The Rise of Planet Rubicon - Part Three

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The Rise of Planet Rubicon - Part Three Page 2

by Dasrim Hasik

  They weren't Earthlings, and Raest expected the girl to have a stronger constitution than what he just experienced. He wanted to make absolutely sure that he could be able to get the drop on anyone that could prove useful. Perhaps it was time to start getting people on his side. He had a meeting today with someone that could definitely turn the tides in his favor, but he needed to be careful.

  He had even trimmed his beard and cleaned up. He wanted to make sure that he didn't care off this special visitor. That just wouldn't do at all. He needed her to trust him, because if they could pull off an alliance, there was nothing that Jackson Stonewell would be able to do. A soft knock at the door brought another servant, along with his guest. He stood up to greet her and marveled at the pale skin, elegant fingers, and fine silk dress.

  "Ah, Lady Alara, I presume? How kind of you to seek me out."

  "Yes, yes, I know who you are. Could we please get down to business? I obviously don't have a lot of time to be gone, and these spells will only hide my presence for so long."

  Raest smiled. "I like a woman that the point. Let's talk." The mental gears were turning, turning, turning, and Raest couldn't be happier. With an ally like this on his side, what chance did the boy king really have?

  I am charged up and waiting for you, boy king. Come at me!

  Chapter 2: Shifting Sands

  Roaring River Capital Holdings was a company to be proud of. Everyone who worked there was well compensated, and they had benefits that really made a difference. There was no fear of not having enough money, nor was there a fear that they wouldn't be able to provide for their families in other ways.

  There were some workers who volunteered to work odd hours, but for the most part, everyone was home with their families. The changes at the company were due to Bridget's influence.

  As a member of the merchant class, Bridget knew quite a bit about business. She also had plenty of business contacts, since her father's business sold a lot of products that everyone used.

  Jack used the power of his company to raise the profile of her father's business and money soon rushed in. Suddenly, the Garwickes were at the top of the merchant class, leading their own group through different challengers and even different goals.

  Things were starting to look up, but Jack was pleased that Essie and Frederick seemed to still be the same people that they had always been. They were down to earth people, and the extra money didn't seem to change their personality. He admired that, because he had seen better circumstances change a lot of people.

  Jack felt like he had crossed a line over the last few months -- he couldn't go back to the way things were. He wasn't going to walk on broadcast channels anymore as the uncertain, shy man that didn't know his place in the world.

  He knew his place in the world and he savored every last moment of it. There was no more reason to be afraid anymore -- that was only going to make him tired and ready to give up. He couldn’t keep running away from his problems, but he wasn't always sure if he liked everything that was happening.

  There seemed to be a certain level of silent unrest, but he couldn't pin it down. He needed to really sit down and have that talk with the Circle of Dreamers, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. There were a lot of questions that he really wanted to ask, but he really wasn’t sure if he would even get the answers to his questions.

  Would they really hear him out, or would they just laugh as so many people had done? That was the problem -- he didn't really know where he stood with anyone, and that was frustrating in ways that he couldn't really put into words. It made him feel like he was the young kid trying to get attention back on Earth and failing time after time. This was a chance to really be in the middle of everything.

  Bridget had suggested that he see the Dreamers and learn from them, but he wasn't ready. He just didn't want to think about that meeting, but he didn't want to argue about it with Bridget.

  A part of him knew that he should just give it time, but he didn't know how to go about that either. He didn't want to look like he didn't appreciate everything that was being done for him -- but he didn't want to rush and looks like a fool either. He got more research work done on the City of Schaler.

  He assumed that there had to be invisible strings and alliances keeping the city afloat. There were pictures of children found, which meant that someone had to be trading with the rebel city. That meant that the other Cities couldn’t necessarily be trusted. He didn’t want to be ugly about it, but he also didn't want anyone to smile in his face and plot things behind his back.

  The shifting sands of change were in the air, and Jack knew that the winter ahead of them would be long and challenging. Yet another part of his felt like it was finally time to rise to the challenge -- he couldn't wait for that.

  Alarius Reversio approached his fellow Councilmen carefully. All things in his life were a matter of politics. Doressa understood that completely and that was why she was still his wife. He had grown bored of her years ago, and he was certain that she had grown bored of him. Yet they were unified over a particular agenda -- to grow their family to higher and higher heights.

  Alara was their lone daughter and she was a handful. There were so many disappointments piled up in his mind when he thought of that girl. He loved her, but she was also a pawn on the chessboard. You couldn't cry over pawns.

  She had come to him with the craziest idea that she could think of, but he knew it had merit. He told her that if she was discovered, she would have to take all of the blame for her mistake and that meant death.

  Treason was pretty serious, and there wasn't anyone that could save her from her fate. She had agreed, and he created a shield that could disguise her location and whereabouts.

  Alarius wasn't sure if the boy king had brought back the monitoring system that would have tracked every move that every citizen made -- especial ones that went into Schaler.

  It was a locked city and forbidden to all those that called Reversia home. Until the rebels declared a truce and a cease fire, that was just the way that things had to be.

