Always & Forever

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Always & Forever Page 26

by Scarlett Avery

  “We didn’t want to alert you because your wedding is tomorrow and we figured we could find them, but we can’t do this on our own anymore. We need his help.” Emma is bordering on tears and so am I.

  Holy shit. I open my mouth to say something, but the door pulls away from my hands at the same time as Nikolaj speaks behind me.

  “What’s going on and why are all three of you standing here so early in the morning?”

  “Should I tell him or will you?” Clara ignores her brother’s question, focusing her attention on me. Her question feels like a copout—it’s as if she’s dumping in my lap the responsibility of telling my fiancé his parents have gone missing the day before our wedding. That’s just great.

  “Tell me what?”

  “Why don’t we all step inside,” I say, gesturing at the three women standing in front of me. “I can definitely recount what your sister has just shared with me, but I think it’s preferable if she’s the one who explains everything. There’s so much and I’m still wrapping my head around it all.” I throw the ball back into Clara’s court. I’m far too emotional to shatter Nikolaj’s world.

  * * *

  I invite Nik’s sisters into the living area and order an early breakfast for all of us in the hopes of settling my stomach. My soon-to-be sisters-in-law sit across from us fidgeting nervously during the thirty minutes it takes Clara to share the details of her eventful morning. Nikolaj’s oldest sister has been so consumed by her tale, she hasn’t touched her breakfast nor has she taken a sip of her coffee.

  Nik listens to every word without interrupting her. Once she’s bared her soul, he calmly asks the same questions I had as he pieces together the missing parts of the puzzle. An hour later, each sister has given her own recollection of the facts and all five of us sit quietly, deflated by the heaviness of the situation, for what seems like an eternity.

  Emma is the one who breaks the silence. “Nikolaj, I forgot to mention I tried to reach Uncle Gustav with little success. Since he was still on the dance floor with Carmelita when Sander and I left, I figured maybe he had seen them. My boyfriend and I called it a night a little after midnight, but our uncle was still partying hard when we left. I’ve tried many times, but he’s not in his room and he’s not answering his phone either.”

  “Oh, that’s a good point. Where the hell can he be?” Katrine chimes in. “As if we didn’t have enough to worry about.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  “I think Emma is on to something,” Clara says. “Maybe Uncle Gustav is with Mom and Dad. I’m sure once we find one of them, we’ll find all three of them.”

  I have a suspicion if we head to Carmelita’s suite, we’ll find their uncle.

  “Emma, I’m relying on my gut here, but I doubt our uncle stayed in his room last night.” Nik voices the opinion I’m dying to share.

  “How do you know?” all three von Henningsen sisters ask in unison. If the situation weren’t so tragic, it’d be comical.

  “Did he get in touch with you?” Emma adds.

  Nikolaj flashes his sisters a telling look and Clara, Katrine and Emma take turns curving their lips in the shape of a little O.

  “Do you really think…?” Clara says.

  “Clara, we’re all adults here.”

  “Just because they were dancing together doesn’t mean they’re sleeping together.” Nik’s middle sister looks almost disgusted at the thought.

  “A blind man could read the energy between the two of them,” Nikolaj says. “Under other circumstances, I’d be thrilled for my uncle. If Carmelita makes him happy, who are we to judge? Right now we have a crisis of monumental proportions on our hands.”

  “Yeah.” All three sisters nod in agreement.

