The Beckoning of Bravelicious Things (The Beckoning Series Book 3)

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The Beckoning of Bravelicious Things (The Beckoning Series Book 3) Page 12

by Calinda B

  “Ah,” he says. “So you believe me.”

  “Maybe,” I say evasively.

  He relaxes visibly. Nods. Smiles, even. Lets the barrier between our minds fall away, like he’s shrugging off his coat.

  “But now I’m setting about to get the record straight, choices under my command, eyes open wide.,” I say, a touch of defiance pushing through.

  “Come closer, love,” he says, extending his hand. “I can help.”

  “Help how? Haven’t you done enough?”

  “Come,” he says again, his fingers reaching for me.

  I take them and am instantly flooded with light. Crap. Why do I respond to him so easily? It zings down my arm, into my hand, and defines a path into Daniel’s heart.

  He grips my hand tightly. “I won’t let you go, ever.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  He tugs me even closer, pivots, and plants a kiss of claiming on my mouth.

  It’s a searing hot kiss that makes my core hot and wet. The sensation of light-filled energy streams from my belly and shoots from my mouth to his.

  He moans, plunges his tongue deep, frenzied, wanting. When he finally releases me, his blue eyes appear black. “You’re so fucking incredible, Marissa. You’re like essential nutrition. You feed my dark soul.”

  His words land like a snake in my heart, slithering down between my legs. His dark soul? I think, forgetting our minds are once again in sync.

  It’s darker than midnight, he responds. It’s black, beyond compare.

  “What are you saying?” I ask, alarmed.

  “I’ve assumed more power than anyone has a right to have. It’s placed a stain on my soul.”

  “No, Daniel. You’re a really good person.”

  “The only goodness I have inside comes from you, cariño.” He picks up his drink, tosses it down his throat, and sighs. “It’s a fact. I have to live with it. And I intend to continue to live with you.”

  I bite my lip and say nothing, sipping my wine, munching on another cracker.

  Daniel retrieves his cigar with one hand, holding the empty glass on his thigh with the other.

  “Oh. Met the Shadow Numen today. He told me to give you a message,” I say, toying with the stem of my glass.

  Daniel pauses, the cigar about to reach his lips. “And?”

  “He said there’s a whole group intending to thwart us as we head on our journey. It’s spearheaded by none other than your dad.”

  The glass slams on the table with an angry thwack, the cigar extinguished, and Daniel’s on his feet, pacing. “He what? I thought he was in a coma. Incapacitated.” He throws his hands up over his head. “Out of the picture,” he growls, moving like a caged lion.

  “Apparently not. There’re all these sorcerers and bad guys who want to end me. Never mind that we might not make it back anyway.” I empty my wine glass. “Can I get another one of these?”

  He stalks to the console, stabs it, and barks, “Refresh our drinks, Karen, pronto.” He drags a hand through his hair. “Goddamn it, I thought the war between father and son had ended.”

  “Nope. It’s worse than we thought. This whole journey is turning into a nightmare.” I twirl a strand of hair around my finger. “We could always not go.”

  “No, dulzura. If they’re hell bent on thwarting you, there’s more out there than we imagined. Evil’s too lazy to rise to the occasion for no good reason.” His pacing continues.

  “Should we invite the others over? Shouldn’t we all strategize based on this new piece of intelligence?”

  Daniel stops, resting his hands on the cedar railing, his eyes focused on the far away Olympic mountains. “It’s not a bad idea. I never wanted Rafe to set foot on my property before, but now that you’ve assured me you won’t leave me and, given the new intel, it might be a good idea. I’ll arrange it.” Without another word, he stalks into the bedroom and heads down the stairs, no doubt for his office.

  “He could’ve simply picked up his cellphone,” I say to Sober. “It’s sitting right there.”

  My canine companion lifts his head, thumps his tail on the wooden deck, then lowers his head, and sighs.

  Chapter 13

  “Nice spread you’ve got here,” River says as he steps inside the foyer an hour later, dressed in casual elegance.

  I eye him appreciatively. No amount of fabric can conceal those muscles.

  “I’ll say,” Rafe adds. He’s wearing Levis and a dress shirt, and he looks extremely handsome. His copper hair is combed back from his face, making his light blue eyes appear bright, clear, and warm, peeking out from lightly freckled sun-kissed skin.

