The Football Trials: Game Changer

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The Football Trials: Game Changer Page 2

by John Hickman

  Jamal stares at me, shakes his head. “I was open, man,” he says. “You should have passed it.”

  My head drops.

  The ref blows his whistle.

  Game over.

  At home that night, while Mum is making tea, Granddad watches the same cowboy movie he watches every week. He moves in his seat and groans.

  “Are you OK?” I ask.

  “Fine,” he says.

  “Doesn’t sound like it,” I tell him.

  “Never mind me,” he says. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

  “I’m all good,” I tell him.

  “Come off it,” he says. “You’ve not been yourself since last week, when your dad showed up.”

  Just hearing the word “dad” feels like a punch in my guts.

  “I have,” I lie.

  “Come on, Jackson,” he says. “It’s me you’re talking to. I’m not daft.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I joke.

  “Well I might be a bit daft, but I know when something is up with you. Have you seen him again?”

  I think about lying. “It’s alright,” says Granddad. “I won’t say anything.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he tells me. “He’s your dad, of course you want to see him. I’ve told your mum that, but she doesn’t get it, she thinks it’s simple.”

  “It’s not,” I tell him.

  “I know it’s not,” he says. “I’ve held my tongue about your dad. It’s not really my place to say anything, but this is what I think. He was a selfish toe-rag who put himself first. He might have changed. I like to believe people can change – I mean I was no angel growing up – but you need to be careful.”

  “Yeah,” I say, and I’m already starting to think that giving Dad all my money was a bad idea.

  “But you’re a good lad,” says Granddad. “You’re old enough and bright enough to make your own choices, your own mistakes. Are you planning on seeing him again?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know.”


  That night after tea, I head out, telling Mum and Granddad I’m going round to Wheeler’s place. It’s not a complete lie. I do go to Wheeler’s, but we don’t stay there. Instead, the two of us ride our bikes over to The Unicorn. I don’t want my money back – all I want to know is why my dad didn’t turn up at my match, when he promised he would.

  At The Unicorn, I see my dad outside the entrance, smoking.

  There’s someone else with him.


  The two of them are laughing and joking like they’re best mates. I grab Wheeler, pull him back. We hide around the corner and listen.

  “What are you doing?” asks Wheeler.

  “My dad,” I tell him. “He’s with Smiley.”

  Wheeler looks around the corner, watches them chatting. I watch them too.

  “No way,” whispers Wheeler. “I thought they hated each other.”

  I listen in on their conversation.

  “So do you think I should try and chat up that new barmaid?” asks Smiley.

  “Why not?” says Dad. “What have you got to lose?”

  “My pride?”

  “I know all about that,” says Dad.

  Smiley takes a long pull on his cigarette and flicks it onto the ground. “So do you feel bad then or what?” he asks.

  “About what?” asks Dad.

  “Scamming your boy.”

  “The kid will be loaded in a couple of years,” says Dad. “He won’t miss a few grand.”

  “Well, I’m happy to give you a smack any time,” says Smiley. “So long as I get my share of the money.”

  “Maybe go a bit easier next time?” says Dad.

  Smiley laughs. Dad finishes his cigarette and they go back into the pub.

  I feel so angry. How could I be so stupid? How could I let him use me like that?

  “Are you OK?” asks Wheeler.

  “Yeah, man,” I lie.

  “I can’t believe he has done that,” Wheeler says.

  “I can,” I tell him. I lift my bike up, turn it around.

  “Where are you going?” asks Wheeler.

  “Home,” I tell him.

  “No way,” he says. “We are getting that money back.”

  “Yeah?” I say. “And how are we going to do that?”

  The Old Man

  Instead of going home, me and Wheeler wait outside The Unicorn, sitting on some bollards at the edge of the car park, out of sight of the entrance. I ring Mum, tell her I’m staying at Wheeler’s, and we wait in the car park until my dad leaves the pub.

  When he does come out, at half eleven, we follow him to a scruffy little house five minutes from The Unicorn, on this scruffy little estate. I make a note of the address in my phone.

  I stay at Wheeler’s that night. The next day, we get up bright and early. We head back to my dad’s estate, and hang about not far from his place. We wait there a couple of hours, kicking our ball about.

  Then I see Dad leave his house.

  I grab my ball and we hide, watching him go. He walks off down the street, and we wait behind the wall, until he is out of sight.

  “Come on,” says Wheeler.

  He leads the way, over to my dad’s place. He has a look up and down the street, before pushing the gate open.

  I have another look up and down before I follow him. I watch Wheeler as he tries the gate at the side of the house. It’s locked.

  Then Wheeler climbs over the fence. I listen as he unbolts the gate on the other side, opens it.

  “You really think this is a good idea?” I ask.

  “Just come on,” he says.

