Lover, Divine

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Lover, Divine Page 4

by A. Star

  I rolled my eyes. "You sure do know how to spoil a compliment."

  "You haven't heard anything yet." He grinned.

  A waitress I knew quite well approached our table. Her name was Keelin and she'd been working at O'Connell's for as long as I had been attending the university. "Siobhan!" she exclaimed when she saw me. "Nice to see ya! Wha' ya doing here with the likes of Liam?"

  I raised a brow. "You know him?"

  Keelin nodded. "He comes here all the time startin' trouble and gettin' the girls all riled up with his charm and right good looks."

  I frowned. Liam had been in Dublin for longer than I'd thought. I wondered why I had never encountered the immortal here. "Funny you didn' mention being familiar with O'Connell's last week."

  "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said with a wink. "You either, Keelin."

  "I bet ya don't!" Keelin rolled her eyes. "He's the worst kind of flirt and the other girls are absolutely dumb for him. You watch out for this one, Siobhan."

  "Oh, you don't have to worry abou' tha'," I said. Liam only puckered his lips at me in a mock kiss. I smiled, despite myself.

  Smiling as well, Keelin tossed down a couple of drink coasters. "The usual for you, Siobhan?"

  I nodded. "Except I'd like my boxties in their knickers, if you don't mind." I didn't miss the tiny smile that curved Liam's lips. Gods only knew what was going on in that dirty mind of his.

  "I'd like my usual as well, Keelin," he said.

  "A pint of black and boxties in their knickers, and one blue label straight up. I'll get right on tha'." Keelin sauntered off to put our orders in at the bar, mingling with other patrons along the way. O'Connell's was one of the more popular pubs in Dublin and maintained a steady stream of customers from open to close, especially since it was so close to the university.

  "Does your family know you're out with me?" Liam asked, drawing my attention back to him.

  I shook my head. "I didn' tell them."

  "Well, it's a good thing I mentioned it to Ronan then. At least they won't be worried about you."

  My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You told my da? He didn' say a word abou' it at breakfast this mornin'."

  Liam just smiled and slipped an arm around my shoulders.

  "So how was your week?" he asked. "Anything interesting happen?"

  I was sure I flushed red all the way to the tips of my ears. There was no way in bloody hell I could tell Liam about the god that watched me and what he'd done to me. Even thinking about it made me feel silly and used. I liked Liam, but that would have been too much information for a first outing, despite who he was.

  "Nope," I said. "My week was pretty uneventful."

  "Then why are you blushing?"

  Oh no. "It was an unconscious reaction, tha's all."

  "Are you sure?"


  "Hmm..." Liam tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind my ears, dragging his fingers softly over my jaw and cupping my chin. His lids lowered when I shivered.

  "Cold, Siobhan?" he murmured.

  I shook my head while I stared at his perfect lips. "Hot, actually."

  A growl rumbled from his throat and his forehead pressed against mine. "Don't say things like that. Coming from your lips, it sounds like an invitation."

  I swallowed. "I can't help it."

  Another growl. "Stop now before I drag you out of here and into the first bed I can find."

  I sucked in a breath and put a little distance between us by scooting away. "Tha' better?"

  He frowned. "No." He pulled me back over to him and I stayed, enjoying the closeness.

  "Tell me a story," I said after several minutes where we just stared at each other, oblivious to everything going on around us in the pub.

  Liam grinned wickedly. "A dirty one?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Jus' a story. Abou' Myth. Somethin' I probably don't already know from all my readin'."

  "Hmmm..." Liam appeared to really think about it. Then he smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I sleep in the nude."

  I couldn't help but laugh. And fantasize. "I said tell me somethin' abou' Myth, not you."

  "Same thing, isn't it?"

  I stared at him.

  "Okay, okay. Let's see." He thought some more. "Ah, did you know that in the sacred throne room of the gods, there's a statue for each deity and surrounding the effigies is a ring of fire infused with the essence of that particular god?"

  My brows lifted with interest. I knew about the statues but not the fire. Had I overlooked that tiny detail or was the fire some sort of divine secret?

