Seasons Within Box Set

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Seasons Within Box Set Page 11

by Lele Iturrioz

  On the skirts of the hill, there was a large empty space of land, followed by a field of flowers already fenced, along with a gorgeous lake. Donovan walked towards one of the bungalows and ran his fingers through the flower curtain that served as a door. “As you can see, our cabins are on top of this hill.”

  Priyam glared at the rustic bungalows. “Isn’t it kind of stupid to have our houses in plain view on top of a hill instead of hidden in the massive forest?”

  “It would be, if we were in plain sight.”

  “But we are.”

  “That’s how you see it from here. From out there, across the golden tree, you can only see a hill full of snow.” Said Donovan.

  Priyam and Gaia looked up and noticed for the first time that the snow falling from the sky never touched the ground. It all melted halfway, as if there was something preventing the flakes from reaching the ground. “Are we in an invisible dome?” asked Gaia.


  “Like magic?” Priyam clapped excited.

  “No, like nature. Greatest camouflage in history.” He winked and continued walking around the bungalows. “The one next to the First Tree is yours. Edan asked us to build it next to your Bobby.” He leaned closer towards Gaia. “He thought you might like it,” he whispered making Gaia feel happy and confused about Edan doing anything just because she might like it.

  “We can build you another one if you want your place separated.”

  “Don’t,” said Gaia. “We’re used to living together.”

  “Alright. Next we have Edan’s. In front of yours we have Shui’s, next is Veter’s, then Willow’s and finally mine. And that one made of stone is the Marked One’s.”

  Priyam and Gaia walked toward the bungalow Donovan had pointed to last. Instead of being made of wood, stones and flowers like the rest, this one was constructed of pure rock and metal. Gaia felt cold just looking at it. “That’s Synthia’s?”

  “Yes. She needs special security due to her-“

  “Disgusting scar that connects her to the evil guy?” Priyam smiled.

  “That one.” Donovan ran his hand over the smooth cold rock. “This metal helps us to block her a little bit more.”

  Gaia counted the bungalows and there was one missing. “What about Hunter? Where is his cabin?”

  “Oh, he sleeps in the trees.”

  Priyam thought about splinters and bugs. She couldn’t help but shiver. “Why?! That sounds so uncomfortable.”

  “Well, he grew up in Moonstrand, one of the five cities of Terra.” He leaned closer to them. “There, they like sleeping outside.”

  Donovan guided Gaia and Priyam a few feet away from all the bungalows, to a big storage room with a solid wooden table on the outside. “Here is where we store our weapons and ammunition.”

  Gaia took a light silver dagger that lay on a table outside the storage room. “Why do you guys need knives and guns if you can control the elements?”

  “Not everyone can.” He smiled looking at Priyam. “Besides, some earthling artifacts might come in handy; after all, humans are masters in destruction. No offense.”

  Priyam’s chocolate brown eyes glared at Donovan. “How is that not offensive?” she whispered to Gaia.

  “The main entrance is a few feet from that crooked pine tree.” Willow ran up to them as they were looking at the opening. “Donovan, Edan needs Icarus for a moment.”

  “I… I’ll be right back, meanwhile…” Donovan looked around to see what he could come up with when Hunter walked in front them. Donovan took Hunter by the shoulders and pushed him next to the two girls. “Hunter will give you ladies the rest of the tour.”

  Gaia stared in confusion at Priyam. They both knew Hunter spoke in sign language and they had no idea how to understand it.

  Against all the odds, Hunter walked and they followed. Without talking, Hunter pointed at sections from the camp and trees. Gaia and Priyam had no idea what was happening so they did their best to figure things out for themselves.

  Hunter pointed at a big rock with a plain surface surrounded by mounds of tree roots that looked like stools. “Eating area,” he signed.

  “I assume this is where we eat,” said Gaia.

  Hunter nodded and continued pointing at random stuff while Gaia and Priyam tried to guess their use.

