Ryan_Alpha-Male Romance Suspense, Military

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Ryan_Alpha-Male Romance Suspense, Military Page 9

by A. L Long

  The country life really suited him. He looked amazing as he walked toward the house. Opening the door, I ambled his way to see where he had gone. When we met each other about half way, I asked casually, “Where did you go?”

  Slipping his hands in his pocket, he turned his body slightly, gesturing with his shoulder before saying, “There isn’t any cell service out here so I went to the office to call Peter. I wanted to let him know where we were and that we would be back in the city in a couple of days.”

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pushed to my toes and gave him a little peck on the lips before heading back to the house. Entering the house, we both decided it would be nice to have our meal out on the back patio. While I gathered the plates and silverware, Ryan was busy opening the complimentary bottle of wine that was left for us in exchange for renting the house. Josh stepped into the kitchen looking a lot better than when I first saw him. As I took in his features, I vaguely remembered him from school. Aside from his bruised face, he was a really good-looking guy. There was one thing I did notice about him: he looked nothing like Ryan. Ryan was dark haired and brown-eyed while Josh was sandy blonde with blue eyes. Not even their facial features resembled each other. Trying to remember what their parents looked like, I could have sworn that their dad had almost black hair and their mom had chocolate brown hair just like Ryan’s. It was a mystery for sure. I guess Josh must have gotten his blonde hair further down the bloodline. Either that or they weren’t brothers at all. Now wouldn’t that be crazy?

  Focusing my thoughts on the task at hand, I took the salad that Ryan created, along with the chicken that had already been heated and placed on a platter, out to the back patio. Josh followed close behind, pushing open the door for me since my hands were full. Placing the meal on the table, I took a seat next to Ryan and watched as he finished pouring the wine. Raising his glass, he made a toast. “Here’s to family and friends.”

  “Cheers,” we all said in unison.

  As we ate our meal there was something that didn’t sit well with me. I wasn’t sure that Ryan even noticed it, but the look on Josh’s face after Ryan made the toast was that of a man insulted. When I got the chance, I would need to ask Josh what was going on, somewhere away from Ryan, because the look he gave was directed towards him. Something was definitely wrong as I watched Josh pretty much stare at his food, moving it from one side of the plate to the other. He looked like a kid trying to hide the fact he wasn’t hungry and wasn’t going to eat.

  When he rose to his feet and said sarcastically, “Great meal, Ryan,” before lifting his plate from the table and heading inside, I wanted to question his lack of appetite, but thought it was best to leave it alone.

  Finishing our meal, Ryan and I gathered the empty dishes and went back inside the house to wash them up. I wasn’t sure where Josh ran off to, but my guess was that he was back in his room. Loading the last dish in the dishwasher, Ryan and I proceeded to the living area to see what we could find to watch on the flat screen TV. With a variety of movies to choose from, we decided to go for the classic “Casablanca,’ the remake in color. As we sat snuggled up together on the couch, a thought crossed my mind. I wondered if this was how our life would be spent together; sitting, holding each other as we watched old movies.


  I must have fallen asleep during the movie, because the last thing I remember was the famous line that Humphrey Bogart said to Ingrid Bergman. Ryan softly whispered in my ear, “Babe, the movie is over, let’s go to bed.”

  I didn’t want to move as I said, “Let’s just sleep here.”

  I guess he didn’t accept my alternative sleeping arrangement because his arms were around me in an instant and I was lifted from the couch and in his arms. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I placed my head against his neck as he made his way up the steep steps. When we finally reached the top, Ryan stopped for a moment, debating on whether or not to check in on Josh. Taking careful steps so that his boots wouldn’t be heard against the wood flooring, Ryan shifted me slightly as he slowly turned the knob to Josh’s bedroom door. When he looked inside, he was comforted to see that Josh was lying in bed fast asleep.

  As we head to where we would be sharing a bed for the first time, I asked softly against his throat, “All good?”

  “All good,” he responded, kissing the top of my head.

