The Old Men's Sex Club Murders

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The Old Men's Sex Club Murders Page 3

by Matt McGregor

  “It’s as if part of my life is being torn away,” Carlton answered. “He was pretty much my life…for thirty years.”

  “I wish I could do more to help,” Seth said as they young officers unbound Harvey’s body and carried him toward the door at the end of the gym.

  Seth turned to the others. “They’ll bury him where he’ll never be found.” He hesitated for a moment. “I’m sorry, Dale.” Then he turned and was gone.

  “So what are we going to do?” Paul asked. “We can’t just forget about what happened.”

  “The first thing,” Carlton said, “is to let the other members know what happened.”

  “Is that a good idea?” Rob asked.

  “What do you mean?” It was Paul.

  “They’re bound to be upset. Some of them may even want to get the police involved.”

  “And we just can’t have that happen,” Carlton said. “First, I want to protect Harvey’s reputation. But more than that…”

  “The club won’t be secret anymore. It would create a scandal that would rock the city.”

  “And ruin lots of lives,” Carlton answered. “My own, for instance. If people found out what I’ve been involved in… I don’t even want to think about it.”

  “Sorry?” Rob said.

  “First off, I’d lose my job. But more than that, think what it would do to the company. To have the head honcho involved in something like the sex club.”

  “I see your point,” Rob answered.

  “So we just have to convince everyone to keep quiet,” Paul said. “To let it remain a mystery what happened to Harvey.”

  “I hate the idea,” Carlton said. “It’s like he never existed. Like the earth is wiped clean of his presence.”

  “I’m sure there are a lot of people who will remember him,” Paul said. “All of us in the club, for certain.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.”

  “But we can’t just let the killer get away with it. We have to find him,” Rob said. “Maybe he even plans to attack others in the club.”

  “I didn’t even think of that,” Paul said.

  “Yes,” Carlton said. “We can’t let this man run loose?”

  “How do you know it’s a man?” Rob asked.

  “Who else would know about the club? About what goes on here?” Carlton said.

  “You certainly have a point,” Paul answered. “But the police are out.”

  “And I certainly don’t know any private investigators. And even if I did, could they be trusted to keep the murder quiet?”

  “I hardly think so,” Paul answered. “The first thing any ethical detective would want to do is tell the police.”

  “So are we just going to let this person get away with it then?” Rob asked.

  “Absolutely not,” Carlton answered. “As I implied earlier, you’re the logical one to follow up on this.”

  “I am!”

  “You’re the most level-headed member of the club. You’re logical, but still you care. And even better, how about you and Rob working together on this?”

  “I don’t have any background is things like this,” Rob answered.

  “But you’re pretty level-headed yourself.”

  “I have a confession to make,” Paul told Carlton.

  “That you and Rob are lovers. Or want to be.”

  “That’s true,” Paul answered.

  “How did you know that?” Rob asked.

  “Pretty obvious by Paul’s reaction at the meeting.”

  “I was pretty upset at what the others did to Rob, what some of them ordered him to do.”

  “I’ll say you were,” Carlton answered. “A storm cloud covered your face through most of it.”

  “I didn’t realize I was that transparent.”

  Carlton gave him a slight smile. “Don’t know if the others even noticed. I doubt it.”

  “So you’ll want us to quit the club,” Rob said.

  “You know the rules as well as I do,” Carlton said. “However, let’s not tell anyone till all this is over.”

  “Till what is over?” Rob asked.

  “The investigation. Finding out who the killer is.”

  “You have considered that it could be one of us,” Paul answered.

  “Yes, of course, I’ve considered it. Who else knows about the club? Who else could lure Harvey here on an off-night?”

  “Former club members, maybe,” Paul answered.

  “I hadn’t thought of that,” Carlton said.

  “And what about others who had the position I now have,” Rob said. “Maybe one of them has a grudge. Maybe Harvey ticked one of them off so much they wanted to kill him.”

  Carlton sighed. “Yes, there is that.”

  “Can you think of anyone in particular?” Rob asked.