  After half an hour of touring, Hunter pointed at a rock on the floor. Light gray in color, it was half covered with grass. Gaia and Priyam stared at the rock trying to figure out its use. Priyam shrugged her shoulders, “No, no idea, you?”

  Gaia looked at it closer. “Maybe it’s a weapon or something secret.”

  “What if it is sacred? Like a Kodama or something?”

  “What the hell is a Kodame?”

  “It’s Kodama, and they are tree spirits.”

  Hunter nodded and bowed. He lifted his hands up and down numerous times while making circles with them.

  “I think we should bow too,” said Gaia and they both mimicked Hunter.

  After a few minutes of giving their respects to the sacred rock, Gaia turned to Hunter. “Hunter, where are the bathrooms?”

  He pointed to the whole left section of the forest.

  “That’s… an extremely general area,” said Priyam.

  “Is he pointing at the forest?” asked Gaia.

  Priyam shrugged her shoulders. “I think he is,” she said.

  Gaia glanced at Hunter and smiled at him. Then she looked at Priyam, “Is it in the forest or is the bathroom the forest?” she whispered.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “It’s in the forest,” said Edan. Gaia turned around and saw him walking closer to them. “Hunter, I’ll take it from here,” he said to the teen.

  Hunter lifted his arms and gave small taps to his forehead. “Good thinking, they are really lost.”

  Edan chuckled; his smile and carefree expression made Gaia feel nervous. “Yeah, it was pretty moronic to put you as a guide. And by the way, that’s a simple rock,” he said pointing at the rock they’d just spent minutes giving their respect too. “Hunter was messing with you. Too bad you are too bloody slow to notice.” He laughed at them and waved at Hunter.

  Gaia gritted her teeth and scowled at Edan’s back. “Oh, how I hate him.”

  Chapter 11

  First Try

  “GET UP!” Edan barked throwing a change of clothes on top of Gaia’s lap.

  Confused and sleepy, Gaia crawled out of her bed. She yawned and looked at the dark sky through the window of her bungalow. “What time is it?” she whispered, trying not to wake up Priyam, who had fallen asleep hugging her computer.

  “Five,” he said.

  Her eyes opened wide. “In the morning?”


  Uncomfortable being in her baggy shirt and nothing else in front of Edan, Gaia hugged the sheets against her chest. “Is He here?” she asked. “Did Azazel find us?”

  “Of course not,” he said.

  Gaia relaxed a little after confirming they hadn’t been found. “Is someone dying or is a bungalow in flames?”

  “No, why would they be?” he asked nose scrunched up, eyebrows close together in confusion.

  Gaia let go of the sheets and smacked her hand on the bed. “Then why are you waking me up at this freaking hour!?”

  Edan took a look at outside to see if someone heard her scream but the coast was clear. “For your training.”

  Still tired after hours and hours of walking over the past few days, Gaia sunk back into her covers. Her arms hurt as she pulled the sheet over her head. “Can’t we train another time?”

  “You took off your necklace one year too soon; you’re weak, untrained and you know nothing about wielding, but sure, let’s take all the time you need.” Edan walked closer to her bed and kicked it. “I’m certain that He will wait for you to get ready.”

  “A simple ‘no’ would’ve been great,” she said, sitting back up.

  “There’s no such thing as simple with
you.” Edan pointed at the clothes hanging on the side of the bed. “Now get up and get changed.”

  Gaia took the clothes and offered them back to Edan. “Here, I have my own clothes.”

  “I know, but you have to wear that,” he said taking a step back so she wouldn’t reach him.

  Gaia looked at the glossy fabric and snorted. “Not a chance,” she refused.

  “It’s fireproof,” he said.

  “I don’t care if it makes me immortal.” She threw the outfit back to its owner, “I’m not wearing that thing.”

  “Fine.” Edan took the outfit from his shoulder and folded it. “Don’t blame me when your clothes burn and you end up naked,” he warned her.

  In a matter of seconds, Gaia snatched the clothes back. “Do you mind? Or is watching me change also part of the ritual?”

