Complete Works of Gustave Flaubert

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Complete Works of Gustave Flaubert Page 169

by Gustave Flaubert

  She listened to him with downcast face, while she smiled with that beautiful smile of hers. He watched her out of the corner of his eye with delight, and poured out his love all the more freely through the easy channel of a commonplace remark.

  She offered to show him the works; and, as she persisted, he made no objection.

  In order to divert his attention with something of an amusing nature, she showed him the species of museum that decorated the staircase. The specimens, hung up against the wall or laid on shelves, bore witness to the efforts and the successive fads of Arnoux. After seeking vainly for the red of Chinese copper, he had wished to manufacture majolicas, faiënce, Etruscan and Oriental ware, and had, in fact, attempted all the improvements which were realised at a later period.

  So it was that one could observe in the series big vases covered with figures of mandarins, porringers of shot reddish-brown, pots adorned with Arabian inscriptions, drinking-vessels in the style of the Renaissance, and large plates on which two personages were outlined as it were on bloodstone, in a delicate, aërial fashion. He now made letters for signboards and wine-labels; but his intelligence was not high enough to attain to art, nor commonplace enough to look merely to profit, so that, without satisfying anyone, he had ruined himself.

  They were both taking a view of these things when Mademoiselle Marthe passed.

  "So, then, you did not recognise him?" said her mother to her.

  "Yes, indeed," she replied, bowing to him, while her clear and sceptical glance — the glance of a virgin — seemed to say in a whisper: "What are you coming here for?" and she rushed up the steps with her head slightly bent over her shoulder.

  Madame Arnoux led Frederick into the yard attached to the works, and then explained to him in a grave tone how different clays were ground, cleaned, and sifted.

  "The most important thing is the preparation of pastes."

  And she introduced him into a hall filled with vats, in which a vertical axis with horizontal arms kept turning. Frederick felt some regret that he had not flatly declined her offer a little while before.

  "These things are merely the slobberings," said she.

  He thought the word grotesque, and, in a measure, unbecoming on her lips.

  Wide straps ran from one end of the ceiling to the other, so as to roll themselves round the drums, and everything kept moving continuously with a provoking mathematical regularity.

  They left the spot, and passed close to a ruined hut, which had formerly been used as a repository for gardening implements.

  "It is no longer of any use," said Madame Arnoux.

  He replied in a tremulous voice:

  "Happiness may have been associated with it!"

  The clacking of the fire-pump drowned his words, and they entered the workshop where rough drafts were made.

  Some men, seated at a narrow table, placed each in front of himself on a revolving disc a piece of paste. Then each man with his left hand scooped out the insides of his own piece while smoothing its surface with the right; and vases could be seen bursting into shape like blossoming flowers.

  Madame Arnoux had the moulds for more difficult works shown to him.

  In another portion of the building, the threads, the necks, and the projecting lines were being formed. On the floor above, they removed the seams, and stopped up with plaster the little holes that had been left by the preceding operations.

  At every opening in the walls, in corners, in the middle of the corridor, everywhere, earthenware vessels had been placed side by side.

  Frederick began to feel bored.

  "Perhaps these things are tiresome to you?" said she.

  Fearing lest it might be necessary to terminate his visit there and then, he affected, on the contrary, a tone of great enthusiasm. He even expressed regret at not having devoted himself to this branch of industry.

  She appeared surprised.

  "Certainly! I would have been able to live near you."

  And as he tried to catch her eye, Madame Arnoux, in order to avoid him, took off a bracket little balls of paste, which had come from abortive readjustments, flattened them out into a thin cake, and pressed her hand over them.

  "Might I carry these away with me?" said Frederick.

  "Good heavens! are you so childish?"

  He was about to reply when in came Sénécal.

  The sub-manager, on the threshold, had noticed a breach of the rules. The workshops should be swept every week. This was Saturday, and, as the workmen had not done what was required, Sénécal announced that they would have to remain an hour longer.

