DS Fight Club Box Set (Volumes 0-3)

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DS Fight Club Box Set (Volumes 0-3) Page 11

by Josie Kerr

  Somehow Colin ended up with baby Maude. He looked at her hands, her tiny fingers. “She’s got your hands, Bailey. And your chin. God, she’s beautiful.” He drew in a shaky breath.

  Bailey halted in mid-chew. “Colin, you okay?” she asked, her brow furrowed.

  “Yeah, I am. I’m fine. I think you spilled some of your hormones on me.” He chuffed a laugh.

  “So when do you two come home?” Em asked.

  “I think tomorrow? They’re going to do a couple of tests, but we had an uncomplicated delivery, so we should be home real soon.”

  “Oh crap, I need to put the car seat in your car, Bailey. I hadn’t gotten around to it.”

  They decided that Em would stay with Bailey and Colin would go home and get some rest and put the car seat in before he returned the next day. He gave the baby back to Bailey and he and Mick made their way to the parking lot.

  “You okay, b’y?” asked Mick. His brother looked gobsmacked and happy and overwhelmed. In other words, just like a new father.

  “Why does everyone keep asking me that? It’s getting old.”

  “I don’t know, Colin. You look kind of shell-shocked.”

  Colin leaned against the car. “I never really thought about having kids, you know? I figured I might, one day, when I was probably an old man, like forty-five or so.”

  “Hey!” Mickey laughed.

  “Man, you know I’m just teasing. But yeah, I never really thought about it. I mean, you have to have sex to have a baby, and I really didn’t engage all that much. And whenever I thought about mothers, I thought only about what a mother shouldn’t be. I didn’t grow up with a mother except for our shitty one, and I barely remember her. Duke didn’t ever marry. Hell, he barely even dated. He had a ... lady... that he saw about every two weeks. A professional. Yeah, I know, I was surprised, too,” he said when Mick gave him a shocked look. “But it seemed to be a mutually beneficial thing. I know he left her some money, but he never introduced her to me. But anyway. Bailey’s going to be a great mother. Maude is such a lucky kid.”

  “You need to go home, brother. I’m going to follow you, just to be safe, okay? Get some sleep, and call me tomorrow morning and we’ll put in the car seat and bring that baby home. Sound good?”

  “Sounds like a plan, Mickey.”

  Baby Maude was home.

  Colin had to laugh because Em and Ashley found any excuse to decorate for a party. He and Bailey had walked in to a house full of people and banners and food. And love, so much love. Now, a few hours later, the refrigerator was stocked with meals and everyone was gone except for Colin, Bailey, and Maude.

  Having fed Maude and put her in her crib, Bailey leaned against Colin, snoozing, but enjoying the security of his arm clasped tightly around her waist.

  “Come on, Bailey, let’s get you to bed.” He picked her up and went into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and rummaged through her dresser, pulling out his t-shirt. She laughed softly when he held it up for approval.

  “I can’t wear that to bed. It’ll be too much of a hassle when Maude needs to eat.”

  “Oh, yeah. I should have thought about that.”

  “I’ll pick up a nursing gown tomorrow. Don’t worry about it tonight.”

  Colin gently undressed her, and after tucking her in, got ready to leave.

  “Stay, Colin. Stay with us.” She had a firm grip on the tail of his t-shirt. He nodded once, and stripped down to his underwear before climbing into the bed. Colin curled around her, pulling his feet up so that they wouldn’t hang off the end.

  “What’s a nursing gown?”

  “It’s a gown that has flaps in the front for easy access.”

  “Huh. Sounds like a good design. You go to sleep now. Goodnight, Bailey,” he said, with a sweet kiss to her cheek.

  “Night, Colin.”

  The next two hours passed quickly and, like clockwork, Maude demanded to be fed. Colin had retrieved the squalling baby from her crib and placed her in her mother’s arms. He watched the two of them with sleepy eyes and a full heart.

  “What are you thinking about over there?”

  “It’s really beautiful, you know, watching you feed her.” Colin stayed awake, watching Bailey and Maude until they finished. Bailey cradled the sleeping girl on her shoulder and put her hand on Colin’s head.

