Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale

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Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale Page 15

by Dawn Robertson

I pushed through the door and kicked my heels off. I ran down the hallway with the bag in tow and prayed he hadn’t beat me home. Normally he would be relaxing in his study waiting for me, but the door was open and the light was out. Looking at the display on my phone, I had about a half an hour.

  Enough time to pee and grab a quick shower.

  I took the tests, carefully peeing on a couple of the sticks and tossed them on the counter. Then stripped down for my shower. Turning the shower on, I was completely oblivious to the door slowly opening.

  “What are you doing?” Mathis looked around the bathroom.

  SHIT! He scared the living crap out of me. I jumped at the sound of his voice, my gaze finding the tests all over the counter.

  I was completely naked, there are pregnancy test boxes all over the counter. The instructions are crumpled on the counter and another box had fallen onto the floor.

  “Um... taking a shower?” I looked at the tests and then back to my husband who now had a smirk on his face. “Wanna join me?” my voice went high pitched like a little kid just caught nosing through dessert before dinner. Damn.



  “What is all this?” He looked at the counter again and his eyes ran over my body.

  “Well, Mathis. My period was due about three days ago.” I scrunched my face up and nervously chewed on my plump bottom lip.

  “And is there something you want to tell me?” He slowly started walking across the bathroom, thrusting one hand into my hair and resting the other on my ass.

  “No, I mean... I don’t know. I haven’t looked at them yet.”

  My stomach flip-flopped around, rolling back and forth, I was nervous as shit. I couldn’t believe the extra effort I went to try and exclude this from him, totally blew up in my face. The pressure was crazy. What if it was negative? What if there was something wrong with me? What if we couldn’t make a baby?

  “Relax, baby.” He ran his lips down my neck and nipped at my collarbone. All reminding me that I was still naked.

  “Why don’t you look, Mathis?” The truth was, I didn’t want to look, which was why I was just going to get in the damn shower.

  He picked up the first test and smiled. Then picked up the second and compared it side-by-side to the first. His smile got bigger. By the third, I didn’t even need to ask what they said.


  “Jenny...” He turned and before I could say anything, he had me off the ground and was spinning me around the bathroom. I wrapped my legs around him and threw my arms around his neck.

  “It’s positive?”

  He ignored my question and his lips met mine in an explosion of love and excitement.

  “We’re gonna have a baby!” When our eyes meet, a tear streamed down his cheek.

  “We’re gonna have a baby.”

  I’m gonna have a baby.

  We’re gonna be parents.

  We made a baby.

  Oh shit.



  A baby. We were going to have a baby. I was so fucking excited, I couldn’t control myself. The thought of a piece of me growing inside of Jennifer made me elated, sending a thrill through my body.

  I released my grip from her and placed her back on her feet.

  She looked up at me, her blue eyes full of questioning.

  I quickly stripped my clothes off and was back on her before she knew what I was doing. The beautiful sound of her giggles filled the bathroom. God, I loved that sound.

  Carrying her into the shower, I pushed her gently against the wall. Sex would have to be tender now but I could figure out ways to show her just how passionate I was for her. But right now, I didn’t want to take my time. I needed inside of her like never before, marking her from the inside out.

  “Mathis,” she breathed against my lips and rubbed her core over my hardened cock.

  “You want me, love?” I husked, running the tip of my dick over her erect clit.

  She shivered and moaned. “Make love to me.”

  She didn’t have to ask me twice.

  I thrust into her waiting heat, hard and groaned before pulling out.

  A hot tingle ran down my spine. “Fuck me, love.”

  She smiled. “Harder. I won’t break.”

  I caressed her lower belly. “No, but you’re carrying my baby. I don’t want anything to happen because I fucked you too hard.”

  Her eyes glistened. “Make love to me how you want to then.”

  I licked between her lips, slowing my thrusts. As much as I wanted to pound the living shit out of her, it wasn’t just her I had to worry about anymore.

  “Show me how happy you are, my husband.”

  And I did. Over and over again.

  The moment we found out Jennifer was pregnant, I made plans to turn the spare bedroom into the baby’s room. Although she was only a month or so pregnant, I knew everything would be fine. Most people would think it was too soon or that it was bad luck but everything deep inside of me told me that the baby would grow to be healthy and strong. I didn’t know how I knew this, but I did.

  As soon as I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Jennifer, I made a promise to myself and our future children, that I would not treat them the way my father treated my brother and I. I wouldn’t pit them against each other, comparing one to the other like it’s the child’s fault. So not cool, and although my father was dead and buried, I would never forgive him for that. Yan and I had lost so much of our brotherhood growing up in that type of environment. And for that, I hated my father even more. It was harsh to feel this way when our father was gone, but it was what it was. I couldn’t help but wonder if he ever had a regret for the way he treated us. Did my mother regret letting him treat us all the way he had? I didn’t muse about my past much, but when I did it really messed with my head.

  Jennifer and I had decided to have a little get together at our place a couple of days after finding out the good news. She was bursting with excitement and I was bursting with pride. The possessive male in me couldn’t get over the fact that she was now carrying a piece of me. Yup, I’m a fuckin’ caveman, and I knew she loved me even more for that.

