Douluo Dalu - Volume 01 - Douluo Continent

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01 - Douluo Continent Page 10

by Tang Jia San Shao

  “We’re just working students, originally exempt from tuition fee, where would bedding come from ah! We all brought these from home. Otherwise, you could use mine for now, right.”

  Tang San shook his hand and said:

  “No need, thanks. I can do on my own.”

  Wang Sheng walked up in front of Tang San,

  “Why did you show mercy just now?

  He had studied at Nuoding primary spirit master academy for five years, if Tang San stopped his knee and changed to a kick to avoid serious injury then he could not understand.

  Tang San indifferently said:

  “We are fellow students, not personal enemies.”

  A complex light flashed through Wang Sheng’s eyes,

  “I’m sorry for just now. Every working student arriving here must face this. Us working students are to begin with looked down on by the other students, so we have to unite. We only hope you this newcomer can join with us……”

  Tang San smiled, and said:

  “Therefore, you wanted to give me a show of strength?”

  Wang Sheng’s face blushed, showing a rather simple and honest smiling expression,

  “It was you who gave us a show of strength in return. However, you truly are ferocious. You should only just be six years old, right.”

  Tang San nodded.

  Chapter 006: I’m Xiao Wu, Wu of dancing

  Part 1

  Wang Sheng pulled back a student in front of the bed, and impolitely sat down by Tang San’s side,

  “Tang San, you beat me, therefore you are now room seven’s boss.”

  Tang San hurriedly shook his hands, and said:

  “I’ve come to study.”

  Wang Sheng sternly said:

  “These are the rules, the strongest fist is the boss. You think being boss is good? I’m not being humble with you. Look.”

  Speaking, he pulled back the two sleeves of his school uniform.

  Tang San was shocked at what he saw: on his both arms were no less than seven or eight blue-green and purple bruises.

  Wang Sheng said with a wry smile:

  “This is just since arriving yesterday. Us working students all come from poor households, so the other dormitory students constantly bully us from room seven. The acting dormitory boss must stand up for the younger brothers. I earnestly wish to pass on this duty to you.”

  The other students all nodded, looking at Tang San, faces showing a faint hopeful light.

  A sense of justice is basically a key element to a knight errant. Protecting the weak is naturally included; Tang San during the years at Tang sect received frequent education on this subject. Having heard what was said he could not decline again,

  “Fine then. I can’t watch fellow dormitory students be bullied.”

  At this time, a clear and melodious voice came from outside,

  “Is this room seven?”

  Everybody looked in the direction of the door, eyes immediately staring somewhat.

  Catching sight of a pretty, very young girl standing in the door, seemingly about the same age as Tang San, height also practically the same. With a pretty little rosy face, and fair and soft appearance resembling a completely ripe honey peach, giving people an urge to bite a mouthful. Although her clothing was very plain, it still looked very neat.

  Black long hair combed into a scorpion braid hanging past her buttocks. A pair of bright and intelligent eyes appearing full of curiosity. Both her hands carried a covered brand new school uniform.

  All the students in the dormitory were boys, and seeing this kind of beautiful young girl suddenly appear, each and every one showed a gaping appearance.

  Tang San could not help asking Wang Sheng in a low voice:

  “We live mixed boys and girls here?”

  Wang Sheng nodded, and in an equally low voice said:

  “Everyone are still children, all the school dormitories do not separate genders. They say intermediate spirit master academies start making the distinction. Really strange, last year there was not one working student, this year there are two. Boss, go, give her a show of strength.”

  “Eh……, there’s no need.”

  Tang San had not expected that he for the sake of becoming the so called room seven boss, would immediately run into a difficult problem. Going to bully a girl, he really could not do this.

  The girl in the doorway blinked with her big eyes, seeing that nobody inside paid attention to her, she again raised her head to take a look at the room seven sign plate on the door, and on her face appeared a happy smile,

  “Hello everyone, I’m called Xiao Wu, Wu of dancing.”

