Prime Catch

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Prime Catch Page 15

by Ilona Fridl

  “And you are?”

  “Sheriff Darcy from Juneau. We’re bringing in some fugitives for trial.”

  The nurse hurried into a back room. She returned a few moments later. “You may go in, Miss Lakat.”

  Sarah slipped through the door and came face to face with a jovial gray-haired man who stuck out his hand. “I’m Dr. Reynolds. I hear you have an injured shoulder.”

  Sarah explained to him what had happened.

  The doctor tsked. “You’re very lucky you're here to tell about it. Well, let’s see the shoulder. Sit on the table and undo your shirt.” He removed the linen and her shirt, then examined her shoulder. “It seems to be badly bruised, but nothing’s broken or out of place. I’ll tape it for you and give you medicine for the pain. Your doctor at home should check it again in a few days.”

  After he ministered to her, he helped her get dressed, for which she was grateful.

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Amos paid for the services, and she leaned on him gratefully. As they went down the stairs, he glanced at her. “You look like death warmed over. Let’s get a hotel room for you tonight.”

  “Don’t you need―?”

  “We have more than enough lawmen to watch the prisoners. You need a good night’s sleep. The rest of us will set up camp near the docks.”

  She stopped and gazed at him. “At least, have dinner with me. Then I’ll meet you down there at seven-thirty tomorrow morning.” He smiled and put his arm around her as they continued on.

  The small hotel near the docks was cheerful with its whitewashed porch and blue shutters. Amos went in with Sarah and greeted the man at the front desk. Mingled with the salty water and oily smell of the docks was the delightful smell coming from their dining room overlooking the channel.

  The young man at the desk opened his register book. “May I help you, sir?”

  “I’d like a room for my deputy tonight. She was injured today, and I want her to get a good rest.”

  The clerk glanced at Sarah. “But she’s―”

  Amos slammed his hand on the desk. “I don’t want to hear the rest of that sentence. You put her up, and I’ll pay for it!”

  The man backed down in the presence of Amos’ wrath. “Yes, sir. She can have Room Number Five. That’s up the stairs and to your right. That will be six dollars.” He handed Amos the key as soon as Sarah had signed the register, and Amos paid for the room.

  The rest of the lawmen were setting up camp not far from the hotel. Amos excused himself and went to get Sarah’s backpack and to tell the others of the plans. Meanwhile, Sarah secured them a table in the dining room.

  After a wonderful baked salmon dinner, Amos walked her up to her room, unlocked the door, and set her backpack inside. “Sleep well, Sarah.” He took her in his arms and planted a kiss on her lips.

  Sarah melted into his embrace and kissed him thoroughly. She felt a hard erection next to her belly and loved that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “Goodnight, Amos.”

  “See you in the morning.” He pulled back and, with a reluctant expression, headed toward the stairs.


  Amos folded up his tent while the others were getting ready to leave. He arranged with the sheriff in Haines for three deputies to help transport the prisoners to Juneau, since Mahoney, Tunny, and Abner were going to take seaplanes to Cordova and Sitka. The three Haines deputies handcuffed the prisoners together. George turned to Amos. “What’s going to happen to the dogs?”

  Amos glanced at Mahoney. “You’re the closest to Yakutat. Could you take them back with you?”

  He gave a nod. “Yes. I’ll make sure they’re all looked after.”

  George seemed relieved. Amos wished George cared about human beings as much as he did his dogs. I’ll never understand how some people can kill so easily. Well, I guess that’s what they need me for.

  Sarah appeared over the rise. Her arm was in a sling, but she looked well-rested and bright as a new penny. She set down the backpack she had carried slung around her good shoulder. “Are we all set to board the liner?”

  “Now we are.” Amos picked up her pack and carried it over his shoulder along with his own, following the Haines men as they marched the prisoners up the gangway. The eight-hour voyage went by without any trouble, and the docks of home came into view later in the afternoon as an eagle sailed over the liner as if to welcome them.

