Your Fan Forever

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Your Fan Forever Page 9

by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle

  Callie giggled and it hit me in the groin. She knew what her giggles did to me. She looked at the driver as she ran her hand up my thigh and cupped the edge of my hard on.

  "Don't play, Caliente." I whispered against her lips. She didn't move her hand.

  "What do I get?" She asked and kissed me back. Her little tongue darted out to meet mine.

  "My undying devotion, love and gratitude." I smiled.

  "You going to say that in your vows?" She asked.

  I leaned back.

  "We're writing our own vows." I narrowed my eyes.

  "Yeah." She laid her head on my shoulder again. "I think we should. Say all that."

  "Even the sex part." I kissed her head. "You're parents would love that."

  "Dani would get a hoot out of it." She flexed her fingers on my thigh.

  "I'll come up with something." All I could think about were dirty vows.

  "It will be fine, just say what's in your heart."

  My chest tightened.

  "That's easy for you to say, you do this for a living."

  She sat up and turned towards me.

  "You want me to write them for you?" Callie rubbed her head.

  "No. I'll figure it out." I put my arm around her.

  She settled back down, but shot up when she spotted the hospital up ahead.

  A metal barrier had been put up in front of the ER and eight to ten scrawny looking dudes in inappropriate clothing for the weather held large cameras.

  "You can't be serious." Callie said as she gripped the seat in front of her.

  "We're going to the doctor's office up the street." I said.

  "They're really here for me." Callie fidgeted.

  I grabbed her hand. "I mean. I know I'm fascinating, but standing out in the cold waiting to catch a glimpse of me fascinating, come on."

  I kissed her knuckles.

  "You're the latest, but it doesn't last." I intertwined. "You know what last? This. You and me."

  "Stop talking, Noah."

  I narrowed my eyes.

  "Save those sweet words for the vows." She giggled.

  I licked my lips and grinned as we pulled into the doctor’s office parking lot.

  We left an hour later. Callie was progressing, but the doctor told her she needed rest.

  The marriage and civil unions licenses office was located in the basement of a building in downtown Aspen. We made it there by four, but no one was in line. Kate had filled out our forms online.

  We handed it to the clerk, they asked us a few questions and ten minutes and thirty-five bucks later, we had everything we needed to get married.

  As soon as we got home, I put Callie to bed. The dogs tucked between us and I watched her drift in and out of sleep.

  I thought about my vows, all the words I thought about that never said because I figured she already knew how I felt.

  Just think of someone loving someone else more than anything in the whole wide world. I grinned as I pictured myself with open arms. That's how I love her. Yet, the words seemed so inadequate.

  And, my girl was fucking hot, but you're not supposed to say that type of stuff at a wedding. Maybe I could find something that combines love and lust. Something more creative than the word perfect.

  I looked over at Callie. She was knocked out. I looked up and spotted her laptop on the desk. It gave me an idea.

  I powered it on and logged in.

  If I couldn't figure out, maybe the people who knew me and as Callie's one true love would have a better idea. I'd ask the fans.

  Not too weird, right.



  “Did you tell him it was for me?” Kate’s voice barged into my dream. I blinked and sat up. The sun had set and I was too hot. I kicked the covers off and laid still to catch my breath and get my bearings.

  “Tell him it will be a cold day in hell the next time I invite him to be in one of my movies.” Kate’s voice sounded amplified in my brain. I scanned the room, but I was alone.

  My head throbbed. I staggered into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I peeked at myself in the mirror, but groaned.

  The doctor said I was progressing fine, but I felt like shit.

  “Well, who else do you think we can get.” Kate voice echoed off the cold white tile in the bathroom. I stomped out into the bedroom and pulled the door open to find her sitting on the top step. He hand in her head, her phone glued to her ear.

  “Okay. I need to know something tonight.” She nodded. “Do what you do.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “Hey.” I said.

  She gasped.

  “Hey.” She smiled. “I’m so sorry. Did I wake you?”

  “What time is it?” I missed my phone.

  “Eight.” She said.

  “In the evening.” I looked back out the window.

  “No the morning.” She walked toward me. “You slept for like twelve hours.”

  “Where’s Noah?” I approached the stairs. I grabbed the railing and took careful steps down. My stomach growled.

  “He and Preston went to the airport to pick up Dani and his father.”

  “Oh, yeah.” I nodded and continued down the stairs.

  The house buzzed with activity. It moved too fast. I closed my eyes to get my bearings.

  “You want something to eat.” Kate took my hand.

  I pulled it away.

  “I can get it.” I walked into the kitchen, but stopped when the chef turned to face me.

  “I can make you anything you want.”

  “Can I just grab a coffee?”

  “Cream, no sugar.” He winked and pulled a cup off the shelf.

  “Why don’t we sit down outside.” Kate said. “You looked like you could use some air.”

  I hugged myself.

  Kate nodded at the chef and led me to the patio.

  She guided me toward a table to the left side of the deck. She helped me sit like you’d assist an old woman and placed a blanket around my shoulders.

  The air was chilly, but a heat lamp warmed the air around us.