  If I had it my way, I would fuck a child into her every year, for the rest of our lives but, I didn’t think she would go for that. Jennifer wasn’t the barefoot and pregnant type, even though my Alpha male side wanted her to be. Something about the whole mother of my child factor increased her sexy factor tenfold. I couldn’t keep my damn hands off of her.

  I sat back and watched her interact with our friends...our friends. I never thought I would have anything more. If you would have told me a year ago, that I would end up married and getting ready to be a father by the time I turned thirty, I would have laughed in your face and told you to go fuck yourself. Now, everything was changing. Jennifer changed everything.

  Lori had almost fully recovered from her accident but still had quite a noticeable limp. The wreck had done damage to her back but she was finally able to lift and play with her son without wincing in pain. That fact alone made my heart swell. I couldn’t imagine having a child and not being able to hold them. I knew Jenny had spent a lot of time talking with her about Alexander, his father, and becoming actual friends. Transforming their business relationship entirely.

  The only person heavily involved in our lives, but excluded from this joyous occasion was Jude. Whatever was going on between him and Lori was their business only and Jenny and I wouldn’t pry. I only hoped that he would get his shit together. For her.

  Yan smiled at me from across the room and cooed as he fawned over Alexander. He played it off that he felt sorry for the kid but, I knew he was growing fond of him. He was ecstatic to become an uncle for the first time and was already showering Jennifer with presents for herself and our baby.

  Nora kept rubbing Jennifer’s lower belly.

  “Nora, if you don’t stop touching me, I will cut you,” Jennifer
said, slapping her hands away.

  “But you have a bump and it’s so freaking cute,” Nora gushed.

  Jennifer huffed. “I do not. I know nothing about this shit but I know it’s way too soon for me to start showing. That is the fucking burrito I had for lunch.”

  I chuckled and shook my head at the banter between my wife and her best friend.

  “Hey my man.” Dean clapped a heavy hand on my shoulder. “Congrats.”

  “Yes, congratulations, brother,” Yan said, joining us.

  Antonio nodded once. “You happy?”

  “Never better.” And that was the truth.

  “Where’s Cliff?” Dean asked, sitting beside me.

  “Around. I told him if it wasn’t legal, I didn’t want to know.”

  “You have that boy on a tight leash,” Yan stated, taking a swig of his beer.

  I scoffed. No one had Cliff on a leash. I did wish he would get out of the underground business but all in due time. I had to worry about my family first. I couldn’t be worrying about a grown adult prone to danger. It was too much of a risk now.

  Jennifer met my gaze and blew me a kiss before turning back to Lori and Nora.

  My heart warmed. I couldn’t ask for more and I definitely couldn’t ask for better. She was the best.

  Both businesses were booming and the girls Jennifer had helped, even now had proper health care. Wouldn’t their old pimps and ex-tricks shit if they found that out? Who offers whores health care plans? My wife. That’s who.

  “Hey, my wonderful husband.”

  I smiled up at Jennifer as she approached me. “Yes, my love.”

  She grinned and placed a soft peck on my lips. “Did you ask them?” She whispered.

  “Not yet. Did you?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Wanna ask together?” I said against her mouth.

  “Sure.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

  We moved to face our guests and smiled at each other before turning back to our friends.

  Questioning glances spread over their faces and as much as I wanted to make them wait, I couldn’t hold it in. “We couldn’t decide who we wanted our babies’ Godparents to be so...” I winked at Jennifer.

  “We want all five of you to be Godparents,” she finished, clapping her hands together.

  A silence fell over our friends and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “All of us?” Nora asked looking around her.

  “Yes. Each of you hold something very special in our hearts and we didn’t want to leave anyone out,” I explained.

  “So what do you think?” Jennifer asked timidly.

  Did they not want--

  A cheer erupted around us as we were greeted with hugs and words of thanks.

  I looked down at my wife amongst the chaos. “Think they’re happy?”

  Jennifer laughed. “I think so.”

  And so was I. Finally.



  My phone rang and rang. His number flashing across the screen as I pressed ignore. There was too much happiness in this room tonight to let Jude ruin it. He was out of the hospital finally, but I still wasn’t happy with him. I wondered if I would ever be again. It was such a long road to redemption for everything he had put us all through.

  “Just answer it,” Mathis whispered into my ear. Knowing full well the next number he would start calling was Lori. “He isn’t going to stop and you don’t want him upsetting Lori.” Since when did my husband become so understanding?

  The phone vibrated again and I excused myself and slipped into the home office. “What?” I snapped as I answered Jude’s call.

  “Is she there with you?” his frantic tone yelled into my ear.

  Something was fucked up. He wasn’t right. Was he high? Drunk? What was his deal?

  “Yes, Lori is with me. Jude, what’s the problem?” I often wondered why I cared so much after all the shit he had put us through recently.

  “I couldn’t get a hold of her...” his words trailed off and the line went dead.

  What the fuck is wrong with him? Pssh, why the hell did he hang up on me once I finally gave him the time of day? I mean, I was glad he had moved on but I couldn’t help but feel hurt by the way he was treating me now. I guess he was just giving me back what I had given him. Damn.