  “We fired one of the boys. He didn’t live up to his end of the bargain.”

  “It seems that I’m not either,” Rob said.

  “But not like this person,” Carlton said. “He took advantage of us in every way he could.”

  “I’d never do that,” Rob said.

  “I’m a pretty good judge of character, Rob,” Carlton said. “So I’m damned sure you wouldn’t.”

  “I could be the one, couldn’t I?” Paul said. “Any of us could.”

  “And what about potential members that we rejected. Or those that applied for the job Rob has.”

  “You know,” Carlton said, “there was this one person.” He turned to Paul. “Do you remember?”

  “Not sure who you mean.”

  “Said he was from Toronto and had just moved to the city. I don’t remember how he heard of the position.”

  “I do remember,” Paul said. “He seemed like a nice person but very insistent about wanting the job.”

  “I remember that,” Carlton answered. “Problem was he appeared to be in his forties, for heaven’s sake.”

  “So some of the members voted against him.”

  “Right…and then the man…name was Reggie, I think…became furious. Stormed out of the gym vowing to get even.”

  “I’m sure that was just an idle threat,” Paul said. “Probably the majority of people have trouble with rejection.”

  “I suppose so,” Carlton answered. He looked first at Paul and then Rob. “So what do you say?” Carlton asked.

  “About investigating what happened?” Rob asked.

  “I have an idea,” Carlton said. “I won’t hold you to this, of course, but…”

  “What are you thinking, Dale?”

  “It could be one of the members.” He sighed. “And maybe the best way to talk to them—question them, if you wish—is to have sex with them.”

  “I don’t follow,” Paul said.

  “While I was waiting for you, I had this idea. Suppose, Rob, that you continue with what you were hired to do.”

  “Have sex with the members?” Rob was puzzled.

  “Just as you would have otherwise. Then talk to them. You know how it is. Men often become their most talkative after sex. It’s a letdown, a release of tension. They’re relaxed.”

  “I’m against this,” Paul said. “Totally against it.”

  “I assumed you would be,” Carlton answered. “That’s why I’ve thought of a safeguard.”

  “A safeguard?” Rob asked.

  “Yes.” Carlton looked from one to the other. “When you’re here supposedly alone and having sex with the club members, Paul will secret himself nearby so that if there is any hint of danger, he can immediately step in and help.”

  “I still don’t like it,” Paul said.

  “You don’t like the idea of Rob having sex with the other men.”

  “That’s right. I certainly don’t.”

  “And Rob?” Carlton asked.

  “I certainly don’t like it either. But—”

  “Rob? What are you implying?”

  “Maybe it’s worth it. If it helps catch the killer.”

  “I don’t know i
f I could accept that, Rob,” Paul said.

  “Look at it this way,” Rob answered. “The romantic leads in a movie or a play kiss each other. Most often they aren’t in love. Most often no emotion is involved. Nothing involving endearment, romance, what have you.”

  “What’s your point?” Paul’s voice was clipped.

  “What if I have sex with these men, but it doesn’t affect me.”

  “I hate to be explicit. But nobody’s going to accept it if you don’t respond.”

  “Oh, I’ll respond,” Rob said. “But only while thinking of you. Not them.”

  “So it’s settled,” Carlton said.

  “Don’t jump to conclusions, Dale.”

  Chapter 5

  Rob inserted the key into the lock and opened the door to his condo. He motioned Paul to go ahead of him.

  “Do you think we did the right thing?” Rob asked as he followed the other man to the living room where each took a seat.

  “With Harvey, you mean.”

  “With keeping the whole thing quiet. With letting the two cops take the body.”

  “What else could we do, Rob? We can’t afford a scandal.”

  “And nobody will miss him.”

  “Of course, people will miss him. But I know that’s not what you meant. Will relatives miss him, wonder what happened. Maybe hire an investigator.”

  “Will anyone do that?”

  “I don’t think there’s any danger. Harvey talked about a cousin. A woman who lived on the west coast, Oregon, I think. But they rarely communicated. She’ll probably never know.”

