When a Champion Wants You

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When a Champion Wants You Page 5

by Tina Martin



  “How did I do?”

  Not wanting him to see her sweat any longer, she said, “You did alright.”

  He chuckled. “That’s all you have to say?”

  “Yep. Now it’s my turn to do you.”

  He grinned at her words. Do you.

  “Okay, wrong choice of words,” she said smiling. “It’s my turn to analyze you. Is that better?”

  “Yes. That’s better,” he said, then picked up his wine glass, swished it around in the glass, smelled it and took a sip.

  “Okay. Um…hmm…where do I begin?”

  “I’m that complicated?”

  “I just need to get my thoughts together,” she said. “Okay, so I think you feel that you have certain rights that other men don’t possess because of your status, especially since you have money and all.”

  “How so?”

  “Dimitrius, you pulled me aside on my lunch break and told me that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me and, outside of today, we’ve never had a full conversation.”

  He shrugged. “So.”

  Melanie shook her head. “See…that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You’re proving my point for me as we speak.”

  “No, you’re wrong. I don’t feel like I’m entitled to anything or anyone. I just go for what I want.”

  With raised eyebrows, Melanie asked, “And you want me?”

  “In more ways than you could ever begin to imagine. Yes.”

  Melanie felt a tug at her stomach. Nervously she asked, “Why me?”

  “Because I chose you.”

  There he goes with that nonsense again. “You chose me? This isn’t an episode of The Bachelor, Dimitrius.”

  “I know that. Besides, I don’t need to filter through a bunch of women to know that you’re the one.”

  “But isn’t that what you did. I mean, if what you claim is true and you actually want me, then you’ve had your fair share of women already. It’s no secret that the Champion men are eligible bachelors…running all around here taking women down one-by-one.”

  “Everyone has a past. I’m sure you were no saint.”

  “I’m not claiming to have been, but I’m certainly not promiscuous by any means.”

  “Neither am I. Don’t judge the man sitting across from you by rumors and other things you’ve heard. Get to know me for yourself. That’s all I ask.”

  Moments later, the food arrived. Melanie ate silently, taking her time to slice the steak into smaller pieces, and adding butter, salt and pepper to the steaming hot baked potato.

  “How is it?” Dimitrius asked.

  “It’s good.”

  He nodded. “It’s pricey, but it’s worth it,” he added. “So how long have you and Emily been friends?”

  “A long time…we used to work together.”

  He nodded. “She’s a good woman. I’m glad my brother met her. She fits him perfectly.”

  “Yes, she does. He fits her perfectly, too.” Melanie smiled. She was a strong advocate for Emily and Dante’s relationship and liked to take credit for the fact that they’d gotten together. After all, she had convinced Emily to give Dante a chance.

  “Do you have siblings?” he asked.

  “No. I’m an only child.”

  “And what about your parents…”

  “They live here in Asheville. What about yours?”

  “I lost both of my parents.”

  “Oh…sorry to hear that.”


  “Now I see why you’re so close with your brothers.”

  Dimitrius wiped his mouth and took a sip of wine. “What makes you think we’re close?”

  “Well, you all run The Champion Corporation together. And you play pool together every Friday night at Dante and Emily’s.”

  He smirked. “And how do you know that?”

  “Emily is my best friend. Duh.”

  “Is that why you don’t come over to their house on Friday’s? Avoiding me?” He smiled and then finished his wine.

  “No. Emily and I just prefer to go out. That’s all.”

  “I’m not buying it,” he said. “And I was right. You don’t want to see me again, do you?”

  “Um…” Melanie drawled out, but her hesitancy to answer the question was, in itself, and answer to his question.

  “Why not, Melanie?”

  “Honestly, Dimitrius, I’m not looking for a relationship and I don’t want to be involved with anyone right now. I need to be single in this stage of my life.”

  “What stage is that?”

  “The I-don’t-have-time-for-relationship-drama stage. I need to do me right now.”

  “Well that’s too bad.”

  “What is?”

  “The fact that you think I would actually be accepting of your rejection,” he said, giving her a pointed stare.


  “Listen, Melanie…here’s how this is going to go. Every day for the rest of this month, we’ll interact in some kind of way whether it be by something you schedule or something I arrange. I won’t touch you, kiss you, make a move…none of that. At the beginning of the month, TCC is re-launching a payroll software system in Vegas. Before we go, I will ask you to marry me. If you accept, we’ll get married, and even then, I won’t touch you. I won’t lay a hand on you unless you want me to. After that, we’ll come home, continue to get to know each other and if we’re still feelin’ each other, you’ll move in with me. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds like you had a little bit too much of that Cabernet Sauvignon Imperial.” She laughed.

  He didn’t crack a smile. In fact, he replied with unmistakable determination, “I’m serious, Melanie. How does it sound?”

  “Dimitrius, I don’t know what’s wrong with you if you think this is actually going to work. I—”

  “Sleep on it,” he said, interrupting her. “Sleep on it and call me in the morning. I’ll text you my number.”

