Dancing for the Billionaire (Scorching Billionaires Book 2)

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Dancing for the Billionaire (Scorching Billionaires Book 2) Page 2

by Aspen Drake

  Garrett and I have had sex before, so I’m not sure whether his request is optional. I just stare at him, unsure what to say because I really don’t want to invite him in. My limbs weigh a hundred pounds each and I just want to sleep.

  “That’s okay, Angel.” He rakes his fingers through my blonde hair and pushes some wayward strands behind my ear. “You get some rest, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Garrett.” I bounce up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek.

  “Good night, my angel.”

  The sway of the boat from side to side puts me to sleep just moments after my head hits the pillow. And I don’t open my eyes again until a soft knock on my door wakes me at 7:15 on Sunday morning.

  “Come in.” I run my fingers through my hair to tame it and pull the sheet up over my chest.

  Garrett opens the door just a few inches and peeks inside. “I’m sorry to wake you, but there’s a pod whales I thought you might like to see.”

  “Whales?” My eyes widen, and I hop out of bed, slowing down only long enough to grab a pair of shorts from my bag before following Garrett to the observation deck.

  I lean forward on one of the rails, looking for any evidence of the whales still being nearby. Garrett steps up to my back and places his strong palm on my hip. His other arm closes around my shoulder as he points to the ocean below us. “They’re right there,” he whispers in my ear.

  It takes me just a second for me to see where he’s pointing. And just as I do, two orcas jump out of the water and flop on their backs like they’re playing. There is also a group of dolphins swimming with them, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Do you have your phone?” I turn to Garrett, hoping he has it with him.

  He doesn’t hesitate as he reaches into his pocket and unlocks his smart phone before handing it to me.

  I quickly open the video app and start recording the marine show in front of me. “Look, buddy. There are whales and dolphins here to say good morning. Maybe we’ll plan a whale watching trip in a few weeks. Love you, Auntie Angie.”

  I turn to Garrett, surprised by the level of intensity he’s watching me with. “Do you mind if I send this to myself?”

  He nods as if the question is absurd. “Of course not.”

  I enter my phone number and send the video to myself before handing the phone back to Garrett. “Thank you for this.” I lean against the rail and continue to watch the beautiful animals frolicking in the morning waves. “This job will make a big difference in my life. I want you to know how much I appreciate it.”

  Garrett’s eyes move across my face then scan down the front of my body as he leans back against the railing beside me. “Are you free next weekend?”

  I smile, knowing we’ve already had this conversation. “No, this was a one-time deal. I need to be home on the weekends.”

  “That’s a shame.” Garrett holds his hand out and I put mine in his. He brings it to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. “I’ve enjoyed having you around, Angel. I don’t want this weekend to end.”

  Garrett is sweet, and definitely someone I could see myself falling for. But this is only about entertainment and sex for him. I have to stay focused on the job and what I’m being paid to do, despite his thoughtfulness… like waking me up to watch the whales with him.

  “All good things must come to an end, Garrett.” I give him a wink. “But you know how to find me. If you’re ever in need of relationship advice, I’d love to see you.”

  His eyes are dark with intensity as he stares right through me, as if trying to read my mind. “You can count on it.”

  Chapter 3


  Angel is an enigma.

  On the surface, she seems like every beautiful woman I’ve ever known, willing to do just about anything for a dollar…and grateful for the dollars I throw her way. But beyond that, she is the opposite of most women in her position. I expected her to jump at the opportunity to make $10,000 a weekend to dance for me. Of course, she would eventually do more than dance, but that’s not what I was asking for.

  At least not yet. But she didn’t even flinch as she turned me down.

  And then there’s the nephew. I didn’t realize she was so close to a child until I saw her make that video for him. I don’t know if he’s the reason she wants to be home during non-school hours, but I plan to find out.

  I plan to find out everything I can about this mysterious angel who would rather sleep with multiple men during the day than just with me on the weekends.