  Sober trots up to him and gives both males a sniff.

  “Thank you,” I say. “This is the main floor…dining room and kitchen to the left, great room here, private room to the right. The entire upper floor is our bedroom,” I say, pointing over my head. “The downstairs contains offices, studies, and the like. Staff quarters are nestled in the trees along the driveway.” I sound like a tour guide. Sheesh.

  Rafe’s assassin trained eyes expertly scan the room, no doubt missing nothing. “Cool art. Is some of it yours?”

  “Yes,” I say, color flooding my cheeks. I point at two of the large paintings on the wall. “Those are mine.”

  “Beautiful,” River says. “They go with all the Oaxaca rugs on the floor. Lots of color. Vibrant surroundings. Love the sensual sculpture in the corner. Is that a pivoting fireplace?”

  Made of leather, fine wood, and stainless steel, the elliptical, boomerang shaped fireplace is enclosed in glass, forcing the heat from the flames in a directional manner.

  “Yeah. It is. It’s also powered by bio-fuel,” I say, pride mixed with my words. “It swivels in all directions,” I add, giving it a gentle spin.

  “This whole space,” River says appreciatively. “It’s a perfect blend of you and the Night Numen. You’ve added loads to his life, I’m sure.” His eyes sweep my body. “You look amazing, by the way.”

  “Thanks.” I’m wearing a simple silk tunic top that falls to mid-thigh. Herkimer diamond earrings adorn my ears. Lapis lazuli rests in a choker around my neck. An exquisite emerald pendant dangles from a gold necklace. A red diamond rests against my belly, out of sight. The delicate golden links that bind it encircle my waist, fall along my ass, and slide gently along the folds at my legs, meeting at the apex of the solid gold cupped around the glistening diamond. It’s an exquisite spider web of precious metal making me very aware of my sex. These are a few of my power jewels, given to me by Daniel. They create erotic, focused, highly charged sensations when they’re placed on my body, as Daniel did a short time ago. I’m in a state of near-ecstatic bliss, simply standing before these two males.

  I give each man a quick hug, adding a chaste kiss on their warm cheeks. I’m also a bit nervous at having them over. Daniel can be bossy and intense, to put it mildly. He can also charm the pants off a snake oil salesman.

  The two men appear somewhat ill at ease in their elegant surroundings. I’m sure they’d much rather be in the field somewhere, performing their badass skills. Or maybe it’s because this house is owned by my extremely badass, soul bound lover.

  “Make yourselves comfortable on the deck out there,” I say, handing their coats to Javier, our butler, chauffeur, and all around nice guy. Javier’s the truly kind and decent man who drove me to Daniel’s house for our first date. He soothed my jitters out of me and made me feel safe and welcome. I’ve felt close to him ever since. “Daniel will be down in a moment.” I turn to Karen standing in the doorway to the kitchen, her face a stoic mask. “Karen, get these guys some refreshments. What would you like, boys? We have everything.”

  “Can you make a Bloody Bull?” Asks River.

  “Uh, I imagine so,” I say. “What the hell is it?”

  “A tasty mixture of vodka, beef bouillon, lemon, tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauce.” He grins at me. “Not as tasty as you, though.”

  I bat
his shoulder, my face blushing. A bolt of lightning shoots through my system. This never used to happen. The light force is growing strong in me. I’m going to have to learn how to conceal that, I think, as River chuckles. “Rafe?”

  “I’ll have a SnakeBite.”

  “A snakebite? You two and your drink choices. What’s that?”

  “Canadian Whiskey and lime juice. A man’s drink.”

  “What’s that make my choice?” River asks.

  “Another man’s drink,” Rafe says, smirking. He glances at the deck flanking the entire back wall. He whistles. “Nice view. Is that entire wall of windows also doors?”

  The windows are attached top and bottom by fasteners that allow them to pivot.

  “Each and every one. We call it climate control.”

  “I call it expensive,” Rafe says, stepping across the huge room.

  River and I follow him onto the beautiful cedar deck overlooking the gardens, trees, distant water, and houses down the hill.