  It reminded me of the hot bathtub party Noah and I had a few days ago. It seemed like forever ago.

  Kate had a look on her face like she wanted to ask me something.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” Kate sat down and scooted her chair closer to mine. I leaned back.

  “Who couldn’t show up? I asked.

  The chef handed me my cup and sat a tray of hot biscuits on the table. “You want me to make you an omelet or something?” The chef said as he pushed his shaggy blond hair out of his eyes.

  “No, I’m fine.” I sipped my coffee. “Thank you.”

  He winked at me again.

  I turned back toward Kate.

  “Who can't make it?”

  “Justin Timberlake.”

  I laughed and stopped. She was serious.

  “You called Justin Timberlake to sing at my wedding.”

  “Yeah, Noah said you loved him.” She shrugged her shoulders. “He declined in a text. Can you believe that?”

  Kate showed me her phone.

  JT: Kate. I’m so sorry. I’d love to help out but I’m in Fiji. Really sucks because I’m a Noah Patrick fan. :-(

  “Well, hell Kate.” I giggled. “Why don’t you see if Jay Z or Beyoncé are available?”

  “They are on tour.”

  I giggled again and stopped again. She was serious.

  “You want to go over what we have so far.” Kate said.


  I hadn’t noticed her laptop on the table.

  She opened it up and hit a couple of buttons.

  A document at the top said, Noah and Callie’s Wedding.

  “Damn. Kate.” I slid the screen closer. “You missed your calling. You should be a party planner.”

  “I do throw a good rave.” Kate giggled and scrolled down.

  “You, me and Dani are going to t
he inn for the night and the bachelorette party. Spa, champagne, if you’re cleared to drink, and then in bed early.”

  Kate scrolled down further.

  “Guys will stay here.” Kate looked up. “I told them no parties. They are playing golf in the morning, nine holes and than back to the house to get ready.”

  “What about my parents?”

  “They are going to stay in your room at the house.” Kate flipped to another document. “We have you and Noah in the presidential suite at the inn to consummate this union.”

  Kate giggled.

  I frowned.

  She continued on and brought me up to speed on everything from the flow of the ceremony to the food after.

  Fish in case you were curious.

  She even had hair and make up ideas on a separate document.

  When she was done breaking down my wedding, she waited for my response. I didn’t have one. It all sounded amazing, but something about it bothered me. Something I couldn’t articulate. I opened my mouth to speak, but shut it a few times.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  Two seconds later, I didn’t have to.

  “Callie” Dani pushed open the screen door and barreled toward me. “Hey sweetie.”

  I stood and embraced Dani. I missed her. I hadn’t seen her since Preston and Kate’s wedding. So much had happened since then and now she was here and I was so happy to see her. I needed her blunt directness.

  She held me at arms length and looked me up and down.

  “You’re hair is out of control.” Dani pushed it out of my face.

  “Stop.” I shook my head, which rattled my brain.

  I leaned in for another hug, but Dani made a beeline for Kate.

  “Kate.” They did that Hollywood air kiss thing and grinned at each other. “It's so great to meet you.”

  “I was just going over the wedding plans with Callie.” Kate pointed to her computer.

  “I looked over it on the plane. It’s going to be fabulous.” Dani said.

  “You went over it on the plane?” I asked to Dani.

  “I emailed it to her.” Kate said.

  “Hello Ms. Callie.” I turned and found the handsomest man over sixty I’d ever met. He was soon to be my father in law.

  “Mr. Patrick.” I fell into his arms. He kissed the top of my head and held me close. He smelled like scotch and a little like Noah. If Noah looked anything like Mr. Patrick when he got older, I was excited about growing old with him.

  “You feeling better, Callie.” He let go of me and I missed the support.

  “Yeah.” I nodded and rubbed my nose. “Where’s Noah?”

  “He and Preston dropped us off and ran back out to take care of something.” Mr. Patrick took my hand and led me over to the table.

  Kate and Dani were already knee deep in wedding jargon.

  I tuned them out. I picked at a biscuit and sipped my coffee and tried to figure out why this wedding seemed like a better idea a couple of days ago.



  If I was a nail biter, they would be down to the quick. Listening to Dani and Kate bonding over my wedding bothered me. Neither of them even asked my opinion on anything. I mean. Who wears high heels during a wedding on a hiking trail? Noah and Preston returned in time to go over security with the company we hired and the cabin staff.

  A representative from the police station attended as well.

  It was all so complicated and not necessary.

  I'd flipped through the wedding bible Kate had created a few times, picking up on one word or another that made me cringe or sigh in frustration. When the discussion turned to doves, I lost it.

  I raised my hand, interrupting Officer somebody, I couldn't remember his name as he spoke of metal or wooden roadblocks, officers assigned and traffic patterns.

  "Yes, Miss." he blinked around the room and gestured towards me with his hand. "You have a questions?"

  "What happens if a band of bears comes out of the woods and steals the bride?" I asked. It was a reasonable question.

  He opened his mouth and closed it. Not sure if I was joking not. I was joking, but he didn't even realize I was the bride.

  "Or, if a group of mountain people crash the wedding and make the woman in the bridal party dance."