  "Wha's so special abou' the fire?"

  Liam leaned over and kissed my left temple. "Story's over."

  I smacked at his chest. "Tha' wasn' a story at all!"

  "Sure it was. It was just a short one."

  "Och, you're such a tease!" I leaned back and crossed my arms.

  "Glad you know how it feels then." Liam winked at me.

  "I'm not a tease."

  "No? You wear that snug little sweater and skirt, revealing all your dainty little curves, and you dare to claim that you're not a tease?"

  "I'm not."

  He snorted. "The hard cock I keep for you disagrees."

  Keelin delivered my boxties and beer, and Liam's whiskey, before I could respond. I wondered why Liam wasn't eating but not for long. O'Connell's had some of the best boxties in Dublin and they smelled like heaven. I usually had my potato pancakes with smoked salmon or rolled with cheese and ham. But I'd ordered them plain to avoid the mess and the unpleasant breath.

  I ate for a few minutes in silence, processing Liam's last statement, while he sipped his drink. But it was awkward and I couldn't stand it for long. I didn't want to pick up the conversation and talk about his cock, so I changed the subject entirely.

  "So wha's your business with my da and why have I been entrusted with your happiness?" I asked, taking a swig of my dark ale.

  "You've been entrusted with my happiness?" He put emphasis on the last word, a smile on his face.

  "Yes. Now tell me why."

  He sipped his whiskey. "Because my happiness is key in this venture. If I'm happy, everyone is happy. Ronan understands this."

  I sighed, figuring "everyone" actually meant the deity he worked for. "Why is divine chatter always so cryptic?"

  "For the same reason mortal babble is so simplistic and boring. Mortals rarely have anything of true importance to share."

  With a frown, I said, "You make all mortals sound like complete dunces."

  "If the horse has wings, it's a pegasus."

  "Well, it's nice to know wha' you really think abou' me."

  "Oh, Siobhan. If you really knew what I was thinking, you would have never worn a skirt today."

  My cheeks warmed and my boxties became quite interesting to look at. "I always wear skirts. I have since I was young. My mother always insisted, sayin' tha' a wan of my status should dress appropriately. Trousers were for men, skirts were for women."

  Liam chuckled. "The trivial concerns of a bored Influential matriarch."

  I smiled. "Tha' definitely sounds like my mother."

  "You will end up just like her when you marry."

  "The bloody hell I will!" I exclaimed a bit louder than was necessary. I lowered my voice. "I pity the fella who expects me to sit around makin' table arrangements and knittin' tea doilies while he travels the world brokerin' deals on the gods' behalf. I'm determined tha' the man who marries me will have more than jus' someone to romp around with and pop out his children. I want to be by his side. His partner. Not some chit in a skirt who spends her life ironin' socks."

  Liam was quiet a moment, then he smiled. "You are an amazing woman, Siobhan."

  I sniffed, feeling haughty all of a sudden. "How would you know wha' I am? You hardly know me."

  "I know enough. Besides, any woman who dares to challenge the laws of propriety and status is amazing in my eyes. You are willing to defy divine law and
the way things have been done for centuries, all because you are determined to become your own person. Your own woman. You will not let your family name define you, despite the power it holds. How could any man not think you are the most remarkable woman he has ever encountered?"

  My moment of vanity passed. I stared at Liam, hating the fact that he was immortal and out of my reach. It was unfair. My life was one big ball of unfair.

  A group of performers from my band showed up then, including Brittain. The others found a table and settled in, but upon spotting us, she headed straight for our table, making the sudden interruption that much worse.

  "This is jus' great," I mumbled, taking a huge swig of beer.

  "Hello, Liam," Brittain cooed as she stopped beside our table. She ignored me completely, which didn't bother me in the least. Brittain and I had disliked each other since we'd attended private school together. This was nothing new.

  "Brittain," he said, not sounding quite as uninterested as I would have liked. "What brings you to this rather garish establishment?"

  "O'Connell's is quite trashy, isn' it?" Brittain giggled, tossing her bouncy locks.

