Mike stopped talking. The cafeteria was silent again. A voice called out, “Yes! For my family!” More voices called out, which quickly turned into a roar.
Mark leaned over to her and said, “You’ve got them hooked.”
Mike turned to him, flicked out her long forked tongue and said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Pulling Sha Ast Ral to her side, she said, “How many are here?”
“One hundred and eighty five, including me,”
“That will do to start. We need a lot more though. Divide them into four groups of forty six. I’ll speak to Orange and get one of his squad assigned to each group. We’ll get them kitted out with body armor and weapons, then we’ll start basic training. Like it or not, you’re going to lead the defense force, so you’ll get special training from me. Come on, I’ll get you a set of body armor and a weapon. Then I want you to put a call out for more volunteers. If they aren’t close by, we’ll send landers out to assembly points and bring them here. In two days I’m going to the Palace and claim the throne of the Herassan Empire. I need you to be ready by then.”
Chapter Sixty
Colonel Drad Ki Jass
The lander settled down in the parade ground of the Herassan Imperial Guard. After a few moments, the ramp slid out and Orange and Bob walked out. Orange was wearing a plain black jumpsuit, with no body armor or weapon. Bob was, as usual, wearing a floor length lilac colored flowing robe, which shimmered in the late afternoon sun. They were met by four guards wearing body armor and holding their weapons up, trained on the visitors as they descended the ramp. Without a word, they took position behind the pair and marched behind them as Orange and Bob walked to the ornate entrance to the Great Hall of the Herassan Imperial Guard.
As they stepped through the wide double doors, they were met by another armed soldier, who said, “Follow me.” And led the way down a wide corridor lined with statues of Herassan Generals. After fifty meters he stopped by a set of double doors with an armed guard either side and said, “In there.”
Orange pushed open the heavy double doors and walked into a large room. The floor was covered in white sand, the walls covered in dark green drapes, giving the room a gloomy, oppressive feeling, even though the long dark-wood conference table that occupied most of the room was lit by bright downlighters. Sitting at the table were two Herassans. Both were wearing body armor and battle vests, which had pockets with grenades and a large fighting knife. Each of the Herassans had a KE assault rifle slung over their shoulders. Four armed soldiers stood at each wall of the room, weapons up and pointing at their visitors.
No one spoke, but there were only two stools at the table. Orange and Bob sat on them. Before either of them had a chance to speak, Colonel Drad Ki Jass leaned forward and snarled, “I am not accustomed to being ordered by aliens who have arrived on our planet uninvited to attend a meeting with less than an hours’ notice!” she was clearly furious.
“It was not an order Colonel; it was a request. I would not normally request a meeting at such short notice, but these are not normal times.” Orange said.
“Really. Why is he here?” the Colonel asked, nodding at Bob.
“I am Crkh Thun Rekh Mohr, leader of the Tolen. I am here as an observer. My name is difficult to for most species to articulate, you may call me Bob.”
“The Tolen? The ‘military wing’ of the People? You must have a quiet life. There is no record anywhere of you ever having done anything. I have had a search done of the entire galaxy’s records. So what do the Tolen do? Meditate on the superiority of the People’s technology compared to that of us mere inferior species?” she sneered.
“For the purpose of this meeting, it is not important what my group do. I am here as an observer.”
The Colonel turned back to Orange. “It was brave of you to arrive here without weapons and protection. By brave, I mean foolhardy.”
“Do not concern yourself about my safety Colonel, Bob will protect me.” he answered.
The Colonel made the loud chirping sound which was how her race laughed. “One of the People will protect you! He’s not armed and not even wearing armor. I’ve a good mind to throw you both into a cell and keep you here.”
“That may be more difficult than you think.” Bob said.
“Because you’ve got two pairs of arms? Don’t worry ‘Bob’, we’ve got enough restraints for you. But maybe I should have you shot, or do it myself.” she said, pulling her assault rifle off her shoulder. “Don’t think I am afraid of killing one of the People either. After all, what would the People do? The People are pacifists and non-interventionist. There wouldn’t be any repercussions.
“That would not be a good idea.” Bob said.
“On the contrary. It could be a really good idea. It would send a message to the People that we are not to be trifled with. We are an ancient and powerful Empire. We should be treated with respect!”
“Colonel,” Orange said, “we do not lack respect for you personally, or the Herassan Imperial Guard, the Herassan Combined Armed Forces or any other Herassan institution. I am acting on the instructions of Hess An Sur, First Born of the First Family. She has instructed me to meet you to convey her arrangements for her arrival at the Imperial Palace in two days. She intends to allow her father to abdicate and replace him on the throne of the Empire, claiming her rightful position as First of the First Family of the Herassan Federation of the Five Planets.