  I take another look around, then go through the gate, which Wheeler closes behind me.

  The back yard is a dump, filled with long grass, like some mini jungle.

  Wheeler tries the back door. It’s locked. But there’s a small window which has been left open, which Wheeler pulls open wider.

  “You won’t fit,” I tell him.

  “Watch me.” He jumps up and squeezes in through the window, like a giant worm.

  He wriggles all the way inside, pulling his boots through last. I look around, checking whether anyone is watching, but the garden has tall fences on each side and massive trees at the back.

  I can see the dark shape of Wheeler through the window in the back door. See him messing with the bolts, turning the key.

  The back door opens and I go inside.

  Inside, the place is dark. The kitchen is manky – full of empty cans and wine bottles.

  In the living room, Wheeler looks all around for the money.

  I pull open a drawer in the sideboard. It’s filled with letters and medicine pots, but I can’t find the money. When I see the state of this place, I feel bad for my dad. I’m not sure I even want my money back.

  “What if he has put the money in the bank?” I ask.

  “He won’t have done that,” says Wheeler.

  “Or maybe he has spent it all,” I say.

  “You can't spend £5,000 in a few days,” says Wheeler. “There has to be some left.”

  Once we have searched the living room, we check upstairs. I search through some drawers in a little bedroom. It must be my dad’s room. The walls are covered in old United mirrors.

  “Jax!” whispers Wheeler. “Here.”

  He must have found some of the money. I hurry out of the room and into another bedroom. Wheeler is just standing there.

  But there’s no money in his hands.

  He points to the bed.

  There is an old guy asleep in the bed. He is black and skinny, and looks really sick.

  I don’t know what to think.

  Then I hear the front door open.

  Dad is back.


  Wheeler and I hide in Dad’s bedroom, behind the door. I’m so nervous; I can hear my heart thumping in my ears.

  I can hear footsteps
on the stairs.

  Then he’s on the landing, outside the bedroom.

  My heart stops.

  He walks past, into the other room, where the old man was sleeping.

  I can hear the sound of someone opening a plastic bag, and the crack of a can being opened.

  I want to know what is going on – who that old man is, what my dad is doing with him. Even though I’m scared, I creep out of the room, onto the landing.

  “How are you feeling this morning, Pop?” asks Dad.

  The old man groans.

  “Well don’t worry, I’m here,” says Dad. “I told you I wouldn’t leave, didn’t I? I won’t let you down.”

  I decide I need some answers, so I step into the old man’s bedroom.

  Dad sees me, and nearly falls backwards. “Jackson, what are you doing here?”

  “Why did you lie to me?” I ask.

  “About what?” he says. “What are you on about?”

  “You scammed me,” I tell him. “I heard you, with Smiley.”

  “No,” he says. “You’ve got it wrong.”

  “I heard you,” I tell him.

  Then Wheeler steps into the room. “We both heard you,” he says. “Don’t lie.”

  Dad sees Wheeler. “How did you get in here? What are you playing at?”

  “Why did you lie to me?” I ask again.

  “Alright, alright,” he says. “Not in here. Let’s leave him in peace.” He leads us out onto the landing, closing the bedroom door behind him.

  “So,” I say. “Why did you lie?”

  “I needed the money,” he says. “I was desperate.”

  “So desperate you would rip off your own son?” asks Wheeler.

  “I’m not proud,” says Dad. “But I had to do something. It’s Pop,” he goes on. “The old fella in there. Your granddad, Jackson.”

  I feel hot and sick. “My granddad?” I ask.

  “He’s not well. I’ve been staying at home to look after him, haven’t been able to work or anything. Run up my own debts too, drinking and that, my own fault. Looks like we might lose the house. When I heard about you with United, I thought you would be minted – I didn’t realise you would give me all your savings.”

  A jumble of feelings whirls around inside me. I hate that my dad lied and ripped me off, but I sort of understand. I would do anything I could to keep a roof over Granddad – my other granddad – and Mum’s head.

  “But why did you lie?” I ask him. “You could have just told me the truth.”

  “I don’t know,” he says. “I didn't want you to feel sorry for us, I guess. I was embarrassed.”

  “And how do I know you’re not lying to me now?” I ask.

  “I’m not,” he tells me. “I swear to you.”

  He sounds like he is telling the truth, but I thought that when he told me about Smiley. I can’t believe anything he says. “Just keep the money,” I tell him, and I feel like I might cry. “Come on, Wheeler.”

  I go to leave, but Dad grabs a hold of my shoulder. “I didn’t want to leave you and your mum. But I had to. I knew I would drag you both down, sooner or later.”

  I hurry down the stairs. Wheeler is close behind me. My eyes sting and my stomach hurts as I slam the front door behind us.

