Lover, Divine

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Lover, Divine Page 12

by A. Star

  "Wha' are you doing here?"

  His expression remained unreadable. "Were you ever going to summon me to you?"

  I ignored the question and stood. "Go away. I don't want you here."

  "But here I am, and I'm not going anywhere."

  I knew there was no way I could make him leave nor did I have the energy to try. I just asked the questions that needed to be asked. "Is this wha' you meant tha' night by 'your choice has been made'? Did you already know then tha' I was carryin' your child?" His unwavering silence was my answer. "How long have you known?"

  "For centuries."

  I could only shake my head at his reply. "So tha' was your plan all along? To get me knocked?"

  "It was part of the Fates' plan, yes."

  "But was it part of yours?"

  Apollo looked at me as though I had just slapped him. "Are you asking me whether or not I...tricked you?"

  "Did you?"

  "Is that truly your opinion of me, Siobhan? That I trapped you? That I duped you into loving me and giving yourself to me?"

  "I don't know wha' to think."

  "Yes, you do. You know what you feel. You know that you love me. So how can you stand there and look me in the eye and accuse me of taking advantage of you?"

  The tears came out of nowhere and I couldn't stop them from flowing. I pointed a finger at him. "Because you did take advantage of me! You still are! You lied abou' who you were in the beginnin' because you knew I didn' know you by tha' name. And then the truce. You went behind my back and made a deal for me with my own father. And now here I am with a belly full and you tell me you already knew this would happen. How can I not think you took advantage of me? You lied then, and you're lyin' now!" I held out my arms. "But I only have myself to blame. I fell in love with a god and listened to everyone except the one person who told me how this would all end. Garrett saw you for wha' you really wanted from me, but I was too stupid to listen. I deserve everythin' tha' is happenin' to me right now."

  He took a step toward me. "Siobhan, please. I've never intentionally done anything to hurt you. I only want to protect you."

  I wrapped my arms around myself. "No. You only want to use me."

  "Why would I want to hurt and manipulate the woman that I've chosen to put first over everything else?"

  "You only chose me for my blood."

  Apollo's expression darkened. "Who told you that?"

  I sniffed and looked away. "Does it matter?" I didn't ask him if it was true. In hindsight, I knew that my blood wasn't the only reason, but it certainly had something to do with it. I didn't want to know anymore than that.

  He sighed impatiently and jerked his fingers through his neat hair. "Why don't you believe me, Siobhan? Why can't you believe that I chose you because I love you?"

  "Fate chose me."

  "I chose you. Fate is all about choices. You make a choice with a heart full of good intentions and fate will work in your favor. But if your heart is full of malice, fate can be quite vengeful. When I chose you, my heart was in the right place. I made sure of it because I know what happens when one makes a choice with a heart that isn't."

  My eyes narrowed. "Wha' are you sayin', Apollo?"

  "I'm saying choices matter and you are the best choice I've ever made. I chose you. I'd choose you again, and if I had had things my way, you would have been my only choice." His eyes clouded with some emotion that was difficult to define. It wasn't anger. It wasn't sadness. It was more like...despair.

  "But know that I will atone for my careless decisions," he said. "She will right all that is wrong. Her choices will end what mine began." Though his words were more cryptic than ever, I knew right away that he was talking about Pythia. All roads led back to Pythia.

  "Poor girl," I said. "She already has the weight of the world on her shoulders and she hasn' even been born yet."

  He sighed and gestured toward my bed. "Sit down, Siobhan. Please. I owe you an explanation, even if it is only a small one."

  With reluctance, I sat and Apollo lowered himself down beside me. He took my hand and I let him hold it.

  "There is going to be a war, a gruesome war such as this world has never seen. Myth will suffer and many will die. You mortals," he scoffed, " you think that you know war, death and pain. You know nothing. This war will be one of the divine, one that will burst from the heavens and flood the Earth with its fatal fury. It will consume everything...unless Pythia fulfills her destiny."

