Wild Night: A Second Chance Romance

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Wild Night: A Second Chance Romance Page 5

by Charlotte Sloan


  It had been two months and Teresa figured she had things under control. Her relationship with Marcus was steadily improving and he was putting more of an effort to be with her.

  Work was always a major priority, but he made more time with her. However, during his long business trips, there was always Simon there, waiting for her.

  Simon never called, never texted—never bothered her. He never asked questions and because of that, she just found it so easy to pour her heart out to him. He took his time and from what Teresa understood, he liked the way she slowly revealed herself to him.

  It was his game, really, and she was just another player, getting her fix whenever life could afford it. And because of that, she was starting to love him.

  She never made an issue of it, but she could feel her heart tearing in two. For she longed to make these men somehow meet in the middle, to accommodate them both because as far as Teresa was concerned, true love knew no bounds. It was selfish, but she wanted them both.

  Marcus. The love of her life. The trail-blazing, well-traveled, and soft-spoken billionaire who had made it his life's mission to make his dreams and hers a reality.

  And then there was Simon: a bad boy so cool that he couldn't be bothered to give two shits about her.

  Teresa loved them both but hated them for the way they made her feel so conflicted.


  "Fuck me," Teresa spoke, dropping her face into the palm of her hand.

  It wasn't the ‘fuck me’ Teresa was used to saying. No, this was a ‘fuck me' born from a sudden wave of guilt, doubt, and regret.

  Teresa sat on the toilet with her panties rolled down to her knees. In her hand was a pregnancy test that scored a positive. She had always dreamt of this day; for as long as she was aware of the way her body worked, the one moment she looked forward to the most was the sign that within a matter of months, she would deliver a child.

  "No," Teresa grunted. "It can't be like this."

  She remained on the toilet. It was a beautiful day out too; the sun was shining, there was a nice breeze. She couldn't have asked for a more perfect day, but even then, Teresa didn't want to go out. She just wanted to crawl into her bed and stay there for a thousand nights, just hoping all of this would go away like the bad dream it was supposed to be.

  Marcus. She couldn't keep this from him. She loved him enough to want to tell him everything, and not just about the baby, but about Simon too. After all they'd been through; after all, he'd given her. He had to know the truth; he deserved it.

  Simon. Would he care? How many women have already been through this with him? Teresa wouldn't have been surprised if she found out that he had enough kids for a basketball team! Women were a dime a dozen to him, and it was for the best. The man could barely take care of himself.

  "Fuck me," Teresa grunted, pulling up her panties up now as she took a deep breath and stood up.

  She took her phone from the sink, called up Marcus, and sat back down on the toilet.

  It took a few rings, but he answered. "Hey."

  "Hi," Teresa spoke.

  "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah, I'm fine."

  "You don't sound all right."

  Teresa opened her mouth. There was something else she wanted to say, but she didn't say it. "I'm pregnant."

  "Wh-what was that?"

  She really didn't want to say it again. "I'm pregnant."

  "Honey," Teresa heard him sigh. "That's amazing, I can't believe it!"

  He sounded so happy, it broke her heart. She felt the small well of tears as it started to build beneath her eyes.

  "Give me a couple hours to finish things up in the office," Marcus said. "But I'm coming right over and we're celebrating tonight!"

  "No," Teresa shook her head. "I don't want to."

  "That's okay, we'll stay in," Marcus said. "I just want to be with you."

  "I don't know if it's yours," Teresa broke.


  "I don't know if it's yours," Teresa cried. "I'm sorry."

  And with that, she closed the call and put the phone away.

  She couldn't even bare to hold herself. This was the worst thing she could have ever done. She remembered Simon and all their nights of danger and lust; memories that inspired such carnal passion that it left her hungry for more. All these thoughts and all these delusions came crashing over her.

  "What is wrong with me?" Teresa cried. "Why did I want any of this?"

  The shivers behind her back rushed to her spine and unleashed an avalanche of guilt all over her body that left her weeping.


  "Teresa!" Marcus called out, swinging the door behind him with a hard thud.

  Marcus promised her two hours. Instead, he came home in twenty minutes. Teresa was still in the bathroom, huddled up inside a bathrobe that was starting to feel like it was one with her skin.

  She emerged from the bathroom and saw Marcus in the living room, standing behind the bar as he made poured himself a glass of scotch.

  Teresa took notice again of the view in front of them. It was just so warm and beautiful. In another universe, Teresa thought, the parallel them would have spent the warm, sunny day basking in the celebration of their first child. She wished she was in that life instead of this one.