  “But if she doesn’t hear from him?”

  “She may wonder. But I’m sure that’s the extent of it.”

  “And what about— I mean...”

  “The sex thing.”

  Rob nodded.

  “Your having sex with other men at the club.”

  Rob bit his lower lip. “I wouldn’t like it if you were the one.”

  “Having sex with other men.”

  “While I had to watch.”

  “Some people get off on that, you know. Watching their partners with other men. Even seeing them demeaned or worse.”

  “I’m definitely not one of those people!”

  “I know that, Rob, and neither am I.”

  “But you agreed—”

  “Yes, I did. But I’m having second thoughts.”

  “Maybe we should just call it off. Tell Mr. Carlton we’ve changed our minds.”

  Paul hesitated. “I’d like to do that...”

  “However… I can tell there’s a ‘however.’”

  “I’d feel guilty as hell if any of the other members were murdered.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “I gather you’re having second thoughts too.”

  “I am. As you know, I had all these fantasies. Back in Ohio. And then when I met Mr. Carlton… When he introduced me to you and Harvey, it was as if everything I’d dreamed was coming true. And I was much more than willing to go along with it. But you know what, Paul?”

  “Tell me.”

  “That’s not the life for me. I mean, I thought it was. And while it was happening…it was exciting. More than exciting. But I decided I don’t want that kind of life. It makes me feel dirty and ashamed.”

  “You saw how I reacted at the meeting. Not wanting to participate with you involved. With the water sports. Not wanting to piss on you. Not really wanting to piss on anyone else either. I think I’m changing too. Growing up, maybe. At least going beyond such fantasies.”

  “I think that’s largely what started me thinking. Your reaction, that is.”

  Paul chuckled. “Looks like both of us are going through some pretty significant changes.”

  “Which brings me back to Mr. Carlton’s plan.”

  “I promise I won’t let things get out of hand.”

  “What do you mean, Paul?”

  “If things get too rough.”

  “You can’t reveal yourself. That would defeat the plan.”

  “Only if I sense you’re in danger.”

  “You think the murderer will try…to kill me.”

  “We don’t know who he is, Rob. We have no idea.”

  “I thought we pretty much agreed it was one of the people… Okay, one of the boys.

  “I don’t like that word either, Rob. For various reasons…only one of which is what the club calls the young men they hire.”

  “People like me.”

  “You’re certainly not a boy. You’re very much a man.”

  “you’re embarrassing me.”

  “But it’s true.”

  “So what do you plan to do? If and when I meet with the members of the club.”

  “Play it by ear, more or less. And the next person you meet, I’m sure, is Kenta. And despite his interest in martial arts, he’s a gentle man. Nothing dangerous. Actually, a very kind man. Yes, it will pain me to see you with him or anyone else. But I don’t see any signs of danger. Sex with him will be gentle. It always is.”

  Rob smiled. “Well, Dr. Barton, speaking of gentle sex. Shall we?” Rob stood.

  “To be trite about it: I thought you’d never ask.”

  Both men stood and headed toward the bedroom.

  Not only was the sex gentle, Rob thought, but it was much more than just two men pleasing each other. This time he had a very real sense of making love. Totally unselfish love. Strange, he thought, but it was something beyond what he’d experienced—an intense desire to focus completely on his partner, not because he was forced to as had happened with several of the men at the meeting but because at the moment it was the most important thing in his life.

  The feeling added a sensuousness to the experience that Rob found profoundly satisfying.

  Chapter 6

  Paul hid behind the lockers in the main part of the basement gym. He and Rob had arrived early in order to be there before Kenta Yamaguchi, the man Rob had fought to a draw in a martial arts bout at the meeting of the Old Men’s Sex Club. Rob thought him one of the gentlest men at the club—a man without any fetishes or needs, a man who was kind.

  Rob sat in a chair waiting. Ten minutes later he heard the door opening. Mr. Yamaguchi wore a dark suit, blue shirt, and red necktie.

  “Good to see you, Rob, though I almost called this off.”