  He narrowed his eyes. I turned to Kate. "That happens. I saw it on the internet."

  "Uh, I assure you neither of those scenarios --"

  "What if I fall off the deck again?" I stood up. "That could happen. I mean I could be so overwhelmed with the pure ridiculous of this wedding, that I might just fling myself over the edge and then, what happens."

  "Callie." Noah stood up.

  I stepped around him, but he grabbed me by the waist.

  "Okay, that’s enough wedding planning for you."

  "Oh, of course." I wiggled out of his arms. "God forbid the bride have anything to say about her own wedding."

  "Callie." Dani shook her head. "Don't be so dramatic."

  I opened my mouth and Noah didn't give me a chance to speak. He placed a hand on my mouth and the other around my waist and dragged me out of the room.

  I let him whisk me away because the last place I wanted to be was in that room, with those strangers, telling me what to do.

  We got as far as the stairs. Noah sat me down, I didn’t look at him, I didn’t' want to see the disappointment on his face.

  "I told you we could have gone to Vegas."

  I stared up and saw an amused affection.

  "Band of bears?"

  "It could totally happen." I grabbed his shirt and leaned my head against it. "Where were you today?"

  "Wedding stuff." He kissed the top of my head. "It's my wedding, too, you know."

  "Yeah, I know. It's everyone's wedding but mine."

  "We can call it off." He placed his hands on the side of my head. "Just give me the word."

  "No, I'll do it." I stepped backwards up a step. "But, only because I'm excited about the honeymoon."

  "Oh, yeah." Noah picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  "You want to give me a preview." He kissed my neck and we ascended the stairs. "I'll let you be in charge, tell me what to do."

  “I'm still recovering, so you have to do all the work.” I leaned back.

  “I’m on board with that.”

  "I'm in charge." I said. "You sure you don't want me to consult with Kate and Dani?"

  "No Callie Blake. I'm confident you can handle that portion of the wedding all on your own."

  "Forever." I frowned.

  Noah chuckled.

  "You ready for forever." Noah deposited me on the edge of the bed. "I'm going to be the last woman you ever have sex with."

  "What about the three way I'm going to ask for on my fortieth birthday." Noah pulled off his shirt.

  "Yeah that's not going to happen." I pulled off my t-shirt.

  "Oh," He shrugged his shoulders as he unbuttoned his jeans. "Then I'm calling this thing off."

  "I'll compromise." I slid my leggings down my legs and sat back. "You can have your threesome as long as it's MFM."

  "MFM." He scrunched his forehead. When it dawns on him what it meant his eyes grew wide. "Fuck no."

  "You mean you don't want to watch another ma--" Noah shut my mouth with his tongue as he grabbed my face and kissed me. He tongue swirled around and pressed against my own. His urgency always turned me on. His large hands moved down my stomach, toward my panties.

  "I though you said I was in charge." I placed my hand on his to stop him.

  "I was just warming you up."

  I reached between my legs and touched myself.

  "I'm pretty warmed up."

  I slipped a finger in the seam of my panties. I rubbed myself in small circles.

  Noah watched and waited.

  I leaned back on the bed.

  "Take my panties off." I said.

  He didn't say a word. He did as he was told.

I spread my legs and continued to put on a show for him. I loved the way he watched me, studied me. He'd seen me so many times, but his expression always made me feel like he'd never seen anyone like me. He adored me. He made me feel special.

  "I want you to put your tongue. Right here."

  Noah smirked.

  He lowered his head. I sat up and captured his chin. I kissed him and licked his lips.

  "And don't stop until that,” I pointed toward the door, “doesn't annoy the shit out of me anymore."

  Noah kissed my lips. He kissed my inner thigh. He kissed my hand.

  "We might be here all night." He winked, stuck his tongue out and did what he was told until I lost feeling in my legs and forgot what I was mad about in the first place.



  I woke up to slick wet kisses on my neck and a weight on my chest. Sadly it wasn't Noah. Valentine did her best to wake me with her enthusiastic tongue. It was the annoying whip of her tail on my breast the pulled me out of my sleep.

  I held her and sat up. The sun casted a warm beam across the bed. I pushed the covers off and scooted to the end of the bed and put Valentine down.

  I walked to the window and looked at the picturesque mountain range. It would be a similar view when I said I do tomorrow.

  A soft knock vibrated through the door.

  Valentine yelped.

  "Come in."

  Dani and Kate both peeked in. They looked like floating heads, Dani's on top and Kate at the bottom. They peered at me, waiting to gauge my mood. My outburst last night was a product of my concussion, I was sure of it. Noah calmed me down in a way that proved quite successful and last night was almost forgotten.

  "I'm fine." I waved them in.

  I rolled my eyes at their synced sign of relief.

  "Here." Dani's hand wrapped around a coffee cup entered first.

  "Gimme." I wiggled my fingers and reached for it.

  "I told you," She nodded at Kate.

  "Cream with coffee, no sugar." Kate spouted my coffee order and wrinkled her nose.

  "It's a beautiful day." I pointed to the view.

  "Dare I say it?" Dani plopped on the bed. "A good day before the wedding."


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