  Ryan carefully placed me on the bed. He knelt at my feet, removing my Ked tennis shoes. Putting them to the side, he stood, positioning his body between my legs, and slowly began removing my clothes. If I wasn’t so tired, I would have assisted him as well as helped him remove his own. Falling back onto the bed, I lifted my hips so that he could glide my jeans down my legs. Once they were completely off, the only thing left to take off was my spaghetti strap top that I wasn’t wearing a bra with for fear that the straps would show. Sitting before him in only my lacy panties, I watched as he went to his bag and grabbed one of his t-shirts. How I loved the way his ass flexed as he walked. Returning to the bed, he gently glided the soft shirt over my head and waited for me to place my hands through the sleeves. His scent filled my nostrils, leaving me all warm and fuzzy inside.

  My eyes felt so heavy that I didn’t get the chance to watch him undress. It was only after he crawled in beside me that I could feel the warmth of his bare skin next to mine as he pulled me close. Letting my mind drift to Neverland, I consumed the comfort of the pillow and made my escape.


  The next morning my senses were brought to life as the scent of hazelnut filled the air. Grinning to myself, I stretched my body and rolled over to find that the space next to me was empty. Turning my head, I opened my eyes to find that I was lying in the bed alone. Sadness swept over me as I felt the emptiness of not having Ryan next to me when I woke up. Pushing the covers off and swinging my legs over the bed, I had great appreciation for the fact that at least I was wearing his t-shirt. Grabbing the collar of his worn-out shirt, I put it to my nose and took in his scent. My mind filled with comfort knowing that he was going to be a part of my life.

  Slipping on my yoga pants that were sitting on top of my bag, I headed down the stairs to get me a cup of coffee. When I turned down the hallway, I noticed that Josh’s door was still closed. I knew that it was early, but not so early that he wouldn’t be awake yet. Knocking lightly on his door, I heard nothing, so I turned the knob and slowly pushed open the door. The bed was empty and unmade. At least I knew he was awake, and hopefully spending some brotherly time with Ryan. Closing the door, I proceeded down the stairs to see if I could find the guys.

  Everything was quiet, which didn’t seem right. It was as if I was the only one in the house. As I looked around, I saw I was the only one in the house. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I doctored it with cream and sugar and took my cup of deliciousness to the back patio. I thought for sure that Josh and Ryan would at least be out here taking in the beautiful morning. Taking a seat on the lounger, I sipped my coffee, becoming more and more concerned. When I heard the door to the kitchen open, I shifted my body to find a very disgruntled Ryan standing in the doorway.

  I was about to rise to my feet when he said, “Josh took off in the car. I have no idea where he went and he won’t answer his damn phone.”

  I could only imagine what was going through his head. Standing to my feet, I walked over to him and asked, concerned, “Maybe he will be back?” I only hoped I was right.

  “I doubt that very much, babe. The money he took is gone too. I have a funny feeling that he is going to try and fix this mess himself. We need to get out of here.” Ryan stared across the way like the answers he was searching for were hidden in the trees.

  As we entered the kitchen, I placed my cup in the sink and followed Ryan to the front room. It was then that we heard a loud boom, which sounded like a bomb going off. Looking through the front window, I saw Josh was heading toward the house in Ryan’s car, and he wasn’t alone. A black Chevy Tahoe was on his tail, kicking up dirt as it pi
cked up speed. The passenger was practically hanging out the window with a shotgun.

  Giving it everything that I had, I began yelling, “Hurry, Josh, hurry,” as though he would be able to hear me.

  Just then Ryan left my side and headed up the stairs. As quickly as he left, he was back. He swung open the front door and pointed his gun toward the Tahoe. He managed to hit the guy aiming the shotgun in his shoulder, which caused him to move his body back inside the SUV. Josh stopped the Charger with the driver’s side facing us, using the car as protection as he got out and began running to the house. There was a small window of opportunity for him to get inside as Ryan continued to fire shots. Ryan moved to the side, allowing Josh to get safely inside. Backing away from the door, Ryan slammed it shut and ordered, “Get to the kitchen.”

