somehow. Maybe you should see what you can find out.”

  “I’ll try,” Sofia replied. They had to end their conversation as they got closer to the buffet line. She wondered what she could find out for Jon and if Jena or Juila would be the better choice for sharing with her. Once she had her lunch, she followed Jon back to their regular table where she sat down next to Juila.

  While she was eating she was thinking about Jon’s situation and wondered how she could bring it up. Suddenly a picture of Juila’s mother came into her mind. At least she had thought it was her mother until she noticed she looked slightly older. Sofia decided to go with where her mind had taken her and asked Juila, “How is your mother doing these days? I haven’t seen much of her.”

  Juila obviously had not expected the question and it took her a few seconds to compose her answer. “She’s been really busy working on a project with my grandparents. She’s doing great. I’ll tell her you were asking.”

  Sofia got the impression that was all she was going to learn on that particular subject. She decided for another angle and said, “I wish you’d come over and keep me company after school while my mom has me on lockdown in the evenings.”

  Juila nodded while she finished chewing and swallowing her food. “I’d love to come over, but I don’t have any way of getting there. I guess I could ask my mom to bring me over and pick me up…” she just let the thought die off as she tried to figure out a way around going.

  Feeling slightly let down, Sofia asked, “Why don’t you get your driver’s license? You’re old enough now.”

  “We’ve talked about it and even practiced a bit at the house, but it just seems like we have so much going on and it just hasn’t happened. To be honest, the idea of navigating with all of the other cars on the roads scares me quite a bit. Besides, I don’t know how long we’ll be staying.”

  Sofia’s eyes widened in both surprise and dread. She had never anticipated the girls leaving again. They seemed to be settling in so well. Just the idea alone sent a bit of panic in her mind. “Surely you won’t leave before you finish high school!”

  “We plan on staying until then, but you never know what might come up,” Juila replied noncommittally.

  “I hope you’ll tell me in advance if you do plan to go anywhere,” Sofia pouted.

  “Sofia, you were our first and best friend since we came here. I would never leave without telling you.” Juila gave her a side hug to reinforce her words.

  Milking the moment a little longer, Sofia complained, “You wouldn’t know it with how much time you spend with Valentina and Behn. I’m starting to feel replaced.”

  “I’m sorry, Sofia. I can see how it would seem that way to you. I promise to make more effort to spend time with you outside of school.” At the moment, she was uncertain how she would make good on the assurance, yet she would definitely try.


  Neal’s introduction to the psychiatric center had been for him to put his bag in his room and then follow Dr. Gascon to his office. The doctor then handed him a small paper cup containing two pills and another cup of water. Neal had thought it was slightly strange until the doctor told him the medication would help his mind release what it already knew.

  He remembered nothing of any of the sessions he had been in with Dr. Gascon. As he sat on his bed in the stark, empty room, he wished he could have kept at least some of his personal belongings. When he had returned to the room on the first day, his suitcase was gone, replaced with a simple white gown and white sheets for the bed.

  The medication the doctor had insisted would help him remember did not seem to be working. On the contrary, he barely remembered his name most of the time. The doctor was pleased with his progress, however, which was very encouraging. If the doctor could cure him then he would be going home soon.

  Neal spent most of his time curled up on top of his bed. He began to have weird ideas about time and people. The name Tuala kept coming up and haunting both his waking and dreaming thoughts.

  An attendant came in and handed him another cup. He waited for the patient to sit up and take the pills into his mouth before he handed him the water. As soon as the medication was swallowed, he ordered, “It’s time for another session. Let’s go.”
br />   Neal walked in a dream-like state wherever the attendant led him. He kept his gaze on the floor in front of his feet since the walls seemed to move on their own if he stared at them too long. It was very disorienting to walk while the medication swam through his veins, entered his brain, and shifted his reality. Neal required the attendant’s help to lie down on the doctor’s couch.

  “Let’s begin again, Neal. Tell me more about your fiancé. Can you remember her name today?”