  "So much the worse for you!"

  They stooped over the work assigned to them unmurmuringly, but their rage could be divined by the hoarse sounds which came from their chests. They were, moreover, very easy to manage, having all been dismissed from the big manufactory. The Republican had shown himself a hard taskmaster to them. A mere theorist, he regarded the people only in the mass, and exhibited an utter absence of pity for individuals.

  Frederick, annoyed by his presence, asked Madame Arnoux in a low tone whether they could have an opportunity of seeing the kilns. They descended to the ground-floor; and she was just explaining the use of caskets, when Sénécal, who had followed close behind, placed himself between them.

  He continued the explanation of his own motion, expatiated on the various kinds of combustibles, the process of placing in the kiln, the pyroscopes, the cylindrical furnaces; the instruments for rounding, the lustres, and the metals, making a prodigious display of chemical terms, such as "chloride," "sulphuret," "borax," and "carbonate." Frederick did not understand a single one of them, and kept turning round every minute towards Madame Arnoux.

  "You are not listening," said she. "M. Sénécal, however, is very clear. He knows all these things much better than I."

  The mathematician, flattered by this eulogy, proposed to show the way in which colours were laid on. Frederick gave Madame Arnoux an anxious, questioning look. She remained impassive, not caring to be alone with him, very probably, and yet unwilling to leave him.

  He offered her his arm.

  "No — many thanks! the staircase is too narrow!"

  And, when they had reached the top, Sénécal opened the door of an apartment filled with women.

  They were handling brushes, phials, shells, and plates of glass. Along the cornice, close to the wall, extended boards with figures engraved on them; scraps of thin paper floated about, and a melting-stove sent forth fumes that made the temperature oppressive, while there mingled with it the odour of turpentine.

  The workwomen had nearly all sordid costumes. It was noticeable, however, that one of them wore a Madras handkerchief, and long earrings. Of slight frame, and, at the same time, plump, she had large black eyes and the fleshy lips of a negress. Her ample bosom projected from under her chemise, which was fastened round her waist by the string of her petticoat; and, with one elbow on the board of the work-table and the other arm hanging down, she gazed vaguely at the open country, a long distance away. Beside her were a bottle of wine and some pork chops.

  The regulations prohibited eating in the workshops, a rule intended to secure cleanliness at work and to keep the hands in a healthy condition.

  Sénécal, through a sense of duty or a longing to exercise despotic authority, shouted out to her ere he had come near her, while pointing towards a framed placard:

  "I say, you girl from Bordeaux over there! read out for me Article 9!"

  "Well, what then?"

  "What then, mademoiselle? You'll have to pay a fine of three francs."

  She looked him straight in the face in an impudent fashion.

  "What does that signify to me? The master will take off your fine when he comes back! I laugh at you, my good man!"

  Sénécal, who was walking with his hands behind his back, like an usher in the study-room, contented himself with smiling.

  "Article 13, insubordination, ten francs!"

  The girl f
rom Bordeaux resumed her work. Madame Arnoux, through a sense of propriety, said nothing; but her brows contracted. Frederick murmured:

  "Ha! you are very severe for a democrat!"

  The other replied in a magisterial tone:

  "Democracy is not the unbounded license of individualism. It is the equality of all belonging to the same community before the law, the distribution of work, order."

  "You are forgetting humanity!" said Frederick.

  Madame Arnoux took his arm. Sénécal, perhaps, offended by this mark of silent approbation, went away.

  Frederick experienced an immense relief. Since morning he had been looking out for the opportunity to declare itself; now it had arrived. Besides, Madame Arnoux's spontaneous movements seemed to him to contain promises; and he asked her, as if on the pretext of warming their feet, to come up to her room. But, when he was seated close beside her, he began once more to feel embarrassed. He was at a loss for a starting-point. Sénécal, luckily, suggested an idea to his mind.

  "Nothing could be more stupid," said he, "than this punishment!"