  It could be about the money, but I doubt it. I wouldn’t hesitate to match any amount she was making for Mark. Which means I need to find out what he’s going to pay her.

  While I’m thinking about it, I pull out my phone and dial up his number.

  My old friend answers on the third ring. “Hey, Garrett. How’s it going?”

  “I’m good.” I lean back in my chair with a glass of bourbon in my hand. “I wanted to see how things are going with the new venture.”

  “It’s great. We have five counselors who started this week, and five more starting next week. So far, the clients are happy.” Mark laughs, knowing just how happy his clients are.

  “Any chance I can make a reservation?” If Angel didn’t want to fuck me on my turf, maybe she’ll change her mind on hers.

  “Anyone special in mind, or should I pick someone for you?”

  “I understand Angel of Mercy will be starting next week. I want her.” No truer words have ever been said.

  Mark chuckles, and I hear him tapping on a keyboard in the background. “Yeah, Angel will be popular, so it’s a good thing you’re booking her now. What day are you thinking?”

  All of them. “What day does she start?”

  “Let me see… She’s working Thursday and Friday, and then Monday through Thursday the following week.”

  I thumb through my calendar on my iPad to see when I can take time away from work. I have an investor flying in to look at a construction site we’re considering putting a small condo development on, but I can get away for a few hours. “How about Thursday at two?”

  “Perfect. You’ll be her last appointment for the day.” He taps on his keyboard in the background. “You know where we’re at?”

  I laugh, not sure if Mark is serious or not. “Yeah, I’ve been there a few times.”

  “Oh, right. I guess that’s true.”

  For the past ten years, the old motel Mark renovated for his new business used to operate as a meeting place for businessmen and prostitutes in the Silicon Valley. If memory serves correctly, Mark and I have been there together on a few occasions. “Looking forward to it.”

  Mark clears his throat and takes on a ridiculous phone operator’s voice. “Our relationship consultant looks forward to meeting with you, sir.”

  I push up off the sofa and head to my room to get changed for a run. I suddenly feel some pent-up energy that needs to be worked out.


  “I like the location. It’s good.” Finn stands in the center of the open field with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He looks more like a Scottish warrior than a businessman, but I’ve known him long enough to know he takes his business very seriously.

  “I agree.” I cup my hand over my eyes to shield them from the sun and point toward the bridge in the distance. “Facebook is expanding just across the bay. This town will be thriving within the next three to five years. It’s a good time to get in.” Well, ten years ago would have been a good time to get in, but better late than never.

  “You thinking condos or apartments?” Finn and I have done several building projects on spec in the past. But those were mostly high-end homes, not multi-family dwellings.

  I shrug and walk across the hard dirt. “I’m open to either. Condos if we want to recoup our investment immediately and move on. Apartments if we’re looking for more of a long-term investment.”

  “I’m in.” Finn falls in step beside me. “Thi
s will be a cash offer, I assume.”

  I turn to him and smirk. “Obviously.”

  He stops and holds up his hand between us. “Send the contract to my office, and we’ll have the funds wired to you within twenty-four hours.”

  I grasp his hand and shake it, giving him a firm squeeze even though his palm is twice the size of mine. “It’s a pleasure, as always.”

  “Pleasure is mine.” He slips his hands in his pockets as we walk back toward the cars. “And speaking of pleasure, what were you saying about Mark’s new company?”

  I glance at my watch. It’s only eleven thirty. That gives us enough time to grab a light lunch and then head over to Hart Advisors. “I’m on my way there after lunch. You’re welcome to come along. I’m sure Mark has a little lady there who’s into beefcake.”

  Finn laughs out loud as he slaps his meaty palm on my shoulder. “Whether they know they like it going in, I’ve never had any complaints on the way out.”


  Angel is sitting in the lobby with a magazine when we walk in. Her eyes light up and her teeth sparkle as she smiles at me. “Garrett, I was surprised to see your name on my schedule today.”

  “Were you?” I raise an eyebrow and smirk. “You did invite me, after all.”

