Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit

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Duplicity - A True Story of Crime and Deceit Page 23

by Paul T. Goldman

  I printed these pages, believing they would go a long way in helping my divorce case. Five days after we closed on a home of which she believed she would be entitled to half of the over $200,000 in equity, Audrey's work was done and she was on the prowl for her next victim. I continued my search, disgusted and angry.

  In addition to the dating sites, there were visits to Continental and Southwest Airlines, with reservation requests for New Year’s 2007, then March and April 2008. The mystery as to the location from which Audrey made her calls to me on New Year's Eve was not revealed. Audrey could have been out of state, or at a local hotel. Since she drove to meet me in Boynton the next afternoon, the latter was more probable. However, New York City was only a three hour plane ride away...

  Audrey often visited Expedia.com, at which she had three different accounts, all with different usernames: lady_audrey6, audrey_munson1, and lady_audrey5. Audrey looked more like a stay-at-home travel agent than a stay-at-home mom, arranging multiple flights to Chicago, California, Las Vegas, and New York for herself and her girls, answering the call of business. Audrey performed her job well. Each account tracked to a different city. Perhaps she kept them separate so she could bill the pimps in each city for the airfares, who would in turn charge the tricks. Also, her home page at log-in was the Bank of Florida, further evidencing her money obsession. More interesting though, was the fact that she visited the website for First Community Bank, a bank not disclosed to me or my lawyer. This would be another company to add to the subpoena list for account information.

  After a few hours, I decided to take a break and walk away from the computer. I headed downstairs, grabbed a bottled water from the refrigerator, and stared out the window overlooking our empty backyard. It was December, and the day had been a chilly 58 degrees, though the house felt colder. I unrolled my sleeves and slowly walked back up the stairs.

  I continued my search, beginning to realize how much I was punishing myself. I knew what she was, and what she had been in our marriage, but being confronted with more and more details was not helping me to move on, despite needing to strengthen my case. And then, completely by surprise, I came upon the most difficult discovery yet. The bank statements, the deposit slips, the visits to the dating websites while we were still married, and perhaps even the discovery of Audrey’s prostitution were easier to bear than this. In her email log, I found Audrey’s love emails to Royce.

  Lots of them.

  I shouldn’t have called you but the baby was ill & for some reason I think of you as an integral part of him… I love & miss you very much…

  August 5, 2007: During our engagement.

  I know you love to be a “control freak but you don’t set the rules. I will talk to whoever I feel is necessary to straighten out the lies you tell people about me & us. That is so wrong for you to do but it makes you look good… I guess to say these things. We will never be done because it’s out of our hands. All of this was your problem… you should have told her long ago… you hurt everyone with your lies & cheating. You need help. I will always love you & we will always be part of one another (whether you like it or not). I am so angry & frustrated with you right now & have nothing positive to say. I try to keep my calls & comments upbeat, but inside me is nothing but negativity towards the way you handle your relationships. You can run for now but I’ll be back one day… because we belong together… whether we like it or not.

  September 12, 2007: Six days before our wedding.

  I will keep calling & I will come get you again. You can’t run… we belong together. As for the others, they keep me busy during the week but my mind is always on you. Please stop being so mean. I love you (& you love me)… & that’s that. I’m sorry for the Cassandra issue but you really pushed me with the 2 year anniversary issue. Please calm down. We need each other.

  September 14, 2007: Four days before our wedding.

  Your funds were put in the bank on Friday by Jack. I also returned the car and they charged your card the $250 and I paid the rest. Miss your son daily…

  From Royce to Audrey: October 29, 2007.

  The last email was from Royce to Audrey and was written on a Saturday, the day after Audrey, Royce, and Audrey’s children returned from a week-long trip to Georgia, taken a little over a month after Audrey and I were married. Friday was obviously payday and, since Audrey was out of state, her deposit was made by a man named Jack, whom Bob Thompson’s private eye identified as the manager of Royce’s boat refurbishing business. Jack’s duties, however, clearly went beyond boat management.

