When a Champion Wants You

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When a Champion Wants You Page 8

by Tina Martin

  Then, a visit to the gynecologist revealed the unsettling news that she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant. She took the news hard and debated on whether or not to tell Scott. She knew he wanted kids. Three of them, he would say. But if he really loved her, he wouldn’t leave her, right? That’s why she decided to tell him, and, to her surprise, he seemed to be understanding. Then she felt him withdrawing his love and affection for her, little by little until he couldn’t take it anymore. He was tired of pretending to be okay with it when he knew he couldn’t be with her.

  After Scott broke up with her, she was depressed and spent a lot of time in seclusion, completely removing herself from family and friends. She took a leave of absence from her job and sulked in her own misery for nearly a month. She had to pay bills, so she went back to work eventually, but it didn’t mean she was ready. Even down to this day, she still hadn’t fully recovered from what Scott had done to her.

  * * *

  She stood up, shuffled her hair then washed her face, staring at her sad eyes in the mirror. Whenever she cried, even if it was only for a little while, it would be noticeable by the puffiness of her lids. Grateful that she didn’t have anywhere to go today, she slid into a black robe then headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water, but the ringing of the doorbell interrupted her stride. She glanced at the clock. The time was 10:17 a.m. Who was at her door this time of morning? Unannounced? On a Saturday?

  Tying the straps of her robe tighter, she walked over to the door, peered through the peephole and saw Dimitrius, standing there.

  Crap! What is he doing here?

  She racked her brain, trying to figure out if he’d made plans and she’d forgotten. That maybe her little meltdown last night had thrown her off track, but she couldn’t recall making any plans with Dimitrius for a Saturday morning. The last time she’d spoken to him, he’d stuck his tongue in her mouth. She swallowed hard at the thought that he might try something like that again. Maybe she shouldn’t open the door…

  The doorbell rang once more.

  Once again, Melanie looked through the peephole, staring at him. He was bright-eyed, looked ready to tackle the day or maybe even tackle her. And why was he smiling now?

  “Melanie, I can feel you behind the door, sweetheart,” Dimitrius said. “You may as well open it.”

  Leaving the chain locked, she unlocked the deadbolt and then, with a crack in the door, she asked, “What are you doing here, Dimitrius?”

  “A better question is, why do you have the chain on the door like you’re scared I’m going to rob you?” He laughed.

  Melanie smiled. “Because you’re at my apartment in the wee hours of the morning unannounced, and I’m not dressed.”

  He rolled his wrist to see his watch. “You said wee hours of the morning?” He laughed again.

  So did she. “You know what I mean. And I also said I’m not dressed.”

  “Well get dressed.”


  “I’m taking you out to breakfast, then we’re going hiking.”


  “Yes, hiking. Now will you stop treating me like a criminal and invite me in?”

  She unlatched the chain and opened the door wide, inviting him inside. She caught a hint of his scent when he walked pass her. He smelled fresh and masculine, and he looked stunning. She was glad to see that he stepped up his casual game a notch, too – wearing a pair of khaki shorts, a burgundy Polo T-shirt and Timberland shoes.

  Dimitrius looked Melanie up and down once he stepped into the living room, noticing the black robe she wore stopped at her knees, exposing a nice pair of legs. He studied her feet, observing every single toe, then his gaze roamed up to her face. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, he noticed, but he also noticed something else – something he didn’t like. Sadness. He’d never seen her eyes so puffy. So sad. She was always happy and jovial – never sad.

  “This is the first time you’ve been to my place, huh?”

  “Yeah. It is.”

  “Well, it’s just a one-bedroom apartment…not much to show. This is the living room, there’s the kitchen and the bathroom and bedroom is down this short hallway. “I’m going to take a shower real quick. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait,” he said, taking a few steps closer to her. He tilted her head up so she was looking at him, and with his hands resting against her face, he asked, “Did I upset you last night?”

  “No, well, um…”

  “I’m sorry if I did. I never want to do anything to upset you, Melanie.”

  “I’m okay, Dimitrius,” she said, looking into his eyes.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Now the sooner you remove your hands from beside my face, the sooner I can get ready to go.”

  “Okay.” Dimitrius lowered his hands, but he would’ve liked nothing more than to kiss her again like he’d done last night, holding her head in place just where he wanted it.

  “I’ll be right back,” she told him, then turned to walk away. “Oh, and excuse the place. I wasn’t expecting company.”

  Dimitrius looked around. He didn’t know what she was excusing because nothing appeared to be out of place.

  “I’ll try to make this quick,” he heard her yell from behind the closed bedroom door.

  “Take your time,” he told her as he walked around the living room. Something about being in her living quarters felt homey and comfortable – like he was supposed to be there. Like he belonged. It left him with a good feeling of knowing she was indeed the woman for him. He could sense it. Now, he had the task of making her sense it as well.

  Looking at the pictures on the wall, he saw a photo of her parents. Melanie had striking similarities to her mother. Beautiful.