  The lawmen from Haines walked the prisoners down the gangplank and up to the street. Amos turned to Sarah. “Why don’t you go on home, since it’s only a couple of blocks? Change and go see Doc about your shoulder, then take the rest of the day off. We can take care of giving these guests a room.”

  “Thank you, Amos.” She relieved him of her backpack as they reached the others, then waved a goodbye.

  He sighed and turned. “Men, follow me. The office is up the hill.” Home was going to look so good to him tonight.

  Chapter 20

  Amos drove the patrol car away from the courthouse, where he had just given their evidence and information on the suspects to Juneau’s district attorney. He was taking the rest of the day off, because he had an extra errand to do. He headed to the Lakat property in Douglas. Jane Lakat was tending the garden, hoeing the weeds between cabbage rows. She straightened and shaded her eyes as he got out of the auto. “Evening, Sheriff. What brings you out here?”

  “I wanted to speak to Grace. Is she around?”

  A worried expression crossed her face. “Is it about Sarah? Is she all right?”

  Amos paused for a second. “Yes, she’s fine. She did hurt her shoulder in a fall when we were chasing the fugitives, but it’s nothing serious. I wanted to talk to Grace on another matter.”

  Jane made a motion with her hand. “She’s around back, feeding the chickens.”

  He tipped his hat. “Thank you.”

  He followed the sound of the chitter-chatter and mutterings of the hens and found Grace scattering seed from her apron that she held gathered up so that it formed a pouch. “Good evening, Grace. I’d like to talk to you.”

  She shook the rest of the seeds over the ground while the hens pushed and shoved like a bunch of unruly children, voicing their greed. “Would you care for some tea on the back porch?”

  “That’ll do nicely. Thank you.”

  She disappeared into the house, wiping her hands, and Amos settled on a caned rocker. When she came out with a tea tray and put it on the table that was next to him, she asked, “Is this a social or an official visit?”

  “Social. I need to talk to you about Sarah.”

  Grace poured them each a cup. “What do you want in it?”

  “Just a spoonful of sugar.”

  Grace gave him the cup and set a plate of sugar cookies within his reach, then relaxed in the chair on the other side. “Now, what about Sarah?”

  He took a sip of the tea. “I don’t know of any way to say this except straight out. I’ve found myself in love with your daughter and I want to ask for her hand in marriage.”

  The silence flowed about them for a few moments, and then Grace glanced at him. “Amos, I think you should know a few things about Sarah before I give my answer.” She sighed and took a drink of the tea. “How much do you know of the Tlingit traditions?”

  He shook his head. “Not a whole lot.”

  “There were strict rules governing families. The men were in charge of providing for the family and the women were in charge of hearth and home. In fact, the property goes to the female side of the family. Jane and I were the only daughters, so this land is ours. Her husband was crippled at an early age, so she had to take over as a provider. This was during the Gold Rush, and she bought a sewing machine so she could make money as a dressmaker to the wealthy women. He died not long after Kata was born.”

  “I know Kata works as the costume mistress at the theater.”

  “Yes, she has the machine now. In the meantime, I was raising two boys and Sarah. My husband was a fisherman and was training
the boys to do the same. Sarah was very good at book learning, so we decided she should go to the missionary school, because the public ones for natives were so poor. When her father and brothers died in the accident on the fishing boat, Kata and Sarah had to become the family providers.”

  “You mean, she gives her earnings to you?”

  “Not all of it, of course, but what she and Kata can afford. I was hoping she would find a native who would take care of her. Outside of George, there was no interest. I think she despaired of ever finding anyone.”

  “I do understand your concern, but if that’s the case, she can still give you a percentage of what she earns.”

  She looked at him with surprise. “You mean, you’ll let her work after marriage?”

  He grinned. “I’ve learned a lot about Sarah, and I know if she isn’t doing detective work, she won’t be happy.”

  Overwhelmed, Grace put her hand over his. “Then I give you my blessing. You know my daughter well.”