  Wang Sheng pushed Tang San from behind, hinting that he could not destroy the dormitory customs.

  Tang San had no choice, obliged to stand up and walk in the direction of the girl,

  “Hello, I’m Tang San. I’m-, I’m this place’s-......”

  He truly could not say the word boss, but had a thought,

  “I’m this place’s room senior, you called my name on the line. May I ask, what is your spirit?”

  Xiao Wu blinked, and said with a smile:

  “My spirit is rabbit. A very lovely sort of little white rabbit. Yours?”

  When she smiled up, her face showed two lovely little dimples, indescribably touching.

  Tang San said:

  “Then you really aren’t like me, my spirit is your spirit’s food. Blue silver grass.”

  Having always been without experience with girls, as even originally at Tang sect he was only engrossed in hidden weapons every day, right now he was unexpectedly rather nervous.

  Xiao Wu gave a puff of laughter, and said:

  “Do you really mean, you won’t let me inside?”

  “This……, it’s like this: our room seven has a rule that newly arrived working students must at once show their spirit’s actual strength. Therefore, I want you and me to exchange pointers for a moment.”

  Tang San secretly encouraged himself: exchanging pointers was not bullying people. If he was a little careful, he would not injure her. It could also be considered continuing the dormitory tradition.

  Xiao Wu looked strangely at Tang San,

  “You’re certain?”

  Tang San nodded, and said:

  “I’m certain.”

  Xiao Wu set the school uniform she held to one side, on her face showed a bit of excitement,

  “Fine, then come.”

  Without even waiting for Tang San to respond, her right leg had already bent and risen, the lower leg popping up in a flash, kicking straight for little San’s chin. It would appear not to have much strength, but it was extraordinarily fast, Tang San jumped in fright.

  Body dodging to the left, out of the way of the approaching kick, while his right hand grabbed Xiao Wu’s ankle, right leg as usual stepping out, shoulder pushing against Xiao Wu’s chest. A standard Iron Mountain Push. Under normal circumstances, when Xiao Wu supported by only one foot like this and pushed by Tang San, must inevitably go tumbling out.

  Of course, Tang San very much has proper limits. In his heart he already thought it through, he only needed Xiao Wu to lose balance, and with his speed there would definitely still be time to pull her to a stop. At the same time he also did not use much force in that push. He only wanted to consider it a competition and undergoing a test.

  The other students all watched with their full attention at Tang San and Xiao Wu striking. Wang Sheng stared at Tang San’s movements, his eyes shining again and again, trying hard to memorize it. He discovered that Tang San’s movements, although very succinct, were extraordinarily effective.

  But, matters certainly did not progress as Tang San had originally thought.

  Tang San’s right hand had only just caught hold of Xiao Wu’s ankle, when he suddenly felt it slip from his hand, unexpectedly losing control of a certain result. Immediately afterward, Xiao Wu took advantage of her free leg and kicked horizontally, already coming into contact with his sho
ulder. Facing Tang San’s incoming right shoulder strike, she lightly blocked with both hands. With her right leg bracing on Tang San’s shoulder, the other leg also lifted, effortlessly climbing up on Tang San’s other shoulder.

  Part 2

  The current situation would appear extremely strange. Xiao Wu’s two legs actually wound about Tang San’s neck, resting on top of Tang San’s shoulders, upper body bent back with both palms supporting on the ground. Both soft legs were like springs, actually wringing Tang San’s neck and making him tumble backwards.

  Fortunately Xiao Wu was young, and right now wearing pants, if replaced by a skirt, then probably……

  Tang San didn’t have experience from fighting girls. Just now when Xiao Wu’s first leg wound about his neck, he could of course respond somewhat, but because of lifting the leg, the bottom of Xiao Wu’s trouser leg naturally rolled up somewhat, and the lower leg sticking close to his neck was already bare. The delicate skin of the girl’s calf like satin, suddenly caused Tang San’s feelings to fluctuate a moment, and his reaction was half a beat slow.