  There was a response from Audrey to Royce later in the day, which further proved that Audrey's claim that she was taking care of her grandmother was a complete lie, since she was supposed to be in Cocoa Beach Saturdays through Wednesdays:

  Dearest love of mine… love & miss you. See you Sunday night… if you can break away from your “other” girls… LOVE YOU! AUDREY

  October 29, 2007.

  I am currently ill with a chest cold (& everybody knows I have a big one). I do miss you but I am torn by my needs… I know you love me but am crushed that you are too stubborn to say the words. I know you used to & it’s time for you to do it again. I am full of love & want to be surrounded by love… mutual giving & sharing. You can do this. Please try… & then there’s “the money thing.” I love you & need you. Always, Audrey

  November 29, 2007: Two months after our wedding.

  Why can’t you reciprocate the unconditional, monogamous love that your mother put in my heart for you?

  February 9, 2008: Four months after our wedding.

  There is no place I’d rather be than in your arms 24/7/365… AND YOU KNOW IT!

  It is you who leaves me… It is you who never tells me that you love me… It is you who never kisses me first…It is you who rarely touches me first… It is you who doesn’t want a committed relationship… It is you who doesn’t want to live together… It is you who doesn’t even acknowledge me as your girlfriend, best friend, lover, life partner, significant other, & “one day” wife… It is you who tells everyone that I’m crazy… It is you who “loves to be with me” but isn’t “in love with me.” I ask you over & over to commit to a lifetime of “us”… you know your answer...

  I live with it every day… pain, pain, pain… I am willing to make all the changes you ask (especially if it means eternity with you) but you can’t even begin to acknowledge “us.”

  August 5, 2008: Shortly after we reconciled and were back living together.

  Are you prepared for the storm? You need to make plans ASAP to go to your parents' vacation place in the Carolinas. It’s coming straight at us and so far has no plans to turn. Go to the bank and get at least $2,000 in twenties and smaller and fill your vehicle with gas.

  August 28, 2008: During our reconciliation.

  After all this time, I finally heard all the things that really got to the heart of the true Audrey. Her feelings, her vulnerabilities, and her desires were never shared with me despite my urging that it would bring us closer. Reading these messages, and so many others, I now knew that she had been open to sharing them, just not with me. I turned off the computer and walked out of the room.

  I awoke the next morning feeling almost hung-over from the revelations of the love emails. Hearing Audrey express her devotion to another man reinforced the fact that I had never been the one, had never been even close to the one. Up until finding those emails, I would have sworn my feelings were gone and I was definitively past any attachments to Audrey. Her repeated expressions of love for Royce, however, reminded me how deep the wounds were. Wanting to keep moving forward, I called Adam and filled him in on all that I had learned so far. I also asked him to issue subpoenas to more companies.

  “Wow! I can’t believe you found all this. You must be thrilled,” he said excitedly.

  “I am, and I think there’s probably even more. I’m still going through everything,” I said dejectedly, still thinking about all those love emails. />
  “Well, okay, I’ll get right on the subpoenas and let me know if you find anything else.”

  “Yes. I will.”

  “Paul, is something wrong? I would expect you to be bouncing off the walls over this,” he said, knowingly.

  “I’m just tired, I guess. I’ll get back to you with anything new.”

  “Right, okay,” he replied, and we ended our call with that. I returned to my office and sat down in front of my computer for another round of searching. I could see my dark reflection in the monitor, though the shadows made my eyes and cheeks seem hollow. I quickly turned on the computer and began anew.

  Another day, and another batch of new discoveries. One of the things I found was Audrey’s own application to FEMA requesting hurricane assistance. Considering that she declared no assets and claimed under oath that she owned no real estate, I was curious as to what she might be applying for. Interestingly enough, her application not only revealed that she’d owned six different properties in the last three years, but also that she had social security cards issued in four different states.