  “Sit anywhere you like.” I gesture to the comfortable sectional patio furniture, partially encircling a low glass table. The glass is held aloft by a bronze sculpture of a giant pacific octopus, its arms entwined around the edges. A carved wooden bare breasted babe rests in the center of the glass. Her arm is lifted high, holding a sword over her head.

  “Shit, Marissa,” Rafe says, settling onto the comfortable blue cushions. “I had no idea you lived in such luxury. That coffee table is amazing.”

  “It is, thanks. I designed it. Also carved the wooden sculpture.”

  “Even better,” River says. “You’re a gifted artist.”

  Daniel appears in the doorway, followed by Karen, holding a tray with our drinks and appetizers.

  Karen follows him outside, sets down the tray, and swiftly disappears.

  “Rafe,” he says, lifting his chin slightly. “River. Welcome to our home,” he emphasizes the word “our.” He puts a possessive arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

  Stop being an alpha male.

  It’s what I am, cariño.

  My breath catches as I regard him out of the corner of my eye. I know I just saw him a few minutes ago, but he’s literally transformed himself, dressed in a white Italian designer shirt with a swatch of Cerulean blue running up the front. The same blue as his eyes. The white of his shirt provides a sharp contrast to his bronze, Brazilian complexion. The shirt sleeves are rolled up, revealing his muscled forearms. Moncler Gamme Bleu slim fit trousers cover his legs. The entire look cost him a couple thousand. And he calls these his ‘kick around clothes.’

  The jewel resting on my belly grows warm as sensation sizzles through me. I’m surrounded by three of the sexiest, deadliest, blue-eyed males on the planet. I admit it, I think, glancing between River and Daniel. I have a weakness for blue-eyed, dark skinned males. My attention lands on Rafe, who’s studying me with a predator’s intensity. Okay, I have a weakness for redheads, too, especially when they make me feel the way Rafe does…well, not the ‘make you dead’ part, but all the rest. Good thing they all love me. I hope to keep it that way. I make my way to the sectional, sit, and pick up my shot of top shelf tequila.

  Daniel settles next to me.

  The men all reach for their drinks, holding them aloft.

  “Gentlemen,” I say. “To our continued well-being. To not losing our heads or minds or souls in the Shadow Lands. To staying safe.”

  “And to a life of continued pleasure,” Daniel adds, his gaze burrowing into my soul.

  I take a sharp breath, clink my glass with everyone’s, and toss back the fiery liquid. It burns a hot trail of intensity down my gullet. When my head is once more upright, all males are staring at me.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Want another?” River asks, smirking.

  “How about two?” Rafe says.

  “You just want me drunk,” I say. “Thanks but no thanks. The moment calls for fortification.”

  “So,” Daniel says, ignoring us, clearly in command. “Marissa has informed me that we have a situation to deal with once we reach the Shadow Lands. My father,” he says, his lip curling in disgust, “is no longer in a coma, apparently not incapacitated either. He’s gathered his evil allies to take Marissa down, and the rest of us, no doubt, as collateral damage.”

  “As if we didn’t have enough to deal with,” River says, pressing his lips into a crisp line.

  “Armando?” Rafe says, choking on his drink.

  “One and the same,” Daniel says.

  “I saw your mother shoot him in the heart,” Rafe says.

  “He’s very much alive. I made a few calls before you got here. They’ve formed a coalition called Guerreros del diablo—the devil’s warriors. They’ve splintered off from the Numina. They’re not allowed in the ether meetings anymore, but Tom thinks they have a mole planted on the inside.”

  “Did Tom already know about this?” I ask, frowning.

  “No. He didn’t know. It’s been forming in secret since we got our orders to accompany you to find the sisters. After I contacted him, he made a few calls and that’s all he could discern. He’s busy gathering data as we speak.” He glances at his Movado wristwatch. “We have to meet him in the garden at about twenty after. We’ll have a brief ether meeting to hear what he’s discovered.”

  We all nod.

  “I’ve got some contacts. I can call in a favor or two,” Rafe says. “See what they know.”

  “Same,” River adds. “I can find out a thing or three as well.”

  “Good.” Daniel nods, satisfied. He places a hand on my thigh and draws it up the inside, slowly, deliberately. “We’ve got to keep this woman safe.”