  But there was something in his eyes, something that convinced me he didn't believe his own words. "You don't know her destiny," I said, "because you don't know wha' the Great Unknown Prophecy says. None of you do." It was common knowledge that only Pythia could decipher the cryptic prophecy.

  Apollo's expression grew stern. "That means nothing, not to the god of the Prophecy. I know how this ends, Siobhan."

  I wasn't sure I believed him. But then a sickening thought hit me and I no longer cared. " my baby going to be involved?"

  Apollo's eyes remained steady on me. "Yes."

  My hand flew to my mouth and I sobbed into it. My child was going to grow up and fight in a war of the gods? Against what enemy? What was out there that posed such a threat to the Olympians that even Apollo seemed more than unsettled by it?

  "You have to trust me, Siobhan. Just trust me with the rest of it and know that everything I've done in regards to you has been because I love you and can't see myself existing without you. I'll do anything to keep you safe, and I know you're afraid, but you don't have to be. I'm here and I'll never let anything happen to you." He laid his hand against my stomach and I swore I felt a flutter. "Say you trust me, Siobhan. Say you love me again. You said you would do anything for me and this is what I want. I need to hear you say it."

  I looked at him, wiping tears from my cheeks. "I trust you, Apollo, and I never stopped lovin' you. How could I ever stop? You have possessed me and I am ruined for anyone else."

  I saw Apollo's nostrils flare. "Are you claiming, here and now, that you will never be with another man?"

  "No," I said, laying my hand over his. "I'm simply claimin' tha' all I want, all I've ever wanted, is you."

  "My love..." Apollo breathed, taking my face in his hands and kissing me.

  We didn't waste precious moments pretending like we needed to take our time after so many weeks apart. Clothes were practically ripped off and we fell back onto the bed in a tangle of arms, legs, and heated gasps.

  Apollo kissed me everywhere and pleasured me as I knew only he could. When neither of us could wait any longer, Apollo rolled me under him, looped both of his arms underneath my legs and pushed them back. Leaning up, he kissed me and pushed into me at the same time. I cried out because he just felt so good and I was just so ready for him. He pressed his forehead against mine, and we both watched where our bodies were joined, the only sounds being the soft cries that slipped from my lips every time he moved against me.

  "You see that?" Apollo breathed. "You see how well we fit together?"


  "I belong inside you because you are mine. Do you understand, Siobhan? You are mine."

  "Always," I gasped. "Always yours."

  "You are my choice. I have defied the law of the heavens to have you, and I swear upon my very existence that I will never let you go."

  "Never," I breathed.

  Neither of us lasted very long and I was clinging to him and coming only moments before he was. Afterwards, we laid spooned together in my bed. I wasn't worried about anyone bothering us because Apollo's normally dulled down essence was blaring with enough force to let the entire estate know he was there.

  "We're going to have a baby," I whispered as his hand slid around my middle to cover my stomach. "A baby. Can you believe it?" Now that I knew Apollo wasn't going to leave me to do this alone, I could be happy about it even if I was still scared for my child.

  "I can believe it. The size of your breasts are confirmation. I've given you the gift of m
otherhood and you've given me those. I'd say we're even."

  I laughed and wiggled closer against him.

  "Have you shared the news with anyone?" he questioned me.

  "Definitely not!" I dreaded this part. "I don't know wha' to say or wha' everyone is going to think of me, especially Garrett."

  "Who cares about the boy? Ronan and Eileen will be ecstatic."

  I groaned.

  He laughed. "What in heavens and Earth are you moaning about? Bearing a god's progeny is no small feat. It's an honor, in fact."

  "I know. Tha's the problem. Now I'll never get them off my back. My mother is going to be intolerable."

  "Maybe so. But the benefits will most certainly outweigh the inconvenience of parental annoyances."

  I frowned. "Wha' do you mean by tha'?"

  "Just wait and see, my love. Life for you will never be the same now."

  I was sure that was an understatement.

  We were silent for a while, then I turned over so I could see Apollo's face. His eyes narrowed.

  "What is that devilish smile doing on your face, woman?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know. I was jus' thinkin'."

  "Thinking about what?"

