“Yeah, you are, and it really pisses people off.” Mike said.
“That does not cause me any discomfort, nor should it you, Mark.”
“You two should get on well.” Mark said. “Your arrogance and disregard for what people think about you is perfectly matched.”
Alan nodded and clicked. “You are quite right Mark. Take heed of what I said about accompanying Mike everywhere, even if she doesn’t want us to.”
“Did you hear that Mike? In future you won’t even be able to fart without me knowing.”
“You’re wrong there Mark. I’ve just farted, and you didn’t notice.”
“Are you sure you want to stay with her all the time Alan?” Sally asked.
“The People are not known for our sense of humor and we have never been successful at making jokes, but that does not mean that we don’t appreciate other species jokes.”
“I’m standing next to her. She wasn’t joking.” Sally said.
Fortunately, the shuttle came in to land then, the door opened and the four of them disembarked.
“We need to get the briefing over quickly.” Mark said. “Bob and Sean are due to arrive on the Swift in just over an hour. Do you want to be there when they arrive Alan?”
“No, I’ll stay with the team and guard Mike.”
“What about you Sally?”
“I’ll stay here too. I’m sure you can manage to greet our guests without my help.”
‘She’s still not happy about all these People joining us.’ thought Mark.
By now, the entire team had gathered, and Sally addressed them: “You may have noticed that we have one of the People with us. For those that don’t know him, this is Ker Din Ser Forn, or Alan as we call him. He is now part of our team, as a non-combatant. His role is to advise Mike about the limits of the technology that the People will make available to help the Herassans achieve their goal of distributed government by all their citizens, to act as a deterrent against any acts of violence by the Herassan combined armed forces or by any factions of the rebels and to provide Mike with close protection. We are upping the level of security we provide Mike to prevent a recurrence of the fiasco at the palace, and in future she will not be going anywhere by herself.”
“But…” began Mike.
“But nothing Mike. You will have at least two out the three of us, that is, Alan, Mark or me with you at all times when you are on Tefran, and for the avoidance of doubt, that also includes anywhere else in the Herassan Empire unless you are on a Peoples craft.”
“This is why I ran away from the Palace in the first place!”
“It’s only for a short time Mike. If you don’t survive this, no changes will be made except that you will have given the aristocracy an excuse to come down hard on the rebels. Think of it as a short term inconvenience for the long term good.”
Mike didn’t look happy, but she saw the logic of Sally’s argument and accepted the situation.
Sally addressed the team again, “There is a high probability that the Herassan army will want to make an assault on the rebels here. If the rebels can get together volunteers for a defense force, we will arm them, but until then, we will defend the headquarters. We will have additional ordnance delivered here from the Swift soon. When a full defense shield is deployed we will split into two squads, each squad will rotate half day shifts to defend the rebels and the installation. Simon and Orange are squad leaders. Seltet, Kar Fen, Bekkreshan, you’re with Orange, and that means Ranesh and Touren, you’re with Simon. Mark and I will support you when Mike is on board the Swift. Right now, all of you stay sharp. You are all on active duty now, which means full military discipline will be enforced. Do I make myself clear, Simon?”
“Yes boss!” Simon affirmed.
“Touren, take Mike into the lander and set the medibot up to fix the cut on her face. Orange, escort them to ensure that Mike complies. If she attempts to abscond you may shoot her, but don’t kill her. I suggest a leg shot would suffice. At worst, she’ll have to grow a new leg, but I do not want her to get away from us.”
“I’m not a fucking child!” Mike said angrily.
“That’s good. As long as you behave like a responsible adult there will be no problem.” Sally replied.
Touren came and stood by Mike. Orange approached and stood on her other side.
“I’m not happy about this!” Mike said to Touren.
“No shit. Come on, let’s get you fixed.” The three of them walked towards the lander.
“I thought there would be some solidarity amongst us reptiles.” Mike said to Touren.
“We’re all just soldiers. Well, some of us are royalty. You, for example.”
“Stuff you! Things will change when I am First of the First!”
“Really? How?”
“For a start, you’ll have to call me ‘Your Highness’ when you’re shoving a gun in my side and taking me to the medibot.” Mike said, then smiled. “We are going to have a hell of a party when this is all over.”
“I know just the planet for it.” Touren said. “It’s completely lawless. You and Simon will be able to start a fight with the locals as soon as we land”
Chapter Fifty Three
People Arrive
Mark left Sally and Alan on Tefran and took his shuttle back up to the Swift. As soon as it docked, he blinked to the command center.
“It seems very quiet with no-one else on board.” he said to his AI.
