
Home > Other > U-Turn > Page 18
U-Turn Page 18

by Maren Lee

  He passed.

  So Ryan didn’t have probable cause, but he had a wild case of “gut feeling,” a feeling that if Ryan let this guy go on his way, then he wasn’t fully doing his job. But if he kept him on the side of the road, this whole situation could go south at any moment. Ryan informed the man it would just be a few minutes and he’d be back with his ticket. Thirty miles per hour over the speed limit was a hefty fine, but he had a feeling this man was going to end up in the back of his patrol car before his shift was over.

  Ryan got on the radio and asked for support. Thankfully, Justin was at the campground nearby with Avery, so he didn’t need to wait long. Ryan stepped out of his vehicle as he saw Justin approach from behind. They walked together toward the Challenger. Justin was really tall, 6’5” at least. He imagined most people found his size intimidating, especially in his aviators with a German shepherd heeling next to him. A badass and his dog on a mission. Ryan liked Justin a lot. He knew him well enough to know he was mostly a big softy under that asshole exterior. But if this Russian guy was looking in his rearview mirror right now, Ryan imagined he was shitting his pants. Fucking Captain America is comin’ for ya.

  Justin walked Avery around the Challenger. She hit on the trunk and passenger side door. Fuck yeah. Ryan knew something was up. He was glad his gut reaction was right.

  Justin instructed the driver to get out of the car and put his hands on his head. The driver began to shout in what Ryan assumed was Russian. The man stepped out of the car, hands in the air. Justin grabbed his wrists and cuffed him and then walked him back to Ryan’s car.

  “Let’s load this fucker up, Blakesly. And then let’s go rip that car apart.” Justin shoved the guy against Ryan’s car, and not too gently.

  “I’ll call Smitty and get backup out here.”

  Ryan placed the suspect in the backseat of his car, slamming the door shut before calling Smitty in on the radio.

  Justin loaded Avery back up and they walked back toward the Challenger.

  “She hit on the trunk and passenger side. Doesn’t mean everywhere else is clean. I’ll search the cab. You start with the trunk.” Justin opened the driver side door and popped the trunk for him.

  The trunk was empty at first glance, so Ryan lifted the cover to the spare tire.

  Well, look at what we have here.

  There they were, at least twenty light brown bricks surrounding the spare. Heroin.

  “Hunt! Check it out,” Ryan shouted.

  Justin walked around the back of the car. “Holy shit. Good call on your gut instinct, Blakesly.” Justin slapped Ryan on the shoulder.

  “Avery nailed it. She deserves the credit here.” Ryan shut the trunk.

  “She’s a good partner, that’s for damn sure.” Justin looked back to his rig and smiled. Ryan followed his gaze. He could see Avery sitting in the front seat, patiently waiting. Is she allowed in the passenger seat? Oh my god. Justin is whipped by three females. Ryan chuckled to himself.

  Ryan called for a tow to the impound. Just as he finished, Smitty rolled up.

  “What’s up, brothers?” Smitty said as he jumped out of his truck.

  “Hey, Smit. We’ve got what I’m pretty sure is heroin and one in custody. Would you mind waiting for the tow while I take this fucker down to the station?” Ryan asked.

  “Sure, no problem. Who is this guy?” Smitty looked into the back window of Ryan’s car, the man spit at the window and began yelling in his foreign language.

  “Ivan Nosarev. Dispatch is running an enhanced search on his name to see if anything comes up outta state.”

  “Have fun with that one.” Smitty laughed.

  “I’ll be driving with the cage window closed. Fucking spitters. He won’t like the way they handle that shit at the jail.” After a collective chuckle, Ryan decided it was time to head out.

  “Thanks for your help, guys.” Ryan opened the driver door to his patrol car and slid the cage window shut. His cell phone rang just as he was buckling in and pulling back onto the highway.

  “This is Blakesly,” Ryan answered.

  “It’s Campbell. I was listening to the scanner on that enhanced search. You’ve got Sergei’s second in command in custody right now.”

  “No shit?” Ryan glanced in his rearview mirror and caught a ruddy, angry face looking right at him. He was nearly frothing at the mouth. If looks could kill, Ryan would be dead right now.

  “No shit. He’s going to need a guard on him twenty-four-seven.”

  “Dammit. All right. I’m headed to the S.O. now. Let’s discuss a plan when I get there.”

  “See you in a few.”

  “Yep.” Ryan hung up the phone. Fuck. Why the hell is number two in command doing a drug run? This just got a lot more complicated.


  Katie was tired of living on a condensed wardrobe. Tired of living with limited underwear and one pair of running shoes. It was time to get her shit. Cally gave her the heads up that Brian was on shift tonight, so she quickly shot him a text.

  KH: Coming by to get my shit tonight. Hope you haven’t changed the locks yet.