  I clear my throat as if to ask for permission to speak. “I think we need to organize a search party.” I begin tentatively. “We need to wake up every guest and we all need to go out there to find your parents. My in-laws,” I stress. “The longer they’re out there, the more complicated this situation will become. There are sixty guests staying at the castle and twenty more in surrounding bed-and-breakfasts. Not to mention there must be at least twenty if not thirty hotel employees on staff.” I pause and take a deep breath in before continuing. “That’s enough manpower to search the area thoroughly. Michel seems like a very competent man and I’m sure he can get us all organized in a flash. “It was pitch black last night because the roads off this property aren’t lit like they are in the city. Jonas and Nicoline can’t possibly have gone far. Maybe they got lost and sought refuge in an abandoned shed when they couldn’t find their way back or they fell asleep by the river. Remember, they don’t speak French, which would make communication with locals impossible, and if they’ve left their phones behind, there’s no way for them to get in touch with us.” I pause again, swallowing hard, this time turning my attention to Nikolaj, who’s sitting next to me. “I’m sure if we all work together, we’ll find them by lunchtime.” I hope so. I lower my eyes for a beat, looking down at my left hand. I never sleep with my engagement ring, or with any jewelry for that matter, and I usually find it comforting to caress my ring whenever I think of Nikolaj, but now staring at my naked finger brings shivers down my spine. I can’t believe this morning. I haven’t said much since Clara, Katrine and Emma knocked at our door. How do I articulate all of the frightful thoughts bouncing in my head? On one hand I’m extraordinarily concerned that my fiancé’s parents have gone missing and they might potentially be in danger. On the other, I’m dreading what might happen if we don’t find them safe. “The sooner we all get moving, the sooner we’ll give this story a happy ending.” And the sooner I’ll have the certainty that tomorrow I’ll walk down the aisle and marry the man I love.

  When I finally look back up, Nik and his sisters stare at me with surprised looks on their faces. I think they’re all aware of how quiet I’ve been so far.

  Nik turns his body and looks at me with a softness in his eyes that makes me want to curl into him and pretend none of this is happening. I reach up and run my hand across his early-morning stubble. He leans his face into my touch. There’s something about this little gesture mixed with the brutal reality of the moment that causes my heart to swell. Nikolaj grabs my hand and kisses it tenderly before reaching out and clamping his hand behind my neck, bringing me closer to him until our noses touch. “I love you. That’s all you need to know. This will all be behind us in a few hours.”

  With those words he gives me the courage I need to face this uncertain day and to believe nothing will prevent me from becoming his wife.

  * * *

  At one o’clock in the afternoon, Michel suggests we all take a much-needed break. We’ve been at it since eight this morning and there’s still no sign of Jonas or Nicoline anywhere. Crap.

  We’ve all congregated in the garden for a short rest and to refill our reserves. The temperature is magnificent at this time of the year in the South of France. This would normally bode very well for a leisurely vacation, but walking around with the sun beating down on the back of your neck for hours is grueling and exhausting.

  Michel has asked the kitchen to prepare a hearty meal to sustain us for the afternoon search. Everyone is seated at the same tables that witnessed so much joy last night. What a contrast with the long faces I see now.

  It’s the first time since this morning that I’ve had a chance to be this close to Nik. Michel divided our guests into teams of ten. I told Nik I didn’t want to be a distraction to him and he should go out there with his cousins and uncles. He has so much on his mind and so much to worry about already. The last thing he needs is an emotional fiancée on top of everything else. I combed the area with my mom, Diego, my three half-brothers, Sofia, Bryce, Harley, Emilio and Beverly. Eloise and Martin teamed up with Uncle Gustav and a few other guests. Even Colette, Kayla, Logan and Walker joined the search party.

  Last night you could barely hold a conversation because the energy was so high and there was so much anim
ation all around us. But now the only sound filling the silence is the clinking of the cutlery against the white china plates. It’s that quiet. Everyone is so somber. We all had such high hopes of finding Nikolaj’s parents after Logan’s motivational message before we started our search. I think we were all fueled by his speech and that’s what kept us going for so many hours, but now that Nicoline and Jonas have officially been missing for fourteen hours, hope is fading fast.

  From what Uncle Gustav and Carmelita shared, Nik’s parents were last seen a few minutes before we made our exit. Nicoline had confessed to her brother that her husband was taking her on a lover’s stroll before heading off to bed. This means they most likely veered off the property at about eleven last night after we had seen them near the fountain.

  After a satisfying lunch, everyone joins their respective groups ready to get back out there. I’m still standing next to Nik with my hands interlaced into his. He’s masterminding a new plan for our afternoon search with Kayla, Michel, Martin, Bryce, Diego, Logan and Walker. I don’t think I’m of much use because the only thing I seem able to do is listen—my growing despair has robbed me of my voice.

  Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and face one of Nik’s sisters.


  “Can I have a word with you?” Katrine pulls me a little to the side, away from the animated discussion. She grabs my hands and looks into my eyes. Whatever she’s about to say, it’s not good. “Ciara, I’m sorry for saying this. You’re family and I know you’ll understand. My little brother is way too stubborn, but you’re a woman. I’m sure you will agree with me.”

  She’s preparing me. It must be worse than I think.

  “About what?” I force a tight smile.

  She looks over her shoulder and I follow her gaze. When she’s confident Nikolaj is still lost in his conversation, she continues. “You guys can’t go through with the wedding tomorrow if we don’t find my parents. I mean it would be unconscionable.”

  Her words hit me full force. Although I’ve been telling myself this ever since Clara, Katrine and Emma dropped the bomb this morning, hearing it cuts deep. I totally sympathize with where she’s coming from and I’d probably feel the same if the tables were turned, but this is the last thing I need right now.

  I fidget nervously, wanting to play with my engagement ring, when I remember I left it in the safe in the room. Her comment is only adding to an already nightmarish day. What is she expecting me to say?

  I open my mouth to respond, but Nikolaj jumps in. “Jesus Christ, Katrine,” he roars, surprising both his sister and I. In a fraction of a second he leaves the group we was standing with and joins us. Evidently, Nikolaj is as shocked as I am.

  Katrine’s head snaps around at her brother’s raging tone and when she looks at me again I can’t tell if I read guilt or defiance in her eyes. “What?”

  “Don’t you think I should be part of this conversation?” Nikolaj is all over his sister like a tiger over a prey. “And furthermore, this isn’t the place to do this. A more private setting would’ve been preferable, but if you want to do this out here, let’s do it,” he challenges her.

  “I just think it’s something your fiancée needs to seriously consider,”

  “I love you, but you’re totally out of line here,” he says through gritted teeth, running his fingers through his hair.

  “They’ve been gone a long time, Nikolaj. It’s a good idea for us to be prepared for the worst. Someone needs to be the voice of reason.” Her words stagger me. Not because they’re not true, but rather because they’re spoken in front of every one of our guests. My world is already crumbling, she doesn’t need to pour gasoline and ignite the wreckage.

  Nikolaj exhales loudly, his hands clenching and unclenching into fists at his sides. He’s royally pissed off. “You don’t get to make that call.”

  “But Nikolaj—”

  “No buts, Katrine,” Nik snaps. I’ve rarely seen Nikolaj lose his calm like this.

  I want to say something to ease the tension, but I’m still too traumatized by Katrine’s statement. I simply stand there frozen. My eyes are focused on them and I know the rest of the guests have their eyes on me.

  “You’re being unreasonable, Nikolaj,” she shouts. “You think you can conquer all, but this isn’t a business deal you can bend to your will. Our parents are fucking missing.”

  “And you’re the only one who’s aware of this, right, sis? Don’t you think I also want to find them? Everyone standing here has the same goal,” he says, opening his arms wide.

  From the way they’re going at it, this isn’t their first virulent interaction.

  “That may be the case, but someone needs to prepare Ciara for the inevitable.”

  “There you go again. Who the hell gave you that responsibility?” Nikolaj barks.

  On my right Emilio, Bryce, Harley and Sofia stand side by side. They’re as devastated as I am. From my left I catch Eloise’s teary eyes and I nearly break down in front of all these people. I pivot behind me, searching the crowd, looking for my mom. She’s gripping her husband’s arm and I’m sure the sadness I read on her face matches mine. I’m at a loss here and my heart is bleeding. Diego takes a few steps forward. He opens his arms and I run towards him.

  Nikolaj and Katrine are still at it without any sign of a respite. Nikolaj gets closer to his sister. Although she’s an inch taller than I am, he’s still towering over her. Even from this angle the dark veil that covers his blue eyes is unmistakable. “I’m going to say this once more time to make sure you understand,” he begins. “I can assure you we’ll find Mom and Dad. They can’t be that far. We’re just not looking in the right place yet. For the love of God, if I have to hire every goddamn policeman in the region to help locate our parents, I will.”


