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Her Alpha Bear (Thorne Bears Book 2)

Page 5

by Clara Cody

  “Hi,” the woman chirped, blocking the sun from her eyes. “I’m Annie.”


  “You wanna sit down?”

  “Uh, sure.” Luckily, the closest seat was a few feet away from her. Distance was good.

  “Give me a sec, okay?” Jason asked. “I’m going to see how the coals are coming along.”

  “Okay,” Annie and I answered, simultaneously.

  I felt nervous as he walked away, leaving me alone with this stranger. But the day was beautiful, so I thought I might as well enjoy it. Sitting out here, my feet in the cool water, the sun on my face, felt like heaven. I closed my eyes. The sound of sloshing water pulled me back, though. Annie was coming towards me. She settled in next to me. So much for distance.

  “I’m the little sister,” Annie said, tilting her head towards the sun.

  “Oh. Uh, do you live around here?”

  “No, a few hours away. I just got here this morning. Jason’s been planning this thing for weeks. My husband and kids were supposed to come with me, but my youngest just came down with the flu. Bad luck. Then again, I get a bit of time with my brothers. I haven’t seen Sean in forever.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” So, I was intruding on their family weekend. Shit.

  “He likes you, you know?”

  I felt my cheeks growing warm and looked away. This was the last thing I wanted to talk about, especially with his sister. “Oh?” I couldn’t help myself.

  She nodded. “He never brings chicks around.”

  “Well, I’m not really a…a chick. I mean, he brought me home, but it wasn’t like that.”

  “I know. Lacey told me what happened.”

  Of course she did. God, she really is nosy.

  “It must have been really scary for you.”

  I met her eyes, feeling wary. But there was no malice there, no secret intent, or anything other than concern. “It was,” I said. “Thanks.”

  “I heard you kicked that bitch’s ass, too.”

  I laughed. “Not quite. Just hit her with a really heavy book.”

  “Hell yeah!”

  By the time Jason came back, beers hanging from between his fingers, Annie and I were chatting like old friends. There weren’t many people that made me feel so at ease, but she just had that way about her.

  “Beer?” Jason asked.

  “Sure.” He handed me one and then another to Annie and sat down on my other side.

  “Trout done yet?” Annie asked.

  “Almost. We’re running out of beer, though. Think you could run back to the house and get some more?”

  Annie cocked her eyebrow up. “You’re just trying to get rid of me.”

  He flashed his charming, wide smile. “That doesn’t sound like me. It’s in the fridge in the garage.”

  She rolled her eyes, pushing herself up. “I told you he likes you,” she whispered in my ear as she left.

  My cheeks really burned now, especially when I looked over and found Jason’s eyes on me. I had to bite my lip to stop from grinning. It was so childish, but I almost couldn’t meet his eyes. They were too intense, too focused, like I couldn’t get away with anything, like he saw right through me. But in a good way. He really looked at me. I took a drink just to have something to distract myself.

  “Shouldn’t you help her?” I asked. “That’s a long way to walk with a case of beer.” And she wasn’t that big. She was practically pint-sized. It was hard to believe she was Jason and Sean’s sister.

  “Trust me, she’s stronger than she looks. She can handle it.”

  “The trout’s almost done,” he said. “I really should be keeping an eye on it so it doesn’t burn.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lacey and Sean coming towards the chairs. “Uh…I’ll go with you.” I jumped up and felt the chair slip out from under me. The rock! I forgot to weigh it down. I snatched at the air, but it was already out of reach, getting carried downstream by the current. “Shit!” I swore, doing my best to run after it in the water.

  “I got it,” Jason said, moving a hell of a lot faster than I could. Maybe too fast. His feet seemed to slip out from underneath him as he pitched forwards.

  “I got you.” Without thinking, I moved to catch him, putting my arm in front of him. Only he was moving way too fast and he was much heavier than I expected. Instead of catching him, we both fell into the ice cold river. I felt his arms around me, turning me so that I didn’t end up breaking his fall.