  Moreover, there was an email from Washington Mutual with instructions about resetting her password online. Audrey had sworn in writing that the only bank she had an account with was Bank of Florida. It was crystal clear that Washington Mutual wouldn't have agreed with her sworn statement. So, I started a new list for subpoenas, with Washington Mutual at the top. There was also a Word document created by Audrey entitled “business cards” that simply had her name and cell phone number, bringing new meaning to the term “call girl.” Finally, there was also an interesting email to a boyfriend named Tony that helped to paint a much different picture of Audrey’s financial status. It read:

  Dear Tony,

  I woke up this morning with this thought… Why not consider buying the Captains Landing Home together. I could contribute up to $200,000. Please think about it. Audrey

  Other findings from the websites included more personal emails from Audrey to Royce, along with a slew of other men. All the messages revealed Audrey's lowlife personality, her depraved perspectives, and even her limitations as a parent:

  Royce: I’m coming over tonight and bringing a friend. When does Tommy sleep?

  Audrey: Sleep time? I’ll ask him when I get the lil’ booger… I get him at 6… we’ll be on the island after that. You know the gate and rear door codes.

  Royce: Do you have your tools?

  Audrey: bring supplies:

  slippery stuff

  wide hole opener

  shower curtain (or build an arc ‘cuz floods acoming)


  big, hard hang-down

  video camera (w/2 tapes – one for each)

  Royce: What’s the going rate? Chicago prices or here?

  Audrey: Las Vegas.

  U lying piece of shit! U knew the kids were due here @ 8am. Since u didn’t, I have notified my attorney. Next yr the kids will be w/me shit the entire vacation and we rotate annually. As 4 the rest, it’s all a bullshit lie u lying motherfucker. Burn in hell both u and bob 4 all ur lies and what ur causing the kids 2 go through… pay the kids their child support u piece of shit u and ur buddy bob.

  From Audrey to Joe Munson, November 26, 2007.

  The language used in her message to Joe was unbelievable, until I remembered back to the day she returned my car as ordered by the judge. This woman who had never so much as uttered the mildest of expletives when we were married, sped out of my driveway with her middle finger pointed angrily in my direction. That same woman who also refused premarital sex and even called my own sexual urges “abnormal,” also swapped graphic, lewd emails with various tricks and potential victims. A few of those included:

  U want to have truck sex?

  Written by a regular trick named Joe, December 11, 2007.

  Hi Lover,

  I’m just sitting here naked thinking about what a naughty, dirty little girl you are. Friday was fantastic fun. What an incredible fuck you are. Tell me what you liked most, and what you want me to do next time. I’m getting a much better feel for how you like your sex, and I can’t wait for the next session.

  The loudness and intensity of your arousal was a little intimidating at the time, but remembering it is a phenomenal turn-on now. You are so lucky that you can allow your sexuality to be so freely expressed, and I plan to match you for an even wilder experience in the future. I’m so glad that you find me attractive and sexy and act on it.

  I’m holding my throbbing cock right now and stroking it, visualizing the thick shaft disappearing into your gorgeous pussy and watching you spasm and squirt all over my belly. I hope you are touching yourself right now and soaking your chair. Oh, you bad, dirty girl, you need a spanking now and I’m going to give it to you next time.



  From Chancy Cooper, age 65; married, wealthy, and potential 4th victim.

  I hope you mean 11:30 AM! I’m having a hard time typing since all my blood is in my erection after reading your last two messages. My fantasy right now is alternating between watching your incredible breasts while you rhythmically deepthroat me and forcefully facefucking you. I’m looking forward to having you sit on my face and gush in my mouth. Doggystyle alternating between orifices is always a turn on.

  See you then.

  From Chancy Cooper.

  I’ve been thinking about your decision to become celibate and dedicate yourself to the service of those less fortunate. Your timing is disconcerting, we had sex for three times for less than 20 minutes and you made that decision.

