Rough Daddy Dirty

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Rough Daddy Dirty Page 53

by Dick Daughters

  “You’re going to kill me,” he whispered.

  “I’m going to try,” I answered.

  “Let me finish you,” he said, moving one of his hands to my clit. Working my pussy and clit in wet, gentle circles, he continued until my panting got heavier and I finally hit my peak, clenching my thighs tightly.

  I turned around and kissed Brogan for the first time. His sweet, sweet kiss was tender and soft. “Thank you,” I said.

  “I’m not sure what just happened.”

  “Shhh, I just needed a little bit of your attention. We’ll talk later,” I said excusing myself once again.

  “There you are,” my mom said entering the stairs just as I came out of Brogan’s room.

  “I was just talking with Brogan, I needed some guy advice,” I brushed her off and turned to use the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a minute. Oh, I need to leave by two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. I told Mandy we would pick her up on our way to drop off Jake.”

  “Okay dear.”

  My breathing was ragged, realizing I may have been caught again. I was glad to be quick on my feet with a response.

  Again, Jake smirked at me when I re-entered. Walking over, he leaned in close, “We need to talk.”

  “Later,” I nudged and went to freshen up my drink.

  “Jen, he’s my best friend, how could you?” he asked following me.

  “I know he is, but he’s not my best friend, he’s yours, I can’t get into this now.”

  Brogan had re-joined the group, talking about the latest sports events.

  Sitting in a rocking chair, I joined the conversation. I felt his eyes on me, watching. I knew things had changed between us. I wasn’t sure what to do about it. When Jake looked at me, I blushed awkwardly realizing he’d walked in on me giving Brogan head. Brogan was watching both Jake and I. My hormones were surging through my body, the weird circumstances.

  I shut it down. Closed it out, images of him playing basketball shirtless, sweaty, muscled and strong – I had to let it go. I’d gotten my taste of Brogan, but it had to stop there. It was too close for comfort, and with my brother having walked in, it changed everything. With it out of my system, it was time to move on.

  I’d always have these memories though. Always.


  Erotic Mountain Man Sex Story for Adults: Seducing My Best Friend’s Dad in the Woods

  Older Man Younger Woman Tale

  XXX Step Auction 2


  Table of Content

  Erotic Mountain Man Sex Story for Adults: Seducing My Best Friend’s Dad in the Woods







  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure inventions of fiction.


  I quitted school. I just left. I walked out of my dorm room two weeks before finals and drove away from campus for good. I sent a message to my best friend Sammie saying I had to deal with a family emergency. I told her to let everyone know I was okay, and I promised I would give her a real explanation when I could.

  She responded, “Whatever you say Kim.”

  It's ironic that I chose that lie, because it turned out to be true, in a way.

  I stopped to pick up a few essentials and then headed out of town. I took the highway east for an hour and a half before turning off and following a series of obscure side roads. Eventually, I left the pavement altogether. I listened to the crackle of gravel shooting off my tires as I passed by derelict farmhouses.

  Finally I pulled onto a dirt road, which ended in a grove of pine trees where I parked the car. I got out and took a deep breath of country air, enjoying the sight of beautiful greenery around me. This was some of the last undeveloped land in the whole state and my best friend’s daddy, Allen owned a whole square mile of it. It was probably worth a fortune. I don't think he'd ever consider selling it though, I know I wouldn't.

  I walked through the trees until I came to a clearing where a cabin stood. It was a large single floor structure made of treated logs. Allen built it himself, by hand.

  This used to be the place where his family and my family vacationed every summer, right up until I left for college. My best friend’s dad owned his own software company. I guess he used to run the whole thing himself, but by the time I left for college it had grown to the point where he was really just an overseer. He always talked about wanting to escape from computers and this was the place he always wanted to escape to. We both shared the same passion for the outdoors. He taught me to forage, and to fish. He even taught me how to clean a fish--and I didn't mind doing it either. That was a good thing since my dad and mom really hated doing that. My parents just weren't an outdoorsy couple. They hated the bugs, they hated cooking over a fire and most especially they hated having no TV to watch and no phone to call her friends with. I suppose they only ever went along for my sake, to take me there because of the relationship my bestie, Sammie and I had. It was their gesture to nurture our friendship, and it was during these outdoor vacations that I started having a bond with her dad.

  After I moved out my parents refused to come back to the cabin anymore. They suggested Allen planned a “real” vacation last summer, a cruise. Knowing him, he probably hated it.

  I laid down on my stomach in the cool grass so I could enjoy the sun of my back for a few minutes. After this lazy interlude, I picked myself up and went back to the car for the supplies. I had groceries, candles, cleaning supplies and several bags of ice. I set everything down by the front door and then I lifted a flat, triangular rock which hid the spare key. The door creaked open and I walked inside. I filled the icebox first and then I made myself a sandwich before putting the food away. I felt sleepy all of a sudden, so I decided to lay down in the old wooden bed to have a nap. The quiet of the countryside was so calming, I fell asleep in no time at all.

