First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms

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First Taste: A Collection of Hot Alpha Doms Page 46

by Sidney Bristol

  “Come on, love,” he whispered, lifting her limp body off the horse. With quick movements he undid the arm binding, then massaged her upper arms and shoulders. Anna leaned against him, panting. He cupped her face, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs. He kissed her, murmuring sweet nonsense as she slowly came down to earth.

  Finally, Anna blinked, focusing on him.

  The corner of his mouth kicked up. “Enjoy that?”

  “Yes, thank you.” She tried to tell him with her eyes that she was thanking him for more than just this session, more than this one wild orgasm.

  They kissed again, this time Anna a much more active participant.

  “Thank you, Master,” she said as he pulled back. She shifted her weight and gasped as the plug moved.

  Jensen raised an eyebrow. “Forgot about that, did you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “How about we go get some food? I’m hungry.”

  Jensen pulled on the suit pants. Picking up the gray bag and another larger black one, he shoved the toys inside. Anna bent to help him, then stopped. The plug was heavy, and for a moment she thought it might slip out. Now that she was standing, she could feel the hard, cold edges of the quartz set into the base.

  “Problem, Anna?”

  “No, Master.”


  “Sadist,” she countered, knowing he enjoyed the banter.

  He laughed. Another Dom might have beaten her black and blue for talking back, but Anna hated being limited to “no, Master,” and “yes, Master.” Lucky for her, Jensen felt the same.

  Slinging the bags into a corner, he offered her his arm. “My lady.”

  Anna started a mock curtsey, but froze as the plug pushed against her.

  Jensen wrapped an arm around her. His hand slid over her ass, then touched the base of the plug. “Is your pretty little ass having a hard time keeping it in?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You will keep it in.”

  “I don’t know how much—”

  “You will keep that plug in your ass.” His gaze searched her face, his expression hard and relentless. “I want it in you.”

  Anna shivered. “Yes, Master.”

  He laced her arm through his, and then led her to the door and out into the hall.

  Chapter Five

  Jensen felt her hesitation as they left the Orion room. Though he’d come less than 30 minutes ago, his cock twitched. Anna was the perfect woman and three hours ago he would have sworn that their BDSM play couldn’t get any better. She was submissive but feisty, wickedly smart yet soft and yielding. What he hadn’t realized until now was how much he’d enjoy pushing her, how much her uncertainty and fear would bring out both his need to protect her and his desire to dominate her.

  The way she trembled against him as they walked along the open hallway that ringed the Constellation Court made him want to throw her over his shoulder and take her back to the Orion room. The plug was big, and if not for the prompting of the checklist game, he wouldn’t have used it on her. He imagined it was hard for her to walk with it in.

  Anna stopped, clutching his arm. “Master…”

  “What is it?”

  “The plug. I think it’s going to slip out.” Her eyes were wide.

  Jensen’s nostril’s flared. “I told you to keep it in.”

  “It’s so heavy…I’m trying.”

  Another couple—an older Dom with salt and pepper hair leading a twenty-something sub in a school girl uniform, passed by. Anna turned into Jensen, hiding her nakedness. Jensen growled and grabbed her wrists. Forcing them behind her back he turned her face out, exposing her naked body.

  The Dom stopped, looked Anna over from head to toe. “You have the first letter?” He pointed to Anna’s breast.

  The large “A” he’d applied with body paint was smudged, but readable. “Yes,” Jensen answered.

  The other Dom nodded to him, then walked away.

  Anna sucked in a breath. Jensen was just as surprised by what he’d done as she had to be. He didn’t like to share. He wanted Anna all to himself. He didn’t mind people watching from behind glass, but Anna’s naked body was his, and his alone. Normally when they were out in the public areas she wore lingerie.

  Jensen took a minute to examine his feelings, his motivation. He knew Anna had gone naked in Las Palmas, and even been used in the large public play rooms, but that was before he’d joined the club with the express purpose of dominating her.


  “I’ve never had you naked in the hall before, have I?”