  “How can you text me when you don’t have my number?”

  “I have your resume, remember? I have your address and your phone number.”

  “Oh, right,” she replied, feeling flustered at the fact that he had her address. What if he decided to show up at her house one night? “Okay. I’ll sleep on it, but don’t be surprised if my answer is still no.”

  “Don’t be surprised when I don’t accept your no.”

  “You’re being difficult.”

  “I know. It’s what I’m good at, beautiful,” he tossed back.

  Melanie couldn’t help but smile. Why did he have to be so handsome and charming? “Can I chip in on the bill, leave the tip or something?”

  “No. Not at all. I got the bill.”

  “Okay, well, if you’re finished barking orders at me, I think I’ll go now.”

  He smiled again. “Wait…let me get the check, then I’ll walk you out.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “It is when you’re with me. Give me a moment.”

  Dimitrius summoned Bailey to get the check and once he paid, he walked Melanie to her car.

  To avoid reaching out to hold her hand, he sunk his hands in the pockets of his pants and said, “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Hopefully we can get together soon and enjoy nights like this, somehow,” he said as they came to a stop in front of her car.

  She looked up at him and shrugged. “Maybe…”

  “Wow. I got a maybe this time. That’s a lot better than the no you gave me inside.”

  “Still could be no. I’ll text you tomorrow.”

  “No…don’t text me. Call me.”


  “I would just prefer a phone call.”

  “Well, in that case, I’m going to text you just to piss you off.”

  He grinned. “You would do something like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yep,” Melani
e said, reaching for the car door.

  Dimitrius reached ahead of her, opening the door.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for having dinner with me. Have a good night, Melanie.”

  “You too, Dimitrius,” she said after she was in the car, sitting on the driver seat.

  Dimitrius closed the door and when he did, she felt her heart pounding even more. Man he’s fine, she mumbled to herself, watching him walk away in the absolute, sexiest stride she’d ever seen. She started the car, flicked on the headlights and took a final breath to calm her nerves, then took out her cell phone.

  Chapter 9

  Melanie couldn’t get out of the parking lot before she was already dialing Emily’s number, and from the four missed calls she saw from Emily, she knew Emily was dying to find out what had happened.

  “Did you go?” Emily answered.

  “Yes, I went. I’m leaving the restaurant now.”

  A giddy-like squeal left her mouth. “How was it?”

  “Well, the food was good,” Melanie said.

  “Skip the food…I’m talking about Dimitrius. Come on. Tell me.”

  “He’s...different. He’s definitely a smooth talker…and do you know he was serious about wanting to spend the rest of his life with me?”

  “Yes!” Emily screamed.

  “Emily, you’re supposed to be on my side here.”

  “I am on your side. Dimitrius is a good catch, girl.”

  “Oh, so now that you’re married to a Champion man, they all have to be good catches. Need I remind you that you wouldn’t give Dante the time of day when y’all first met?”

  “Need I remind you that you talked me into it which is the same thing I’m doing with you. Consider it a huge thank you for encouraging me to give Dante a chance.”

  Melanie shook her head. “Well, all I can say is, they may be brothers, and they may look alike, but Dimitrius and Dante are as different as night and day.”

  “How was he at dinner?”


  “Details, Melanie. Details.”

  “Well, first off, he wore a three-piece suit to dinner, the same suit he had on at work. I mean, why not go home and change clothes first before you have a relaxing dinner?”

  “You’re going to crucify the man because he didn’t change out of his clothes?”

  “It just seems odd.”

  “Um…not really. Dante told me that Dimitrius is usually the last person in the office. And I have to imagine that he came straight to Connelley’s instead of going home to change clothes, because he would have to pass the restaurant to get home. And, since he lives about thirty minutes away, that would’ve made him late, and he’s never late for anything. Besides, since Connelley’s is such a fancy restaurant, his work attire works just fine.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t see anything wrong with it. Ugh.”

  “What? So the man likes to dress nice. I see that as a good thing.”

  Melanie didn’t want to admit it, but she saw it as a good thing too. The only thing sexier than seeing a man dressed to impress was seeing him in the perfect pair of Levi’s. “Well, that’s one thing I didn’t like. Another thing is, he’s bossy.”

  Emily laughed. “I think that is a trait that they all share.”

  “So Dante’s bossy?”

  “Yeah, but in a good way. I love the way he takes control and owns it.”

  Melanie frowned and chuckled a little. “Um, what are you talking about?”

  Emily giggled. “Never mind. What else didn’t you like?”

  “Um…he seems to be a little flashy…taking me to Connelley’s and had the nerve to ask me if I’ve ever eaten there before…like I can afford to eat a Connelley’s. And then, he orders a nine-hundred-dollar bottle of wine.”

  Emily smirked. “And what’s wrong with that?”

  “Come on, Em…you know me. You know that’s not how I roll. I like men who are down to earth like me…not a man who comes at me with a bunch of nonsense because he got it like that. He actually told me that he wanted us to get to know each other for the rest of this month. Said we should spend every day together and, if we’re really feelin’ each other by the beginning of next month when they go to Vegas, we would get married.”