  Rob gave him a questioning look.

  “Because of Harvey. He was my friend. Certainly, his interests were much different than mine—sexually. But despite that, he was a good man.”

  “I think so too,” Rob said. “After our…our session, he dropped the role playing, and I saw the real man.”

  “Both parts are real, Rob. They comprised a complex man. I don’t condemn or even judge what he liked. Two consenting adults, as they say. But that’s not what I wanted to talk about.”

  “What do you want to talk about?” Rob asked.

  “I came here tonight only because I thought it unfair to you not to.”

  “I’d have understood.” And he would have, Rob thought. Though it would have thrown a wrench in the plans to talk with all the member of the club and feel them out about the murder. Try to trip them up, as it were.

  “I’m sure you would have. Still…”

  “I’m glad you’re here.” And it was true. He was glad to see him, though reluctant to have sex now with anyone but Paul.

  “I hope you don’t mind, Rob, but I’m not in the mood for sex. The inscrutable Oriental, right? The one who never shows emotion. Isn’t that the stereotype?”

  “Mr. Yamaguchi, I certainly don’t believe—”

  “You’re a good man, Rob. I know you’d never endorse such stereotypes.” He shrugged. “What I mean to say is… Well, I don’t want to disappoint you, but is it all right if we just cuddle a bit. Harvey’s death hit me hard, as I implied. And I could use a little tenderness. Is that acceptable?”

  “Of course, it is, Mr. Yamaguchi.”

  “Kenta. Please call me Kenta

  “All right…Kenta.”

  “Then shall we?” He snapped on the lights and motioned for Rob to follow him. He paused at the table. “I’d like to get a little more comfortable, if you don’t mind.”

  “No, I don’t mind,” Rob said as Kenta pulled off his shoes and socks and then shucked his suit, tie and shirt. He now sat on the table in his jockey shorts and white T-shirt.

  What a powerful-looking man, Rob thought. Heavily muscled, and the muscles toned. He must spend hours in a conventional gym.

  “You can get undressed, if you like. As much as you like.”

  Rob smiled at him and then took off everything but his shorts.

  “Would you mind just holding me?” Kenta asked.

  “Of course not.” Rob climbed up beside him as the older man lay on the table, snuggled up against him and put his arm across Kenta’s shoulders.

  “It’s been a long time.”

  “A long time?”

  “Since I’ve allowed myself just to be held. Too macho. People like I am think they have to have sex every time they get into bed with another man. But it’s not true. Sometimes a person just needs to let down his defenses. Do you understand?”

  “Everyone needs such times,” Rob answered. “At least most of us do, I think.”

  “You’re a very perceptive young man. At your age I was too full of myself. I wanted to conquer the world, and I wouldn’t let anyone or anything interfere.”

  “But you changed your mind,” Rob said, as he snuggled against Kenta’s back.

  “Life changed my mind. I found there’s no need to conquer the world, or at least as I perceived it. What we need to seek instead is peace. And a sense of happiness.”

  Rob smiled to himself. “I certainly can’t disagree with that.”

  “What I really want to talk about is Harvey, again, if you don’t mind.

  “Of course not.”

  “The club is just not going to be the same without him. You know he and Dale were the ones who came up with the idea of starting it.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “You knew they were partners though.”

  “Mr. Carlton mentioned that.”

  “I don’t know why I joined in the first place. As I said, I’m not into extremes.”

  Rob could understand. For him, of course, it was the excitement, the chance to live his fantasies. But as he’d told Paul, this sort of thing no longer excited him. He wanted a normal life, not a fantasy one as he’d been living. Not just the sex, but the lifestyle and the money. Not that anything was wrong with the latter, but it was a fantasy too. And sooner or later, they’d get tired of him. He’d be too old to fulfill the members’ fantasies. Of course, that wouldn’t happen in awhile. But now he didn’t want it to happen at all. Yet he was human and felt a sexual attraction to many of the members. But he really wanted only Paul. Sex with the others was no longer a temptation. “I’ve been feeling the same way.”


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