  Madame Arnoux replied: "There are certain severe measures which are indispensable!"

  "What! you who are so good! Oh! I am mistaken, for you sometimes take pleasure in making other people suffer!"

  "I don't understand riddles, my friend!"

  And her austere look, still more than the words she used, checked him. Frederick was determined to go on. A volume of De Musset chanced to be on the chest of drawers; he turned over some pages, then began to talk about love, about his hopes and his transports.

  All this, according to Madame Arnoux, was criminal or factitious. The young man felt wounded by this negative attitude with regard to his passion, and, in order to combat it, he cited, by way of proof, the suicides which they read about every day in the newspapers, extolled the great literary types, Phèdre, Dido, Romeo, Desgrieux. He talked as if he meant to do away with himself.

  The fire was no longer burning on the hearth; the rain lashed against the window-panes. Madame Arnoux, without stirring, remained with her hands resting on the sides of her armchair. The flaps of her cap fell like the fillets of a sphinx. Her pure profile traced out its clear-cut outlines in the midst of the shadow.

  He was anxious to cast himself at her feet. There was a creaking sound in the lobby, and he did not venture to carry out his intention.

  He was, moreover, restrained by a kind of religious awe. That robe, mingling with the surrounding shadows, appeared to him boundless, infinite, incapable of being touched; and for this very reason his desire became intensified. But the fear of doing too much, and, again, of not doing enough, deprived him of all judgment.

  "If she dislikes me," he thought, "let her drive me away; if she cares for me, let her encourage me."

  He said, with a sigh:

  "So, then, you don't admit that a man may love — a woman?"

  Madame Arnoux replied:

  "Assuming that she is at liberty to marry, he may marry her; when she belongs to another, he should keep away from her."

  "So happiness is impossible?"

  "No! But it is never to be found in falsehood, mental anxiety, and remorse."

  "What does it matter, if one is compensated by the enjoyment of supreme bliss?"

  "The experience is too costly."

  Then he sought to assail her with irony.

  "Would not virtue in that case be merely cowardice?"

  "Say rather, clear-sightedness. Even for those women who might forget duty or religion, simple good sense is sufficient. A solid foundation for wisdom may be found in self-love."

  "Ah, what shop-keeping maxims these are of yours!"

  "But I don't boast of being a fine lady."

  At that moment the little boy rushed in.

  "Mamma, are you coming to dinner?"

  "Yes, in a moment."

  Frederick arose. At the same instant, Marthe made her appearance.

  He could not make up his mind to go away, and, with a look of entreaty:

  "These women you speak of are very unfeeling, then?"

  "No, but deaf when it is necessary to be so."

  And she remained standing on the threshold of her room with her two children beside her. He bowed without saying a word. She mutely returned his salutation.

  What he first experienced was an unspeakable astonishment. He felt crushed by this mode of impressing on him the emptiness of his hopes. It seemed to him as if he were lost, like a man who has fallen to the bottom of an abyss and knows that no help will come to him, and that he must die. He walked on, however, but at random, without looking before him. He knocked against stones; he mistook his way. A clatter of wooden shoes sounded close to his ear; it was caused by some of the working-girls who were leaving the foundry. Then he realised where he was.

  The railway lamps traced on the horizon a line of flames. He arrived just as the train was starting, let himself be pushed into a carriage, and fell asleep.

  An hour later on the boulevards, the gaiety of Paris by night made his journey all at once recede into an already far-distant past. He resolved to be strong, and relieved his heart by vilifying Madame Arnoux with insulting epithets.

  "She is an idiot, a goose, a mere brute; let us not bestow another thought on her!"

  When he got home, he found in his study a letter of eight pages on blue glazed paper, with the initials "R. A."

  It began with friendly reproaches.

  "What has become of you, my dear? I am getting quite bored."

  But the handwriting was so abominable, that Frederick was about to fling away the entire bundle of sheets, when he noticed in the postscript the following words:

  "I count on you to come to-morrow and drive me to the races."