  "Tha' we never did explore my talent for suckin'."

  Apollo growled as my hand wrapped around his cock. "I hope you hadn't planned on leaving this bed today."

  I giggled until Apollo's mouth silenced me, and then there was no more talking for a long time.


  Apollo was waiting for me as I walked out of class for the last time that semester and probably that year since I would be good and knocked by the time the next semester began. I'd still play in the orchestra over the summer, but the fall season was up in the air.

  "Well, this is a surprise," I said, grinning as Apollo pulled me into his arms for a kiss. He looked more mortal than divine that day, but I loved that I knew the truth of him and that none of the students bustling around us would ever know the secret we shared.

  "I'm full of surprises," he replied. "More to come soon." He rubbed my protruding belly, which I was hiding beneath a billowy blouse. I'd had a slender waist and almost no stomach before getting knocked, but I still couldn't understand why I was showing so well this early in my pregnancy.

  "Happy to be done with the university for a while?" Apollo asked as we exited the building and started for the courtyard where I was supposed to meet Vicky and Rupert.

  "Very much. Orchestra will continue through the summer though, but you know I don't mind tha' at all."

  We sat down on a bench in the courtyard to wait for my friends and Apollo wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  "Do you want to return next semester? You'll be quite roly-poly by then."

  "Roly-poly!?" I whacked him on the chest with the back of my hand and he laughed. "Your insanely good looks are the only thing tha's keepin' me from boppin' you in the nose right now."

  "I wave the white flag, my love. But it was an honest question."

  I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I mean, I kind of want to spend tha' time preparin' for the baby's arrival. I would think there'd be a lot to do when your baby is a demigod. Like hidin' anythin' tha' could be used as a weapon and chainin' down all the furniture."

  Apollo barked a laugh. "Most demigods usually lift and throw their first chair around two years of age. You've got some time."

  I laughed. "Tha's good to know. But I'm still not sure I'll be here next semester."

  "The bloody hell you mean you won't be here next semester?"

  Vicky and Rupert approached from behind, catching the tail end of our conversation.

  "Hey Vicky, Rupert," I said, getting up as they stepped around the bench. Apollo rose too. "Are those new shoes, Vicky? They're deadly. You have to take me to the boutique where you bought them."

  "See, Rupert? Even Marie noticed my new dollies." He rolled his eyes. "But don't change the subject, you hag," Vicky said to me. "It's our last year. O' course you're going to be here next semester."

  I shook my head. "No, Vicky. I don't think I'll be able to."

  "Well, why not? Wha's going on?" She looked back and forth between Apollo and I.

  "Well, I'm...uh, I'm—"

  "Siobhan and I are expecting," Apollo said.

  Vicky blinked. The words took a minute to hit home. "As in, a baby?"

  I nodded bashfully. "Tha's abou' right."

  There was a moment of silence. Then she squealed. Loudly. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" She practically took us to the ground when she pounced on me.

  "Careful, Vicky," I laughed, wrapping my arms around her.

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's jus' so excitin'! Isn' it, Rupert?" Her hand went to my stomach and she squealed again. "And you're already showin'! I'm so happy for you tha' I'm going to refrain from rippin' out a patch of your hair for keepin' it a secret so long!"

  "Why, thank you. I think."

  Rupert was all smiles. He leaned over to kiss my cheek. "Congratulations, Siobhan." He shook Apollo's hand.

  "How are your parents takin' it?" Vicky asked. "Are they positively scandalized?" Her eyes sparkled with hope. Apollo laughed.

  "Sorry to disappoint you," I said. "But they actually took it well." In fact, they hoped for it.

  "Dammit," she replied, but she was smiling. "Oh well. This calls for a celebration, I think. O'Connell's it is!"

  "I can't go to a pub while I'm knocked," I said.

  "Oh, come on, Marie! Who will be able to see anythin' with tha' tent you're wearin'?"

  "Yeah, who will know?" Rupert said.

  "Yeah, who will know?" Apollo added. I rolled my eyes.

  "It isn' proper, is all I'm sayin'."