  Edan’s mouth curved in disapproval of her comment, as if the idea of seeing her getting dressed was something he would ever want to experience. “Five minutes. Don’t be late,” he said and left the room.

  Gaia got out of her bed, closed the door made of vines and flowers and changed, trying to make as little noise as possible since Priyam was miraculously still sleeping on her bed.

  Once ready, Gaia took a final look in the mirror. Her entire figure was outlined by the leathery fabric of the jumpsuit. Her waist was pronounced by a metal belt with a circle that resembled the markings on Willow, Shui and Veter’s wrists, only this one was a circle made of squares and a flame growing from an infinity symbol.

  Gaia took a spin, she was sure she looked like a fan coming out of a vampire convention. This look was far from her usual Boho dresses and pastel lace tops.

  She shuddered in panic. No way. I can’t go out like this… Gaia thought over and over again, but she knew the only thing worse than wearing that outfit was ending up naked in front of Edan and his smug face. Gaia could feel her face turn red at the mere thought of it. She untied her hair so the red waves would cover some part of her clothes.

  She shook her head, softly slapped both of her cheeks and held her head high. “You are Mother Freaking Nature! You can turn things on fire and… stuff. This is nothing.” She let out a deep sigh. “Let’s do this.” She jumped a few times, gave herself some needed courage and walked outside.

  A few feet from her bungalow, Gaia ran into Veter. His shirtless body hung upside down and his hands floated a few feet above the ground in a handstand. “Top of the morning, Moja Princeza!” he said as he kept on his shoulder push-up routine. His elbows bent and stretched effortlessly while his feet and body stayed in their floating state. “Interesting choice of clothes.”

  “Good… morning Veter,” said Gaia as she realized the nerves over Edan looking at her dressed in such a ridiculous get-up made her completely forget that there were at least six more people here who could see her in that outfit also.

  “Kapetan is waiting for you at the gathering point.” He pointed to the left as he continued doing his push-ups with one hand. “You do remember how to get there, don’t you?”

  Gaia glanced all around to prevent Veter from seeing the heat of embarrassment flushing her face. “Through the kitchen, down the hill next to the lake?”

  “Right on!” Veter switched hands and slowed down his pace. “Tell Edan to be back before sundown.”

  “I will,” she replied and took her leave as quickly as she could.

  Gaia snuck through the camp. Relax… it’s five in the morning, no one else will be awake… She turned around and crashed into Donovan. “Crap!” she screamed and punched him in his bare chest.

  “Good morning to you too, my future queen,” said Donovan as he combed the top of his hair with his fingers.

  “What are you doing here? And why is everybody half-naked?” she asked while he jogged in place. Gaia noticed the bear claw tattoo he had on his chest and wondered if she had ever seen it before. She couldn’t remember where or why, but she felt like she was being protected.

  “I’m doing my morning jog,” he said bouncing gracefully, “and I like the breeze on my skin.”

  “It’s freaking January! Cover yourself, people.”

  Donovan stopped jogging and gave Gaia a good look. “Funny you comment on my choice of clothing.”

  Gaia crossed her arms over her chest in a failed attempt to hide her body. “This wasn’t my choice.”

  “Sure it wasn’t,” he said.

  As she tried to flee the scene, Hunter jumped off a tree and landed right in front of them.

  “For the love of all!” she jolted. “It’s five in the morning! Don’t people sleep in Terra!?”

  “I didn’t know dominatrix were in season,” said a feminine voice.

  Gaia turned around and saw Willow sitting on a rock smirking with contempt. “What? Everyone in Terra who learns to wield fire uses something like this,” she explained to them but wished she hadn’t. She didn’t have time for this.

  “True,” said Willow as she tied up her pale blonde hair in a ponytail. “But everyone else is five years old when they use it, not your age,” she mocked.

