Intimately Faithful. 6.5 (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga)

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Intimately Faithful. 6.5 (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga) Page 13

by V. Theia

  “Hi. Eh. Hi, nice to be meeting you too.”

  “And who is this tiny darling? Mariah will want to meet her, spoil her, and knit every item of clothing known to man.”

  “This is Misha.”

  “Lovely name for a lovely girl, hello little Misha.” The baby clung to Danny, burying her face into his neck, causing a riotous chest thumping with pride that she’d want him. “I’m going to leave you with these two ladies.”

  “You didn’t say why you came.” Danny said. His fingers flexed on Aoife’s hip in case she had the bright idea of slipping out from under his arm.

  “Can’t I just drop in and see you?” Robert smiled, buttoning his coat. If the man was psychic, Danny could gather his friend had dropped by just at the right time because he knew Danny needed him.

  “You can, but you don’t usually.”

  “Bring Aoife and little Misha over for dinner one night soon. Once I tell Mariah, you know she’s going to be on the phone constantly anyway.”

  “We will soon.”

  “He’s nice,” Aoife remarked once they were alone. He hadn’t set her aside, his arm still wound around her waist, he dipped down and inhaled her hair. Fruity and sweet. Just like her. “I wouldn’t have come over had I known you weren’t alone. I hope I didn’t make things awkward.”

  “Robert has always known about you, Aoife.”

  “Oh…” she stiffened against him and if not for his fixed grip, she would have pulled away. “I guess nothing good then,” she murmured.

  “He knows it all. The good and the bad. He’s seen me at my worst, I was a mess when I made it to America. He encouraged me more often than not to get out and date. But he knew why I didn’t.”

  This shouldn’t be the time for that kind of talk, wrong place too, but he felt her zipping up her emotions behind a blasé expression, fearful he’d spoken badly of her all these years.

  “You—you haven’t dated anyone?”

  “Nothing serious, a few dinners here and there.”

  Giving her a moment to think, he set a kiss on Misha’s forehead. She smelled of milk, so he knew she’d had her morning bottle, but greedy little girl was always hungry because she instantly went to sucking on his chin. Danny laughed and settled her on his chest. She curled up just like she’d always been his and he felt his heart settle into a lazy, loving beat.

  He loved this little girl already. Not just because she was Aoife’s.

  He curled his free arm back around Aoife, a rumbling of satisfaction slicked through his bones when she not only burrowed into him too but wrapped both arms around his waist as they headed towards the door.

  Part way to his house he dropped a kiss to the top of her head.

  It’s still early but there’s always someone around his neighborhood and several dog walkers noticed him and Aoife. Giving their pastor a speculative look with good reason because as he’d just confessed to her, he was not in the habit of being seen with women.

  He didn’t have to declare his relationship status to the community, but it was a given that any woman in his life would be known to his people attending worship.

  Not that he’d expect any partner to be involved in the church, it would be ideal, if only to spend more time together. But he didn’t push his faith on anyone who wasn’t open to God and his word. That’s never been Danny’s way of teaching.

  Would Aoife want to be included in all the events he chaired and organized throughout the year?

  Would she want to sit in the front on a Sunday service and then host afternoon tea for all his older parishioners? Or go and visit the elderly shut-ins to make sure they were taken care of? His job was so much more than being a man of God. He was a taxi driver, a confidant, a carrier and a friend. And he’d loved every moment of it these past four years.

  Only having Aoife back did he realize there’d always been a gaping hole inside him. Coincidently it was shaped just like her because now he felt full again.

  Once back inside his house, he didn’t mention how he’d caught sight of two Renegade Souls motorcycles parked just three houses down on his street. He felt comforted by the fact, but he knew this guarding couldn’t go on indefinitely.

  Could he confront this Russian man and ask for Aoife’s safety? Maybe arrange for the man to see his child? No. He couldn’t accept letting a man who could kill in cold blood around either child or his girl.