  “No, Master.”

  He took both wrists in one hand, then gripped her hair, tipping her head to the side. “Right now I enjoy showing you off, showing everyone your pink ass, the plug, your pussy still shiny with your juices.”

  The words were true, and it was a new feeling for him. Anna’s breath caught, and she shifted restlessly. He released her and she turned to face him.

  “You will keep the plug in through dinner.”

  Her eyes widened in alarm.

  “If you think you can’t do it, you may crawl.” The words were harsh, the impetus even harsher. He wanted her used, filled, stretched, and if that meant she had to crawl like a slave, naked for all to see, then he would make her do that.

  She bowed her head, then sank to her hands and knees. Jensen’s cock hardened in the tight slacks. The chunk of quartz in the base of the plug glittered in the dim light. It drew the eye, demanded that anyone who passed by look at her ass, which was red from the abrasion, spanking and crop. They would know that her ass was owned and filled.

  “Come,” Jensen said. Anna crawled after him as he made his way towards the dining room.

  Anna’s knees throbbed by the time they reached their destination, but that paled compared to the throbbing in her pussy. Exhibitionism wasn’t one of her kinks, and yet she couldn’t help but find Jensen’s newfound desire to display her arousing. It wasn’t like him, but this weekend was about trying new things, and it seemed her Master had taken that to heart.

  She’d lost track of the people who’d passed them—she was moving slowly, since the tile and wood floors were not the easiest thing to crawl on. Murmurs of “lovely” and “well done” had washed over her, embarrassing yet thrilling.

  The plug shifted inside her with each movement, but at least it wasn’t in danger of slipping out. Part of her doubted it would have happened even if she’d remained standing considering how thick it had felt going in.

  Finally they entered the dining room. Set with a variety of tables and lounge areas, the dining room served brunch and dinner Friday to Sunday night, which was when most people came to Las Palmas. The food was catered by a five star restaurant in Malibu and the wines were all award winning vintages.

  Jensen led her to a sunken seating area. Stepping down, he sat on the padded bench that lined the square. A low table in the center had discrete rings set into the sides so it could be used to restrain and display subs. Jensen stretched out his long legs.

  Anna still knelt on the floor. Their heads were nearly level. Jensen smiled, but his eyes were serious, his desire like a cloak around him.

  “Steak and veggies,” he told her.

  Anna licked her lips. “Yes, Master. I will have to stand.”

  “I expected so. Keep the plug in.”

  She nodded once then rose to her feet.

  Anna felt the eyes of the other diners on her as she crossed the room. The “A” on her breast seemed to burn, declaring to all that she was the first to play, the first to be subjected to this wicked game.

  She was by no means the only naked woman, and yet it was the first time in a very long time that she’d been naked in one of the public spaces. Though there were over one hundred members of Las Palmas, it was an intimate group, and everyone came to know one another by sight and reputation if not by name. Anna had no doubt that others would be discussing her nakedness, wondering why Master Jensen, who was so
deliciously possessive of her, would show her off.

  She also had no doubt that they were looking at the “A,” then at the plug in her ass, and wondering what else she was going to be forced to submit to.

  She selected a plump filet from the warming dish and then added veggies to the plate. Next she poured a glass of Master Jensen’s preferred red wine and carried both the plate and the glass back to him, taking the steps down into the seating area and placing his dinner on the low table.

  Anna paused beside Jensen, unsure what to do. Normally she’d sit next to him and cuddle against his heat, feeding him bits of dinner as they chatted quietly. Tonight wasn’t normal. She couldn’t make any assumptions.

  “Kneel on the side,” he commanded, cutting his first bite of steak.

  Anna climbed out of the seating area and knelt on the floor, her movements hesitant.

  “Ass facing me,” he said casually.

  She turned so her bottom faced the seating area. She was grateful—it meant she was looking out towards the center of the dining room, with only a few people at the table along the wall looking at her ass and pussy.