  “True.” She reaches for my hand and leads me toward the front door. “Let me take you to my office.”

  The small motel was probably built in the fifties, but Mark’s renovations give it more of an office complex feel than a no-tell-motel. From the street, a stranger would probably assume these were small businesses or maybe doctor offices all lined up in a row.

  “Here we are.” Angel pulls a key out of her pocket as soon as we stop at door number seven. “My lucky number.”

  Once we get inside, I’m confused by the layout of the room, not sure I’m in the right place. Angel holds up a finger to stop me from speaking. “This is my desk for the counseling session, unless you’d like to sit on the couch.”

  The couch is definitely more inviting than a stiff desk chair. “Okay, sure. The couch looks fine.”

  She picks up a notepad, making every movement seem very professional and legit. “So, tell me about your relationship concerns.” She smiles as if acknowledging how silly this whole charade is.

  But I’m game to play along.

  “Well, I guess it’s a pretty common story.” I sigh as if sharing some deep revelation with her. “I don’t seem to have much luck with the ladies. Just the other night, I was with a beautiful woman who had been dancing for me all night long, but when I asked to spend the night with her, she rejected me.”

  Angel’s face falls and guilt washes over her expression. “I’m sure she wasn’t rejecting you.” Her focus is right on my eyes to make sure I’m listening to her words. “If she was dancing all night, she was probably just tired and didn’t feel like she could perform to your satisfaction.”

  I scoff at the ridiculous suggestion and give her a pointed look. “Well, if that’s what it was, then I hope she knows her performance would never be in question. In fact, I’m looking forward to a time when I can prove to her that my interest doesn’t require an act of any kind.”

  A lovely pink tint colors her cheeks. “I’m sure she’d like that.”

  Leaning back on the sofa, I take a better look around the room. A large cabinet covers the back wall and a credenza with a TV above it balances out the other side. “Is that a Murphy bed?”

  Angel smiles and nods her head slowly, causing a lock of silky blonde hair to fall over her eyes. I sweep it back before wrapping my palm around her neck and pulling her forehead to mine. “I think I’m done with the counseling session.”

  “Okay.” Angel bites her lower lip and nods, her eyes darkening as my thumb caresses her temple. “What do you want to do now?” she asks softly, knowing exactly what I want to do to her.

  Chapter 4


  I pull the small remote out of the desk drawer and dangle it from my fingertips in front of Garrett. With a wink in his direction, I hit the button to open the cabinet and release the Murphy bed. It’s not exactly hidden, but it’s not as obvious as having a permanent bed in my office would be. Since prostitution isn’t exactly legal, Hart Advisors is a relationship counseling service on the official books.

  And after a token but extremely expensive counseling session is over, I’m free to spend time with my clients in whatever way they’d like. In 99.9% of the cases, I expect that to mean some quick and dirty sex.

  Garrett smiles as he stands up and takes off his jacket. “Well, look at that.” He steps toward me and brushes his lips across mine.

  I turn my head, forcing him to contain his kisses to my jaw and cheek while I unzip the back of my dress. Garrett is an extremely attractive man and the chemistry between is us palpable. But out time together is just a business transaction. When his hour is up, he’ll go his way and I’ll go mine. And one way I keep these transactions straight in my head is by not allowing any kissing.

  Kissing is just too intimate and something I can only do when I really care about someone. With my last boyfriend, it took two months of dating before I let him kiss me on the mouth. And that was fine with me because he was excellent at kissing me in other places.

  With the back of my dress open, I wrap my hands around Garrett’s waist and tug his shirt out from beneath his slacks. His muscled abs quiver underneath my touch as my fingertips slide across his smooth skin. Garrett’s hands skate up my arms and hook beneath the straps of my dress as he pulls it off my shoulders, watching it pool at my feet. His lips land on my neck and he peppers soft kisses across my collarbone while I undo the buttons of his shirt.

