Deep Future

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Deep Future Page 31

by Curt Stager

  —et al. 2008. “Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Middle Miocene Forest from the Western Canadian Arctic.” Palaeogrography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 261: 160–176.

  Wing, S. L., et al. 2005. “Transient Floral Change and Rapid Global Warming at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary.” Science 310: 993–996.

  —et al. 2009. “Late Paleocene Fossils from the Cerrejón Formation, Colombia, Are the Earliest Record of Neotropical Rainforest.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 18627–18632.

  Zachos, J. C., G. R. Dickens, and R. E. Zeebe. 2008. “An Early Cenozoic Perspective on Greenhouse Warming and Carbon-Cycle Dynamics.” Nature 451: 279–283.

  —et al. 2001. “Trends, Rhythms and Aberrations in Global Climate 65 Ma to Present.” Science 292: 686–693.

  —et al. 2003. “A Transient Rise in Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.” Science 302: 1551–1554.

  —et al. 2005. “Rapid Acidification of the Ocean During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.” Science 308: 1611–1615.

  5. Future Fossils

  Bada, J. L., R. O. Peterson, A. Schimmelmann, and R. E. M. Hedges. 1990. “Moose Teeth as Monitors of Environmental Isotopic Parameters.” Oecologia 82: 102–106.

  Grimm, D. 2008. “The Mushroom Cloud’s Silver Lining.” Science 321: 1434–1437.

  Kehrwald, N. M., et al.. 2008. “Mass Loss on Himalayan Glacier Endangers Water Resources.” Geophysical Research Letters 35: L22503, doi:10.1029/2008GL035556.

  Meyers, P. A. 2006. “An Overview of Sediment Organic Matter Records of Human Eutrophication in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region.” Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 6: 89–99.

  O’Reilly, C. M., S. R. Alin, P. D. Plisnier, A. S. Cohen, and B. A. Mckee. 2003. “Climate Change Decreases Aquatic Ecosystem Productivity of Lake Tanganyika, Africa.” Nature 424: 766–768.

  Ostrom, P. H., N. E. Ostrom, J. Henry, B. J. Eadie, P. A. Meyers, and J. A. Robbins. 1998. “Changes in the Trophic State of Lake Erie: Discordance Between Molecular Delta-13C and Bulk Delta-13C Sedimentary Records.” Chemical Geology 152: 163–179.

  Schelske, C. L., and D. A. Hodell. 1995. “Using Carbon Isotopes of Bulk Sedimentary Organic Matter to Reconstruct the History of Nutrient Loading and Eutrophication in Lake Erie.” Limnology and Oceanography 40: 918–929.

  Schmittner, A., et al. 2008. “Future Changes in Climate, Ocean Circulation, Ecosystems, and Biogeochemical Cycling Simulated for a Business-As-Usual CO2 Emission Scenario Until Year 4000 AD.” Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22: GB1013, doi:10.1029/2007GB002953.

  Spaulding, K. L., B. A. Buchholz, L.-E. Bergman, H. Druid, and J. Frisen. 2005. “Forensics: Age Written in Teeth by Nuclear Tests.” Nature 437: 333–334.

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  Verburg, P. 2007. “The Need to Correct for the Suess Effect in the Application of Delta-C13 in Sediment of Autotrophic Lake Tanganyika, as a Productivity Proxy in the Anthropocene.” Journal of Paleolimnology 37: 591–602.

  —, R. E. Hecky, and H. Kling. 2003. “Ecological Consequences of a Century of Warming in Lake Tanganyika.” Science Express 301 (June 26): 505–507.

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  Williams, C. P. 2007. “Recycling Greenhouse Gas Fossil Fuel Emissions into Low Radiocarbon Food Products to Reduce Human Genetic Damage.” Environmental Chemistry Letters 5: 197–202.

  6. Oceans of Acid

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  Hall-Spencer, J. M., R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, S. Martin, E. Ransome, M. Fine, S. M. Turner, S. J. Rowley, D. Tedesco, and M.-C. Buia. 2008. “Volcanic Carbon Dioxide Vents Show Ecosystem Effects of Ocean Acidification.” Nature 454: 96–99.

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  Kleypas, J. A., R. W. Buddemeier, D. Archer, J.-P. Gattuso, C. Langdon, and B. N. Opdyke. 1999. “Geochemical Consequences of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Coral Reefs.” Science 284: 118–120.

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  Morel, V. 2007. “Into the Deep: First Glimpses of Bering Sea Canyons Heats Up Fisheries Battle.” Science 318: 181–182.

  Orr, J. C., et al. 2005. “Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification over the Twenty-First Century and Its Impact on Calcifying Organisms.” Nature 437: 681–686.

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  Precht, W. F., and R. B. Aronson. 2004. “Climate Flickers and Range Shifts of Reef Corals.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 307–314.

  Richardson, A. J., and M. J. Gibbons. 2008. “Are Jellyfish Increasing in Response to Ocean Acidification?” Limnology and Oceanography 53: 2040–2045.

  Rintoul, S. R. 2007. “Rapid Freshening of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.” Geophysical Research Letters 34: L06606. 1-L06606. 5.

  Roberts, J. M., A. J. Wheeler, and A. Friewald. 2006. “Reefs of the Deep: The Biology and Geology of Cold-Water Coral Ecosystems.” Science 312: 543–547.

  Roberts, S., and M. Hirschfield. 2004. “Deep-Sea Corals: Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 123–130.

  Royal Society. 2005. “Ocean Acidification Due to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.” Royal Society Policy Document 12/05.

  Sabine, C. L. 2004. “The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2.” Science 305: 367–371.

  Scheibner, C., and R. P. Speijer. 2007. “Decline of Coral Reefs During Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Warming.” eEarth Discussions 2: 133–150. http://

  Silverman, J., B. Lazar, L. Cao, K. Caldeira, and J. Erez. 2009. “Coral Reefs May Start Dissolving When Atmospheric CO2 Doubles.” Geophysical Research Letters
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  Steinacher, M., F. Joos, T. L. Frolicher, G.-K. Plattner, and S. C. Doney. 2009. “Imminent Ocean Acidification in the Arctic Projected with the NCAR Global Coupled Carbon Cycle-Climate Model.” Biogeosciences 6: 515–533.

  UNEP. 2006. “Marine and Coastal Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: A Synthesis Report Based on the Findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.”

  Yamamoto-Kawai, M., F. A. Mclaughlin, E. C. Carmack, S. Nishino, and K. Shimada. 2009. “Aragonite Undersaturation in the Arctic Ocean: Effects of Ocean Acidification and Sea Ice Melt.” Science 326: 1098–1100.

  Zachos, J. C., U. Röhl, S. A. Schellenberg, A. Sluijs, D. A. Hodell, D. C. Kelly, E. Thomas, M. Nicolo, I. Raffi, L. J. Lourens, H. Mccarren, and D. Kroon. 2005. “Rapid Acidification of the Ocean During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.” Science 308: 1611–1615.

  7. The Rising Tide

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  Alley, R. B., P. U. Clark, P. Huybrechts, and I. Joughin. 2005. “Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level Changes.” Science 310: 456–460.

  Ballard, R. D., D. F. Coleman, and G. D. Rosenberg. 2000. “Further Evidence of Abrupt Holocene Drowning of the Black Sea Shelf.” Marine Geology 170: 253–261.

  Bamber, J. L., R. E. M. Riva, B. L. A. Vermeersen, and A. M. Lebrocq. 2009. “Reassessment of the Potential Sea-Level Rise from a Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.” Science 324: 901–903.

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  8. An Ice-Free Arctic

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