  “Yay! I think this is so awesome.”


  “Because Dimitrius is the opposite of every guy you’ve ever dated. Think about it Melanie…you thought Scott was down to earth, but look what he did to you. Now I’m not saying that to upset you, I’m just being real. You told me that after you broke things off with Scott you would never date again, and you haven’t. You were so busy working and focusing your attention on setting me up with Dante to avoid the possibility of romance in your own life. Well, now it’s your turn. So, yes, I think you should take Dimitrius up on his offer. What do you have to lose?”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have called you.”

  Emily grinned. “Just do it, Melanie.”

  “How can I when I don’t mesh with him?”

  “Well, start meshing.”

  “Alright. I gotta go. You and Dimitrius are too much for me.”

  Emily laughed. “Okay, girl, but think about it, alright?”


  “Alright, girl. Later.”

  Melanie pulled up to her apartment, shut off the engine and went inside. She kicked off her sandals and dropped her purse and keys on the coffee table. Then, stripping out of her clothes as she headed for the bathroom, she turned on the hot and cold water in the shower, waited a few seconds for it to get warm before stepping in. Standing there, she thought about how she hadn’t had such a long day like this in quite a while. First, there was the job interview, followed by lunch with Emily, then dinner with Dimitrius.


  She could admit the man was as sexy as men came, but she also knew she wasn’t ready to jump into a relationship – at least not a fast-paced one that would lead to marriage in such a short amount of time as Dimitrius was proposing. And speaking of marriage – certainly a man like Dimitrius Champion would want to marry a woman who could have his babies, and since she couldn’t have children, a secret that she’d kept from her parents and even Emily, marrying him wasn’t an option. It didn’t matter if he turned out to be the man of her dreams – it was not an option.

  She found out that she had fertility issues a few months before she had a hunch that Scott might propose. She’d made a special appointment to see her gynecologist, just to make sure her body was healthy and fit enough to have children. However, the doctor informed her that she had an abnormally shaped uterus – one of the primary causes of infertility in women. The news crushed her, because not only did she want children herself, she knew Scott wanted them as well.

  Deciding not to keep her findings a secret from him, she told Scott everything that the doctor had said, and from the look in his eyes, she could see his disappointment. A few weeks later, he ended things by leaving her a voicemail that simply said he couldn’t be with her anymore, and that he was sorry.

  Melanie never told anyone the truth of what happened between her and Scott. She hadn’t mentioned it to Emily because it was embarrassing. She was ashamed to have scored such a decent guy like Scott only to lose him due to her inability to have his children. So, to save face, she’d told Emily and her parents, that she’d broken things off with Scott because he cheated on her. It was a lie – one she didn’t want to tell, but felt she needed to at the time.

  After their relationship was over, she spent most of her time getting over Scott, focusing on her life, working and getting accustomed to being single again. When she was ready and lucky enough to meet a man who didn’t want children, then maybe, just maybe she would consider dating again. Somehow, she knew right out of the gate that Dimitrius Champion was not that man.

  Chapter 10

  Dimitrius leaned back in his chair and glanced at the clock as a streak of sunlight burst through the bl
inds in his office. The time was 8:51 a.m. At 9:00 a.m., he would be meeting with Dante and Desmond to discuss the interviews they conducted yesterday as well as other items on the agenda. But first…

  Dimitrius did something he hadn’t done in a very long time. He called a flower shop to order a dozen roses for a woman – for Melanie. He requested that they be sent directly to her hotel. He hadn’t heard from her, not that he expected to this early in the morning, but to be sure he stayed fresh in her mind and at the forefront of her thoughts, he sent her flowers. He knew that would do the trick.

  “Ay, you coming?” Desmond said, peeping around the door of Dimitrius’ office.

  “Be right there, Des.”

  Dimitrius picked up a black notebook, a pen and his cell phone before he walked to the end of the hallway where Dante’s office was positioned. Dante had the biggest office in the building. It housed a six-chair conference room table set, a couch, coffee table, wet bar and a personal bathroom. Since he spent most of his days in meetings, he needed to make sure that his guests were comfortable.

  Dimitrius walked in and took a seat near Desmond on the couch while Dante remained behind his desk.

  “So,” Dante said, bringing his hands together. “What’s first on the agenda? Let’s see…”

  “The interviews,” Desmond said, speaking up.

  “Yes. The interviews,” Dante said. “Out of the four candidates we interviewed yesterday, I definitely think Melanie Summers and Kurt Hempstead are our top contenders.”

  Desmond nodded. “I agree.”

  Dimitrius hadn’t said a word because he didn’t sit in on Kurt’s interview. The only person he’d interviewed was Melanie, and just thinking about her, especially at dinner last night brought a slight, reminiscent smile to his face.

  “Dimitrius, what do you think?” Dante asked him, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Well, Dimitrius can’t really give a good opinion,” Desmond said, “Especially since he didn’t sit in on Kurt’s interview.”


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