  What was the meaning of this invitation? Was it another trick of the Maréchale? But a woman does not make a fool of the same man twice without some object; and, seized with curiosity, he read the letter over again attentively.

  Frederick was able to distinguish "Misunderstanding — to have taken a wrong path — disillusions — poor children that we are! — like two rivers that join each other!" etc.

  He kept the sheets for a long time between his fingers. They had the odour of orris; and there was in the form of the characters and the irregular spaces between the lines something suggestive, as it were, of a disorderly toilet, that fired his blood.

  "Why should I not go?" said he to himself at length. "But if Madame Arnoux were to know about it? Ah! let her know! So much the better! and let her feel jealous over it! In that way I shall be avenged!"


  At the Races.

  The Maréchale was prepared for his visit, and had been awaiting him.

  "This is nice of you!" she said, fixing a glance of her fine eyes on his face, with an expression at the same time tender and mirthful.

  When she had fastened her bonnet-strings, she sat down on the divan, and remained silent.

  "Shall we go?" said Frederick. She looked at the clock on the mantelpiece.

  "Oh, no! not before half-past one!" as if she had imposed this limit to her indecision.

  At last, when the hour had struck:

  "Ah! well, andiamo, caro mio!" And she gave a final touch to her head-bands, and left directions for Delphine.

  "Is Madame coming home to dinner?"

  "Why should we, indeed? We shall dine together somewhere — at the Café Anglais, wherever you wish."

  "Be it so!"

  Her little dogs began yelping around her.

  "We can bring them with us, can't we?"

  Frederick carried them himself to the vehicle. It was a hired berlin with two post-horses and a postilion. He had put his man-servant in the back seat. The Maréchale appeared satisfied with his attentions. Then, as soon as she had seated herself, she asked him whether he had been lately at the Arnouxs'.

  "Not for the past month," said Frederick.

  "As for me, I met him the day before yesterday. He
would have even come to-day, but he has all sorts of troubles — another lawsuit — I don't know what. What a queer man!"

  Frederick added with an air of indifference:

  "Now that I think of it, do you still see — what's that his name is? — that ex-vocalist — Delmar?"

  She replied dryly:

  "No; that's all over."

  So it was clear that there had been a rupture between them. Frederick derived some hope from this circumstance.

  They descended the Quartier Bréda at an easy pace. As it happened to be Sunday, the streets were deserted, and some citizens' faces presented themselves at the windows. The carriage went on more rapidly. The noise of wheels made the passers-by turn round; the leather of the hood, which had slid down, was glittering. The man-servant doubled himself up, and the two Havanese, beside one another, seemed like two ermine muffs laid on the cushions. Frederick let himself jog up and down with the rocking of the carriage-straps. The Maréchale turned her head to the right and to the left with a smile on her face.

  Her straw hat of mother-of-pearl colour was trimmed with black lace. The hood of her bournous floated in the wind, and she sheltered herself from the rays of the sun under a parasol of lilac satin pointed at the top like a pagoda.

  "What loves of little fingers!" said Frederick, softly taking her other hand, her left being adorned with a gold bracelet in the form of a curb-chain.

  "I say! that's pretty! Where did it come from?"

  "Oh! I've had it a long time," said the Maréchale.

  The young man did not challenge this hypocritical answer in any way. He preferred to profit by the circumstance. And, still keeping hold of the wrist, he pressed his lips on it between the glove and the cuff.

  "Stop! People will see us!"

  "Pooh! What does it signify?"

  After passing by the Place de la Concorde, they drove along the Quai de la Conférence and the Quai de Billy, where might be noticed a cedar in a garden. Rosanette believed that Lebanon was situated in China; she laughed herself at her own ignorance, and asked Frederick to give her lessons in geography. Then, leaving the Trocadéro at the right, they crossed the Pont de Jéna, and drew up at length in the middle of the Champ de Mars, near some other vehicles already drawn up in the Hippodrome.


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