  “Amanda,” Neal slurred.

  “Tell me her full name.”

  “Amanda Covington.”

  Dr. Gascon smiled wickedly. He had the connection! Since Neal was drugged so heavily, he would not have to worry about being careful with his expressions, words, or actions. He stood up immediately and went to his desk. He pulled the packet of pictures from the private detective out of the locked drawer and began riffling through them until he found the one he remembered. He kept it in his hand and went back to his seat in front of his subject.

  He held out the picture so he could compare the man in the photo to Neal. It was a perfect match! Now he knew who Amanda had been taking away from her house. His next goal was to find out how he had come to be in the house in the first place. Had he been held there all along in a twisted plot or was there another explanation. Was Tuala a clue? He was going to find out if it were the last thing he did.

  The first thought which came to mind was that Riccan Stel was actually a cult leader of a group called Tuala. He thought it highly likely Riccan had created his own Heaven’s Gate style compound where he had been brainwashing people to believe in this other world. His quick marriage to Amanda would support this theory.

  His anger rose against Dr. Medin for foiling his attempt to interview Amanda before Riccan had shielded her from his reach. One day he would find a way to make her pay for her folly in ‘helping’ Amanda. If only he could have had one session with Amanda!

  He shook his head to clear his mind. He had Neal now. Because Neal had willingly committed himself, Dr. Gascon could keep him as long as he wanted without interference. This man was the next best thing to Amanda. Neal was going to tell him everything he wanted to know about what had gone on in the Stel estate and all about Tuala as well.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  THE ROOM WAS silent as Willian considered how he would reply to Elder Wilken’s inquiry as to why he should offer the assistance of his Gate. “I wish to go to Earth to speak with my betrothed, Jena. We have become estranged, mostly due to my prior actions, and I would like to make amends in order to heal our relationship. I am thankful for the time I have spent here since I have learned of Earth and grown as a person. This time was necessary in order for me to make my best case with Jena.” He closed his mouth and remained looking into Elder Wilken’s eyes. He tried to make sure his gaze was entreating so it would not be construed as arrogance.

  The silence continued as Elder Wilken simply nodded. Finally he spoke, “You have spoken wisely, Willian. The man you are today is not the same as the man who sat before me last week. You, indeed, have found yourself through your studies, duties, and inner evaluations. I would not have allowed you to use my Gate had you not changed. You are ready.”

  Willian could hardly believe he had gained approval. A joyous smile spread across his face and he asked, “Will I be going today?”

  “Yes, you will be going right now. Your contact is waiting for you when you arrive. I wish you a safe journey and the best of luck. Follow me.” Elder Wilken stood and led the way out of the room to his Ascension Gate.

  Jessica fell into step beside her son. She looked up at him with pride and put her arm around his shoulders to hold him close one last time before he left. She refused to believe this could possibly be the last time she ever saw her son. No, he would be coming home once he made amends with Jena.

  “I’m glad you’re here to see me off, Mom.”

  “Me, too.”

  The group arrived in the Ascension Gate chamber. Only Willian walked forward until he stood in the depression of the floor at the vortex of the Gate. He made sure his bag was close to his side as he turned to face the people who had come to send him off. He nodded his readiness to Elder Wilken’s question and then everything turned weightless and empty.

  Dappled sunlight appeared around him as visual sensation returned. He remained standing still while he made sure the transfer had completed. Unsure of what to expect for his surroundings, he listened to the sounds around him before he made any move. Only muffled horns sounded in the distance, no voices or other commotion appeared to be near him.

  Remembering his last journey to Earth, he was more cautious as he took his first step up out of the depression in the ground. He could see tree limbs bent up and around him making a sort of natural cave out of the living trees. Staying as silent as he could, he took another step on the thick piles of leaves on the ground.

  He reached the opening of the trees and looked out to the left when a voice coming from the right scared him into squealing in surprise. He whipped his head around to see a woman sitting on a bench smiling at him.