  Despite the shock of the cold water, I laughed. We were so ridiculous, sitting there in the river, sopping wet. He laughed too. It was a hearty, deep laugh. “I’m sorry! I lost your chair.”

  “The river can have the damn thing. Besides, you can sit on my lap.”

  “Ha! Don’t push it.” I flicked a bit of water his way.

  “You can sit in the water, if that’s what you prefer.”

  Narrowing my gaze, I sent the biggest wave I could muster right in his face.

  He blinked as water dripped from his face. “So that’s how it is, huh?” I screamed and laughed as a torrent of water came my way.



  I stood over the barbecue, waiting to flip a set of burgers. The trout had burnt thanks to Elise and I splashing around in the water. Sean was pissed, but he’d live. I promised him we’d go fishing tomorrow and see what we caught. Even with pissing off my brother, it was worth it. I smiled, thinking of the look of shock on her face as I dunked her head underwater. She was beautiful, there was no denying that, but when she laughed…Christ! I glanced in her direction. She lay in the grass just next to the river, talking to Annie. Her legs stretched out in front of her, skin glistening in the sun. She’d taken the elastic out of her hair which now hung damp and tussled over her shoulders. I imagined laying her down in the grass, feeling her soft body underneath mine, her full legs wrapped around my waist.

  Knock it off, I told myself, knowing full well it was useless. My dick had felt harder and heavier than the rocks weighing down the remaining lawn chairs since I’d dragged Elise into the water with me. In fact, since the moment I met her, I’d barely been able to keep the beast at bay.

  A lucky distraction came in the form of Lacey, sliding up to me. “Those smell amazing,” she said, staring at the sizzling hamburgers.

  “Just about done, too.” I gave them a flip as fragrant, savory steam rose up to my nose.

  “She seems to be getting on well with Annie,” she said, nodding towards Elise. “Better than with me, anyway.”

  “Elise is just private, Lace. Don’t take it too personally.”

  She shrugged. “It’s okay. I’ll try to back off a bit, and then she’ll come around to appreciating my bright and sparkling personality.” She cleared her throat. “She likes you, you know.”

  I rolled my eyes. Here we go. “You can’t help yourself, can you?”

  “I said I would give her space, not you. Besides, is it so bad? Me wanting to see my almost brother-in-law…uh, alpha-in-law…whatever—happy? And I can tell she makes you happy.”

  “I just met her the other day. I barely even know her.”

  “So? You know that’s not how it works. Sean and I barely knew each other, and we knew there was something there. Something amazing and other-worldly. Never mind the sex.”

  “Yeah, I live next door, you don’t have to tell me about the sex.”

  She laughed. “Sorry about that. But you know I’m right.”

  “I don’t, to be honest. We just met, we barely know anything about each other. I haven’t even told her about us…about what we are. That’s no small thing. You of all people know that.”

  “Well, you won’t know until you tell her. Just don’t wait too long.”

  She was right, of course. Now wasn’t the right time though. It would have to wait.

  The rest of the afternoon passed quickly, in a flurry of laughter, beers, and burgers. It was cooling off when Elise said that she was going to
go back to the house for a shower.

  “I’ll keep you company,” I said, climbing out of the river.

  She cocked her eyebrow high. “You will, huh?”

  “Back to the house, I mean. Unless you want some more company in the shower, that is.” She giggled, glancing away. At least she didn’t glare or tell me to piss off this time. I took it as a good sign.

  “You’re family’s nice,” she said, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “You can tell you really love each other.”

  “Of course we do. We’re family. What other option is there?”

  She scoffed. “Well, let’s see. They could be selfish, spoilt, bitter, demeaning. You’re lucky not to have to worry about anyone’s intentions, or what they’re trying to get out of you.”

  I remembered the comment that she’d made at the bar, about emotional blackmail over dinner with her father. “Are you talking about your Dad?”