  Nikolaj continues, ignoring her attempt at interrupting him. “I don’t care if I have to comb this entire area all night long and forfeit sleep and food until I find them. Heck, we may have to push back this wedding until later in the day, but”—Nikolaj pauses again and turns to meet my gaze—“she’s becoming my wife before sunset tomorrow and that’s non-negotiable.”

  “What if it’s more, Nikolaj? What if they’re dead in a ditch somewhere?”

  Oh, God, did she really have to go there?

  My stomach drops. The imagery of Nikolaj’s parents in grave danger is unsettling. It’s been at the back of my mind since this morning, but until Katrine brought it up, it was a gruesome outcome I could pretend to ignore.

  Nikolaj shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders at the same time. “You’ve always been the positive one, haven’t you?” he spits out, unimpressed.

  Katrine opens her mouth to argue, but Nikolaj’s stern look forces her to reconsider. It’s so icy cold, it sends chills down my spine. I’ve never seen him this intense since I’ve been with him.

  Martin is the only one brave enough to break the tension between the two siblings. “Nik, buddy, why don’t Logan, Michel and I get started with the groups and you can come out a little later. Maybe you and Ciara need some time alone.”

  “Martin is right. Let’s get moving again, everybody,” Logan chimes in, meeting my weary gaze. He smiles at me, but I can only nod to let him know how I appreciate what he’s doing. “Please make sure at least three people on each team have mobile phones that are fully charged. We all need to stay in constant communication. One more thing before we all disperse. Team leaders, please make sure everyone’s back at the castle by seven o’clock tonight. It’s two o’clock now and it still gives us a lot of time before sunset. I don’t want anyone still out there when night falls. All right, let’s go, gang. The sooner we get back out there, the faster we’ll bring Jonas and Nicoline back safely.”

  There’s a collective hum of agreement in the crowd and our guests start moving.

  Nikolaj and his sister are still facing each other like adversaries until Martin speaks. “Katrine, you’re coming?
” Martin’s question isn’t a suggestion.

  “Of course,” she snaps, flashing Nikolaj a menacing look.

  Katrine turns on her heel and melts into the moving crowd. Martin watches her walk away before focusing his attention on his best friend once more. “Should your cousins and uncle wait for you so you’re not going out there alone?”

  “That’s a really good idea, Mart. Maybe they can wait for me at the entrance and I’ll come and join them in a few minutes. I need to…”

  “I understand. Take your time, buddy.”

  “Thank you. I owe you one.”

  “You would’ve done the same for me.”

  “Thank you,” I mouth when Martin’s eyes meet mine.

  Sofia and Harley look my way to find out if I’m okay and I nod to ease their worries. My tentative smile seems to appease them and they follow Martin along with Bryce, Kayla and Walker.

  Nik’s jaw is locked tight as he waits for his sister and the crowd to walk away. Once the garden is quiet again, he locks eyes with me and instantly I can see the tension dissolve. He approaches me with his hands tucked in his pockets. I haven’t budged. I’m still wrapped in Diego’s embrace, desperately in need of comfort. My mom has joined us and once again it’s the three of us against another von Henningsen family drama.

  When Nikolaj gets closer, Diego slides his arm off of my shoulder and kisses the top of my head before taking a step back. My mom follows his cue and allows my fiancé to have a minute alone with me.

  Nikolaj cups my face in his hands and bends at the knees so our gazes meet. “Don’t think it’s gone unnoticed that you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet all morning, my love,” he says, sweeping a few curls that escaped my ponytail behind my ear. “I know things look bleak right now, but I’ll do whatever it takes for us to walk down the aisle tomorrow. Please don’t listen to my sister. She can be overly dramatic.”

  His reassurance helps me regain my voice. “I really want to believe you, but eighty people and six hours later, your parents are still nowhere to be found.” Desperation laces through my words. I fixate on his chin to avoid reading anything in his eyes that might heighten my trepidation.


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