  “Another thing, Grace. I want a wedding in the Tlingit tradition, as a gift to your family.”

  An amused little smile played around her lips. “I think Will can teach you the eagle dance. Are you sure?”

  “I don’t know about dancing, but I’ll try.”

  “Do you have family here?”

  “I have no one.”

  “Then your friends can be your tribe. I’ll see what I can do.”

  Amos kissed her cheek. “Thank you, Grace.” He headed back to the auto with a wave to Jane before he left. Driving to Sarah’s house, he rehearsed several times what he wanted to say. He sat for minutes in front of her home, until Sarah came out on the porch.

  She waved to him. “Is there something you want, Amos?”

  He got out of the car. “Will you walk with me?”

  She came down the steps. “It’s getting a little late. The sun is near the horizon.”

  “There’s a place by the docks that I like to sit at this time of day. Come with me?”

  “A moment.” She went back into the house and was wearing a shawl when she returned. “The sea breeze is cooling off.”

  Not many words were spoken as they strolled the two blocks to the harbor. Amos steered her to an iron park bench on a rise that faced Juneau and the mountains. The setting sun cast long shadows, and the seabirds and eagles from the steep cliffs soared overhead. A pink glow colored the glaciers, and everything looked rosy.

  Amos held her hand. “I went to talk to your mother this afternoon.”

  Her eyes widened, then narrowed. “Why?”

  “I wanted to ask permission to marry you. Will you?”

  Her jaw dropped. “Before I answer, what did my mother say?”

  “She agreed to it. I told her we could do it in the Tlingit tradition.”

  Sarah suppressed a giggle. “I want to see the eagle dance.” Her eyes softened. “You’d do that for me?”

  The love in him welled to the surface. “In a minute. Damn it, woman, what’s your answer?”

  She cupped his face in her hands. “Yes. I love you.” They embraced and kissed while the wind played around them. “I can see why you like it here. Juneau looks beautiful.”

  He gazed into her deep brown eyes. “So do you,” he said with a rasp in his voice.

  “Let’s go back to my house. I’m tired after this long day, but you have made it a wonderful one.”

  They stood, and he put his arm around her and they walked as one. The twilight deepened as they arrived at the auto. They kissed their goodnight with a bright promise of a happy future.


  Sarah woke the next morning with a smile on her lips and a song in her heart. Amos not only wanted to marry her, he wanted to blend into her culture and her family. She decided she would take his name like Kata did for Ivan. Word was that the natives should have full citizenship by next year, so she may as well start acting like an American. Thanks to the nuns in the missionary school, it wouldn’t be tough.

  She went into the office and greeted Sam. “Any word from the DA on the hearings for the prisoners?” Putting her things on her desk, she opened her report forms.

  “Not yet. You know things move around here like an ancient turtle.”

  “Amos in yet?”

  “He went to check at the newspaper if there were any threats posted about any other canneries.” Sam suppressed a grin.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Amos had that same look on his face this morning when he talked about you, too.”

  Sarah’s cheeks heated, but she felt a wonderful fuzzy warmth when she thought about Amos. Sliding a report form into her typewriter, she started working on her statement on the chase and capture of the fugitives. She was finishing when Amos got back. “Here’s the report.” She smartly snapped the paper out.

  Amos nodded. “Bring it to my office.”

  Sarah followed him in and laid the report on his desk, then went to pour herself a cup of coffee. “Well, what did you find out?” she said as she slid into the chair across the desk.

  A grin spread across his face. “There have been no more threats against any of the executives of the canneries in southeast Alaska Territory. That means we either got everybody or the others are lying low.”

  “Did you hear anything from the DA?”

  “Nothing yet. I imagine he’s still going over the folder full of evidence I plopped on his desk.”

  “Well, now we wait.”

  His eyes heated. “We can concentrate on something else. I ran into your Aunt Jane, and she told me we are invited to their house for supper tonight.”

  She felt her cheeks warm. “Seems like Mother doesn’t want to waste any time.”