  A week ago he was going about his life like he’d been happy, and he had been. But nothing felt as rich as watching Aoife drift around his house, doing chores and putting a meal together and lounging on the couch with his iPad and a glass of grapefruit flavored lemonade by her hand. Nothing felt as right as lifting her legs while he sat on the sofa and placing them over his thighs. He worked for a good hour in that position while Aoife scrolled and chuckled to herself with whatever she was watching on the screen.

  Only when he was done, did he set his work aside and without another thought he’d hoisted her across the space, so she was fully on his lap. Resting achingly perfect on his dick.

  His thumb found her lower lip, traveling back and forth, pulling it down just a little. The wet pink skin inside drove him wild.

  “Something I can be helping you with, pastor Daniel? I was minding my own business, if you didn’t know.”

  Her smile was a siren at sea.

  She was a Goddess on her throne knowing how much she was worshipped by her servants.

  His guts stirred, sending him into a higher state of arousal and his two bigger hands gripped her outer thighs, there was no more space between her crotch and his, but yet he still drew her closer. Needing her inside his skin, so it felt.

  “You are my business,” his rough voice blew against the side of her cheek.

  “Is that right?”

  The girl he once knew and loved looked back at him with mischief in her eyes as she oh-so-slowly circled her hips, grinding down at the same time.

  As one sound, they both groaned feeling how much harder he became under her.

  He didn’t have a condom on him and carrying her upstairs felt like a feat he wasn’t willing to go through, not when he had what he wanted right here already, and upstairs was at least twenty miles away.

  Again he rolled his thumb over her mouth. Her warm breath both soothing and riling him up.

  She didn’t even have to do anything, and Danny wanted her. Desperately.

  “The only mouth I’ve tasted is yours, Aoife. The only tongue to wrap around my dick is yours. The only panties I’ve pushed my hand inside is yours.”

  If this thing between them was only want … an itch to scratch, he could have ignored it and helped her in any way he could without anything physical attached.

  Being Aoife, and his own personal heaven meant he was running on emotions as well as desire.

  He was a man first. Protector and lover.

  Feeling frantic with her circling hips and her hands holding onto his shoulders, he stroked down her body, experiencing her slender curves and dips, letting his hands remember everywhere that was once his …he wasn’t delusional enough to pretend there was no relationship forming. It entwined around them both, holding Danny fast.

  Caressing the panelling of her panties, he groaned to find her already wet, he nearly flipped her on her belly and went to town. And when he shoved the cotton to the side, so he could trail a long finger down her so-wet slit, her little whimper was all that he needed.

  Aoife shuddered, leaning into him as his heart raced, their mouths trembled against each other. Air shunted in and out of him. “You’ve owned me body and soul. Only you.”

  “What about your heart, Danny-boy?”

  The air grew into a thickness between them. The words stopped in his throat as he stroked and stroked with tormenting slowness and made her cry out. She grasped both sides of his head, resting their foreheads together, aiding his touch by rocking into him.

  “I can hear you thinking.” The sweetest air brushed against his face as he fo
ught to control this hurricane within him.

  There was no stopping his body.

  That had a mind of its own when it told his hand to free his cock. He did it with her lifting up just inches, so he could. Their flesh grazed, and he sucked in a much-needed breath. It felt good, too good and he was in danger of not lasting even long enough to get inside Aoife.

  “Oh, please, Danny. Please give me my heart back. I need it so. I’ve missed it more than I can say. I promise never to hurt it again.”

  “Are you mine for good this time?”

  “Yessssss.” She hissed as he used her own wetness coating the throbbing tip of himself when he pushed and pushed inside, setting deep with a grunt of satisfaction.

  “Oh, dear Jesus.” She moaned and then her eyes popped open. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  God, she was cute. Danny grinned, coaxing his lips over her freckles, counting each one. “Let’s agree when I’m buried inside you, you can say whatever the hell you want. Now you need to ride me before I lose my mind, sweetheart.”