  “No…yes. I don’t know. Until the other night he was just sort of absent. I never really got the idea that he wanted anything from me other than to just disappear after my mom left. He just wasn’t really around for me much.”

  “Why not?”

  “I think I reminded him too much of my mom. She left when I was a kid. I don’t think he ever forgave either of us for it.”

  “Do you know where your mom is now?”

  “No, actually, and I don’t want to. She left me and that’s all there is to it.”

  We were almost back to the house now. “You’re not even curious?”

  “What’s there to be curious about? Besides, the last thing I need is more family. I have enough problems with what I’ve got now.”

  I followed her up the steps to my kitchen. It was warm inside. Comforting. She rubbed her arms which were covered in goose-pimples. I hadn’t even noticed the cold settling in the air. I stepped close to her, rubbing her skin for her. “Maybe you’ll change your mind one day. Want a family of your own.”

  She didn’t look away for once. Her bright eyes pulled me in. “I guess that depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Finding the right guy.”

  I leaned down as her eyes slid closed. My lips brushed hers, gently at first. She kissed me back, opening up to my mouth, slipping her hands around my waist. “Wait,” I said, tearing my mouth from hers. I realized then just how heavy we were breathing.

  “What is it?”

  “There’s something I have to tell you. I just want to be honest with you.” Damn Lacey and her honesty talk. But she was right. I wanted to tell her who I was before this went any further. She wasn’t like other women. I owed her the truth.

  “Is it something that’s going to disappoint me?”

  “I—I don’t know. Maybe.”

  She nodded. “Then tell me.”


  She pulled her shirt off, over her head, cutting off my train of thought completely. How could I think with her right in front of me, a bra the only barrier between myself and her breasts.

  “But tomorrow,” she finished, tossing her shirt aside. “Let’s have this first.”

  Her lips met mine as she pushed herself against me, winning the argument. I felt all sense leaving me as the blood rushed downward. My hands went around her body, caressing ever inch of her soft, supple skin. I lifted her off the ground, grabbing her ass.

  “Whoa, you’re strong,” she laughed, wrapping her legs around my waist.

  No, I thought, apparently, I’m not. I didn’t care about that now though. The only thing that mattered was the woman in my arms.


  Being reckless felt so good. He threw me down on the bed, lunging on top of me. He smelled lightly of cologne, beer and his own delicious scent. Even his weight bearing down on me turned me on. What was this? I’d never been so hot for a guy before, especially not this quickly. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything right now. I was tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Let it drop. But damn if I didn’t want to get something out of it.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, staring down at me. He brushed a hair from my face and leaned down to kiss my lips. His tongue pushed between my teeth, probing my mouth. A delicious tingle ran through me, warm and throbbing, right through to my core.

  I was suddenly desperate to be naked with him, to feel his skin pressed against mine. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, my fingers grazing his hard six-pack and pulled it over his head. His chest was gorgeous. I ran my nails over his pecks and along his abs. Damn, he was yummy. My own clothes seemed to melt away thanks to his skilled hands and before I knew it, I was naked and stretched out on the bed, watching as he undressed before me. Standing next to the bed, he unbuckled his pants. I bit my lip, letting my eyes roam over his body, following his little treasure trail of hairs down into his boxers. His pants dropped to the floor, leaving him fully naked and exposed. His enormous, hard cock stood tall and erect from a patch of dark, curly hair. I imagined feeling him inside me and gulped. He grinned, clearly happy with my reaction and crawled over the bed, towards me.

  His hands moved slowly up my stomach to my breasts. A shiver traveled over my skin at his touch. His rough thumb circled and grazed my nipple. “Mmmm,” I moaned, letting my head roll back. His mouth was on my tit, sucking my nipple until it was hard and long. Tight, hot pressure drove through me as he sucked and played with the other breast. “Yes!” Desperation took hold, seizing my body. I gripped his back, needy for release. Feeling a little braver thanks to the beer, I whispered into his ear, “I want you inside me.”