Colonel Drad Ki Jass sat back on her stool. “Hessy – I mean Hess An Sur is taking up the throne?”
“Yes. I apologize for not being able to give you more notice Colonel, but I have my orders.”
“Of course, of course.” the Colonel said, suddenly lost in thought. “And in two days’ time you say?”
“Yes, Sir.” Orange answered.
“There is much to arrange. Major Bryd Sa Dett will provide the honor guard. Does she want to come direct from one of her landers? You’ll have to get Bryd Sa Dett and his troops to your ship first. Or does she want to come to the Palace early? We’ll have to prepare a suite of rooms for her.”
“She wants to come directly into the Palace from a lander, and she will provide her own honor guard. It will be similar to her last visit, but she will lead, flanked by Mark, Friend of the People and General Sally. Three of the People will follow in the next rank, followed by three of General Sally’s elite squad, then two ranks of the defense force of the Herassan Freedom Movement…”
“The what!” Colonel Drad Ki Jass said.
“The Herassan Freedom Movement.” Orange repeated.
“You mean the rebels?” she demanded.
“What were formerly known as the rebels have been reconstituted as the Herassan Freedom Movement, a political association recognized and given formal legitimacy by Hess An Sur, First Born of the First, heir apparent to the throne of the Herassan Empire.”
“I know who she is!” snapped the Colonel. “Call them what you like, a rebel is a rebel. I’ll have them arrested and shot if they set foot in Tefran City!”
“With respect Colonel, at Hess An Sur’s request, General Sally has ordered her troops to defend the members of the Herassan Freedom Movement with the entourage as if they were her own soldiers. The People have also committed to protect them.”
“With no respect, soldier, I don’t give a damn what protection has been promised to the rebels or by whom. If they set foot in Tefran I will have them arrested. If they are carrying weapons they will be shot on sight. Any attempt to interfere with my troops will be met with deadly force. Do I make myself clear!”
“Colonel, should you commit to that action, you will be committing an act of treason, which by your laws can carry the death penalty, that is, if you survive the outcome of your actions. The arrangements made by Hess An Sur will go ahead regardless, so to avoid unnecessary bloodshed I would respectfully suggest that you reconsider your attitude.” Orange said.
“I am not concerned about your blood being shed. I hardly think that your hand
ful of soldiers and three pacifist People will put up much resistance to the might of the Herassan Army!”
The lights went out. The soft whisper of the air conditioning stopped, and a quiet whirring came from the door followed by several clicks as the security locks engaged.
“What’s going on!” demanded the Colonel.
“You underestimate the determination and capabilities of the People, Colonel.” Bob said as he grasped Orange’s arm to extend his phase shift protection to him. “I have isolated the room to give you a taste of the folly of threatening the People. I have granted you the courtesy of giving you the opportunity to take one shot from your weapon at either of us. I recommend that you don’t avail yourself of the offer, or I will escalate my actions.”
“Fuck you!” the Colonel said as she jumped to her feet. Flicking the fire select button on her assault weapon to fully automatic, she aimed at Bob and pulled the trigger to empty the magazine at him. Bryd Sa Dett stood up next to her, aimed at Orange and pulled the trigger.
One shot rang out from Colonel Drad Ki Jass’s weapon. Bryd Sa Dett’s weapon did not fire.
“What! What’s wrong with our weapons!” the Colonel demanded of Bryd Sa Dett.
“There is nothing wrong with them Colonel.” Bob said. “My AI has taken over fire control of your weapon and has revoked the bonding from all the other weapons in the room, which I have now done for yours. I have also revoked your AI’s bond from the pulse beam hand weapon concealed in your battle vest. Your call for reinforcements was not delivered by your AI. I am now going to force your AI’s personality into hibernation and suspend all your AI’s functions. I have checked that it is not performing any functions that are essential for your survival but bear in mind that I have control over your AI hardware, and could use it to manipulate the few biological controls that it has available to it. Your bullet, incidentally, hit my protection, my armor in your terms, in the middle of my chest. Note that I have done all this without raising a finger.”
The Colonel dropped her assault weapon and snatched her fighting knife from its sheath and leapt onto the table to get to Bob. As soon as she was on the table, she collapsed and sprawled out, unable to move.
“I did mention that I have control of your AI hardware. You may have forgotten the extent to which your AI has control of your physiological processes. I have temporarily disabled your primary motor functions. I could just as easily have modified your AI’s base operating system control layer and shut down your entire autonomous nervous system, in which case you would now be dead.”
Bob stood up, followed by Orange. Bob said. “We have delivered Hess An Sur’s instructions. She will make a separate communication to the Royal Court through diplomatic channels. We have no desire for conflict with you Colonel. I hope that we can put this unfortunate incident behind us and cooperate to make the ceremony memorable for all the right reasons.”