  “Again. Call me sweet things again.”

  All her emotions were right there on the surface for Danny to see, and he read her clearly how vulnerable she felt, and he had a hunch it had nothing to do with her circumstances and more to do with him and how he held himself back.

  “Get to riding the man who has only ever been inside you, Aoife. I want to feel how tight my sweetheart can squeeze me.”

  Her eyes were beautifully low-lidded and glazed with her own lust as she started to rise and fall in a soft bounce. Fingers locked on his shoulders, she sought his mouth and he gave willingly. Their kiss was hot and lengthy as she fucked on top of him.

  Pleasure so tight slid through him, tightening his muscles, making his head fuzzy.

  “Danny… oh, God. It feels so good.”

  Again, they hadn’t taken the extra time to fully undress. Her PJ pants lay in a heap on the floor and his sweatpants were only pulled down to mid-thigh. Danny’s fault, he was too in need to feel this sensation of her warm, wet body clasping his. Call it hunger or horny, but it was all to do with Aoife. She had him unhinged, like he couldn’t go another minute without tasting and touching her.

  He roamed his mouth over her throat, kissing and sucking. Marking as he went. He moved both hands under the shirt to palm both small breasts against his rougher palms. She let him know how much she enjoyed it when he pinched the taut nipples by pressing down hard, racing the orgasm through him all the faster.

  It was fast.

  And hot.

  Consuming sex like never before.

  It felt brand new as she rode him to completion.

  The only way the entire neighborhood didn’t hear her keening cry was his mouth kissing her hard and swallowing the sounds she made as her orgasm slammed into her in a glorious, wet rush and Danny followed seconds later, pulling free with only seconds to spare so he could spill on her belly and inner thighs.

  While breath returned to him …. Jesus, how could one petite ginger girl with eyes like jewels render him this completely undone?

  It’s hard to hold anything back when she looked at him … probably mirroring the same expression he was … like he was the only star in her sky.

  He grabbed the back of her neck, crushed her mouth, closing the space between them for a moment while he sifted through his thoughts.

  Lips touched …unwilling to part.

  She said his name like a prayer, doing her own roaming of his skin with her burning hands leaving her imprint wherever they landed.

  She was his drug of choice.

  The opiate he desired.

  She was an addiction his heart ached for.

  Pressing her lips harder to have yet another fix, they rolled into a sinking kiss with thrashing breaths and panting lungs. Every curve and dip made to connect and sizzle.

  He burned from the inside and latched onto her tongue while she did the same, undoing him further.

  Before long, he’d have nothing left.

  No threads of reason to hold onto if the day came she disappeared as easily as she arrived.

  For now she was here, and Danny was—as his younger self had always been, caught up in Aoife.

  His own ginger dream, kissing him for all they were worth.


  “The luck of the Irish…all lies come home to roost eventually” - Aoife

  “I’m starting to feel like the prisoner of Azkaban.” Complained Aoife, days later.

  Cabin fever had well and truly set in, and she paced the kitchen like a trapped bear gazing out of the window, wondering how much the world has changed in just over a week.

  Did they have flying cars now?

  Have the robots risen up in power to take over?

  She just bet the royal family had a new scandal, so they did. All of them were dirty aristocrats. And being a fanatical royalist, she needed to know the latest gossip immediately. And that meant buying those cheesy magazines full of outlandish conspiracy theories.

  She never claimed to believe them, but Aoife was a sucker all the same and bought them, nevertheless.

  Until this past week.

  And she was too embarrassed to ask Danny to pick up her copies, though he was ever the gentleman and bought her anything she needed. And that included her tampons four days ago. He came back with the bag bulging with chocolate and sweets as well as fuzzy socks and a hot water bottle.

  She’d been so overwhelmed by his kindness, to which no one else other than him had shown her, she’d folded down onto his lap and cried against his neck with enough desire and love rising up to choke an elephant.