“And this isn’t the time to fool around. You don’t want to get caught out like this again, with only one full specification military lander available, two when the one that’s being assembled now is finished. I suggest you get another twelve made to keep in reserve. There’s plenty of space to store them here and the Swift is fully stocked with raw materials.”
“That’s a good idea Kate. And while we’re at it, maybe we should have a fully stocked armory of weapons and munitions. Not People’s technology stuff, but made from Sally’s army patterns.”
“I’ll see to it. Everything Sally requested is completed and ready for transfer to Dock Six. When would you like it shipped to the surface?”
“Not until the new lander is ready to be used.”
“Don’t you want it sent down now. The non-military lander can start to ferry them down. It’s has full phase shift protection, it’s just that it doesn’t have any countermeasures built into it.”
“Shit! I hadn’t thought of that. Yes, start shipping as soon as possible. Can you get some of the modified RX4040’s sent down first, so that if any rebels volunteer for the defense force we can arm them straight away?”
“There will be two hundred and sixteen on the first load to go down.”
“Two hundred and sixteen? Why such an odd number? Why not a round number like two hundred?”
“It is a round number in the basic People’s numerical system.”
“They use more than one numerical system?”
“Yes, like humans do.”
“We do? That’s news to me!”
“I think not. Your basic system is decimal, but in computing you commonly use binary, ternary – in quantum computing, octal, hexadecimal, Duotrigesimal, Tetrasexagesimal and those are just the more commonly used ones. Need I go on?”
“No, that’s enough. I’ve heard of some of them, did you make the others up?”
“No, I didn’t. I just did a quick search of the Earth archive. And that’s without even going into the mathematical functions that humans use for handling really big numbers. Would you like me to explain the TREE function?”
“I’ll save that treat for another day. The important thing is, there will be weapons going down to Tefran. What about body armor and energy field armor?”
“Body armor will need to be made to fit each individual, as will the active helmets to control the energy field armor, but to save time on the ground I have had field generator units made here and they will be shipped down. I have also ordered standard backpacks to be mad
e here as the Swift’s synthesizers are larger and faster than the two synthesizers I am having sent down to make the body armor and helmets. The first shipment will include enough raw materials to make two hundred and sixteen sets. I’ll have more raw materials on the next shipment.”
“You seem to have it all in hand, I’ll leave it to you.”
“Yes, you will. You’ve just received a message from Sean. He asks if you are ready for his craft to come alongside at Dock One so that he and Bob can transfer to the Swift.”
“Yes, of course.”
“I’m glad you said that, because I have already agreed on your behalf.”
“It seems like I might as well go and have a nap and leave it all to you!”
“That would work well. What time should I wake you?”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course not. I was just teasing you.”
“Next time you are going to ‘just tease me’, can you warn me first?”
“No, that would take all the fun out of it. Sean and Bob are boarding now.”
“Would you have two of the seats at the meeting room table converted for use by them and two of the chairs in the informal area as well please? Oh, better make three of each, so we can accommodate Alan too.”
Mark blinked to Dock One in time to see Bob and Sean walk through the energy field tunnel between the two ships and enter Dock One.
“Mark! How good to see you again!” Sean said and rushed over to him, grasped his right hand and shook it so vigorously that Mark thought he was in danger of having his shoulder dislocated.
“What are you doing?” Bob asked.
“It’s a traditional human greeting ritual.” Sean said. Somewhat smugly, Mark thought.
“Then I should do it too!” Bob announced and took a step towards Mark.
“No, you’re fine Bob, uh, we only met recently, so it’s not necessary.” Mark realized that he would have to find a way to explain to Sean that his method of handshaking was a bit too enthusiastic and had reached a point where, if Mark hadn’t had phase shift protection, Sean would probably have ended up holding Mark’s hand while the end of the arm which should have been attached to him had dropped to the floor.
“I have a meeting room that we use for team meetings, would you follow me there please?” Mark said and blinked out.
Sean and Bob blinked into the meeting room just after Mark. He looked at the meeting room table and remembered that he had meant to get a couple of synthesizers put into it so that drinks would rise up out of the table, just like on Bob’s ship. He quickly told his AI to arrange it, and to put some in the long table in the dining room and in the coffee table in his and Sally’s quarters.
“Please, take a seat.” He said, gesturing to the meeting table. “Can I get you a drink, biscuits?”
Sean turned to Bob and tilted his head slightly sideways. “A drink would be most welcome, but no biscuits for us, thank you.” Mark stepped over to the synthesizer and waited a moment until the door slid open to reveal two silver flasks. He took them to the table then returned to get his mug of tea which was now ready. ‘We could probably do with a tray too.’ he thought.