  He rose and came around the desk, pulling her up into an ardent embrace. “Neither do I.” He planted his lips firmly on hers.

  After a few moments, Sarah pushed back. “I don’t think we should be doing this here.” Her knees wobbled.

  A mischievous twinkle sparkled in his eyes. “I know, but wasn’t it fun?”

  She patted his cheek. “I’ve got some paperwork I’ve been sadly neglecting.” She winked and sashayed out.

  The afternoon sun warmed the patrol car as they stopped by the farmhouse. Sarah’s mother hurried off the porch and met her daughter in an embrace. “I’m so happy for you!” Then she turned to Amos and embraced him.

  Aunt Jane greeted them warmly inside. “Supper is almost ready. Sit and make yourselves at home.”

  Sarah watched the whirl of activity and realized her mother had been praying for this day. All of the continued family for her was on Sarah’s shoulders. Aunt Jane’s daughters had given her three grandchildren so far. The thought of being a mother bounced across her mind. It was something she wanted but had pushed to the back burner long ago. Amos put his arm around her shoulders as they sat on the couch, and the warm fuzzy tingling invaded her thoughts.

  “Supper’s on!” her mother called from the dining room. The feast spread out for them smelled delicious. Baked salmon was on the platter, with new potatoes and greens. A new loaf of bread, fragrant from the oven, stood ready to accept the summer berry preserves made last year. Amos held Sarah’s chair and then sat next to her as the tea was poured.

  “Well, when should we plan the wedding?” Mother asked.

  Amos glanced at Sarah. “As soon as we can, I suppose. We’re not getting any younger.”

  Sarah’s mouth went into a tight line. “We’re not that old.”

  Mother nodded. “We’ll need three weeks for the banns to be posted. That would bring us to mid-June. Perfect.”

  Aunt Jane spoke up. “Will can help Amos on our customs and what we wear. Sarah, do you still have your dress?”

  A pang went through her as she remembered being jilted by George. “Yes, I put it in a trunk. It might need some work done on it.”

  “Kata could help you.”

  Sarah put her hand on her mother’s arm. “I’d like the ceremony at the meeting house at Bear
Rock, where Will and Mary had their wedding.”

  Amos looked up. “Where’s that?”

  “It’s about a mile south. Then we could have the party in the yard here.”

  Sarah’s mother squeezed her hand. “Where are you planning on living?”

  Sarah eyed Amos carefully. “I’d like to stay in my house. At least, for a while.”

  Amos shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t have a lot. I can move my things in during the week before.”

  After the plans and the guest list were set, they bid her mother and Aunt Jane their thank-yous and goodnights. The evening twilight was deepening as Amos walked Sarah to her porch. She smiled. “Soon this will be our house. I love you, Amos.”

  As an answer, he took her in his arms and kissed her thoroughly. Her head swam and her legs threatened to drop her to the floor. “I love you, too. Goodnight.”

  She gripped the railing as she waved to the departing patrol car. I’m counting the days until you can come inside with me to stay. She sighed and went into the suddenly very empty rooms.

  Chapter 21

  A week later, Amos called Sarah into his office. Every time she graced his presence, he loved her even more. The waiting for the wedding was interminable. Well, he’d have to bend his mind into a business state. “I need to talk to you. Sit.”

  “What is it?”

  “We got the date for the hearing. It’s next Tuesday. I don’t think you’ll have to testify. Since I’m the senior law official here, I’ll take care of it. Oh, and the DA and the judge will give Sally Cusnoo immunity so she can give her testimony.”

  “I’ll send a message to her in Angoon.”

  With a knock on the office door, Sam came in. “Sorry to bother you, but Assemblyman Walter Hastings is here to see you.”

  “Send him in.”

  Sarah rose to leave as Hastings stepped into the room, but he stopped her. “Are you Miss Lakat?” At her nod, he said, “Stay. I want to talk to both of you.”

  Amos steepled his fingers. “What can we do for you?”

  “It’s been brought to the Assembly’s attention that you intend to marry.”


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