  He personally understood where the rebels were coming from, but that didn't mean he was sympathetic. All he wanted was to seize control of the throne. He hoped that Alara would have allowed him to do it in a gentle fashion, where no one would suspect what was really going on. However, it just wasn't going to be that way at all. He would have to instead think about how to force the issue.

  Jackson Stonewell might be a good king in the long term, but short term he was in the way. It just wasn't going to work out for any of them. He wanted to make sure that the City was taken care of, and who could do that better than someone that was actually born here?

  So he had sent his only daughter into enemy territory. He hoped she would be okay, but he figured that any number of women were still fertile. They could always have another child, or adopt one into their family. They were part of the leadership class -- with their power, everything was fixable. Everything.

  Raest hummed to himself, pleased with the alliance between himself and the beautiful woman seated in the chair by the window. Even though she was running out of time, she really made no rush to hurry. "Why would you do this, Lady? I clearly have all of the power now."

  "Your cause helps mine. I want to become Queen, and I can't do that with Jackson Stonewell in the way. If I were to become Queen, I could hand you the entire leadership class on a silver platter. I know all of their weaknesses. I know their safe houses. I know where they live, where they hide their money. I know it all because they never stopped to hide it from me. I am very valuable to you."

  Raest smirked at her and nodded. "This may be true, but what makes you think that I couldn't just make you a hostage? Your family would do anything to avoid you being harmed, and they would surrender that information willingly."

  Alara laughed and shook her head, making her new blonde curls shake and bounce all over. "My father would simply either make another child and accelerate
her to my age, or adopt a child that is completely and totally ready to do whatever it takes to live up to his expectations. They would leave me to die, and you know it."

  "True, what a pity. You are a skilled mind."

  Alara nodded and got to her feet. "Yes, I am. And one thing I will tell you is that you have to take away what Jack loves most. He's bonded to that female, and she isn't worth him. At all. I want her gone so I can take the throne."

  Raest waved to her and smiled. "Certainly. I will make it happen. We will take advantage of the shifting sands of change."

  Chapter 3: Stolen Grace

  "No, I don't want to purchase that property. Especially not at that price. The owner must be indulging in the spice fruit again. I will not deal with it, understand me? Figure it out!"

  Jack slammed the receive done from the communication device, trying not to get heated. Bridget was watching him with a look on her face that said she was getting tired of his bad moods. He understood her frustration, but he couldn't help it. There was a lot on his mind and he wasn't always in the mood for Bridget to play counselor.

  The previous weeks had been very busy for them. Bridget was working for him and her father at the same time. She had her own speaking engagements now, and made money speaking on the changes the City needed to make and her desire for a more connected front.

  The media attention didn't really make Jack jealous, but sometimes Bridget was a little too flattered by the male attention that followed. He was with her, wasn't that enough? Did she really have to smile at every man that insisted he was her biggest fan? He held up a hand. "Don't start with me, please."

  Bridget snorted. "Ah, I forget. You get to do whatever you want. You're king, after all. Pardon me for worrying about my partner."

  Jack sighed. "You can worry about me, but when you lecture me on every little thing that I do, what am I supposed to think about that? How am I supposed to honestly handle the way you harp on everything I do now?"

  Bridget threw up her hands and got up. "Whatever. I am not going to argue with you. You're becoming someone mean, Jackson. I don't know if I like that."

  He waved a hand. "You have no idea what I go through every day! Get over yourself -- I'm tired of you thinking that you always know better.

  " Be careful, my young king. Your woman is merely watching over you, as a good partner does. He ignored the insistent male voice in his head and pointed.

  "There's the door. If you don't want to be here, don't. I have work to do."

  Bridget looked stung, but she whirled around and rushed out the door without another word, leaving Jack with his thoughts.

  For a few minutes, he could feel nothing but anger. Then he realized that he had just blown off the one woman that dared to love him when no one else would.

  He got up and went out the door, looking for Bridget. He had hoped she didn't just teleport back home, but she was in the garage area. As he moved past their growing collection of cars, there was a sharp chill that ran up his spine.

  JANE chirped as he passed by. "Threat detected, Jack. Scanning in progress." Threat detected?

  He was worried that the car had mismarked Bridget and was about to correct the sentient vehicle until he heard a sharp scream and a struggle. He raced to the other end of the car lot, hand raised with mental energy crackling all the way down to his fingertips.

  "You're trash! I'm just glad I finally get to get rid of you!"

  "Let go of me! Get me out of this thing! I despise you and what you’ve done to Jackson!"

  "Oh, first name basis, huh? I bet you two have gotten cozy! How long did it take before you were in his bed? Minutes? Maybe hours, if you're classy...and with you, anything goes. Isn't that what your last partner said?"

  "Just let me go. Let me go! Jackson! Help!"

  Jack charged onto the scene to find Bridget hanging in some sort of crystal netting. He couldn't get close without a feeling of fog entering his brain. He raised his hand and Alara shook her head.