  The one she had come to break.

  Marcus sipped his scotch and glared at her. Teresa couldn't bear to look at him.

  "Who is he?"

  "Just someone I met on—"

  "Someone you met?" Marcus said sternly. "You meet a lot of people; he isn't just someone you meet. Who is he?"

  She hated how calm he was being. Why couldn't he be angrier?

  "Simon," Teresa hushed. "We met online."

  Marcus sipped his scotch. "Go on."

  "It started off with emails, then we started texting and—"

  "Cut to the chase!" Marcus shot out, refilling his glass. "When did this happen?"

  "Two months ago," Teresa said. "When you missed our anniversary dinner."

  That killed him. Teresa saw it. The way his eyes rolled up as his chest heaved. She could tell that what she said really hurt him.

  Marcus nodded and cracked open the bottle. He took a seat on the couch now, resting against the edge as he took a swig, feeling the calming burn as it raced down his body and provided him with a sense of bravery he felt he needed at the moment.

  "I'm sorry."

  Marcus looked up at her and nodded. "I'm sorry too."

  They shared silence for several moments. Teresa wanted to be there next to him, but she could just feel his vibes. She was better off keeping distance, which just killed her more because she was supposed to be comforting him.

  "Okay," Marcus said, his eyes closed. "But it was just a one-time thing right?"


  "What the hell, Teresa?" Marcus snapped, rising up from the couch with the bottle of scotch in his hand. "See, I can get why you had to fuck him the night I missed out on our anniversary. But you've been seeing him since?"

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't apologize," Marcus spoke. "You're only sorry because you got caught."

  "But I didn't want this."

  "Of course you didn't. But then again, I don't think you even thought this through."

  "I'm sorry," Teresa spoke. "I just don't know what else to say."

  "You don't have to say anything."

  "It's just that I needed you and you weren't there. It was a moment of weakness."

  "That you've been giving into a lot."

  Teresa turned her head to the side and looked away. It felt like his heart was breaking into a thousand, tiny pieces and there didn't seem to be any way she could put it all back together for him.

  "What do we do now?"

  "I don't know," Marcus said, swigging from the bottle as he turned around and walked towards the front door. "But I've got better shit to think about that this."

  He was gone with the slamming of the door.
  Teresa let herself sink into the couch. She held herself for a moment, shaking.

  Teresa dropped her face to her palm again. She felt so helpless. This was all her fault, she knew. She owned up to it. But not being able to remedy the ache in the heart of the man who had spent the last four years unselfishly loving her, just broke her.

  There was no escape now. She couldn't drink, couldn't smoke. She certainly couldn't go off on her escapades with Simon anymore. Teresa had to figure out what was the right thing to do, and whatever it was, she was going to have to do it sober.


  "A coffee shop," Simon spoke, sitting down across from Teresa. "This is new for me."

  Teresa giggled. This was the first laugh she's had in a while and it was welcoming, even though it endeared him all the more to her.

  It was around eight in the evening. This wasn't the kind of place they'd usually meet up in. It was the seedier areas on the outskirts where Simon frolicked. It was part of the package and the hint of danger was one of the many things that allured her to him.

  But she couldn't go back there. Not anymore.

  Simon showed up almost forty minutes late. It was fine. Teresa expected it.

  It was a busy Thursday night. There were still customers coming and going while the remnants of a coffee meeting allowed some customers to just have their dinners there. It was a rustic and charming spot in the city.

  "Would you like something to drink?"

  "I'm good," Simon shrugged.

  "Okay," Teresa began, momentarily looking away from Simon.

  "So," Simon huddled close. "What's going on?"

  "I'm pregnant."

  "Okay," Simon shrugged.

  "So that's it?"

  Simon leaned back in his seat and held out his hands. "Whatcha want me to say?"

  Teresa had to admit that this was turning out to be a lot easier than it was with Marcus.

  "I don't got any role in this."

  Teresa leaned close and hissed, "You could be the father."

  "I'm aware of that," Simon retorted. "But it's your body."

  "So that's it then?"

  "Look, I know your situation," Simon replied. "Whatever happens, that's all on you. I'm here, however and whenever, you need me."

  Teresa sipped her tea and sighed. "I wasn't expecting that."

  "It's fair," Simon shrugged.

  Teresa looked down at her cup and nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate that."

  Simon's phone rang. He took the smartphone from his pocket and looked down at the screen.

  "I'mma take this."


  Simon didn't get up. He remained firmly in his seat as he swiped his phone the right and took the call. "Sup?... Yeah, yeah. I'll be there… Gimme a couple more minutes? Yeah. Got it."