Mark took a seat opposite Bob and Sean. He hadn’t been looking forward to explaining that Alan had got the jump on Bob and Sean and had already joined them. There was no point in beating about the bush, Mark said, “There has been a development since we spoke. Alan has finished his work on Chookli’ch and has come to join us here. He is with the rest of the team on Tefran.” He subconsciously flinched in preparation for the angry response he would certainly get from Bob and possibly from Sean too.
Bob said, “Yes, naturally we discussed this with him before he contacted you. If there’s anything better than having two of the People with you, it’s having three of us.” He took a drink from his silver flask
Mark tried not to look surprised, but rationalized that he shouldn’t be. The People aren’t like humans, they think completely differently. Mark just hadn’t figured out how their thought processes worked yet.
“I’m not sure what value you’ll be with all three of you here -I mean, what you will get out of being here. I only need one of you to advise on the limits of what I can do and what technology and help the People will give in setting up and managing the voting system for the Herassans.”
“We have assisted many civilizations with their democratic decision making systems, and it is a lot more than simply voting, so we will be walking a well-trodden path with the Herassans, if they decide that this is what they want. As I understand it, the existing governmental structure is well established and robust.” Sean said.
“That’s something you will have to discuss with Mike, but my impression is that there are a substantial number of Herassans eager to change, but you can judge that for yourselves. You can make yourselves comfortable and arrange your quarters, I’m not sure when Mike and Sally will next come up here, but I’ll make sure they know that they need to meet with you.”
“Alan is already arranging our quarters; we’ll go down to the planet with you. We intend to participate in the mission.” Bob said.
Mark was a bit surprised by this, expecting them to stand back and observe, though on reflection, Bob had formed the Tolen despite opposition from the majority of the People and had led it ever since. He was clearly very committed and single minded, and not afraid to swim against the tide. “Of course Bob. In that case, let’s go to my shuttle, we’ll go down to Tefran and I’ll introduce you to Sally, Mike and the team.”
Chapter Fifty Four
Bob And Sean
The shuttle touched down next to the lander. As Sally and Simon reached the shuttle, Mark, Bob and Sean walked out to meet them.
“Bob, Sean, allow me to introduce General Sally and Simon, a member of her personal staff.”
“General,” Bob said and grasped her hand in the hands of his upper arms, “I am pleased to meet you again.”
Mark had forgotten that they had already met.
Sally placed her free hand on Bob’s hands and grasped them firmly. “I am pleased to meet you again too, Bob. What are your intentions on Tefran?”
‘She’s not good at small talk.’ Mark thought, then said to his AI “I haven’t seen any of the People do that before.”
“You wouldn’t have. It is the traditional formal greeting between the Aarnth. You have only met one of the Aarnth, which is Sally, and as you don’t have access to the Aarnth archive, you won’t have seen it there either.”
“That makes three things I know about the Aarnth now.”
“Which are?”
“I know what the formal greeting between them is, I know that Sally is one and I know that she hopes no other Aarnth are like her. I presume that means they aren’t all violent psychopaths.”
“I can reassure you about that. Sally is not a psychopath, although she has an unusual inclination towards violence. When she chooses to tell you about herself, you will understand.”
Bob replied to Sally, “Sean and I wish to participate fully with your mission, providing it is limited to peacekeeping and protection of your friend Mike, who is the heir apparent to become the First of the First Family, ruler of the Herassan Empire, known as the Herassan Federation of Five Planets, and who, it appears, wants to abolish the role of the First of the First and replace their aristocratic form of government.”
“You are welcome to join me and my team under the same conditions that Alan has, that is, as non-combatants but under my command. I do not expect you to agree to those terms, but you can accompany us as observers providing you do not get in our way or interfere.”
Bob nodded and clicked. “I applaud your forthrightness General, but you are mistaken about two things. First, I am happy to agree your terms and to accept your command position, second, unlike Alan and Sean, I am not a non-combatant. I am one of the People, but I am also commander of the Tolen with extensive front line combat experience. We have combat technology that you are unawa
re of, some of which I can put at your disposal, providing you allow me to use my discretion in its deployment.”
Sally smiled. “You are unlike other People I have met Bob. I am interested in the combat technology that we could use, but I believe that you have planet busting and star shattering weapons. We are here for protection and peacekeeping; I do not want to harm anyone on either side. I realize that some injuries could result from peacekeeping activities, but I want to avoid fatalities.”
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