Rough Daddy Dirty

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Rough Daddy Dirty Page 98

by Dick Daughters

  James moved his legs. “I’m fine.” He felt side of his hip throbbing. He winced. Austin returned with an icy hot patch and placed it on his hip for him. “It’s only this side that hurts.”

  Austin joined him under the covers and pressed James’s head against his chest. “Here.”

  James nestled his arm over Austin’s chest, the scent of fresh spring soap lingered on his chest. “You showered, you should have let me join you…”

  “Then I wouldn’t have been able to shower at all,” Austin said. Then kissed him on his forehead.

  A few hours later, James felt good as new, he was watching Austin cook pasta when his phone lit up. Austin looked over the counter. He didn’t recognize the number, and he ignored it, then the same number called again. “You better answer it,” he heard Austin say. Austin’s tone was lighthearted but James felt like his heart was going to stop. He pressed the answer button on his phone.

  “Hello who is this?” James asked. There were a few seconds of silence. Perhaps he was overreacting, maybe it was the wrong number.

  “It’s Nina, do you miss me?” said the voice on the other end.



  He didn’t expect James to be ready to have sex with him last night, but boy was he glad he did. He could have waited longer as long as it wasn’t longer than six months. He was patient but not a goddamn saint. The sex was good, based on what Bella and his other friends have told him, he thought the first time they would have sex would suck, but it wasn’t that bad. In fact if James weren’t sore he’d be fucking him again right now. He couldn’t wait to tell Bella and his other trusted friends. When he put James’s bowl on the table he noticed that James had a frown on his face, and his smooth skin had wrinkled as if he had smelled something strange. “Oh come on my food is not that bad,” Austin said.

  James glanced at him. “No it’s not that,” James said.

  Austin sat down. “Then what is it?”

  James rubbed the back of his neck. “My ex-girlfriend Nina called. I deleted her number years ago but she obviously kept mine.” An ex-girlfriend was this reason for his sour face?

  “How long were you guys together, I mean was is serious?” Austin asked.

  “We were about to be engaged at one point, we were together for four years,” James said. Wow, he didn’t know what to say, there was no way he was going to comfort him on a relationship he had in the past. James was his current boyfriend, besides he didn’t know what to say, he had never been in a relationship that long.

  “Well what are you going to do?” Austin asked. James twirled his fork in the spaghetti.

  “She doesn’t know that I’m in a relationship, I‘ll just call her and tell her not to contact me,” James said. Well if that’s what James was going to do he wasn’t going to object to it. I mean how would James feel if one of his past one night stands, an ex-girlfriend or an ex-boyfriend called while he was having lunch with his boyfriend? He bet he wouldn’t fucking like it that was for sure. The exes never really know what they have until it’s gone, if he had to show them the door, he had no problem doing it. James picked up his cell phone. “I just want to get this over with.”

  He could see James hiding half of his face. Austin placed his hand on his back. “It will be okay,” Austin said.

  “You’re not angry?” James asked.

  “No, if you ever feel that I am standing over your shoulder in anger, then I’m not doing my job as a boyfriend right.” Austin went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. A rush of anger did pass through him at once, but he learned the hard way in the past that being upset about something he couldn’t control was not only useless, but a waste of time and energy. And it’d only fuck with the relationship he cared about.

  Austin threw his head back on the couch. “Well I want you to be here with me when I call her,” James said.

  Austin took off his slippers. “Sure, I will be if I don’t fall asleep first.” Austin closed his eyes, the soft pillow he put under his neck made it easier for him to rest his arms.

  “Nina, why have you called me? I have a boyfriend now,” he heard James say. There was silence for a few minutes. “Okay bye.”

  “It’s none of my business, but why did you and Nina break up?” Austin asked.

  “You want the long version or the short version?”

  Sounds like a whole bunch of drama bullshit. “Hit me with the long version,” Austin said.

  James places his phone on his lap. “She lied to my grandmother and told her she was pregnant, never even told me, and when my grandmother confronted her about it, made her take a test twice to prove it, her explanation was that I was afraid. Then she tried to make me look bad in front of my mother by acting hysterical. Recently, she tried to convince my grandmother to talk to me about getting engaged,” James said. Austin opened his eyes. “She created all that drama, and now she’s doing it again.”

  He wanted to know what she had said to him, but he didn’t want to look like one of those possessive boyfriends from those suspense Lifetime movies that Bella use to make him watch.


  After he got off from his second job, he worked out in the boxing gym. He did a few sit-ups. His back was soak and wet. “Are you okay? It looked like you just did 200 sit-ups,” one of his boxing gym friends said.

  Austin uncapped his water bottle. “No way.”

  “I was in the locker room and then I went to get a sandwich down the street, when I came back you were still doing sit ups,” he said.

  Austin started to do push-ups. “I’m just starting to question whether or not I’m good enough for James,” Austin said.

