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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01 - Douluo Continent

Page 3

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Concerning becoming spirit master, Tang San was not particularly interested, but he resolved to become a Tang internal sect rank hidden weapon expert, no matter how little internal strength he had, right?

  “Tang Hao, you’re busy right?”

  In the course of Tang San making great effort towards forging ten thousand times, he heard the sound of an old man’s voice outside.

  Currently afternoon, Tang Hao was in the process working, creating farm tools, and hearing what was said made only an ‘ng’ sound.

  Tang San, rather curious, came out from his room, only to see an old man, looking far over 60 years old, with a lanky figure, but spirit hale and hearty, clothing perfectly neat and tidy, hair meticulously combed out. The comparison with Tang Hao was simply too extreme.

  This person Tang San knows, is Holy Spirit village’s village elder old Jack.

  “Little San, come, let grandpa have a look.”

  Old Jack turned to Tang San and waved his hand.

  This place’s village elder is a kindly person, greatly respected by all the villagers, he not rarely brought over something to eat.

  “Grandpa Jack, good day.”

  Tang San walked over in front of Old Jack, respectfully facing him to bow. Regarding a person who treats him well, Tang San could always remember in his heart.

  Tang Hao indifferently said:

  “Busy, village elder.”

  Old Jack was actually less than ten years older than him, but to actually be compared to him as the same generation, always brought Tang Hao somewhat in a bad mood.

  Old Jack was seemingly already accustomed to the appearance of Tang Hao’s manners,

  “Tang Hao ah, little San has quickly become six years old. He ought to join this year’s awakening ceremony.”

  Tang Hao looked at Tang San a glance, indifferently said:

  “Then go participate. Which day is it?”

  Old Jack said:

  “In three days, when the time comes I’ll come bring him, ok.”

  He looked Tang Hao’s appearance, very obviously wanting to say, ‘if you accompanied him, it would probably cause delay’.

  Tang Hao slightly lowered his head, no longer paying attention to the village elder.

  Tang San nevertheless rather curious asked:

  “Grandpa Jack, what is the awakening ceremony?”

  Old Jack sternly said:

  “We all have our own spirit, which is finally at about six years age awakened with the awakening ceremony. Having a spirit, we can enhance our ability in a certain field. Even if it is an ordinary martial spirit, it can still help. If by any chance you gain a remarkable spirit, we can speak about conducting cultivation, in that way, even to the extent that you could have possibility to become spirit master. The awakening ceremony is only once every year, I cannot let you miss it. It is Nuoding city’s Spirit Hall’s sub-attendant Excellency who personally comes to help our village’s children awaken, ok. That attendant excellency however is considered a spirit grandmaster ranked spirit master.”

  Speaking of a spirit grandmaster third rank, in Jack’s eyes showed obvious admiration.

  Tang San concerning the notion of spirit masters had only ambiguously heard a little, right now he would seize the opportunity and could naturally not easily let it slip by, questioning closely said:

  “What does spirit grandmaster mean?”

  Chapter 002: Useless spirit with innate full spirit power

  Part 1

  Old Jack answered Tang San obviously with great patience. In his heart, the village’s most intelligent child was none other than this Tang San before his eyes. It was truly difficult to imagine that such a father could have as clever a son as this.

  "Spirit grandmaster is a spirit master rank. Spirit master is the noblest vocation on our Douluo continent: they can be formidable champions, they can possess remarkable assisting ability. But no matter which kind of spirit master, all are sorted and accorded titles."

  "Spirit masters all possess their own spirit power. Based on spirit power intensity, in all these are subdivided into ten general titles. Each title is also subdivided into ten ranks. At first after only crossing the threshold, one is called spirit scholar. As long as a spirit awakens, everyone is a spirit scholar. In the event the spirit is capable of cultivation, when spirit power reaches equal to 11th rank, one can enter the next title, which in that case is spirit master. And spirit grandmaster, in sequence of titles it is the third. Having attained spirit grandmaster realm, one already is a fairly famed spirit master. In this way there are a total of ten.”