  He stood still and glanced around the place again. Her apartment was small, about the size of the place he had when he and his brothers had relocated to Ashville. It was cozy and quaint compared to his five-bedroom house that sat on two acres. He bought the place a year and a half ago, around the same time he made up his mind that he wanted to be a one-woman man and settle down with a family.

  He continued on to the kitchen. It was neat and organized, everything in its proper place. On the wall, there was a mail organizer near the refrigerator and a calendar that she’d written on constantly. Every block had a different message. Appointments. Her work schedule. That told him something, too – that she liked order and organization as much as he did. That was one thing they had in common, something he could build on.


  He turned around to meet her voice and, when he did, he felt something stir inside of him at the sight of her. She had on a pair of distressed jeans, a yellow tank top and a pair of black Toms. Her curly hair was gathered up into a ponytail, allowing the visibility of the gold hoops in her ears.

  “Yes. I’m ready,” he finally said.

  He headed for the door, then she followed, locking it, and when they were both in the car, he looked at her and said, “You look beautiful.”

  She grinned. “I bet I do now, compared to how you saw me a moment ago.”

  “You were beautiful then, too.”


  He smirked. “You were.”

  “Why didn’t you say that, then?”

  “Because I was more concerned about why you’d been crying.”

  “Who says I was crying?”

  “Your eyes are a dead giveaway.”

  Man, he’s observant, Melanie thought. “Anyway, thanks for the compliment.”

  “You’re welcome.” He started the car, shifted it into gear and when he did so, Melanie was drawn to his hands again, remembering those same strong hands on her face last night while he kissed her. She’d learned he was good at it, was downright possessive and something stirred in her lower stomach just thinking about it happening again. Knowing Dimitrius, it would happen again…

  She glanced down at his long legs. They were muscular, hairy and lean. Then her eyes roamed u
p to his chest where she could see the print of his thick pecks pressing against his shirt, complimented by a pair of massive, broad shoulders. He was solidly built with features that set him apart from other men – even his good-looking brothers. There was his angular jaw line, a regal nose, thick neck and a goatee that distinguished him. He was perhaps the most attractive man she’d ever seen in her life.

  * * *

  After they had breakfast – he had an omelet and she enjoyed a small stack of blueberry pancakes – the pair found themselves sweaty and panting midway through the hiking trail at Mount Pisgah.

  Melanie bent forward, resting her hands on her knees and asked while panting, “Why…did you…want to come…here again?”

  “To spend some time with you. And, since you think I’m boring, I thought I’d show you my adventurous side.”

  “I didn’t…say…you…were…boring,” she corrected, in between pants.

  “You didn’t have to. I’m a smart man. I can read you well, Melanie Summers, soon to be Melanie Champion.”

  Melanie Champion – she hadn’t thought about her name being Melanie Champion. It did have a ring to it, but they needed to know so much more about each other for her to consider his proposal.

  Dimitrius unzipped his backpack and took out two bottles of Aquafina. He handed her a bottle, then unscrewed the top off of his bottle and chugged some water down quickly. “I didn’t realize it would be so warm here,” he said, sitting on a huge boulder.

  “Me either,” she responded, taking the spot next to him. “Usually it’s cooler at this elevation.”

  “I guess today is the exception,” Dimitrius said, finishing his water.

  “Guess so.” Melanie took another sip of water. She watched as sweat ran down his face and trickled the length of his neck.

  While they rested, they watched as more hikers ran by.

  “So, Melanie…”


  “We’ve been hanging out for almost a week now, and I feel like I haven’t scratched the surface of you, yet.”

  Melanie looked at him. “What is it that you want to know?”

  “A lot of things. I want to know why a beautiful, funny, smart woman like yourself is single.”

  “I told you why I’m single.”

  He shook his head. “No. I don’t recall getting an answer to that.”

  “Okay. I’m single because I haven’t met anyone yet.”

  “That’s a simple, widely used, generic answer. But I know there must have been a close call…you know the man who almost took you off the market.”

  Melanie sighed evenly. Quietly. Dimitrius was unknowingly forcing her to think about Scott again. How could she ever forget him if she had to keep bringing him up in conversation? As it was, she already avoided his favorite restaurants and places to shop so she didn’t have to run into him. If she was willing go that far to avoid him, then she definitely didn’t want to keep talking about the man who broke her heart. So keeping her answer as simple as she possibly could, she responded, “Yes, there was a close call. His name was Scott, and, well, things didn’t work out.”

  After a long pause, Dimitrius said, “You’re good at glossing over things.”

  “I answered your question, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, you did, but I want to get deeper, Melanie.”

  She smiled uncomfortably and shook her head. By his expression, she knew he was sincere and really making an effort to get to know her. But she didn’t want to get too deep into a discussion about her ex, and she definitely wouldn’t mention the real reason they parted ways. But to satisfy him for now, she said, “Scott and I were together for two years and, well, we realized that we didn’t want the same things.”