  “A lot of men wouldn’t be as understanding as you are, you know,” she said. “Thank you, Colin.”

  “A lot of men are assholes.”

  She chuckled softly. “Yeah, they are.”

  Colin knew she was thinking about Tripp and her last disastrous trip to the prison. He didn’t know what happened but she had vowed not to go back until he got out.

  “Does he know you’ve had the baby?”



  “You know, he was supposed to be for another year, but it’s looking like he’s going to get released sooner.”



  Colin lay in the bed, looking up at the ceiling, feeling a million different emotions. Finally he said, “I’m going to go put her back the crib. You need to sleep, Bailey. She’ll want to eat again soon enough.”

  After kissing the baby’s sweet face and laying her in her crib, Colin crept back into the bed where Bailey was already asleep. He laughed lightly, and gathered her into his arms, where she settled like she was made for the space. He kissed her forehead, just enjoying her against him, skin to skin.

  He laid there for two hours, not thinking about much except for how much he loved the feel of Bailey in his arms. Again, almost to the minute, Maude started crying. He nudged Bailey to wake her, and went to go get the baby, who also needed to be changed in addition to being hungry. He took care of the dirty diaper and then took her to her mother.

  “You’re going to spoil me, Colin. What’s going to happen when you’re not around?” Bailey said sleepily.

  “Why wouldn’t I be around, Bailey?”

  She was quiet, not looking at him. “Well, if you go out of town or something, you know?” Or if you decide that you don’t want to be with someone stupid enough to get involved with a man like Tripp Holbrook.

  “Bailey, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No. If I do go somewhere, you’re going with me. If you want to.”




  Chapter Fifteen


  “Is this weird to you?”

  Bailey nodded. “Definitely weird.”

  They sat side by side on the couch, the remnants of a pizza on the coffee table while a movie that they weren’t really watching played.

  Some magical, fantastic date night, Bailey thought.

  “I wonder what Mick and Em and Emily and Maude are doing?” Colin mused out loud.

  “They’re probably all asleep by now. Hopefully Maude won’t have a hard time sleeping over there.”

  Colin blew out a breath. Bailey giggled. He was having a harder time than she was.

  On seeing Colin’s tense face and feeling his anxious energy, and experiencing the same herself, Bailey made a decision.

  “I’ll be right back, Colin,” she said, and hopped up from the couch. She disappeared into her bedroom for a few moments. When she came back out, she was a bit pink and had a small, mischievous grin on her face.

  She plopped back down on the couch and didn’t say anything.

  “What’s going on, babydoll? You’re being funny.”

  “Funny how?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  “You got something in your eye?”

  “No, I don’t.” More batting. She tucked her feet under her and sat up straight with her breasts thrust out in front of her.

  Colin tried desperately to not look down her blouse. Or rather, his shirt. Bailey had snagged the shirt as her own months ago.
Colin loved the look of it on her, the way the soft material skimmed over her curves, the neck open just enough to expose the creamy skin of her shoulder and chest.

  She had her head cocked to the side, rolling her neck back and forth.

  “You gotta crick, Bailey? I’ll rub your neck for you.”

  She punched him, hard, on the arm. Of course, Colin was so densely muscled that her fist just bounced off his bicep. “I’m trying to be sexy, Colin. Sheesh.” She flopped back on the couch, a scowl on her face.

  Colin grinned. “You’re always sexy, Bailey. You don’t have to try to be sexy.”


  Colin got in her space. “Really.” He placed a soft kiss on her mouth, her forehead, and then behind her ear. “Don’t ever think you don’t drive me wild.” Another kiss, this one with a nip to her lower lip.

  Bailey ran her finger along his neck. “You drive me pretty crazy, too.”

  She unbuttoned a few buttons the shirt she was wearing. “I got this for you.” She shrugged the shirt off, exposing her soft shoulders and a sheer plunging push-up bra.

  Colin sucked in a breath. The bra was so sheer that he could see her nipples and areola through the material. Her nipples were hard, jutting through in delectable peaks that he needed to put his mouth on.