  The first thing I saw when I woke up was a shadowy face peering down at me. Startled, I bolted upright as my eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness.


  The sound of laughter and the flash of a familiar smile quickly calmed my frazzled nerves.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked Allen. He was wearing jeans and an old sweatshirt, his usual vacation clothes. He stood up and stretched his arms before answering in a leisurely drawl.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing, in fact I've been waiting for you to wake up for the last two hours,” he said. My face felt hot, I realized I was busted. I wondered how much of the truth I should tell him.

  “I err, decided to take some time off from my classes. I know I should have told someone, but I just felt like I needed to escape.”

  He walked over to me and gave me a hug. It had been a long time since I'd had a real hug from him, it made me feel so nice and warm inside. I hung onto him too long, he laughed uncomfortably as he disengaged himself and gave me an awkward pat on the shoulder.

  “So what are you doing here? I can't imagine your wife’s too happy about being left alone,” I said.

  Now it was his turn to look embarrassed. He sat down next to me on the edge of the bed and tried to explain.

  “I guess I needed to escape too. I sold my company, I wasn't sure I wanted to but the offer was so good it seemed like the smart thing to do. My wife didn't want me to tell anyone about this yet, but we'll probably never have to worry about money again. She's trying to convince me that we should move to Aspen,” he said.

  My brain was reeling. I was still a bit groggy and this was so much to absorb. I smiled weakly.

  “So your that rich now? I guess I don't feel so bad about dropping out- I mean taking time off, knowing you had dropped out as well.” He turned his f
ace to look at mine. “You’re my inspiration!” I chirped while my small fist sent an uppercut through the air in victory.

  Allen laughed.

  “Yeah, losing the tuition is no big deal,” he frowned, “Your mom's going to be pretty upset, though. You know how she’s always been about you and school.”

  “I know. I know. That's why I wasn't planning on telling her right away- If I wait until it's too late to change my mind she won't try to talk me out of it.”

  It was such a relief to be able to tell someone. I knew Allen wouldn't rat me out. I studied his face. There were dark circles under his eyes, which were downcast. He seemed unusually melancholy, despite his attempts at cheerfulness.

  “So I'm guessing you don't want to move to Aspen with your wife?” I said. He tried to smile but it seemed to get stuck halfway.

  “I guess I don't. I don't really know what I want. That's why I came here, to try and figure it out,” he said.

  I smiled at him and squeezed his hand, before jumping up to go and get myself some juice from the icebox.

  “What a lovely coincidence--me too!” I shouted as I open the icebox, “I guess we're stuck here together for the time being—unless you're planning on kicking me out.” I flashed him a playful suspicious-wink.

  Allen cracked a smile.

  “It’s really nice to see you again, honey, you always put a smile on my face no matter what.”

  I beamed at him. A girlish blush plastered across my face. It felt really good to know that’s how he felt about me.

  There was a sudden flash through the windows followed by a loud clap of thunder. We both ran to the windows together to see the fast moving storm front darkening out the twilight sky. Allen went into outdoorsman mode immediately.

  “Help me bring some wood in, I'll start the fire before it gets too dark in here,” he said.

  I was already lighting a candle and placing it over the fireplace. I finished and then followed him outside to bring some wood before it got wet. It was already beginning to pour, it started soaking us through our shirts before we even got to the storage bin. I squealed as we raced back inside with our arms full of wood. Allen’s big muscular arms managed to cradle more the twice the logs I brought.

  Allen decided to run back for another load so I busied myself by arranging kindling over a layer of newspaper. I dropped a couple of logs over top and opened the damper before lighting the newspaper in several places with a large match. Allen came back in, strong arms loaded with logs that he hugged to his burly chest and slammed the door behind him with his foot. He was soaked to the skin. The sound of the raindrops falling on the rooftop was soon followed by the crackle of the kindling catching flame.

  “Atta-girl!” Allen grinned as he set down the wood. Little droplets were falling off of him as he rummaged through his suitcase for something dry to change into.

  “You should change too- didn't you bring a suitcase?” he asked.

  “I did, but it's in the car. I'm not that wet, so don't worry,” I said.

  He looked over his shoulder at me, I was concentrating on fanning the flames of the fire, the logs were just starting to catch.

  “Uh, I think you might want to borrow a shirt at least,” he said.

  I glanced down. Two dark points were clearly visible through the wet-fabric of my t-shirt. The wet chill had my nipples unusually stiff... I quickly shifted positions so I wasn't so exposed. Allen laughed and threw me an old grey sweatshirt. He pulled off his soaking one and hung it up at the top of the fireplace to dry.

  I sneaked a peek at his bare torso. Beneath his big, broad shoulders, his hairy muscles were sinewy and hard. The fire was burning bright by now. My work done, I stood up and started pulling on the dry sweatshirt over my damp shirt. Allen had thrown on a lumberjack shirt, but he hadn't done it up yet.

  “You should take off your T-shirt and let me hang it,” he urged. He grinned at my blushing face then with a flourish turned his back to me.