  "The pub isn' the only trashy thing here," I muttered. Liam heard me, even if Brittain didn't, and a smile spread across his lips. Brittain glared at me once she realized Liam wasn't smiling at her.

  "You never answered my question, Brittain," Liam said.

  Brittain went from sneering to smirking in no time. "The beer and boxties, o' course. There's my friends in the band, and who can forget? You."

  I was tempted to appease part of her request and dump my entire ale on her dumb blonde head. I think Liam sensed I was about to set aside everything I had been taught growing up and let the chit have it, because he pried my fingers from around my mug and brought my hand up to his warm lips, kissing it.

  Brittain's mouth fell open and all I could do was grin like an idiot.

  "I think you've wasted your time," Liam said to her. "I am here for one woman, and one woman only. Try to retain what's left of your dignity by not throwing yourself at me anymore, Brittain. You'll only look like a fool when I don't catch you."

  Brittain's face turned the color of a ripe tomato. "How dare you," she sputtered.

  Even from where I sat, I couldn't miss the dark look that passed over Liam's face. "You would not believe all the things I would dare to do."

  Brittain turned even redder. After a few choice curse words and insults, she turned and stomped back over to her friends.

  "Wow," I said. "Tha' was kind of harsh, don't you think?"

  Liam shrugged. "Maybe. It's cute that you pretend to care."

  "I don't, believe me. I'm jus' surprised. I don't think Brittain has ever been shot down tha' hard before."

  He chuckled darkly. "And that was me being nice."

  "Was it now?" I laughed.

  "Yes. That's not how I usually handle such situations."

  My laughter faltered a bit. "And how do you usually handle women comin' on to you?"

  He looked at me, slowly licking his lips. "Ask me that again when you're truly ready to know."

  Did he get a kick out of being so cryptic and frustrating? And, I hated to say it, sexy?

  I stared at Liam, trying to figure him out. My family had entertained many demigods over the years, but none who were as perplexing as this immortal. Everything about him pulled more questions than answers. What god had granted him immortality? Who had he been as a mortal, and how long ago? What was he really on Earth for? How was my da involved? What was my purpose in all of this? I knew I had one, and it wasn't just to exchange conversation over potato pancakes. Garrett, the heir to our family's political throne, had been outed so I could play a part. I would have been a fool to continue to think that this was all I would be required to do, and that scared the shit out of me.

  Liam seemed to sense my sudden unease. "Siobhan..." he practically purred. He laced his fingers with mine and brought my knuckles up to his lips, kissing them softly. He really seemed to like kissing my hands. "Come home with me tonight."

  I shook my head. "No."

  "Why not? It would be good for you. I swear."

  "Tha's not the point. I won't jus' go to bed with any man. Especially not one jus' lookin' to pass the time while he's in town on business."

  Liam appeared insulted. "I'm not looking to simply pass the time. I desire you and know that you desire me too. I wish to satisfy this craving for the both of us, is all."

  He was right. I did want him. "I'm still not sleepin' with you," I said.

  He nodded once. "I understand."

  His response surprised me. I hadn't expected him to concede so easily. Why did he have to be so understanding? I blew out a frustrated breath. "I don't know wha' I'm doing here, Liam."

  He seemed to appreciate my confession. "Sure you do. We're sharing a nice meal and exchanging stimulating conversation. That is all I require for now."

  "For now?"

  "Yes. For now."

  "Hmm..." I took another swig of my beer. My boxties were all gone and I was pleasantly full. "Wha' all do you know abou' me, Liam? Be honest." I figured my father had divulged at least some information about me.

  Liam turned to me, his eyes glittering with pathetically veiled amusement. "I know you're beautiful and you should never wear that gods-forsaken braid again."

  My hand went to my hair. "But I love my braid."

  "You must also love looking like a child. Have you noticed all the looks we've been receiving? They all think I've been trying to charm some schoolgirl out of her little pleated skirt, which isn't too far from the truth, I suppose."

  I frowned. "I think you missed the point of my question."