  Bailey raised herself onto her knees and continued to unbutton the shirt. “There are matching panties.”

  Colin thought he was going to swallow his tongue. “Holy shit, Bailey. I thought your spankypants were sexy. These are just...wow.”

  Bailey giggled. “They’re kinda like spankypants….”

  “But see-though!” Colin twisted his head to get a better look. “I approve.”

  “I have a confession: I was going to save these for your birthday. I know it’s coming up soon.”

  Colin grinned at her. “I’m glad you didn’t.” Colin dragged a thick finger up her thigh, over her hip, and across her breasts, making her nipples pucker even more.

  All of a sudden, he pulled her up, tightly against him, her thighs nestled against his shoulders so he had ready access to that softness between her legs. He pulled her mound against his mouth, running his tongue in circles over her folds as his hands roamed all over her rump. Bailey pulled his head tighter against her.

  Colin scattered kisses all over her belly as he snaked his fingers under the elastic on the legs of her panties. He groaned her name.

  Bailey pulled his head back to look at him. He was breathing hard, his gaze hot with desire. “Bailey,” he ground out. She reached behind her back, undid the bra, and let it slide down her arms. “Fuck, Bailey.” He rested his head in the hollow between her breasts. He gripped her back, pressing his face further into the softness of her breasts.

  “Colin, honey, look at me.” She tugged on his hair. “Baby, look at me.” His look when he raised his eyes to her took her breath away. “Colin, what’s wrong?”

  “God, nothing. Nothing’s wrong.” He stroked her back. “You’re just so beautiful, Bailey.” He reached up and caught an errant curl in his fingers. “So beautiful. I can’t believe you’re here with me.”

  “Make love to me, Colin. Right here, right now.”

  “I...don’t have any condoms, and...”

  Bailey grinned. “I got an IUD at my last check up.”



  Colin pulled her down and kissed her hard, then rolled into her.

  “Oh, God, babydoll, I am so sorry.” Colin was almost in tears.

  “You didn’t mean to. I know you didn’t mean to do it. I should have taken more care.” Bailey held a pack of frozen peas on her cheek while she watched Colin pace around the living room. “Colin, sit your butt down. You’re pissing me off now. I know you didn’t mean to do it, so let’s move on.”

  “Let me see it,” Colin said as he attempted to look at Bailey’s injuries. She swatted at his hand. “Bailey, I’m not playing. Let me see.” More swatting. “Goddammit, you’re stubborn. Let. Me. See.”

  “Oh, you don’t get to order me around now, just because I’ve had your willy in my mouth, Colin Carmichael.”

  “Um, are we interrupting something?” Mick said as he stepped through the door, Em, Emily, and Maude in tow.

  “No!” yelled Colin and Bailey, simultaneously.

  Mick and Em looked at each other, then looked back at the other couple.

  Em frowned. “Bailey, why are you holding a bag of peas on your face?”

  Bailey sighed. “It was an accident…”

  Em rushed to her friend’s side and pulled the bag of peas away, exposing a livid bruise on Bailey’s cheek and a rapidly darkening eye. Mick’s nostrils flared and Bailey began babbling, trying to explain.

  Mick turned to his younger brother. “What the actual fuck happened, Colin?” he said quietly, which Colin knew was scarier than Mick yelling at the top of his lungs.

  “It was an accident, Mick,” Colin said, as Mick put his hand on Colin’s shoulder, squeezing uncomfortably tight. “It was an accident.”

  “Bailey, did he hurt you?” Mick barked, making Bailey jump and causing to Em throw her husband a poisonous glare.

  “Bailey? Did he?” Mick repeated.

  “Crap, yes, he hurt me! He punched me in the face! God, but it was an accident!” Bailey had had enough. All the stress from the day before combined with this little incident pushed her right over the edge.

  Em turned her fury to Colin. “How fucking dare you? How fucking dare you!”