  "Oh, I wouldn't do that, Jack. If you miscalculate, you'll end up cooking her in that bag like a shank of meat. I might like to see that, but I know you wouldn't."

  "What do you want, Alara?"

  "Everything. But you won't give it to me now even if you say you will. Bye Jack. You'll be hearing from me soon enough."

  The two of them suddenly vanished, leaving Jack alone in the garage. For a few minutes, he couldn't feel anything. He was numb from shock and left wondering what step to take next. He didn't know how he could move on from this.

  He wanted her back. Desperately. She loved him. And if he could be honest with himself, he loved her in return. He wanted a life with her. He imagined making her his wife when the time was right. Their fight had been stupid, and he wouldn't admit it but he hated their fights. He hated being mean to her in any way.

  What a fool I've been. I would do anything to get her back. Anything. I just have to figure out how to get help for this. Rest now, boy king. You do not have the strength to look for her. The new dawn will bring strength, and you will find the keys you need to finally help yourself, which also helps her as well. It's time, Jackson Stonewell. You must get help from the Circle of Dreamers in order to truly have Bridget Garwicke returned to you.

  Jack teleported himself back to his bedroom. He didn't even want to sleep here. He could still smell her scent on the blankets and the pillows, and it made him feel even worse. Because I lost my temper, I lost someone that meant the world to me. Damn!

  Alara appeared on the teleportation pad and was led into the receiving room, her captive asleep. It had been a rough trip, but she was ready for anything.

  Raest greeted her when she arrived and she flashed him a bright smile.

  "I had great timing, what could I say? I guess they had a lover's quarrel and decided to give each other some space. How fortunate for me!"

  Raest held up the energy cuffs, fresh from the mentalworker's shop.

  "These were actually first created by Bridget's father in order to help overpowered teens calm down mentally. They have a lovely side effect of making the restrained target unable to use any power to escape. How wonderful."

  He slipped on the cuffs and stood back. "Let her sleep. We have plenty of time to see what she knows, and what she'll give up."

  "She's pretty loyal, Raest."

  For a moment, the man paused. Then before Alara could blink, he was right on top of her, bearing down on her with a flurry of mental power that left her gasping. He grinned widely at her discomfort.

  "First of all, little one, you will address me as Commander or High Lord. You are in my world now, and there's no going back. You can never go back. Now then, as far as Bridget's loyalty... I am a very persuasive man. If she values her life, she will not resist me. Women have a sad way of breaking into a thousand little pieces with me. If you don't want me to demonstrate what I mean, you'll be good and do what you are told. Are we clear?"

  Alara gulped and nodded. "Yes, High Lord. I understand."

  As Raest walked away to leave her with a sleeping, captive Bridget, Alara began to cry to herself. She had traded one master for another, and this master had teeth. I have lost the grace I never knew I had. She curled up and let herself sleep, crying her emotions out one drop at a time.

  Chapter 4: Regrets and Reveries

  Two weeks had passed since Bridget's kidnapping, and they hadn't fared well for anyone, including Jack. He couldn't stand the idea of waking up in an empty bed, couldn't stand the idea of not hearing Bridget's laugh while she was making them both a fine breakfast.

  He missed their arguments and everything and nothing at all, those moments where she really got passionate and worked up. They were rebuilding her home. He missed even the new tradition of family dinners with the entire Garwicke family fussing over him and making him feel like part of the family.

  He hadn't told her he wanted a life with her, but he didn't think he had to. He felt like a fool now -- he should have said something. He should
have let her know how much she meant to him.

  Now he feared that he would never get to say anything at all. There was no ransom note, or even any acknowledgment that she had disappeared. But he saw Alara take off with her, and he knew the two women weren't friends. What had Alara done to Bridget?

  Nobody had seen Alara, either. The Council seemed very silent about it, even to the point of being offended that he even wanted to mention it.

  It wasn't something that he needed to discuss, but he wanted to make sure that he brought everyone up to speed. Bridget was gone, and he wanted her back. He wouldn't stop until they had her back, but it felt like he was the only person that cared enough.

  He would drive JANE past the hospital, the one that she was so proud of him for wanting. True to its word, the hospital treated everyone. Even if you didn't have enough Marcars in your pocket, you were still being taken care of.

  That really set the tone for a lot of commentary about it -- calling it both the best policy ever brought into being, and the worst one yet. The commentary, of course, depended on who was doing the talking. One of the Councilmen had denounced the hospital, but that was to be expected.

  For him, it was the end of being worshipped for being born into a class, and that was unthinkable. The people that weren't part of the highest three classes finally had a chance to get some upward mobility, and he was thankful for that.

  He wanted to have a free society where everyone could learn, everyone could be taken care of, and everyone had a chance to actually do more than just fret over what would be if people would just try.

  There were a few bright spots. Essie Garwicke visited him often, keeping him on his toes. Like Bridget, she had her own opinions for what would rebuild society properly. She allowed him about two days of sulking around Quiet River compound before she landed on his doorstep.


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