  Annoyed, I peeled off my t-shirt and bra and pulled the sweater down over my chest. Feeling grumpy, I sat down in front of the flames to get warm.

  “Am I allowed to turn around yet?” Allen joked.

  “You didn't have to turn away in the first place!” I snapped. He laughed and sat down next to me.

  “I'm sorry, I shouldn't make fun of you, thanks for making the fire so quickly,” he apologized.

  I pretended to be angry for a few moments and then I let my head rest on his shoulder. He stiffened a bit at first but then he put his arm around me and we both stared into the flames in silence for a while. The familiar smell of burning pine brought back happy memories.


  “Is this the first time you've been back here since I moved out?” I asked. He sighed.

  “Yeah. I don't know how many times I drove home from work and had the urge to turn around and come here instead, but you know how my wife feels about this place,” he said.

  “She won't even let you come here by yourself?” I asked. He was silent for a few moments.

  “I guess I should tell you… we've been having some problems. I suppose we've grown apart since Sammie moved out. She's always said I don't spend enough time with her. Since I sold the company we've been together every day. You'd think it would have made us closer, but it's only increased the strain.”

  I felt awkward. I mean, what was I supposed to say to that?

  “Maybe you guys want different things, maybe you need time apart or something,” I said lamely.

  I remembered he hadn't answered my earlier question.

  “So where does she think you are right now?”

  “She knows I'm here. I'm supposed to be here on a mission. The property needs to be surveyed and assessed,” he said.

  My heartbeat quickened.

  “Oh my god, you're not thinking of selling it, are you?” I asked. He shook his head firmly.

  “My wife would love it if I did but I won't, I promise. It's a legal requirement, for tax reasons that's all. It's good to have any excuse to escape to here, though.”

  “You shouldn't have to have an excuse to enjoy your life. You built this place with your bare hands, it's yours. You should be allowed to come here whenever you want!” Allen laughed softly and hugged me.

  “You're right, that's how I feel too. The problem is, I'm not really a hermit by nature. I never wanted this to be all mine, I wanted to share it.”

  I felt a funny little fluttering in my tummy. I spoke up quietly.

  “Well, you can always share it with me. After all, you know I love it here as much as you do.” He searched my eyes. I met his gaze. I thought I detected a spark.

  “Whatever happens between my wife and me, this will always be yours as much as it is mine...”

  His voice was soft, barely audible. The sound of the rain on the roof suddenly became louder. It blotted out whatever else he said after that but it didn't matter. I chose that moment to lift my chin off of his shoulder and kiss him. He froze for moment, I felt a tear drip off of his nose onto my lips. I climbed up on his lap and threw my arms around him. He sobbed softly for a minute or so while I ran my hands up and down his back and kissed the sides of his face.

  I stood up and grabbed his hand, tugging his arm. He stood up. He looked dazed, but he let me lead him over to the bed. I hopped in and patted the spot next to me. He took off his shoes and gingerly climbed under the covers. I wriggled my arm under his pillow and threw my other arm around him, spooning with my best friend’s dad. I reached underneath his shirt and stroked his chest, twirling the wiry hairs between my fingers.

  “You don't need to feel lonely, I'm here,” I whispered in his ear. He kissed the hand that was sticking out from under his pillow. His body was stiff, and it wouldn't yield.

  “Kim, I can't let myself do anything to you,” he said.

  I cooed softly in his ear.

  “Shhh. You don't have to do anything- I'll do everything. I love being here with you. I want to sati
sfy you. We're completely alone, no one needs to know...”

  My voice trailed off as my hand moved down between his legs.


  I was pleased to find he was already so hard. I squeezed his big bulge, gripping for its shaft. He stopped breathing for a moment while I moved my hand up and down, squeezing and stroking the long, stiff shape. I slowly unbuttoned his pants and inched them over his hips. His bare cock popped out into my hand. It was warm, throbbing with the blood coursing through it. I slid my other arm out from under his pillow and slid my head down under the covers.

  In the darkness I crawled over him and shifted myself until I felt his hot flesh against my lips. I opened wide and brought my head downward, feeling the width of his shaft stretching the corners of my mouth as it slid inside. I heard his muffled groan through the covers. My movements pushed him deeper inside until my nose was pressed against his belly. I could feel his firm helmet hitting against throat. His muffled groans grew louder. I was running out of air, so I threw the covers off of us and looked up at him. Our eyes locked.

  Allen stared in horrified amazement, unable to resist the sight of his daughter’s best friend sucking him off. I moved faster. He ran his fingers through my hair and gasped. I felt him stiffen- I tried to push harder but his hands pulled my face off of him before I could bring him to his release. I lay panting, trying to catch my breath for a few seconds. Then I crawled up so that we were face to face and we kissed long and deep.

  “I'm sorry I had to stop you, I didn't want...” I interrupted him.

  “To come in your daughter's best friend’s mouth?” I asked, wickedly. He grabbed my collar and jerked me forward, mashing my lips against his. His passion was coming alive and I was smitten by it.

  “No… Do you want to know why?” he asked. I nodded.


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