  “Really? You two are the definition of compatible it starts to drive me crazy.” Nina was just James’s ex-girlfriend, part of James’s past that’s all. He was his future. Wait why was he thinking like this? He had his future planned. He was going to become an accountant at a big company, why was he so focused on the future of his relationship, a relationship he wasn’t even sure would last. Wondering if he left him for a richer guy? One of those European nobles or some shit. Either way this was getting ridiculous.

  Austin did a double take when he saw James waiting outside of the boxing gym. Hell Austin could even see his own breath as he just left the gym. “Hey it’s cold as hell out here. What are you doing out here instead of waiting inside?” Austin asked.

  James put on his gloves. There was something sexy about the way he took the time to adjust each finger into the spaces. “It’s fine, I’m off work at the pizza shop for the next two days, they’re doing repairs,” James said. That meant that asshole delivery driver wouldn’t be there.

  Austin adjusted his fireplace. He could hear James’s voice over the crackling logs. “There is something I need to tell you,” James said.

  “What is it?” Austin asked. He sipped his cup of apple cider. Thanking his mom for bringing it over.

  “Nina’s father owns the company of the Salon we work at. We’re Never Youth Inc.,” James said.

  Austin ribbed his temple. “So what?” He didn’t want to be rude, but he really wanted him to get to the point already.

  James tightened the blanket over his arm. “Nina will be coming to our salon tomorrow.”



  Austin grabbed onto the pillow as James massaged his back. It was great to work out, but always better to get an occasional massage from James instead of going to pay to get one. His mind drifted, above all worries, above all stress, and then the name Nina popped up into his head. Four words: This. Shit. Is. Insane.


  Austin joined the rest of the employees in the lobby.

  “We won’t be having any hair shows today, today is going to be a fun day,” Bianca said.

  There was sushi, weird looking dishes that Austin had never seen before, and a slim young lady in a gold dress walked through the door.

  “Hi, I’m Nina, but you can call me Rachel, either one is fi
ne,” she said. She adjusted the gold headband on her head. “I’m here on behalf of my father, the CEO of Youth Forever LLC.”

  She went on to explain what Austin called technical things, and she mentioned charity, that was good. She even announced Christmas bonuses for all employees. Everyone clapped. James patted the comb in his hand so hard, he could see the red marks it made.

  Austin placed random things on his plate, it was always great to try new things, and some of the dishes tasted pretty good. James lifted up his fork. “Try this.” He opened his mouth. A tangy yet sweet flavor filled his mouth.

  “That’s pretty good,” Austin said. He could hear Nina in the nearby distance.

  “Where is this food from?” Bianca asked her.

  “Paris and Thailand.”

  The tables were arranged towards the back of the room. Austin helped the men push them against the wall. When he turned around he saw Nina’s dark brown eyes piercing his skin. He held his chest as if he was certain she had stabbed him. James, who stood next to him sighed.

  “James, is this your boyfriend Austin you spoke to me about over the phone?” Nina asked.

  “Yes,” James said. Nina’s hair brushed against her shoulders as she lifted her hand towards his. “I’m afraid we haven’t been introduced properly, I’m Nina, James’s ex-girlfriend.”

  He shook her hand. “A pleasure to meet you.” He intended for it to come across as sarcastic but his voice cracked.

  Her skin was light tan, similar to his, and if he ever had a little sister he was certain this is what she would most likely look like.

  “Did you enjoy the food?” Nina asked.

  Austin dug his nails into his palm. “Most certainly.” She smiled, her teeth were pearly white. It was goddamn unreal.

  She picked up a dish. “James, I noticed you haven’t eaten this. We use to eat these during our vacations in Tokyo and Milan, don’t you remember?” Nina asked.

  Austin grinder his teeth together. Does he remember? Tokyo, Milan. Places he could only afford in his dreams.

  James laughed. “Clear as day, but I don’t like those anymore,” James said.

  Nina shrugged. “How about these, we used to eat these when you took me on our first year anniversary to San Juan.” She handed him the plate. “Would you like to try?”

  Austin picked up one. The smile on her face faded. She seemed to expect he would be rude, but he would not give her the satisfaction.

  “Taste good, but a little old. Maybe it’s been out too long. Do you have a fresher one?” he asked. He stopped digging his nails into his palm.

  James touched him on his shoulder, but he didn’t bother to take his cue.

  Nina picked up another dish. “They’re supposed to taste that way and besides high quality doesn’t get determined by how old or new it is. I suppose you wouldn’t know anything about that would you Austin?”

  Austin’s fingers dug deeper into his palm as he saw Nina simply smiled.



  He had no idea what Austin was doing, but he had to do something. Well he tried, yet Austin, who was as stubborn as ever just ignored him.

  “Enjoy the rest of the night,” Nina said.

  Austin didn’t say a word after she asked him that previous question.

  James grabbed her by her arm. Nina made a pouting sound but James just told everyone around him to excuse him. Nina stood outside of the salon, she didn’t stumbled despite him practically dragging her out.

  “What in the world?” Nina asked in Italian. James replied a curse word in Italian.

  “Who taught you to speak like that?” she asked. He didn’t mean to curse, but he was certain it was a word he picked up from Austin.