  “Such as?”

  She hated to lie again. One lie was enough. Actually, one lie was one-too many, and now, she knew he had to tell another one to avoid the truth. So she said, “He didn’t want children.” She instantly felt a guilty punch to her gut for lying.

  “He didn’t want children?” Dimitrius asked, as if he needed some clarification.


  A look of confusion washed over him. How could she date a man for two years and not know that he didn’t want children? It didn’t make any sense. So he asked her, “Wouldn’t the topic of children have come up early in the relationship?”

  To avoid looking him in the eyes, she kicked a pebble and said, “It did, but—”

  “He changed his mind is what you’re saying.”

  “Yes. He changed his mind.”

  “Well I want children,” he said, “And I won’t change my mind about it.”

  Melanie took a sip of water. He wanted children and wouldn’t change his mind. The moment he found out she couldn’t give him children would send him running, same as Scott.

  “What about you, Dimitrius? What woman came along and broke your heart?”

  He chuckled a bit. “No one. I’ve broken plenty of hearts, but I’ve never had mine broken.”

  “Spoken like a true player.”

  “I was a player…I’ve been reformed.”

  Melanie shook her head. “It baffles me how men were born with the inability to feel love as deeply as a woman does.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “It is. Look at you…you’re a handsome successful man. I know you’ve dated some pretty women…women who had the potential to be more than just a booty-call.”

  Now he was getting uncomfortable. But he had asked her to get deep and she was definitely putting him in the hot seat. “Okay, so there was one woman.”

  “And? What happened?”

  “I was with her for about two years…thought she was the one. I was thinking about settling down, popping the question, being a one-woman man…all that. Then Dante called me one day and told me that he saw her…ah…” Dimitrius stopped, took a breath and shook his head. The subject was still difficult to broach.

  “What happened?” Melanie asked softly when she saw him struggling with it. It surprised her. From what she thought of him so far, he was arrogant, controlling and testy. Maybe it was all an act to hide something he’d been struggling with. “You know what, Dimitrius…we don’t have to talk about it.”

  “No. I want to. I’m cool…just needed a moment.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked and placed her hand on top of his. Instantly, she felt energy flow from his hand to hers. From the look in his eyes, she knew he felt it to.

  “I’m sure,” he said, looking down at her hand. “Dante had called me and told me that he saw her coming out of an abortion clinic.”

  Melanie opened her mouth. Speechless.

  “She aborted my baby, did it all behind my back and when I confronted her about it, she lied. I had to make her tell me the truth, and she finally confessed. Said she wasn’t ready to be a mother, and that she didn’t want to ruin her figure.”

  “Oh my gosh. That’s terrible.”

  He nodded. “I never would’ve thought she would do something like that. Never thought she was so shallow. She was such a smart woman.”

  “Dimitrius…I’m so sorry,” Melanie said.

  He exhaled sharply and said, “It’s over and done with now. I’m looking to move forward with my life.”

  “After a traumatic experience like that, are you sure you’re ready?”

  He clutched her hand, brought it up to his mouth and pressed his lips against the backside of it. “Yes. I’m ready.”

  “Well I have something baby related to tell you about myself?” Melanie said. After he told her the story about what his ex did to him, she couldn’t keep her infertility a secret.

  “What? You don’t want children now?” Dimitrius asked.

  “I do want children—”

  “Then that’s all I need to know, baby,” he said, looking at her.

  Melanie smiled. No, that’s not all you need to know, she thought. How could she tell him that she couldn’t have children now?

  Dimitrius leaned
close to her and pressed his lips against her cheeks.

  The feel of his lips, a breath away from her lips, made her entire body tingle. She turned to look at him, and then she did something she never thought she’d do in a million years. She leaned forward to kiss his lips, pressing her lips against his while feeling his hand settle at the nape of her neck.

  Melanie pulled her mouth an inch away from his when she felt things getting heated. It was hot enough outside already and if they kept on, they were sure to start a forest fire.

  With the tips of their noses touching, she smiled.

  Dimitrius smiled back.

  “I guess we better get going,” she said softly.

  “Yeah, we better,” Dimitrius said, sneaking a small kiss from her lips. He stood up, then reached for her hand to help her stand.

  Melanie grasped his right hand with her left. Once she stood up, she realized Dimitrius hadn’t intended on letting her hand go, which was fine by her. She didn’t want to let his hand go either.

  Chapter 15

  “I’m not going to lie, Emily…I had a good time with Dimitrius today,” Melanie said, all smiles. She was busy doing laundry, a typical chore for her on Saturdays. If Dimitrius hadn’t made a pop-up visit to her place this morning, she would’ve had it done by now. Instead, she was just getting started at three in the afternoon.

  “Where did you guys go?”

  “First, he took me out to breakfast, then we went hiking.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “It was. I was sweating profusely on the hike, but overall, it was nice.”


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