  From Chancy Cooper after Audrey cut off the sex, as she had done with me.

  Hi Lover,

  I was awake a lot last night thinking of you. I can’t wait for the chance to be in all of your hot holes again. Thanks so much for making this happen today. What an incredible lover you are. I love the way you come. I find you fantastically erotic, and I thoroughly enjoy being with and talking to you. I’m looking forward to our next time together. At any rate, here is a picture of me thinking of you. Be sure to send me one soon.

  From Chancy Cooper.

  I won’t claim to understand your feelings about now wanting physical intimacy with me. Your “libido” is in fine physical working order, but if your brain is shutting it down, well, that is something you have to deal with. For me, physical intimacy is very important, even as age, weight and diabetes has taken its toll on my abilities.

  Being naked with you, cuddling, kissing, touching, pleasuring. I can’t deny needing that. Just being in your presence is too stimulating. It’s not easy, but I can deal with the lack of Saturday nights together, the lack of sleepovers together, while you help out with your grandma and tend to your family.

  From Mark Rogers, a wealthy 70 year old and friend of Audrey’s lawyer, Peter Walton.

  The last emails I came across truly spoke to Audrey’s psychology, which not only reinforced my own ideas about her, but also reflected everything Terri had told me about her. From childhood trauma to sociopathic behaviors, it was all there.

  I know I say this all the time but I REALLY mean it. I love you very much, you are the best! I spent the night thinking of my f-ed up: Childhood, parents,sibling, family, self, relationships, friendships, marriages, etc. & I realize the only thing that keeps me going are my kids. If I lose my kids because I can no longer pay for an attorney, I will be devastated. Money makes the world go ‘round, I know, but whatever happened to the “value” of love.

  Joe has really turned into a lying piece of shit & for what… just so he doesn’t have to pay “money.” Bob always was a piece of shit about money… so, no big surprise there. But, as for Joe, a HUGE disappointment to me, my kids & my family. It’s terrible what they are doing & since Bob has unlimited funds, he may just get away with all this ‘cuz I know I won’t be able to pay him & thus, he’ll drop me just before the trial next month. January will be the toughest month of my life… what a way to start off the new year. I wish
I never met Bob… he has been the down-fall of everything. If it wasn’t for his desire to have a baby thus, requiring marriage, then I wouldn’t have divorced Joe… even though Joe is & was a completely irresponsible child, especially financially.

  As for my parents, what parents. They have always been a disappointment to me. My mother is so stupid she couldn’t find her way out of a bag. She never gave me any motherly guidance. I basically grew up on the streets. Tennis & sex was all she ever knew. As for my father, forget about it. All he ever cared about is & was my mother. He never cared about us kids at all… we were merely distractions.

  My entire life all I ever heard was how poor we were. To this day, all my parents ever tell me is how poor they are. They claim they can’t afford anything. Now, when it’s time to help out their flesh & blood with a terrible crisis, what do they do, play the “we’re too broke” to help. IT’S MY KIDS LIVES, THEIR GRANDKIDS LIVES AT STAKE HERE! What can be more important than that? It’s time to do whatever it takes to support this. They have the nerve to tell that since I can’t afford this fight that I should just give up the kids & move on…

  ARE THEY COMPLETELY OUT OF THEIR MINDS!!! Of course they are… what’s news there. They ALWAYS were selfish. It is no wonder why I turned out the way I did. I wish I could go to work to earn the money necessary but Tommy isn’t old enough. He is so close to being able to attend school. He’s doing so good with his potty training (which is a requirement for school). All I need is more time. If Tommy were in school then I could go back to work… like I was doing before Tommy was born. I enjoy working & am looking forward to working soon.

  Well, enough rambling… I could go on & on but realize it’s ultimately ALL my fault… it’s my mess… I earned ALL of this & guess I’ll get what’s deserving…


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