  I shiver, catching his hand before it goes any higher. You’re playing with me, I convey.

  As is my right, he thinks, eying me carefully.

  “Agreed,” Rafe and River say at the same time.

  “This woman,” I say, fully feeling the effects of my shot of tequila, and placing Daniel’s hand on his own damn thigh, “can take care of herself. I’m no lilting lily, guys. Give me a break.”

  Daniel rolls his eyes.

  I glare back at him. I pull the cork free from the bottle of red wine sitting on the table, pour myself a glass, and take a healthy swallow. “Want to see?”

  “Yeah, show us,” River declares. “Striptease, baby.”

  I slowly get up, saunter away, swinging my hips side to side.

  “I was kidding, but this is nice,” River says.

  “I’ll say,” Rafe adds.

  “Marissa,” Daniel cautions.

  “Don’t worry, Daniel. I know what I’m doing.” I feel hot, sexy, aroused and mischievous. I cross my arms, bend forward and give them a peek of my thighs, the muscles all down my legs. I want them to notice my strength, for once. I hear three alpha males hiss. I drag my hands up my thighs, looking like I’m going to peel out of my dress as I distract the men from what I’m actually about to do.

  “Yeah, darlin’,” Rafe murmurs in a throaty growl.

  When my hand reaches my hidden sword, I whisper the secret phrase, yank it free, whirl around, and send a laser beam of light straight toward the wooden sculpture, expertly lighting the tip of her sword.

  Three male jaws drop.

  “Didn’t expect that,” Rafe says.

  “Not what I was hoping for,” River says.

  Daniel shakes his head at me. He picks up the carved woman and blows out the flame on the end of her weapon. “I liked this piece without the special effects.”

  “I’ve learned a couple of things training with you and Rafe, Daniel. I could burn your britches, all of you. Don’t treat me like I’m frail.”

  “We’re not treating you like you’re frail,” Daniel says. His eyes blaze. “We’re treating you like you’re precious.”

  My face falls. “Oh,” I say, slipping the sword back into its invisible scabbard. “Still. I was making a point. I want to be an equal among you.”

sp; “You’re more than an equal. You’re calling the shots, darlin’,” Rafe says. He tosses back the remainder of his SnakeBite. “We’re there to protect you and all, but this is your journey, not ours. Think of me as your hired gun.”

  “Same,” River says, finishing his Bloody Bull. “Someone might need a transfusion…after I’m done with them. But only if you give me a sign.”

  “You mean I’m really in charge? We’re not your team?” I say to Daniel.

  “Nope,” Daniel says. “You’re the badass boss dog.”

  “Really?” I’m about as pleased as it gets.

  “We’re all your warriors, dulzura. Committed to the cause. Not happy about going there. But going, nonetheless.” Daniel pours the last of his Jäger Bomb, a mix of Jägermeister and Red Bull, down his throat. “I told you. I’ve committed my life to your protection.”

  “As have I,” Rafe says.

  “Same,” River echoes.

  I stare at them, my sword hanging by my side, a monsoon of feeling pouring through me. These guys all love me. The baddest guys on the planet and they’re in love with me. “The feeling’s mutual, you three. I adore each and every one of you.” I give them all a warm smile.

  “You can continue with that strip tease,” River says. “You know…show us your appreciation.”

  They all laugh and I shake my head. Boys will be boys. “Nah,” I say, although it’s a tempting thought. Imagine…three at once? Daniel glares at me. Oops. Forgot you could hear that.

  “So, can’t help but notice, Navid, you haven’t tried to take my head off once this evening,” Rafe says conversationally. His eyes look anything but at ease.

  Daniel shrugs. “A guy can make his peace.”

  Rafe’s eyes narrow. “Uh huh.”

  “Boys,” I caution. Rafe’s right—Daniel has been in a generous mood this evening.

  Rafe studies Daniel.

  “I’ve had a change of heart.” Daniel looks away. “Shall we make our way to the garden? Dinner will be in three quarters of an hour. We’ll have time for a briefing and we’ll be back before you know it.”

  Like a precision army, we stand, canine companion and all, and tread down the stairs that wind to the beckoning gardens below.


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