  Not being a morning person, having to dress like this and operating on an empty stomach, made Gaia beyond infuriated. For the past two days she’d been with The Six and Edan. Gaia could tell Willow had the same amount of attraction for Edan as she had a dislike for her. “Well… Edan said he likes it,” said Gaia trying to sound convincing. Willow’s face turned sour confirming Gaia’s assumptions. A small victory. “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” she said and left before anyone else arrived.

  Tired, embarrassed and wanting to hide, Gaia made a beeline out of the gathering spot until she reached the training ground’s forest line. Even though she already had it pointed out to her during the tour, this was the first time she’d actually walked down there.

  Gaia’s lungs filled with fresh air and her body shivered with excitement. She came out of the trees taking in the magnificent landscape. It was a large space of flat grounds slightly covered by snow and surrounded by trees. On one of the corners, Gaia could see the frozen lake and, next to it, without a single piece of snow, the flower section that Willow prepared. At the back, immense mountains full of snow decorated the scenery making it one of the most breathtaking places she had ever seen.

  Where are you?... she thought as her eyes scanned the place. She walked towards the lake but stopped as soon as she saw him.

  Edan was laying down on a flat rock looking at the sky. For a small moment, Gaia thought he looked his age instead of a bitter old man. His lips were relaxed and parted, his body wasn’t as stiff as usual, and his hands danced in front of his chest while blue strings of fire followed the same enchanting rhythm.

  Intrigued by the unusual scene, she took a step closer, accidentally stepping on a branch. Edan’s body abruptly went rigid and he stared at Gaia. For a second, she saw what looked like surprise and something else on Edan’s face…his green eyes were darker than usual and his chest moved following his erratic breathing, a look that made Gaia’s body feel on fire. Just as quickly, his face changed to his typical glare. “You are late.”

  “Thanks to your stupid outfit!” she said blushing as she tried her best to cover it with her hands. “And why is everyone awake at this damn time?”

  “It’s called being productive,” he said in a snarky voice. “Not that you would know.”

  Gaia couldn’t help but notice that unlike everyone else, Edan was wearing a shirt, a long sleeved one to be exact, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Only this time he wasn’t wearing the thick leather bracelet he usually wore. She thought Edan would have a tribal mark of fire, like everyone else had with their element, but there wasn’t one. Instead she could see three runes burnt into his skin forming a line from his wrist to his forearm. Closer to his wrist was the Raidho rune, followed by the Thurizas rune and almost at the top of his forearm was the Kauno rune.

  Unconscious of her actions, Gaia’s stare traced the figure of Edan and she found herself wonde
ring what his body would look like under that fancy shirt. How would his muscles and skin look against the cold white snow? “What?” asked Edan.

  Gaia snapped out of her daydream and faced Edan. She was so distracted by her own thoughts she failed to filter her words. “Just wondering why you’re wearing your shirt,” she asked causing Edan’s eyes to open wide. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Sure you didn’t,” he said and Gaia blushed yet again. Good one G… Feed the narcissist’s ego more.

  Edan walked to the center of the flat grounds and motioned for her to follow. “I assume you bumped into everyone.”

  “I thought being shirtless in the morning was a Terra thing,” she said as she followed him.

  “It’s not,” Edan stopped abruptly in one place. “Don’t expect it of me,” he said.

  “I wasn’t…” she said not understanding why deep down she felt disappointment.

  “Assume position,” he instructed. His command felt more like a massive change of subject than an actual order.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

  “We are already behind schedule,” he hissed. “Get ready to attack.”

  Oh! Fighting, of course… She made the best boxing/wrestler/terrible girly pose she could come up with.

  “What is that?” he asked cringing away as if he witnessed someone scratching a blackboard with their nails.


  “No, it’s not. And even if it was, we don’t need that stance. Put your dominant foot forward,” he ordered.

  Gaia looked at her feet. They both looked the same to her. “I don’t know which one is my dominant foot.”

  “Of course you don’t,” he sighed with exasperation. Edan walked towards her. “Stand straight,” he said and she did.

  Edan moved behind her and pushed her. “Ah!” Gaia gasped and took a step forward. “Hey!” she squeaked once she regained her balance.


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