  With a grin, he pulled away to grab a condom out of the nightstand and slipped it over his member. He lunged on top of me, sliding my leg up to his hip. His cock massaged my mound as he ground his hips into me. I was dripping and practically begging to feel him inside me.

  With a hard thrust, he drove his cock inside my pillowy entrance, filling me. My breath caught in my throat. He pulled out and entered me again, harder this time. God, he was so big. I clawed at the edge of the mattress, gripping it in my clenched fist.

  He filled me completely, making me cry out as he thrust inside. Heat and tightness radiated out from my core, giving me a tingly sensation. I rocked with him, legs clamped tight around him. My finger nails sank into the hard flesh of his ass, driving him harder inside me. He gave a strained, guttural moan. “God, you drive me crazy,” he moaned.

  “Yes!” I cried, the pressure mounting. I was going to come hard, I could feel it. “Don’t stop, please, baby.”

  As he cried out, my own exquisite orgasm washed over me. Pleasure pulsed through me like a fierce storm, and then slowly, deliciously, waned as I tried to catch my breath.

  “That was…amazing,” Jason moaned, still inside me.

  “Tell me about it,” I said, still panting. “Have you ever had sex like that before? I sure as shit haven’t.”

  He shook his head, rolling off of me. “Never. That was something else entirely.”

  Oh my God! Now I know what Lacey was screaming about.



  The next morning came all too quickly. I stirred, feeling the warm sunlight on my cheek. I smiled, burying my face in the pillow that smelled so much like Jason. God, I don’t think I’ve slept that well for years. Then again, no one had made love to me like that in…well ever. I rolled over and found the bed empty, but still warm. He couldn’t have been gone long. I sat up and noticed a small foil wrapped chocolate sitting on the pillow. I grinned, peeling back the red foil and popped in my mouth. That boy’s gonna get it, I thought, imagining round two as the chocolate melted on my tongue. I didn’t usually have chocolate for breakfast, but I thought I’d make an exception this once.

  “Good morning,” I said, walking into the kitchen to find Annie and pouring a cup of coffee. I set my bird book down on the table and grabbed a cup. “You seem chipper.” She took a sip of her coffee, hiding a grin. “I can’t imagine why.” She poured me a steaming cup o
f coffee, and I snatched a blueberry muffin from a basket in the middle of the table. It smelled divine.

  I laughed. “We both know how thin the walls around here are, Annie. Let’s not pretend otherwise.”

  The corner of her mouth turned up in a grin. “Oh, thank God! I was dying to ask you.” She pulled up a chair. “Give me all the juicy details. Well… maybe you can spare some, he is my brother afterall.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know if there were are any juicy details, to be honest. It could’ve been a one time thing, for all I know.”

  “Nah-uh. I saw the way he looks at you. That is no one time thing. He’s got it bad.”

  “You think?”

  She nodded.

  “Where is he, anyway?”

  “You just missed him. He went fishing with Sean. They wanted to catch some trout for lunch. They shouldn’t be long.”

  “Really? But if they just left—”

  “Trust me, it won’t take them long. They are two of the best fishers in the county.”

  I took my coffee and sat down on the couch to pour over the pictures of the birds I’d seen yesterday. After the last sip was gone, I washed my cup and told Annie I was going to take a bath. From the side of the bathtub, I let the warm water wash over my fingers as I stared out the window. Jason really did have a beautiful piece of land. The window looked out onto the back half of the property. A long field stretched out to meet the river. Imagine having a view like this every morning? Better than the trumpet playing gentleman in the apartment next to mine, that’s for sure. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to live here and wake up every day surrounded by the beauty of nature.

  Just then, a magnificent great blue heron soared down towards the river, disappearing into a group of trees that hid the river completely. I’d never seen a one up close before. They always darted away before I could get a good picture. The river was a ways away, and it would probably be long gone before I got there, but I had to try. I closed the faucet and drained the tub before darting to grab my camera and get my shoes on.


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