  "No, I understood perfectly." He grinned. "I know you're a tease and your long, shapely legs make me want to commit crimes against humanity. I know that when you play the violin, my cock pulses with every note and simply the idea of taking you to bed makes me insane. I know that you are witty, at times headstrong, and not at all as innocent as you appear."

  "I do remember tellin' you tha'," I said, staring at his lips.

  "Yes, you did." He licked his top lip, then his bottom, slowly, and all for my enjoyment. Suddenly feeling parched, I grabbed my mug and downed what was left of my beer. I fumbled the glass when I tried to set it back down on the table. Liam caught it before it rolled off the edge and smashed into the ground. When he turned back to me, he offered me a handkerchief he'd pulled out of his pocket.

  "Wha's tha' for?" I said.

  A corner of his mouth raised. "It's for your mustache."

  "Wha'?" I covered my mouth, horrified, and came in contact with the beer froth all over my top lip. Liam's smile stretched wider as I accepted the handkerchief and quickly wiped away the foam.

  "Keep it," he said when I tried to hand it back to him. "To remember me by."

  "Remember you? Did I say I wanted to remember you?" But I held onto the handkerchief.

  Liam's fingers brushed my cheeks. "You didn't, and that's okay. But even if I fade into the darkest depth of your memory, I want you to always know that I will never forget you, Siobhan. How could I ever forget your beauty and the breathtaking music that you create? I couldn't and I do not want to."

  I crushed the fabric in my hand into a ball and fought my urge to grab his face and kiss him senseless. I had to remind myself that I wasn't allowed to be into Liam. He was an immortal. He was on a mission for a god that expected him to complete this mission and would probably destroy anyone that tried to get in the way of that. Especially if she was a mortal.

  I hated this god, whoever he was. I hated him for sending Liam to Earth. Hated the Fates for putting him in my path. Hated my family for being Influential. I hated Liam for being so charming and mysterious, and for making me interested in him, even though he had stolen my place in the orchestra and made me seem amateur in front of my band. And for a moment, just for a single moment, I wondered if there was a way for us to actually make this work.

  After we settled our tab with Keelin, we left the pub. The other performers had gone by then, so there were no awkward goodbyes while trying to avoid Brittain's satanic glare, and I was actually glad about that. One run-in with the chit was enough.

  We walked hand in hand back to my car, which Conor had parked between the university and the pub. We didn't talk, which was almost perfect, except I couldn't help but wonder if Liam was feeling the same things I was. I knew he was physically attracted to me, and I'd heard him say that he would always think of me once he was gone, but what did any of that mean when deep down, I didn't want him to leave in the first place?

  Conor exited the car as soon as he spotted us approaching. Within seconds, he was opening my door and waiting for me to climb inside.

  "Ready to whisk her away before I've even had a chance to kiss her goodbye, Conor?" Liam said, handing the driver my violin case. He set his on the ground by our feet.

  I saw Conor's cheeks redden and it wasn't from the cold. "Apologies. I'll jus' wait in the car then."

  "I'll only be a minute," I said, knowing I was blushing, too.

  He studied us for a minute, then said, "O' course, miss."

  Liam swept me into his arms the moment Conor's door closed. My arms immediately wrapped around his neck, and nothing more needed to be said.

  Liam slanted his mouth over mine and brought our lips together. At first, he was gentle. Our lips performed a slow rumba that was as intense as it was tender. His tongue was like a tease, begging for permission but not daring to enter even when permission was given. This went on for a minute or two, until I could hardly stand it another second and moaned out of frustration.

  "Wha' are you waitin' for, Liam?" I whined against his mouth. He chuckled, but he understood what I wanted and he gave it to me.

  The feel of Liam's tongue sliding over mine was like an orgasm in itself. My brain shorted out and all I could do was just stand there and take all that he was giving me. He didn't just kiss me either. He conquered me, took my freedom by force. The way his hands caressed my hips said he was my ruler now and submission was my only option. His blue eyes bore into mine, heightening the experience while his lips tried to persuade me to accept his invitation and spend the night with him. It would be worth it, his soft lips said. The best night of your life, his hands agreed. I moaned in anticipation and felt Liam's arms enclose around me.


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