  Silverware clinked, and she could hear Master Jensen chewing. Anna took advantage of the position and looked around. It was a risky move, since many Doms expected a sub to keep their eyes lowered at all times. Though Jensen wasn’t one of them, it wasn’t unheard of for Doms who’d caught a sub looking up and making eye contact to request that the sub be punished by their own Dom.

  Master Carter, an older, super-strict Dom, had once asked Jensen to punish her. She’d accidentally made eye contact with Master Carter while she’d been watching him drip candle wax onto his sub’s pussy lips, sealing them closed with black wax.

  Master Carter had marched over to Master Jensen, lit candle still in his hand, and demanded that Jensen punish Anna. Jensen had stood up, stepped in front of Anna and told the other Dom that he didn’t take orders from anyone, and that Anna would be punished when and if he saw fit. Then he’d returned to his seat and pulled Anna onto his lap.

  If Master Carter were to come back right now and demand that she be punished, Anna didn’t know how Jensen would react. He was newly unpredictable, and she didn’t know if she liked it.

  The door opened and a younger man entered, holding a leash in each hand. Two subs in puppy gear crawled in behind him. Both wore full leather masks that covered their heads. Dog ears and snouts, also made out of black leather, were mounted on thick straps and worn over the masks. The female of the pair had a short curly tail, like that of a pug. Fastened to a plug, it curled up over her ass. The male had a longer, hard-plastic tail that stuck straight out from his ass. They each wore a leather-strap harness that circled and crossed their upper bodies. The male’s made an “X” across the chest and back, while the female’s had bands above and below her breasts. As they came farther into the room, Anna got a better look at them. Tags dangled from their collars, their hands were encased in mitts, and they wore pads similar to those a baseball catcher wore on their lower legs, protecting their knees, shins and feet as they crawled. Thin cords crisscrossed between the cheeks of their asses, probably holding the plugs in place.

  Anna turned to say something to Master Jensen about the cords that held the plugs in place, or the pads they wore on their knees. She wanted to make a joke or say something clever about how she didn’t have either of those things.

  Jensen held his wine glass in one hand, but he wasn’t eating dinner. He too was watching the puppy play subs. Their eyes met and Anna’s breath caught. She faced forward and lowered her gaze. Her heart was racing, but she didn’t know why.

  Master Jensen stroked her thigh, and then pushed two fingers into her pussy. The sudden invasion startled a cry out of her. Pleasure rippled along her back and she bit her lip to hold back the moan. She hadn’t realized how close to the edge she was.

  “Do you see the puppies?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You’re wet. You got wet watching them.”

  “I… I…”

  He set his wine glass down and reached under her to fondle her breast. “What’s our letter, Anna?”

  “‘A,’ Master.”

  “I decided there were things I didn’t want to do from our letter. They didn’t interest me, or weren’t allowed on your list. One of the things you’d said you didn’t ever want to do was animal roles.”

  Anna struggled to breathe normally as his fingers lazily slide in and out of her pussy. The plug in her ass meant he was hitting her G spot with each stroke. Her arms trembled and she locked her elbows to keep herself upright.

  “Do you want that, Anna? Do you want to be my little puppy? Or maybe you want to be my little kitty.”

  He pulled on her nipple, twisting and pinching it. Anna gave in and bowed her head, eyes squeezed shut.

  “I’d get you a nice collar, and a tag with your name on it. I’d keep you on your knees, and when I wanted to fuck you, I’d pull your tail out and slide my cock up your ass.”

  Anna wasn’t interested in animal play—it always seemed a bit gimmicky to her. Not that it wasn’t sexy or interesting. She certainly liked to watch when the pony play people did their annual races, but it wasn’t for her. And yet…and yet right now she would do anything he asked of her. Nothing seemed outside the realm of possibility—whatever limits and reservations she had were gone in the face of overwhelming arousal and complete submission.

  “Watch, Anna, watch them.”