  It only takes a moment for us to be undressed down to our underwear with Garrett holding me by my shoulders at arms’ length. His eyes darken as he gives me an appreciative inspection. “You’re so beautiful, Angel.”

  “Thank you.” I drag my fingertips down the ridges of his abs and hook them underneath the waistband of his boxer briefs. “So are you.”

  Garrett leans forward again, his eyes closing as he tries to kiss me.

  I turn my head again, this time offering my neck. “You know I don’t do that…”

  “Angel, you’re breaking my heart.”

  I turn to him with a smirk. “Well, let me try to make it up to you in some other way.” I give Garrett a gentle shove and he falls onto the bed.

  With my eyes locked on his, I crawled up his body, kissing and licking his chest until I draw a line with my tongue down to the waistband of his boxers again. This time, I use my teeth to grab the elastic and pull back, letting go of it a few inches from his skin so it snaps back on him with a sting.

  “Oh, I see how it’s gonna be.” Garrett laughs and rakes his fingers through my hair. “You’re feeling feisty today, huh?”

  I glance up at him and wink. “Maybe. You got a problem with that?”

  Garrett shakes his head. “Not in the least. I give you full permission to have your way with me.”

  I pull his boxers down his thighs then slide lower on his body and take his long length into my mouth. I trust the ongoing medical testing Mark requires for all clients and employees, so I’m not concerned at all about taking him in my mouth bare. We’ll add protection when we need to, but right now, I love the way his eyes roll back in his head and his breathing speeds up as I drag my tongue up and down and across him, sucking his head into my mouth before pulling him all the way in.

  Garrett’s fingers close in a fist of my hair, and he holds me in place, not in an aggressive way but in a possessive away. I like it. His eyes focus on mine as he rolls his hip forward just a tiny bit, pushing closer and closer to my throat. As soon as his head is nestled as deep as it’ll go, I release a loud moan, vibrating my throat muscles around him. He throws his head back in pleasure. “God, Angel. You’re perfect.”

  After a few more minutes of playing with his cock with my mouth, I slide off and crawl up his body, reaching for
a strip of condoms in a pocket built into the headboard. As soon as I have what I need, I sit back with my bare ass stretched across Garrett’s waist.

  His hands immediately move to my breasts, gently kneading them and tweaking the tips as I open the condom. He leans forward, kissing each nipple with his lips and tongue before sliding me down his thighs so I have access to his cock. My eyes are glued to his as I put the condom on then lift up to slide onto him.

  His thick shaft easily breaches my wet channel. With Garrett, I’m naturally aroused so it’s easy to forget that I’m not supposed to enjoy this. At least, not supposed to enjoy it as much as I do.

  Which is a lot.

  At first, I ride him slowly, taking my time to fully acclimate to his wide girth. But within a few minutes, our actions become aggressive as I pound down on him over and over again. Garrett sits up on one elbow and wraps his other arm around my back, holding me at an angle so that my clit is rubbing against his pelvis with each movement.

  As he moves harder and faster, I get closer and closer to my climax.

  I don’t always come when I’m with clients, but I always come with Garrett. When he hears my breathing hitch, Garrett slips one hand between us and rubs my nub with this thumb, pushing me over the edge with a wave of pleasure that comes deep from within my core.

  I can’t help but squeeze his length and hold on tight as I feel him pulsing his own release inside me. His eyes drift shut as his short breaths blow warm air across my cheek. After a moment, Garrett’s eyes open and he gives me a lazy grin. I can’t help but grin back.

  And that’s my first mistake. Getting too comfortable.

  Before I can stop him, Garrett’s mouth closes over mine, capturing me in a kiss that I instinctively respond to. I know I should turn away, but I can’t. And in this moment, I want to kiss him back. I want to hold him and pretend this is real and honest and true.

  So I do.

  Several long moments pass as I straddle his lap, allowing him to hold my chest against his and kiss me as if I were his lover. But all good things must end, and as good as this moment is, it’s not real. The session he paid for is over, and it’s time to say good bye.


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