  Simon closed the call.

  "One of your bitches?" Teresa chuckled.

  Simon slipped the phone back into his pocket and shrugged. "You could say that."

  Teresa didn't want to know. "Guess I'll see you."

  "Yeah," Simon said, standing from his seat. "Let me know if you need something, ayt?"

  "I'll remember that. Thanks."

  He caught her off guard with a kiss on the cheek. It was soft and warm, which was unusual but Teresa appreciated it.

  She watched him walk out of the coffee shop and hated herself for how good he made her feel for a moment. And it wasn't even sexual. It was comforting, like a good friend she so desperately needed.


  Teresa couldn't go home right away. She stayed in the coffee shop for a couple more hours. She just watched all the people who came and went, wondering about was going on in their lives as her cup of tea turned into a cup of water.

  There was that couple in their early twenties. They seemed comfortable, yet vaguely unfamiliar about each other. Teresa estimated that they had been dating for at least three months.

  There was that elderly gentleman who looked like he was looking forward to a quiet evening with his book after a long, hard day at work.

  Or even the young woman in the corner with her laptop. She had been there for at least an hour before Teresa arrived. She must have been working on something very important to her; she didn't even touch her food. She just nibbled slowly as she worked.

  All these people, and then there was her. A woman in her early thirties, knocked up with nowhere to go.

  But somehow, she managed to gather the strength to go home. It was getting late and even if meant sleeping alone instead of next to someone she loved tonight, it didn't matter. She was tired. And she could use the sleep.


  "You're home," Marcus spoke, standing up from the sofa as Teresa came through the front door.


  Marcus walked up to her. "Can we talk for a moment?"

  "Of course."

  Marcus took Teresa's hand and led her back to the sofa. He leaned forward and picked up the glass of scotch from the coffee table.

  "First off," Marcus began. "I want to apologize for the way I walked out on you today."

  "You don't have to apologize for anything."

  "But still," Marcus said. "It's only right."

  Teresa sat next to him on the couch. "How are you feeling?"

  "I don't know how to feel," Marcus replied, sipping his scotch as he looked at her. "But whatever it is, I just want it to go away."

  Teresa held out her hand, almost wanting to reach out and touch him. But she held back and let it linger there.

  Marcus sipped his scotch again and looked out the window. "I love you. Everything that I have…. Everything that I am. It's all because of you. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you, and as much as it hurts me to think about what you did, I don't think I can stand the thought of losing you for good."

  Teresa didn't know what to say.

  Marcus looked at her and held her hand. "I want us to get through this."

  "Marcus," Teresa spoke as she threw her arms around him.

  He looked at her. "It's not going to be easy. I just can't easily let go of what you did. Not yet."

  "Do whatever you need," Teresa said. "I completely understand."


  Marcus sipped his scotch one last time and stood up. He walked to their bedroom and said, "You can come out now."

  Simon emerged from the bedroom. He swaggered into the living room in only his jeans. From the looks of things, he had been there a while.

  "But I don't understand," Teresa spoke, obviously confused.

  "It's easy, baby," Simon said. "I'm just here to make things right."

  And with that, Marcus kissed Simon on the lips. And it wasn't just a quick peck—it was a full on kiss. He wrapped his arm around Simon and held him by the back of his neck in furious passion, and in turn, Simon held him back. Both men were kissing each other as Teresa watched with her mouth hanging open.

  Simon pinned Marcus against the wall, as Marcus' hands started undoing his belt. Teresa couldn't believe it. This was actually happening!

  Within a matter of moments, Marcus had Simon's cock in his hand. He stroked the stranger's cock with such force and precision that it was as if he was stroking his own. Simon moaned into Marcus' mouth as he unzipped his fly and reached for his cock.

  Teresa's pussy tingled uncontrollably; she had to do something about it. She pulled up her skirt and pulled her panties to the side as she began to please herself with her fingers.

  Simon pulled away from the kiss. Both men gazed into each other’s eyes. Marcus clenched his grip over Simon's cock and stroked him harder. And in time, Marcus picked up the speed with curled strokes.

  Teresa gave into the sight. She had never been in anything like this in her life. She was a voyeur who relieved herself before a shared moment between two horny men. Two men she loved. She wanted to watch, but she also wanted to join in on the fun. All that conflict zeroed in on her clit; her body washed in fire.

  Marcus and Simon kissed again, the
ir bodies getting closer so that it wasn't long before the tips of their cocks touched.

  Teresa couldn't take it any longer. She wanted them already!


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