The lights came on and the air conditioning started up again. The security locks on the doors clicked as they released.
“Your motor functions are starting to restore, and your AI will reconnect shortly. Your weapons are, I’m afraid, permanently disabled. Orange will contact you tomorrow morning to confirm the arrangements.”
Bob turned to the door and led Orange out.
Chapter Sixty One
Diplomatic Fallout
As soon as the lander arrived on the Swift, Bob and Orange blinked to the meeting room where Sally, Mike and Mark were waiting for them.
“How did it go?” Sally asked as soon as they were all seated.
“OK.” Orange said, “The reception could have been friendlier, and the Colonel needed a bit of persuading, but other than that, yeah, it went OK. What do you think Bob?”
“I think it went well. We conveyed the arrangements to the Colonel, and she understands the situation, so we met our objective. A successful visit.””
“Hmm. Orange, send me your AI’s recording of the visit, starting with the door opening on the lander. And send a copy to Mike and Mark please.”
Orange complied with the request, then he and Bob sat back while the three of them reviewed the recording.
After a while. Sally leaned forward, elbows on the table and rested her head with the heels of her hands over her eyes.
Eventually she spoke, still resting her head with her eyes covered.. “Bob, your diplomatic skills are not very well developed, are they.”
“I wouldn’t say that Sally. I have never failed in any negotiation I have conducted, and I have officiated at many of them.”
“Tell me Bob, are the Tolen liked and held in high esteem in the galaxies you operate in?”
“Probably not, but it is not part of the Tolen’s mission statement to make friends.”
“Uh huh.” Sally said. “What do you think about it Mark?”
He looked at Bob and said, “Can my AI do all that?”
Sally looked up and slammed her fist on the table. “I don’t give a flying fuck whether your fucking AI can cause such a diplomatic fucking disaster!” She glared at Bob. “That was the most inept and disastrous diplomatic meeting I’ve ever heard of! I will never, ever let you near anything diplomatically sensitive again! By the three blue giants of the Arfan cluster, we might just as well have nuked them! Orange! What do mean it went OK! I thought I could trust you to negotiate!”
“You saw what he did. I wasn’t about to piss him off.”
Sally shook her head. “Mike, follow me.” She stood to blink out.
Mark stood up to go with her. Sally glared at him. “Not you.” she said, and blinked out, immediately followed by Mike.
Bob looked at Mark. “I have not spent much time with other races, but I sense that General Sally doesn’t seem happy with the outcome of our mission.”
“To be fair,” Mark said, “It couldn’t have gone much worse, unless you had killed them all, hunted down their families and killed them too, then nailed their heads to their doors.”
“I didn’t do anything as bad as that! Did I? asked Bob.
“Look at it from the Colonel’s point of view. If you came in contact with a race who were technologically more advanced than the People, summoned to a meeting at short notice with no regard to any other commitments you had, given orders by them that conflicted with your basic responsibilities and then humiliated you in front of your subordinates, how would you feel?”
“I would feel that I had learned a valuable lesson.” Bob replied.
Mark looked at Bob for a few moments, then said, “I’m going to find Simon.”
Bob looked at Orange. “If you didn’t think I was taking the negotiation in the right direction, why didn’t you intervene?”
“Apart from what I told Sally; I was curious to see what you were doing.”
“Yes, I understand. You are different from the rest of them.”
“The rest of who?”
“The army, everyone. You are from very far away.”
“What do you know about where I come from?”
“Not much, but we do know it is a long way away.”
“By ‘we’, you mean the People?”
“That is correct.”
“Why are the People interested where I come from?”
“Because you are an anomaly. That always interests the People.”
Orange grunted, stood up, and blinked out.
‘I wonder where Alan and Sean are?’ Bob thought, and blinked out, leaving the room empty.
Chapter Sixty Two
Mike Learns Sally’s Secrets
“How are we going to fix this?” Sally asked Mike, who lay on the sand watching the gentle swell, created by the wave machine at the far end of the pool, breaking on the beach.
“I’ll meet with Drad. She was the only real friend I had when I was a child. She was just a young Lieutenant then. I’m sure I can smooth things over with her.”
“You’re not going to meet anyone by yourself.”
“I knew you would say that.
You and Kar Fen can come with me.”
“Why Kar Fen?”
“Just in case we need some muscle, and a Krendor is deadly, even when they are unarmed. He’s a reptile too, which should be easier for a Herassan to accept.”
“I can’t see how taking a Krendor along could be seen as anything other than threatening. I’ll provide any muscle that’s needed.”
“You and your People’s phase shift protection.”
“What do you mean?”
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