  "Spirit Scholar, Spirit Master, Spirit Grandmaster, Spirit Elder, Spirit Ancestor, Spirit King, Spirit Emperor, Spirit Sage, Spirit Douluo and Title Douluo. Our Douluo continent's name comes from precisely this. It is said, when attaining power over ten ranked title Douluo one can choose ones taken title, they are simply invincible existences, ah!"

  Eyes shining with proud radiance,

  "A hundred years ago our Holy Spirit village produced an eighth ranked spirit sage, oh. In all Nuoding city, even to the extent of the whole Fasinuo region, this is extremely rare."

  To the side Tang Hao curled his lip,

  "Old Jack that is just a legend, nothing more."

  As if intentionally rubbed the wrong way, Old Jack became indignant,

  “What is called legend, this legend also comes from fact. Tang Hao, it has already been six years since you came to the village, you ought to realize that spirit sage part of our memories. If you again let me hear you insult spirit sage Excellency, I will banish you from the village. Were it not for little San, you think I would want to come to your doghouse, huh?”

  Tang Hao is not angry, still beating the farming tool in his hand, still looking as if he hadn’t heard Jack’s words.

  Jack resolutely glared at him, and not until facing Tang San said:

  “Later you must not take after such a dispirited father, alright, I leave first, and in three days, I will come meet you.”

  Talk over, Old Jack departed the smithy in spitting anger.


  Tang San called out.


  Tang Hao coldly shot a glance at him. Catching sight of the chill air in his father’s eyes, Tang San cannot but swallow back his words. Returning to his room with drooping head to continue to striving for ten thousand beats.

  At nightfall, after eating dinner, Tang Hao wiped his mouth and customarily went to leave; that is to say, this is routine, going out to drink alcohol. Drinking the lowest quality ale.

  “Dad. Wait a moment.”

  Tang San without time to clear away dishes, first called out to stop Tang Hao.

  “Whatever for?”

  Tang Hao impatiently glared at him. Despite Tang Hao never having hit Tang San, but though he did not know why, Tang San innately towards this father had some fear. For this two lifetime person, he was unable to change this feeling.

  “Those ten thousand blows, I have completed forging them.”

  Tang San said.


  The look in Tang Hao’s eyes was brilliant, as if somewhat shining,

  “Fetch it for me to have a look.”


  Tang San sprinted back to his room, very quickly, he came running out holding a chunk of iron in his hands.

  The entire iron chunk was pitch black, though irregular in shape, but each facet appeared extremely brilliant, in it a black light was dimly visible. The entire iron chunk was approximately one fourth the size of the original, when Tang San used Mysterious Heaven skill to hold it did not by any means feel strained.

  Tang Hao took the pitch black iron chunk into his hands, raising it before his eyes to carefully study it,

  “Do you now understand the words I said?”

  Tang San nodded,

  “When tempered into steel, metal of once insufficient quality is refined through continuous forging, it changes into high grade. Dad, did you want t
o tell me this principle?”

  Tang Hao realized, these days his son seemingly gave him not a little astonishment. Returning the iron chunk to him,

  “Then you continue. When you have completed forging it to fist sized, bring it to me to see again.”

  Done speaking, he turned around and walked out of the house.

  According to what he originally said, after forging that iron lump ten thousand times he would teach Tang San forging, but now he seemed to go back on his promise. But Tang San did not take this to heart, he only thought of Tang Hao’s words.

  “Fist sized?”

  This big iron lump, was it truly capable of forging to fist size? Despite only being a quarter of the original volume, Tang San was yet very clear that along with continuous forging, as the iron lump was concentrated more and more, reducing volume also become even more difficult. Thinking about forging it to only fist sized, it could absolutely not be accomplished with another ten thousand blows.