  Josh and I hurried to the kitchen, leaving Ryan in the front room. Taking in deep breaths, I tried calming myself as I attempted to understand what the hell was going on. Josh looked over to me and said regretfully, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I should have been the one to go after your brother. He didn’t know me, but I knew him. Charlie, I am so sorry.”



  My gut ached when I saw Josh coming full speed toward the house. I knew I had to do something. Protecting Josh was something that was in my blood. The day he became my brother, I harnessed that job. I knew the only way to keep my promise was to take the asshole that was firing shots at him out of commission. I was nervous, no doubt, but my aim was spot on. I could have hit the guy in the head, but I wanted to spare his life, at least until I got the answers I needed from him. Thank God, Josh was smart enough to use the car as protection. I knew exactly what he was trying to do, and it was my cue to cover him.

  I knew that it was a matter of time before the men that followed Josh were inside the house. It was no longer a safe place to be. Ordering them to go to the kitchen was our only hope. When I got there, Charlie’s arms were crossed at her chest and the look on her face told me that she was scared. Approaching her, I pulled her close to me and said confidently, “It will be okay. Somehow we need to get to the main house and call Peter.” I knew the minute I said it that there was only one option for us. Pushing Charlie to arm’s length away, I gave her a serious look. “Charlie, I need for you and Josh to run behind the house and run as fast as you can. The main house should be on the other side of the trees. Josh, you need to call Peter.” I finished, with a feeling of uneasiness creeping deep inside me.

  “Wait. What about you?” she cried.

  “Someone needs to stay behind and keep these guys occupied. Since I’m the one with the gun, it is only fair that I stay,” I explained. “Now go, before they come inside.”

  Watching Josh and Charlie leave through the back door, I waited until they were far enough away to make my move. Opening the back door, I slowly began making my way to the front of the house where I knew Gallo’s men would be. Looking around the corner, something was wrong. The black Tahoe was gone. Scratching my head, I pondered for a moment where they could have gone. “Shit, Charlie!” I hissed between gritted teeth. Running as fast as I could to my car, I hopped on the hood and slid my ass along the smooth surface until I was on the driver’s side. The door was already open, which saved me the time I desperately needed. All I could think about was losing Charlie. Gallo’s goons must have caught sight of them taking off into the woods. It was the only thing that made sense as to why they were no longer here.

  Starting my car, I peeled out of the drive and headed down the road to the main house. I was driving like a bat out of hell and the dust I left in my path was evident of that. Fuck the 20 MPH speed limit that was posted. I was a man on a mission, and right now that mission was Charlie and my brother.

  Slowing my speed as I got closer to the main house, I lurched forward upon seeing the black Chevy Tahoe pulled off to the side of the road. Both of the front doors were wide open, which told me that the men inside were in a hurry. Looking around, I saw movement in the distance. Quietly, I opened my door and let it remain open as I took a chance and headed in that direction. I couldn’t see who it was, but there was definitely someone in the cluster of trees just past the main house. My gun was in my hand and pointed downward as I kept my body low.

  When I reached the Tahoe, I took a quick look inside to find that the man I had shot had lost quite a bit of blood, based on the stained seat. Checking out the rest of the vehicle, I looked back over to the wooded area to make sure I didn’t lose sight of the shadow hidden between the trees. Searching the backseat, my first assumption was incorrect. There were more than two men in the SUV. A third man was something that I should have been prepared for. It wasn’t like me to miss this. Having another man in the mix just reduced our chances by a third.

  Whoever was hiding behind the tree was in for a rude awakening. He was about to receive the wrath of Hyatt and I was going to get some answers. Slowly approaching the trees, I kept my sights on the shadow. As I got closer, I could see that whoever was behind the tree wasn’t there to keep watch. The man was injured, based on the blood that led to where he took refuge. My adrenaline began to kick in with each step I took. When I reached the tree, the guy wasn’t moving. Pointing my weapon towards him, I tried not to make a sound, but it was almost impossible with the leaves crackling beneath my feet. It was then that I heard, “Just finish me, asshole. I’m already dead.”