  “Why are you here?” James asked.

  She clutched her gold clutch. “I already told you.”

  James walked closer. “No why are you really here?”

  She said something in Italian under her breath but he continued. “If you’re helping your father with his company, then why did you feel the need to introduce yourself as my ex to him?”

  Nina began pacing the sidewalk. “You haven’t told him who you are, have you?” she asked.

  James felt stung by her words. “When do you plan to tell him, or do you ever plan to? Honesty is the most important part of a relationship, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “You wouldn’t know anything about that,” James said. He felt like he just spit out a lump of phlegm.

  “That was a long time ago but I never hide who I am.”

  “It’s none of your business what I tell Austin,” James said.

  She sat down, the slit in her dress revealed her slim calf. “Oh, but this is my father’s business which makes it my business.”

  James’s eyes grew heavy. Perhaps it was the cold air. He lowered his voice. “What do you want?”

  Nina stood up. “I won’t make it my business if you go with my friends and me to my party in Manhattan.”

  James’s hand stiffened, it took everything in his power not to slap her. “Fine, I’ll go…”

  She stepped closer towards him until the front of her heels touched his shoes. Her voice lowered into a whisper. His ears burned as she spoke.

  “Tell the queen I said hi,” she whispered.


  James looked out the window from the passenger side. A few Christmas lights were already up even though it was early November. He reached over to turn on the radio. Austin didn’t even glance in his direction. He merely turned left or right when he had to.

  “I didn’t think she would be there at the party,” James said.

  Austin reached his hand out to James. “She’s an employee, of course she would be there.” Austin slipped his hand away. He was turning into his garage, but James felt in his gut something was wrong.


  Austin had nothing else on but a towel. James picked up a grey suit.

  “I’ve never seen you wear this before, maybe you could wear it to your accounting assistant job.”

  Austin shook his head. “I want to save that till after I graduate and start interviewing for accounting jobs.”

  James picked up a hat when he saw the slacks and shirt he was wearing.

  “This hat would look great with that outfit.” He placed it on Austin’s head. Austin threw it onto the bed. James eyed him in the mirror.

  “You usually let me suggest things for you to wear all the time. I don’t understand what the big deal is now,” James said. He sat on the bed and placed the hat over his hand.

  “It’s not a big deal I just want to express myself in my own way.”

  James folded his arms. “You’re free to express yourself in any way you want. I was just trying to help you.”


  Austin dropped James off at his house with a simple kiss on his cheek. It didn’t make him feel any better about the weird rip between them ever since Nina. James pulled out his blanket after helping Marie clean.

  “Marie, Austin overreacted this morning when I suggested he try some new clothes,” James said.

  Marie wiped her hands on her apron. “What would make him react that way?”

  He hated to say it but there was no other word. “Nina perhaps.”

  “Care to elaborate,” she said.

  James picked up some marshmallows. “Well ever since she came to the party at the salon and introduced herself to Austin, he seems... irritated.” James explained to her that she blackmailed him.

  The broom in her hand fell. “What,” she said. James stooped down and picked it up.

  When James told his grandmother mother later that evening, her reaction was not what he expected. She pulled some lint off her t-shirt. “I was wondering why she had come to America. Very well, go to her party. Humor her. Let her believe she has bested you.” Her mastiff puppy jumped on her lap before she exited the video chat.

  He picked up a blue brochure with a Labrador puppy on the front, it read: All you need to know
about our veterinary schools in Ciel Vert. He picked up a white brochure for a veterinarian school in New York. He placed the New York brochure down, imagining himself playing with his grandmother’s mastiff puppy while his brothers played soccer in front of the palace, with Marie yelling at them to be careful. Marie had always scolded them, but she always meant well.

  He could no longer see his future in America. When he closed his eyes, he imagined the breeze of the Ciel Vert coast calling to him.



  Okay so at one point James and Nina made an amazing couple. He didn’t give a fuck. What bothered him was the way Nina rubbed it in his face that he couldn’t afford to go to Paris, Thailand, or take James to fancy places.

  “Your skin was glowing a few weeks ago,” Bella said. She filed her nails.

  “Probably was just oil,” Austin said. He looked through the magazines on her desk. “Hey you got one of those trendy magazines?”

  Bella picked one up. “Here why do you need it?”

  “I don’t know I just want to see what is in style.” Bella picked up a bottle of red nail polish. “Is this about James?” Bella asked.


  “Well he should date you for you, not because of what you look like,” Bella said.

  “He doesn’t but his ex Nina-.”

  “Stop, you keep mentioning his ex but she’s not in your relationship. Let her say what she’s going to say.”


  Bella words did provide some relief, but as he practiced in the boxing gym, all he could think about was what Nina said the other night. Flashes of things he couldn’t afford went through his head. Well at least he was almost done paying off the money he owed for his final semester. Five hundred dollars left, he worked his ass off literally, there were some days his ass was in so much pain that he had to sit on ice. Once he became an accountant, he would be able to travel and try new things, but for now he needed to focus on his final exams.


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