  A United Player

  A week or so later, I’m back on the bench for our under-sixteen game. Hopefully I’ll be back in the under-eighteens soon. I’ll just have to do what Liam told me, keep my head down and work hard. As the lads are playing out on the pitch, I look up and down the line. I’m looking for my dad, even though I know there’s no chance he’ll have come. Lauren and my mum are there and I wonder why I even bothered with Dad. I don’t need anyone else. I’ve got all the support and love I need.

  “Jax,” says Liam, “get your jacket off.”

  I pull my jacket off quickly and when the substitution is made I’m buzzing to be out on the pitch.

  Ollie passes the ball to me and I take it sweetly. I knock a long pass across the pitch, which Jamal takes on his chest.

  “Ball,” says Ollie.

  Jamal has a shot, but the keeper saves it and suddenly they’re attacking us.

  I slide in, win the ball back and I’m running with the ball. I dribble past one, then two. Step-over with my right. Then my left. Right again. I turn one way, and a defender slides in. I go the other, leaving him on his backside.

  I shape myself, ready to shoot.

  For a moment, I imagine missing, the ball flying up into the sky.

  But I push that to one side. All of it.

  Then I hit the ball with the inside of my right foot. It bends into the top corner. An absolute screamer.

  Everyone crowds around me. Ryan jumps up on my shoulders.

  Ollie hugs me.

  “Good to have you back,” he says.

  “Good to be back,” I tell him.

  I make a promise to myself. No matter what happens, no one or nothing is going to stop me from doing this. Not my dad, not anyone.

  I’m going to be a United player.

  Bonus Bits!

  Quiz Time

  Find out how good your knowledge of the story is by answering these multiple choice questions. There are answers at the end (but no peeking before you finish!).

  1. Why does Jackson most want a pro contract?

  A to help his granddad get treatment

  B to buy a fast car for himself

  C to buy a nice house for his family

  D to show he is the best at football

  2. Why does Mum think Dad is getting in touch now?

  A he heard about Jackson playing for United and wants money

  B he wants to upset Jackson’s mum by telling Jackson the truth

  C he wants to apologise and have a good relationship with Jackson

  D he wants to help Granddad get better

  3. Why does Jackson’s father say Smiley has thumped him?

  A he is a mean person

  B he has hit Smiley before

  C he owes Smiley money

  D he owes Smiley a weapon

  4. How does Wheeler get in to Jackson’s dad’s house?

  A through a large window

  B through a small window

  C through the back door

  D through the front door

  5. What do they find in the house that surprises them?

  A a football contract

  B lots of money

  C stolen goods

  D a man asleep in bed

  6. What made Jackson’s football skills not as good as usual?

  A he was playing with better players

  B worries about stealing money

  C worries about his Dad

  D he had hurt his foot at the pub

  Working Out Words

  Here are the definitions for some of the trickier words in this book.

  realistic: having a sensible idea of what can be achieved or expected.

  “Why would he bring me on when he has got all these older lads, with loads more experience? Not that I’m moaning – it’s great being here. I’m just being realistic.”

  frostbite: an injury to the body that is caused by extremely cold conditions. It usually affects the nose, fingers or toes.

  “I don’t want my fingers to fall off with frostbite.”

  pinball: a game where small metal balls are fired across a sloping board to score points when they hit certain targets.

  “It’s a scrappy goal, the ball bouncing around in our area like a pinball, before their forward toe pokes it past our keeper.”

  concede (a goal): when your team fails to stop the other team from scoring a goal.

  “When the lads get off the pitch, Liam shouts at us. ‘That’s the worst time to concede, right before half-time.’”

  an assist: in football when a player helps to score a goal, e.g. by passing the ball to an attacker who actually puts the ball in the net.

  “My second assist is even better. I get the ball
in midfield and chip it over their defence.”

  parka: a large warm jacket with a hood.

  “He always wears a parka and he has a tattoo of a teardrop under his eye.”

  minted: having a lot of money which makes you rich.

  “When I heard about you with United, I thought you would be minted”


  There are lots of emotional decisions Jackson has to make in this story. How would you feel if you were Jackson?

  • How would you feel towards Dad when he was punched by Smiley?

  • How would you feel when you heard Dad talking to Smiley about the money?

  • How do you feel towards Dad at the end of the story?


  1B, 2A, 3C, 4B, 5D, 6C

  Look out for all of Jackson’s adventures!


  Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK

  BLOOMSBURY, BLOOMSBURY EDUCATION and the Diana logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

  First published in Great Britain in 2018

  This electronic edition published in 2018

  Text copyright © John Hickman, 2018

  Illustrations copyright © Neil Evans, 2018

  John Hickman and Neil Evans have asserted their rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author and Illustrator of this work

  This is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN: PB: 978-1-4729-4419-1; ePDF: 978-1-4729-4420-7; ePub: 978-1-4729-4417-7


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