  “Sorry I scared you.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” Willian muttered and weakly smiled back at her to show her he did not hold any hard feelings for their inopportune first meeting.

  “You must be Willian,” she said as she rose from the bench and took the few steps over to stand in front of him. She held out her hand and said, “My name’s Shemalla. I’ve been asked to guide you to Florida and get you settled there. I know the transfer can be unsettling so why don’t we sit here for a bit while you get your bearings back.”

  Willian shook her hand weakly and sighed with relief at her offer to rest for a bit. He sank down onto the bench when he reached it and continued to look around him at the expanse of wilderness. He had been led to believe this city was very populated and he wondered if his information had been wrong.

  “Where are all the people and buildings which are supposed to be here?”

  Shemalla chuckled and answered, “Oh, you’ll see them very shortly. Enjoy the peace while you can. We are going to one of the busiest airports in the country so you will definitely see the people you were expecting.”

  “We’re going to fly?” he asked excitedly. He had seen it in his studies and wondered at how it would feel.

  “Yes, we have a direct flight from New York to Miami.” She looked down at her watch and calculated they still had almost four hours until their flight departed. They would have enough time to get Willian some suitable clothes before they left. Luckily, the people of New York were used to seeing all manner of strange dress since so many movies were shot downtown that Willian’s outfit would go virtually unnoticed.

  She dug in her purse and pulled out a blue booklet and handed it to Willian. “This is your passport. It’s a document used for travel and it shows you are a citizen of the United States. We’ll also need it for getting you registered for school.”

  Willian accepted the document and began flipping through the blank pages. He was beginning to believe she had been joking until he came to the page near the back where it had a picture of him along with his name and a bunch of other stuff which meant nothing to him. “How did you get this?”

  “I believe Elder Wilken sent it. I found it on the ground outside the circle right after I got here.”

  “Oh.” Willian wondered what else had been done for him without his knowledge. He wished now he could have thanked them for their kind considerations. He remembered some of the other things which he would need and asked, “What about money or clothes?”

  “The money is taken care of,” she said as she held a plastic card out to him. She had gotten it out when she had retrieved the passport. She could see his confused expression and explained, “This is called a debit card. It’s what we use to access money which is kept in an account for us. Each person has their own account. Just like at home, the money has to be earned and it is limited so no spending

  “Spending spree? What’s that?”

  “It’s the term they use here to describe indiscriminate spending on anything and everything.”

  “I definitely won’t be doing that. How much money do I have in my account?”

  “Almost ten thousand dollars. It should be more than enough for anything you’ll need while you’re here.”

  “What’s going to happen when we get to Florida? Do you have a place for me to stay? Are you staying with me?”

  Shemalla chuckled as she shook her head. “I’ve made some arrangements for you to stay with friends of mine. I live in New Mexico on the other side of the country so, no, I won’t be staying with you.”

  “Do your friends know about us? Are they from Tuala as well?”

  “Yes and no. They are from Earth, but they sympathize with our situation and are more than happy to help us whenever they can.”

  “How many sympathizers are there on Earth?”

  “A lot. I don’t know them all, but they are pretty easy to spot. They all wear a silver tree-of-life pendant somewhere on their body; it could be a necklace, bracelet, earrings, belt buckle, or even a printing on their clothing.”

  “I see,” Willian said. He had not heard anything about sympathizers anywhere in his studies. Nonetheless he was grateful to have them around to help out if he needed anything. Certainly it was good information to have while he was staying in this foreign land.

  “Are you ready to get started? We have plenty to get done before our flight,” Shemalla said as she stood up and waited for him to decide.

  “I don’t see why not,” Willian spoke with more confidence than he felt at the moment. He fell into step beside her as they wandered through the paths in the forest. Before long, they began to encounter other people until they left the trees entirely and Willian got his first glimpse of the high-rise building surrounding Central Park. “I had no idea,” he whispered as he turned in a circle with a wide-eyed stare. Tuala had nothing like this.


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