  "Neither is gettin' knocked without being married," Vicky teased, "but here you are and nobody cares. We already love the little monster!"

  I laughed. "Well, with logic like tha', how can I say no?"

  With it still being quite early in the day, O'Connell's wasn't as crowded as it would be in a few hours. Rupert bought the first round and we toasted the baby. My future demigod.

  "Slainté !" we chorused and clinked our glasses together, mine being the only one filled with sparkling water. I noticed there was ambrosia in Apollo's glass when he turned it up to drink. I raised an eyebrow. He only smirked at me and drained the glass.

  "Have you thought of names yet?" Vicky asked. "I suggest Victoria if it's a girl."

  "O' course you do," Rupert laughed. He gulped down his drink and sighed as though it was the best one he'd ever had.

  I sipped my water. "I haven' thought abou' it really."

  "Of course you have," Apollo said. "If it's a girl, you want to name her Isolde, which is very Celtic of you." He winked. "If it's a boy, you want to name him Strafford, after your grandfather."

  Annoyed, I stared at my divine lover. I hadn't told him any of that.

  "Those are great names," Rupert said, gazing down into his empty glass like he longed for the beverage that had just filled it.

  "There's so much to plan for," Vicky went on. "We'll need a pushchair, a changer, a car seat, a cotbed—one for your house and one for our flat, o' course."

  "Vicky, slow down," I laughed. "I don't even have a nursery to put it all in yet. I was thinkin' of startin' off with somethin' simple, like bottles maybe."

  "Bottles? There's no fun in pickin' out bottles." She look so disappointed that I had to throw her a bone.

  "Well, maybe we could visit a few boutiques this weekend and pick out somethin' for the baby to wear home from the hospital. How does tha' sound?"

  She squealed. "I know jus' the boutique we can go to! Since your family has more money than the national government, I'm sure you won't be bothered by how much things cost."

  I just laughed, but blushed when I caught Apollo smiling at me.

  "Wha' is it?" I said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  "You're just so beautiful, that's all," he said, reaching out to brush his fingers over my cheek.

  Vicky cooed. "Why don't you ever say stuff like tha' to me, Rupert?" She glared at her boyfriend.

  "Aw, Vicky-Lickingtons," Rupert replied. "You know you're the finest thing in the world to me." Vicky grinned and let him give her a kiss.

  "I don't believe I want to know how a name like Vicky-Lickingtons came about," Apollo said.

  "You don't," I laughed.

  Vicky waved around her empty glass. "Hell, I need another drink. You too, Rupert love?"



  "Of course."

  "I'll be right back then."

  She returned minutes later, grinning from ear to ear.

  "Guess wha'? The new bartender gave us the drinks on the house!" Vicky turned and waved at the bartender.

  I glanced in that direction, as did Apollo. "Tha' was nice of him," I said, raising my hand in thanks. The bartender was a tall, lanky man with a pretty fantastic mohawk and green eyes I could see all the way across the pub. He nodded in our direction then started helping other patrons.

  "Very nice," Rupert agreed, tossing back his drink in a couple of gulps. "Damn, tha's good!"

  "I think I'll go thank our friend in person," Apollo said. "I'll bring another water for you, my love."

  Then he was strolling away from us and toward the bar. The bartender abandoned his other patrons as soon as Apollo approached. He leaned onto the counter and they began discussing something with animated gestures. I frowned. Apollo knew the bartender.

  "Come on, Rupert," Vicky said. I could tell she was well on her way to being nice and plastered. "A billiards table jus' opened up. Let's claim it before some other wankers get to it." As usual, Rupert didn't argue with his pushy mot and followed her over to the billiards table.

  I turned back to Apollo and the bartender to find them both looking at me. I stared back, not knowing what else to do. Without taking their eyes off me, the bartender said something and Apollo responded. After a moment, the bartender made a glass of water and handed it off to the deity. They exchanged another round of words, then Apollo made his way back over to me.

  "Who's he?" I asked the moment Apollo returned. Vicky and Rupert were busy setting up their billiards game and paying us no attention.


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