  His tenderness called to her heart so that every time it was offered, it took her breath and made her greedy for more. Making her latch on in case he took it away.

  She didn’t want to become a clingy, crying girl. But there she was, clinging and crying.

  He’d handled her so good that she’d sat there for more than an hour talking to him.

  Now she was back to her old self, hormonal wise and she was bored.

  She liked his house just fine, but there was only so much dusting she could do or sorting out the cans in the pantry before she went stark raving bonkers if she didn’t see a blade of grass again soon.

  “Can’t we go out somewhere? For a short walk? Or to the grocery shop. I have cabin fever, Danny. If I start crayoning on the walls and talking gibberish, it’ll be all your fault.”

  She knew she was complaining about an impossible situation.

  Just because Grigori hadn’t been seen yet, didn’t mean he was clueless to her location. She heard enough of his less than lawful skills and it terrified her.

  But she was so bored.

  “You know we can’t.” The boy of her heart said.

  Aoife flung herself down on the chair to sulk a while.

  She was about to be on her own again with just the stupid TV for company while he went to work, and she was tired of endless cooking shows and shows about over privileged kids spending too much money.

  She wanted fresh air and the noise of traffic and the cold winds on her face.

  “When will you be back?”

  “Around five. I’m seeing a family about funeral arrangements.”

  Her face fell into a frown.

  Ugh, now she felt like a right careless sod for thinking selfish things when a family were grieving.

  She went to him immediately, winding her arms tightly around his waist from behind, pressing her face into his back.

  “Hey, what’s this?”

  “I don’t want you to ever die okay, Danny?”

  He chuckled. “I’ll try not to.” He brought her around his body even with her snake hold on him. His hands moved down her back and onto her bottom.

  Naughty pastor.

  Was she a bad whore for getting turned on by thinking that? Yes. And she didn’t care. He could be all the good man his community needed, but inside this house … inside her … he was the sexi
est man alive. Brave, domineering, rough and loving.

  He was sinful and intoxicating and the only man she needed.

  “Try really hard. I want you to be the only man I have.” She muttered with her face pressed into his good smelling chest. What was that scent? Soap… deodorant? Sure. But she knew he wasn’t wearing a fragrance and yet he smelled so musky and manly. She inhaled and clutched onto his slim waist while he laughed again.

  “Your first, sweetheart. I’ll always be that, aye.”

  Something in his tone had her head lifting and there it was in his darkening eyes.

  A possessive stamp she didn’t mind at all.

  She grinned with her cheeks puffed out and rosy as tomatoes.

  Remembering all too well the first time they had each other.

  “First and only.”

  Those same bum grabbing hands moved up to sweep her hair back, and he gave her an indulging smile, dropped a kiss on her forehead. She loved him touching her. She loved the consuming touches but also the ones that told her maybe he could love her again one day. “Are you rewriting history, sweetheart?”

  She puckered her brow. “No. What do you mean?”

  “You’ve had other men beside me. I don’t care. I have you now and I’m not letting you go again.”

  On one hand her body flooded with fire at his possessive declaration.

  It’s what she’d been waiting and hoping for since she saw him again.

  But that same fire flooded with ice cubes.

  He still didn’t know everything.

  And that was her fault.

  “Danny … I haven’t. You’re my only.”

  With a great gusting sigh he pulled away from her and put a lot of distance between them that she loathed instantly and didn’t know what to do with her hands. She watched his movements and could recognize when he was concealing his anger. “We don’t need to discuss this. I said I don’t care, Aoife. What does a number matter if you or I have fucked a dozen people.”

  Her skin bristled. He’d said he hadn’t… was that a lie to placate her feelings?

  She’d have to deal with it knowing other women have had him too, she would hate it… loathe it ..and want to do murder, but she’d have to deal with it. Yet she wouldn’t stand for him lying.


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