  BC: Not yet. Leave your key on the counter and lock up when you’re done. Thanks.

  That wasn’t nearly as confrontational as she had expected it to be. All business. He’s probably moved on to Shayna already. Fucking prick.

  KH: Hey, I need to go get my stuff in Billings. Mind if I take your Jeep?

  RB: Almost done at the station. Can you wait for me? I’ll feel better if I’m with you.

  KH: You don’t have to protect me. He won’t even be there.

  RB: Can I please come with you? I know you’re strong enough to do this on your own, but I want to be there. For you and for my own piece of mind.

  KH: Of course. I’ll wait.

  RB: Be home in 20 minutes.

  Katie waited because he asked her to. And because he asked her to so sweetly. And because she just really wanted to be with him.

  He was home right when he said he’d be home.

  Home. Ryan feels like home.

  Mmmmmm. Ryan in uniform was a delicious sight. He was tall anyway, but with the whole getup on, he looked like a giant of a man. Yum. He walked over to her and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Lemme get out of my uniform and then we’ll hit the road? Unless you want to help me get out of my uniform.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  “Mmmmm as tempting as that is, if I help you do that, we’ll never get out of here, babe.”

  “You have a point.” He kissed her again quickly and turned to leave the room. Katie put on her flip-flops and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge for both of them. This fridge is fucking empty. Staying holed up in his apartment in order to both hide from the city of Imminence and spend every waking moment fucking was not doing wonders for her diet. She needed vegetables. Fruit. A boring fucking chicken breast.

  “We need to grocery shop, Ryan!” she shouted at the bedroom over her shoulder, but was surprised when Ryan was already right behind her.

  “I noticed that this morning. Let’s hit the store on our way back.”

  “What store?”


  “The one in Imminence?”


  “What if someone sees us, Ryan?”

  “Here’s some news: I don’t actually care if anyone sees us.”

  “Ryan.” She gave him a disapproving look.

  “Don’t worry. It’ll be late enough. No one we know will be there and we’ll just keep our hands to ourselves. If anyone sees us, you’re just in town visiting and ran into me while picking up a bottle of wine on your way to Jake’s?”

  “Good story. I like it.”

  “You ready to go get your shit?”

  “Yeah. He’s not home. I checked. He said he hasn’t changed his locks yet, so I can still get in.”

  “Wait, you talked to him?” Ryan sounded a little possessiv

  “Texted.” On that explanation, she could tell his ruffled feathers laid back down, but it didn’t sit right with her. “I just left a possessive relationship, Ryan. I don’t need it again.”

  “No, no, no. That’s not what that was. That was me being worried about you talking to the man who was throwing shit at your head not too long ago. The man who you think carved ‘Bitch’ into the side of my Jeep as a message for you. That was me being worried about you having to participate in an uncomfortable conversation without me by your side because I fucking love you, Katie.”


  “Uh.” Katie was at a loss for words.

  “Don’t worry about saying it back. It just came out. It’s true as fuck, but I realize it’s early and you need to process everything.”



  “Please, Katie. Just take your time with that knowledge.” There was a faint look of hurt on his face and it killed her.

  “Okay,” she whispered, her eyes threatening to spill over with tears.

  “Okay.” He smiled at her. “Let’s go clear your stuff out of the McMansion.”

  Katie gave him a small smile. You love him. She did. She always had. She told herself she’d broken up with him before she could fall in love with him, but that wasn’t true. She had already fallen hard and losing him had wrecked her fucking heart. It felt too soon to say it, though. It had only been a few days. This is crazy. Right? After Brian…fuck, she was gun shy.


  “Katie, don’t. Just wait, babe. Don’t worry. I know.”

  He knows. That made her feel better. Ryan grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the apartment. It was still light outside, so anyone could see them. But Katie could tell that Ryan was done caring about hiding. He held her hand all the way to the Jeep and then helped her jump inside.

  He held her hand all the way to Billings. And all the way back.

  Katie felt a million pounds lighter on the drive back, even though she’d packed up two suitcases full of clothes and a few of her knick knacks and framed pictures that Brian hadn’t destroyed the night she left him. The house had obviously been cleaned since then. She was glad she didn’t have to walk into a reminder of that night. And she was really glad Ryan didn’t see the house the way it had been. He would’ve lost his shit. The back seat of the Jeep was full of her stuff and she never had to go back there again. The keys were on the counter. The door was locked behind her. It felt good. Great even.

  Toxicity released.

  Ties severed.

  Lessons learned.

  Now to load the rest of the Jeep with sustenance. She liked Lorenzo’s pizza a lot, but couldn’t imagine living on it for the rest of their lives.