  Anna heard him, but was too distracted to obey. Jensen grabbed her hair and forced her head up. Across the room, the puppies’ Master had taken a seat, one sub on each side. He unfastened the panel of leather that covered their mouths, then fed them each a piece of meat. The female puppy whimpered and inched closer, resting her head on her master’s lap.

  “No,” he said, shoving her head off. He picked up a cane from the table and smacked her with it. She dropped her head and shoulders to the floor. Her master used the crop to push on her tail, and Anna imagined how the plug felt shifting in the other sub’s ass.

  Master Jensen pulled his fingers from her pussy. “No,” Anna gasped, but then her Master took a hold of the plug and tugged it, mimicking what she was seeing happen to the other sub.

  “Shall I ignore your checklist, Anna? Do you want me to treat you like a little puppy?”

  Across the room, the Master had grabbed the male puppy by the collar and dragged him around to where the female was. “Calm her down,” he commanded. The female puppy tried to crawl away but the male grabbed her. With the fist mitts on, the only thing he could do was wrap his arms around her hips. The female whimpered as the male dragged her back, pulling her into position under him. As the male puppy mounted the female, sliding his cock into her and then fucking her rapidly, their Master went back to his dinner.

  Anna watched the woman, her head covered by the hood and dog mask, her body wrapped in leather and restraints, her ass filled, her pussy being brutally fucked by another sub, also dressed like a puppy. That sub had no control, no input. She’d been reduced to something base, and yet sexual. Anna imagined it was her in that hood, her on her knees being treated like an animal, being fucked.

  Anna shook with arousal, her breathing hard and fast.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I want that.”

  “Do you?” Master Jensen grabbed her by the waist and dragged her down into the seating area. He turned her to face him. Anna grabbed his shoulders, leaning into him. She inhaled, drinking in his scent.

  He forced her wrists behind her back, binding them in one hand. He grabbed her neck with the other, holding her still so he could look at her. His gaze searched her face. “You would let me do it. You’d let me make you into my little puppy. You wouldn’t use your safe word.”

  “Yes, Master, yes. I’ll be your puppy.”

  “No, Anna. That won’t happen. Look at me.”

  She met his gaze, her teeth clenched in frustration that he wouldn’t give her wh
at she wanted, that he wouldn’t accept her submission and use it to do anything, and everything, to her.

  “I’m going to push us, but not past our hard limits. You wouldn’t want this if you weren’t so fucking worked up. Right now I could do anything to you.” His hand tightened a fraction on her neck. “But I won’t. You need to know that. You need to hear that.”

  Anna took a deep breath as his words penetrated. He was right—she was totally defenseless right now. Subs were given the illusion of control with safe words and checklists, but the reality was that once they were in subspace, they would agree to almost anything.

  His hand dropped from her neck and Anna rested her forehead on his shoulder. She was shaking.

  “Deep breaths.”

  He rubbed her back, then eased her away. Anna expected that he’d call a halt for the night and take her to the bedroom, but instead he forced her to kneel on the table with her legs spread and her bottom facing the dining room. She knew people could see her wet pussy and plugged ass. That knowledge did nothing to dim her arousal, but she was no longer confronted by the visual stimuli of the puppy subs.

  Jensen finished his meal, then fed her roasted vegetables and sips of his wine. By the time they were done, Anna was calmer, if no less aroused.

  “Come,” he said, rising to his feet. “You can walk, but remember, the plug stays in.”

  She felt eyes on her as they left the dining room, heard other members whispering about the first letter of the game. Half way to their room, she had to drop to her knees and crawl behind her Master. When they reached the door to the bedroom, Jensen helped her to her feet. He swept her up into his arms and carried her across the threshold.

  Chapter Six

  Master Jensen laid her on the bed.

  “Roll over, and get up onto your knees.”

  Anna obeyed, clenching her fists in the soft cotton duvet cover. He steadied her with a hand on the small of her back as he grasped the base of the plug.

  “Relax.” He started to draw it out, the thick bulb pulling against her anus from within.

  Anna cried out, clenching against the pain.


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