  Just as Xiao Wu’s both hands pushed off the floor, both legs at the same time exerted strength, and Tang San too late remembered the burden on his shoulders. After all, a person’s neck was weak, and he was again still only a child. Even bearing the strain for a short while with skill, the neck was very easily injured. He could only let Xiao Wu bring his body to a fall.

  Tang San discovered that Xiao Wu’s type of both legs using force with hands pushing the ground technique, gave free rein to her whole effective strength. Unexpectedly somewhat similar to the lower leg emitting strength method hammering style his father taught.

  Falling to the ground facing up, since Xiao Wu’s physical strength certainly was not great and Tang San also had Mysterious Heaven skill to protect his body, he naturally could not be injured.

  Felling Tang San, Xiao Wu already nimbly stood on the ground. Turning around and faintly smiling looked at him.

  Clambering to his feet, Tang San just like Wang Sheng, defeated was defeated, being careless was no excuse. He knew that when Xiao Wu grabbed and threw him she was already lenient. Otherwise, tangling both her legs around his neck could not only be a simple fall.

  It was still the first time Tang San had encountered this kind of technique. In his impression, the martial arts of his original world did not seem to have a similar way. However, this kind of technique was also highly dangerous: if at that time his response had been a little faster, then at that close range, attacking Xiao Wu’s body seemed not at all difficult.

  “I’ve lost. Can you tell me, what skill did you use just now?”

  Tang San’s face was slightly red. In his heart musing, his time as the room seven boss was probably the shortest.

  Xiao Wu said with a winsome smile:

  “I call this Soft Skill. Utilizing the body’s litheness and tensileness masterfully.”

  By now, the dormitory students had all along been watching with gaping expressions, particularly Wang Sheng. Tang San who defeated him already gave him somewhat fantastic feeling, and now Tang San had been subdued in one hit by this beautiful little girl. His eyes were wide since long ago. In his heart he thought, why were this year’s new working students all so fierce?

  Tang San who regarding the position as dormitory boss originally had no idea, said:

  “In accordance with dormitory rules, you defeated me, so hereafter you are the room senior of this dormitory, and also the boss of this group of people.”

  In Xiao Wu’s eyes showed a trace of pleasant surprise, not much surprise, and a flourishing delight,

  “Boss? That seems very interesting. Good. Then from here on I’m your boss. Becoming a working student seems a very good thing.”

  Xiao Wu selected a bed next to Tang San, picking up her package and school uniform from behind and setting them there.

  “Then, who of you will give me an introduction to our academy’s state of affairs?”

  Xiao Wu looked at everyone who did not utter a word in reply.

  Right now these students were just gradually getting over the shock, when Xiao Wu just now threw Tang San so extremely agilely, made them in their hearts somewhat fearful.

  It was still Wang Sheng who stood up.

  “Us working students are actually responsible for sweeping clean the academy, our teacher is responsible for arranging specific jobs. The academy altogether has six grades, every grade has a class. You boss and Tang San are newly arrived, and should be first grade students. The rest of us are at least third graders, I have this year become a sixth grader. At the academy every day we attend class in the morning, then cultivate individually in the afternoon. In the morning there are generally two classes, one class is cultural knowledge, one class is spirit lore. Us working students for the most part have work in the afternoon, thereby earning income for meals.”

  Wang Sheng gave the other students a simple introduction. Among these working students, the best inborn spirit was Wang Sheng: not only was it a beast spirit, in combat effectiveness it was still the strongest king of beasts. His spirit power was already ninth rank, when it again rose a rank he could at graduation join a group to hunt and kill spirit beasts, thereby obtaining a spirit ring to promote his title.

  Listening until Wang Sheng finished speaking, Xiao Wu gave Tang San a glance, and said:

  “Tang San, what is your spirit power rank? Just now I sensed your strength was very powerful.”