  Ryan walked around the store twice looking for the condom aisle. He hadn’t needed to buy them in such a long damn time that he couldn’t remember where they were kept. It seemed like every time he went to Albertsons they were moving shit around.

  Katie had taken off with the cart to load it with food. He told her to get everything she wanted. He was fine with whatever. He didn’t grow up a picky eater and he damn sure wasn’t going to make a big deal about food now that he had his woman back in his life. If she wanted chicken livers and brussel sprouts, he’d fuckin’ eat it with a smile on his face.

  He finally found the condoms. Straight across from the baby diapers and right next to tampons. Oddly convenient. He grabbed a box and went in search of Katie. Just as he rounded the end cap, giant box of condoms in hand, he made eye contact with Wesson four aisles away. Shit. He tried to give the casual nod and turned back around but Wesson shouted after him.


  He could hear Wesson’s cart getting closer, so he turned back around. Fuck, he’s coming over here. Ryan put the Trojan BareSkin box behind his back.

  “Babe, you ready?” Katie walked up behind him with her cart.

  Fuck. Bad timing. There was Wesson, standing a cart’s length in front of him. Katie was right behind him.

  Wesson’s eyes went wide. He gasped as if he’d just seen a ghost.

  “Wess. Calm down.” Ryan put his hands out in front of him.

  “Do you get off on the fact that you’re going to die?” Wesson snapped, his hands gripping the cart handle tightly.

  “I’m not going to die, Wess. It’s not what you think.”

  “I plead your pardon? This is exactly what it looks like. How dare you, Blakesly! She’s engaged! And you.” He moved his gaze to Katie. “Katie Hamilton! You’re engaged! You should be ashamed of yourself,” he admonished Katie and then looked back to Ryan. “Jake is going to bury you alive and destroy everything you own!”

  Katie spoke up first and got closer to Wesson. “First of all, I’m no longer engaged. And second, mind your own damn business. I swear to god if you say a word to my brother, I’ll tell Molly that you opened your big yap and she will punish you!”

  Holy shit. Katie meant business.

  “Yeah, Campbell. Mind your own business.” Ryan smirked at him.

  “I can’t mind my own business when I’m caught in the middle of a bunch of lies!” Wesson bumped Ryan on the hip with his cart.

  Oh, hell no.

  “Don’t start shit, Campbell!” Ryan kicked the cart.

  “Hey! What is going on back here?” Molly walked up behind Wesson.

  “These two are sneaking around again, trying to start World War II!” Wesson pointed at Ryan and Katie.

  “World War II?” Ryan looked at Katie. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  Molly smiled.

  “Wess, baby. Stop worrying about what they’re doing. Let’s just worry about you and me.” She kissed him on the cheek.

  “Babe, Jake’s one of my best friends. If he knew that I knew what I know, he’d kill me too.” He shuddered. “But I do prefer to only worry about you and me.” He pulled her in tight next to him and kissed her softly on the lips.

  Molly smiled again. Her engagement ring sparkled in the harsh fluorescent lighting of the grocery store.

  “Jake’s a grown man, Wess. And Ryan and Katie are adults too. Katie may be Jake’s youngest sister, but she gets to make her own darn decisions. If Jake has a problem with who she’s dating, then that’s something he needs to deal with. He won’t blame you, and if he does, I’ll get Lane to cut him off. Now let’s go and let these lovebirds get back to… shopping.” Molly eyed the giant box of condoms in Ryan’s hand.

  Wesson nodded at Molly and then looked back at them. “I’m watching you,” he mouthed the words. Ryan rolled his eyes at his fucking annoying friend.

  “Thanks, Molly. Later, Campbell.” Ryan jiggled the box of condoms at him. Wesson glared back at him as he walked away.

  “Bye, Molly. Bye, Wess,” Katie shouted after them. She let out the breath that she had apparently been holding. “Ryan, let’s not go out like this again until after we’ve made our relationship public, okay? Jake is going to be pissed. I need to find out a way to let him down easy.”

  Ryan was ready to go public now. But he’d wait until she was ready.

  “No arguments there. You ready, babe?”

  “Just need to grab some milk.”

  “Good. Let’s get it and get outta here. I’ve got big plans for us tonight.” He tossed the condoms in the cart.

  “I can see that.” Katie wiggled her eyebrows at him.

  It was going to be a long night. But he was just fine with that.

  Chapter 18

  Like most Monday mornings, this one came faster than either of them wanted it to. After a weekend of nakedness – Ryan even risked his life and cooked bacon naked – he piled on his uniform and tactical gear and headed out. Katie was already long gone for work. Ryan didn’t know how long she would last living with him while making that 140-mile round-trip commute every day. Thankfully she was on a four-on-three-off, three-on-four-off work schedule, s
o it wasn’t every single day of the week. He didn’t want her to find her own place. He wanted her to stay with him.


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