  Em got in Colin’s face and got ready to blast him when Bailey shouted “Enough! Enough! It was an accident! I was giving Colin a blow job and did something he wasn’t…quite expecting and he jerked and accidentally hit me in the face. It was an accident!” She emphasized the last word, a blush creeping up her neck. She was still obviously furious, but the sides of her mouth were threatening to curl up into a grin.

  Bailey looked at Em and Mick, daring them to say anything else. Mick was trying not to smile, a look of intense curiosity on his face, and Em was red with suppressed mirth. Colin still had his back to the other three, but Bailey could see that his ears were bright pink. The poor thing was mortified.

  “So, moving on. Thank you two for keeping Maude last night. I hope having two wasn’t too much trouble.”

  “No, she’s a little doll. Such a good sleeper and eater,” Em said, as she handed over the baby. The two women made their way into the kitchen, heads drawn together in conversation.

  “I’m never going to live this down, am I?” Colin knew that Mick was grinning at him behind his back.

  “Oh, I don’t know. It depends on what exactly she did that you weren’t ‘quite expecting’. I’ve got some theories.”

  Colin groaned.

  “Uh huh, I’ll tell him. Mm-hmm. Yes,” Em nodded and made faces as she listened to an obviously female voice babble at her from the other side of the phone. Mick looked at Bailey, who mouthed ‘Ashley’ and Mick nodded. “Ash, let me go so we can come meet you, and the boys can meet Rory at the pub. Okay. Okay. Goodbye, Ashley.”

  Em hung up the phone and laughed. “Wow. You two are supposed to meet Rory at the pub while the girls go shopping. Rory’s apparently spazzing out about something, and that’s making Ashley spaz out, and that’s never good, so you two have your marching orders and we have ours, so, we’re gonna go, okay?”

  Colin’s jaw dropped. Mick’s little wife talked in paragraphs, not in sentences.

  “Y’all go on, Mick. You’ll be sorry if I have to listen to Rory talk about how you blew him off.”

  Mick chuckled and kissed his wife.

  “Colin, we’ll take your car, if that’s okay.”

  “Sure. Give me five, okay?” Colin said.

  “Colin Carmichael, you better be planning on giving me a kiss before I leave,” Bailey said, with an impatient tap of her foot. She had Maude nestled into her chest and an eyebrow cocked. Colin g
rinned and gave her a long, hot, hard kiss, and then he winked and went into the bedroom.

  Bailey grinned and turned to see Mick and Em gaping at her. “What? It’s not like you two don’t set fire alarms off when y’all smooch.”

  “Bailey, girl, we have a lot to talk about. We have got to go,” Em said, and she pulled Bailey out of the house.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Is it too much? It’s too much, isn’t it?” Rory licked his lips as all the men looked at the small blue box that sat in the middle of the table.

  “They’re really sparkly, I’ll give you that,” Colin said.

  “You obviously haven’t seen that bracelet he got her for Christmas,” Mick said with a snort.

  “That platinum and diamond bracelet with the fleurs de lis?” Colin asked. Rory nodded. “You got her that for Christmas? When y’all weren’t even officially dating?”

  Rory cringed and Mick laughed unapologetically at his best friend. “Yeah, I did,” Rory said.

  “Man, I bet she freaked out, didn’t she?”

  “Just a tad.”

  “And so you’re gonna get her more jewelry?”


  Colin shrugged. “Go big or go home.”

  Rory chuckled and managed a weak grin. “Yeh.”

  “What are you idiots looking at like it’s gonna jump out and bite you?” Junior asked as he pulled up a chair at the table and signaled the waitress for a drink. “Dios, who is that for? Gordo, have you lost your damn mind?”

  “What? Fuck, no, Junior. I’m not nuts. Rory’s gonna give those to Ashley for her birthday.”

  Junior looked both relieved and impressed. “Nice, Irish. They part of the set that goes with that bracelet, huh? You get her that, too?”

  “Fuck me. You all pay way too much attention to ladies’ jewelry,” Rory groused. Colin just shrugged and grinned and Junior shook his head.

  “Speaking of gifts,” Mick said with a leer at his brother, which caused Colin to turn flush and groan. “Spill, little brother. What did little Bailey do you that was so ‘unexpected’?”


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