  Before I could make my way back out of the office I saw ’Mathis’ phone blinking on the desk. I picked it up and pressed the screen to life. It was a rare occasion for him to leave his phone lying around, mainly because work was just so busy for him right now. I saw a missed text message.

  In Vegas for the weekend, get ready for me big boy. Xoxo <3 Shay.

  Bitch, what?

  My blood boiled and I stalked towards the door. As I reached for the handle, I could hear the front door of the penthouse open and a rumble of commotion. Voices raised, one of the women screamed and something slams to the floor.

  I whipped the door open, steaming mad from my discovery to find a drunk Jude in my foyer. All the eyes in the room turned to me and Mathis started walking in my direction.

  “Stop. Right. There. Do not come another step closer to me.” I couldn’t contain my rage. I couldn’t see clearly. All this time I had been such a love struck fool, blind to see there was no way Mathis would ever change. Womanizing was in his blood. He was just like all those clients. Wives at home, barefoot and pregnant. Completely naïve to their husbands cheating. No fucking way would that ever be me.

  “Explain this!” I yelled, waving the phone in his face. Before he could get a good look at it, I chucked the phone across the room. It crashed against the wall and shattered falling to the floor in a mass of broken glass and twisted plastic.

  “Fuck you! How could I be so fucking stupid!”

  The room is silent as I yell at him. He stood silently, trying not to smile.

  I wanted to slap that look off of his face. I wanted to kick him in the balls and make sure he never fucked again. Ever.

  “And you! You drunk asshole! Get your shit together already! No one fucking feels bad for you anymore!” I pointed at Jude, completely berating him before I turned on my Prada heels and head for the bedroom where I proceed to lock myself in and cry like a newborn. I should have known better.


  I tried not to laugh at my wife’s expense but she was so fucking cute when she got worked up.

  React first, ask questions later was Jennifer’s motto.

  I shoved Jude into a cold shower, forcing him to sober up. Ignoring the protests from him, I slapped him hard on the face before grabbing his chin. “You want Lori?”

  His glazed eyes lost focus, rolling back in his head.

  I shook him, forcing him to look at me. “You want Lori?” I demanded in a firm voice.

  He nodded.

  “Then fucking act like a man, sober up and be there for her. Now I’m going to go kiss my wife’s fucking ass and grovel at her feet because I am a man. You,” I gripped his chin harder. “better start groveling, asking for my forgiveness when I get back.”

  I shoved him back and threw a towel on the floor. I was sick of his shit. He caused more problems for Jennifer and I than I ever thought would be possible. But this time, it was all me. I let out a sigh and thought of the best way to fix this.

  Once reaching our bedroom door, I heard sniffling and drawers banging shut. Knocking lightly, I took a breath and opened the door.

  “My love...” My eyes widened when I saw her throwing clothes into a large red duffle bag. “What the hell?”

  She wiped under her eyes and stood with her arms under her chest. “How long have you been cheating on me? Or has it been all this time?” She shook her head. “I should have known.”

  I really had no idea what she was talking about. “Let me explain. What did the text say?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Does a Shay mean anything to you?”

  Shay? Oh God. A bubble of laughter escaped my lips. I couldn’
t control it. Shit, I think she is going to kill me.

  Jennifer raised an eyebrow before her face morphed into a mask of rage. “Why are you laughing at me?”

  “I...” My ribs hurt and I took deep breaths before closing the distance between us. “Jennifer, I am not and have never cheated on you.” I wanted to reach out and touch her but the cold look in her beautiful blue eyes held me back. For the moment at least.

  “Then who is she?”

  I smiled. “Shay is not who you think she is.”

  “Stop being so God damn cryptic and tell me, Mathis or I swear I’m leav—”

  “Shay’s a man.”

  Her eyes widened. “Excuse me? Are you gay?”

  I laughed. “Really?”

  Her cheeks reddened. “Well...I don’t...I’m so fucking confused, it wouldn’t surprise me anymore.”

  I frowned, my body humming. “Love, just for that, I will show you later how much I am not gay,” I growled.

  She swallowed. “Then who is she...um...he?”

  “Shay is a drag queen. She had an abusive boyfriend and I got her out and put up in a shelter. Gave her some cash until she could get back on her feet,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “How did you meet her?”

  I smiled at the fact she called him a her. Most people didn’t. I may not agree with it or be into that sort of thing but I never judged. To each their own. “I frequented a club here that was called, Deep. Met this woman in the hall that was being harassed by her boyfriend. I grabbed Dean, we roughed him up a bit and now,” this was my favorite part of the fucking story. I grinned. “the club’s called, Shay.”

  “She owns the club?” Jennifer asked surprised.

  I nodded. “Shay Starlight by night, Robert Renson by day.” I reached for Jennifer’s hand and was thankful when she took it. Pulling her into my lap, I ran a hand down her back. “I should have told you about her. So I am sorry that I didn’t. It’s been awhile since I’ve been here and awhile since I’ve seen her but we’ve never slept together. As kinky as I am, men don’t so it for me even if they look like a woman.”

  Jennifer sighed.


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