  After being tempered into steel, then another ten thousand will become what? Through Tang San’s eyes was a flash of glittering radiance, and he slightly staggered, while he already dexterously entered his room. Very soon, ting ting dong dong beating noises, once more rose from the smithy.

  Three days very quickly passed, Tang San every day as before went to the hilltop in the early morning to do his routine exercise, and returned home after. In addition to cooking, he was also forging. At last testing his strength against that piece of pig iron. Every day the tempo of the beats increased. Mysterious Heaven Skill helped him very quickly recover physical strength, so that he could especially maintain this continuous forging process.

  “Little San, grandpa has come to bring you.”

  Old Jack punctually came to the smithy, this time he did not even go inside, only calling Tang San from the outside.

  Tang San glanced at his father by his side who just now had eaten. Tang Hao indifferently said:

  “Go. Don’t delay midday cooking.”

  Part 2

  Tang San promised to be back soon, before leaving the smithy.

  With old Jack leading, Tang San followed him to the village centre Spirit Hall. Naturally, this so-called Spirit Hall is merely a large log cabin, nothing more.

  Because of everyone having spirits, every year would have children undergoing spirit awakening. Therefore, everywhere on Douluo continent, Spirit Halls could be found. Naturally, these were all only subsidiary halls, nothing more. The hierarchy was distinct.

  The village children did not have a very good opinion of Tang San. To favor the rich and disdain the poor is an ability not only among nobles, among common people the circumstances are instead even more distinct. With Tang San originally being a reincarnated person, his real age having long ago exceeded 30, naturally he was also unwilling to come into contact with these children. To him, excess time is better used for cultivation, consequently, he of course never had a childhood playmate.

  In addition to village elder Jack and eight children present, in Spirit Hall there was also one youth. This person appeared to be just over 20 years old, dashing eyebrows slanting above starry eyes, his facial features extremely bright and handsome. All over he was dressed in brilliant white clothes, on his back a black cloak, located right on the center of his chest above his heart was a fist sized spirit character. This is standard attire for staff directly subordinate to Spirit Hall.

  On the left side of the chest was a carved long sword badge, on the badge were three crossed long swords. Seems like Jack knows this kind of spirit master well, three in quantity represents spirit master of third degree titled spirit grandmaster, and long sword represents this attendant from Spirit Hall is a battle spirit master.

  “Greetings, esteemed battle spirit grandmaster, this time we will inconvenience you.”

  Old Jack respectfully bowed to the youngster.

  The centre of the youngsters forehead betrayed an indifferent arrogance, unexcited slightly bowed, and at last returned the greeting,

  “My time is scarce, let us now begin.”

  Old Jack said:

  “Very good. Children, this is a battle spirit grandmaster from Nuoding City. Next, he will lead you to open yourselves for your spirit. You must cooperate well with the grandmaster to conduct spirit awakening; grandpa is looking forward to who among you have capability to become spirit master.”

  The youngster somewhat impatiently said:

  “Very well, you last year also said this. Is becoming spirit master is really that easy? I already passed six villages, not one of them had a person with spirit power. They also didn’t have suitable spirits.”

  In Old Jack’s eyes showed a trace of dejection, sighing, he said:

  “Yes, ah! Only one in very many inherit the aptitude to actually become a spirit master. Among us ordinary people, it is indeed most difficult.”

  Shaking his head, he moved away from the Spirit Hall.

  The youngster’s gaze fell on the eight children before him. As a Spirit Hall inspecting attendant, helping ordinary people undergo spirit awakening was his compulsory task, and he was long since used to it.

  “Children, line up.”

  Towards these children, his manner was very lukewarm.

  The eight children stood to order before the youngster, Tang San stood at the leftmost side. His stature compared to the children of the same age, was a little thin and small.

  The youngster smiled and said:

  “I am called Su Yuntao, a 26th ranked spirit grandmaster, and will be your guide. Now, I will one by one have you undergo spirit awakening. Remember, regardless of what happens do not be afraid.”