  Tang San did not conceal it, after all on the surface his spirit was a good-for-nothing blue silver grass,

  “I have innate full spirit power. Therefore my power is comparatively strong.”

  “Innate full spirit power?”

  The students immediately cried out.

  Wang Sheng’s heart finally reached balance. Since Tang San’s spirit power was stronger than his, defeating him was also as it should. As everyone did not have the prerequisites for a spirit ring, spirit power had a decisive effect. No wonder his strength could be greater than his. Wang Sheng’s heart was pure confidence, and in his heart thought that since his spirit was a war tiger, after he and Tang San equally had gained a spirit ring and entered the spirit master title, his blue silver grass certainly would not be the equal of his war tiger.

  Xiao Wu blinked, muttering some sentence.

  At this time, a thirty year old teacher entered from outside,

  “The new students have arrived? Stand up a moment.”

  Tang San and Xiao Wu simultaneously rose from their beds.

  This teacher had an ordinary appearance, pale green hair, hands carrying bedding,

  “Where is Tang San?”

  Tang San hurriedly stepped forward.

  The teacher said:

  “I’m Mo Hen, you can call me teacher Mo, Tang San, this bedding is from Grandmaster.”

  Tang San took the bedding. Although the quilt facing was gorgeous, a clear and fresh smell came to the nostrils, unexpectedly it was all brand new. In it was still a pillow. Grandmaster apparently already thought to help him.

  Part 3

  Mo Hen said:

  “Tang San, you and Xiao Wu are first year working students, so from now you responsible for sweeping the garden south of the sports ground. Every day is ten copper spirit coins, but remember, you must clean every day. Especially junk must be properly sorted out neatly, otherwise your wages may be deducted. If you seem like delinquents, the academy can expel you. Have you listened clearly?”

  Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded simultaneously, expressing understanding.

  Mo Hen said:

  “Tomorrow is the opening ceremony. The day after tomorrow the regular classes begin, the first year classes are on the first floor of the main school building, so the day after tomorrow you will punctually go to class. Starting from the day after tomorrow, you will start carrying out the regular work. We may do non-scheduled spot checks. Well, take a rest first. Wang Sheng, you’re the oldest here, so tell them about the

  Holding the bedding to his chest, Tang San felt a burst of warmth in his heart, his mind couldn’t refrain from seeing before him Grandmaster’s somewhat rigid face.

  “Bedding? This seems to be a problem.”

  Xiao Wu looked blankly at the bedding in Tang San’s hands, in her eyes appeared a somewhat embarrassed look.

  Working students are all children from poor backgrounds, but more sensible than noble descendants, a few clever students immediately shouted:

  “Boss, for the time being use my mattress, I’ll put half my quilt over the divider.”

  Another student said:

  “Boss, then use my mattress. I brought a cotton-padded mattress I can manage to use.”

  Xiao Wu looked at these working students’ bedding, although it could not be said to what extent they were dirty, for the most part they were broken, ragged and worn out. Frowning she said:

  “You had better not go calling me boss, or you’re calling me old.”

  Wang Sheng said:

  “That’s how we say, that’s the rules.”

  Xiao Wu said:

  “Since I’m boss, my word should be treated as a rule. Then like this is fine: hereafter you call me Xiao Wu jie.”

  Speaking to one side, her gaze finally dropped to the bedding in Tang San’s arms,

  “Tang San, shall we talk things over a moment?”

  Tang San was dazed for a moment, in his heart he understood that Xiao Wu was probably eyeing the bedding in his hands. He had never been a stingy person, but this bedding was Grandmaster’s gift to him, in his heart he was somewhat reluctant to part with it. But Xiao Wu was a girl.

  “Talk about what?”

  Xiao Wu said:

  “I see your bedding is quite large, two people don’t take up much space. This way is good, if we put our beds together then can’t we both use it?”


  Use it together? Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, he mentally was not a six year old child, although right now he and Xiao Wu were both still very small, but as for sleeping together……

  “Men and women together without blood relation, that is not good.”


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