  I knew that voice as soon as I heard it. Rushing to my brother, I lowered my gun and knelt beside him. Seeing him leaning against the tree, I knew he was hurt. When he looked to his gut and then to me, I knew he had been shot. “Josh, how bad?” I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder, feeling the rage and anger consume every nerve of my body.

  “I can’t move, bro. You need to find Charlie. She ran in that direction.” Josh raised his arm and pointed his finger straight ahead.

  “I need to call for help, bro,” I choked.

  “There’s no time,” he groaned in agony. “Go to her.” I stood to head in the direction that he had pointed only to be stopped. “I know, Ryan.”

  I had this sick feeling in my gut, but knew I had no time to go into it right now. Looking his way, I simply said. “I will come back for you.”

  Josh’s thumb went up in acknowledgement. It was the strangest thing. Almost like he was telling me it was okay. I hated leaving him, but I had no choice. There was no way I could catch up to Charlie in time if I had him on my side. I also knew that there was no time to get help, as he said. Running as fast as I could through the trees, my focus was on Charlie. I had been through these trees so many times as a kid, but it was for a whole different reason back then. I almost wished that Josh and I made a trail just like we talked about. I had no idea where Charlie was or even what direction she went in. All I could do was pray that I would find her. Alive.


  It was beginning to get dark and I still hadn’t found Charlie. I was really beginning to worry that they might have taken her. Just about ready to lose hope, I stopped in my tracks thinking that I might have heard voices. As I listened for any noise, I waited before moving onward. Just as I thought, two men were talking. The voices were coming to the left of me. I slowly began walking towards them. I pulled my weapon from behind my back and held it in front of me with both hands on the grip. The closer I got, the better I was able to hear the two men talking.

  “If we don’t find her, we have no leverage.”

  “All that the boss said, was to find the money and kill Hyatt. We need to go back to the house and get the money and forget about the girl.”

  As much as I wanted to get these guys once and for all, they knew just as much as I did about where Charlie might have gone. They were only concerned about the money and Josh. Taking my time, I began walking backwards away from the men. The minute I felt like I was far enough away, I picked up my pace and began heading in a different direction.

  I wasn’t sure how long I had been walking or where
I even was until I came upon the bathhouse. As I came closer to it, I started to feel a sense of relief that I at least knew where I was. As quickly as it came it was gone in a flash. I still had no idea where Charlie was. With my senses on alert overload, I walked up to the door and turned the handle. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay here very long, especially knowing that if I found my way, Gallo’s men were sure to find this place as well.

  I thought I might have been dreaming when I heard a small gasp as I entered the small house. I could faintly see that someone had been hiding in the far corner of the room. Taking a chance, I whispered, “Charlie, is that you?”

  When her body came into view, it was like calm had settled over me. Rushing to her side, I took her in my arms and muttered, “I was so afraid something bad had happened to you.”

  Her lips met mine in what was a kiss of love if ever there was one. My mouth opened and our tongues began twisting and turning together, getting reacquainted with each other. I could have stayed just like this forever, our lips locked together with her body pressed close to mine, but I knew we didn’t have the time I wanted. We needed to get out of here before our unwanted guests arrived.

  Breaking our kiss, I held her close to me and said, “We need to go, babe. Gallo’s men aren’t far away and we need to get to the main house.”

  Charlie looked up to me with tear-soaked eyes and said, “Josh got shot. I’m not sure if he is even still alive. We need to find him.”

  “We are going back to get him before we call Peter. He’s alive, just north of the main house,” I reassured her.

  Making a quick move to the door, I opened it carefully, making sure so one was waiting for us on the other side. Seeing that the coast was clear, we both ran as fast as we could toward the road leading to the main house. There was just enough light left to see where we were going, but soon it would be dark and even harder to find our way to Josh. I did a “Hail Mary” when we finally came upon the road that would lead us to where Josh was.


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