  While speaking, Su Yuntao unfolded a bundle on a desk to one side, taking out two things from inside: six round pitch-black stones and one sparkling blue crystal ball.

  Su Yuntao placed the six black stones on the ground in the form of a hexagon, then motioned the first child on the right to stand inside.

  “Don’t be afraid, close your eyes and carefully feel.”

  While speaking, Su Yuntao’s eyes suddenly lit up, and before the children’s appalled eyes, he shouted in a deep voice,

  “Lone Wolf Possession.”

  A wisp of thin blue-green light rose from between his eyebrows, following from between his eyebrows straight up, entering into the hair knot.

  Su Yuntao’s hair was originally black, but just after that blue-green light poured in, in a flash it had turned grey, furthermore it quickly grew long, and similarly colored hair appeared on both his uncovered hands, at the same time, his body also seemingly compared to before expand a great deal. The whole body swelled with muscle.

  The Spirit Hall attire had very good elasticity, it actually didn’t rip when filling to the point of bursting because of his body growing large. Su Yuntao’s eyes had already changed to a faint green color, on both hands’ ten fingers sharp claws stretched out, glimmering coolly with a dazzling gleam. Two concentric halos of light shone brightly up from underfoot, constantly moving from underfoot to the crown of his head. Among them one was white, the other one was yellow. Exceedingly strange.

  The boy he told to stand among the black stones, with eyes staring at Su Yuntao’s body transformation, suddenly shouted,


  Frightened and wanting to run.

  In Su Yuntao’s eyes the fresh green radiance was truly frightening. Catching hold of that child,

  “Don’t move. I said not to be afraid, this is my spirit, Lone Wolf. If later you have someone capable of becoming a spirit master, they will also be able to employ similar abilities.”

  The only figure not immediately at the height of terror was Tang San, at Su Yuntao’s body transformation appeared immediate results on the whole body.

  With astonishment comparing, Tang San’s heart was full of curiosity, ‘on his body appeared grey hair, green eyes, these really are wolf characteristics, could it be that after spirit possession people transform into wolves? No, not right,
should be he possesses wolf ability, right. Then, spirit master vocation, there should be a better use of spirit ability.’

  For the first time, Tang San realized, he became interested in the spirit master vocation. He now already somewhat impatiently wanted to know what his own spirit was.

  As Su Yuntao clapped both hands together at lightning speed, six faint green lights poured into the black stones on the ground. At once, a layer of golden misty light released from the stones and rose.

  Part 3

  For some reason, as the previously noisily crying child was enveloped in the faint golden light, he immediately became quiet, just somewhat dully standing there.

  Every speck of the golden light came fluttering up from the black stones, further entering the body of the boy.

  The boy's body began to lightly tremble, not knowing whether to shout or not make a sound.

  "Extend your right hand."

  Su Yuntao's two moss green eyes stared fixedly at the boy, majestically commanding.

  The boy extended his right hand with a start, paused, all the light specks surged out, instantly a sickle appears in his hand.

  It would appear, that sickle is not an illusion of light and shadow, and rather it truly exists.

  Su Yuntao creased his brow,

  "It's a tool spirit. Can a sickle be regarded as a weapon? It ought to with effort."

  The golden light gradually disappeared, the boy somewhat amazed looking at the not very small sickle in his hand, rather at a loss.

  Su Yuntao said:

  "Your spirit is sickle, a tool spirit. Come, let me test if you have spirit power. If you possess spirit power, even a tool spirit can undergo battle spirit cultivation. After all, a sickle certainly has potential for attack."

  "Grand-, grandmaster, what should I do?"

  The boy timidly asked.

  Su Yuntao coolly said:

  "Intentionally recall your spirit. From now try to remember the time you employed it and use that thought to call it out.”

  The boy fully tried a long time, just to recall the sickle, Su Yuntao’s hands held the blue crystal ball in front of him, motioning him to place his right hand on it.


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