Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 4

by Erik Weir

  Victor stepped in, elemental sword sliding from his wrist and into his hand. Hardness filled his brow just as a wave of warmth touched his senses. Seeing them as they were, lit a match in Victor’s spirit, he could feel they were acolytes, but the cuts and bruises spoke of the madness consuming the realms. The hatred for Vala was apparent, but it didn’t excuse the vile brutality of their hatred.

  Pumping a point of Wisdom into his Elemental Sword, fire blazed along the blade. Victor stepped to one of the women, the swords’ flames glowing hotter. Slicing across, the chains separated into glowing broken links. Victor knelt down, catching the falling woman and cradling her to him. She barely moved, a moan falling from her lips.

  Lily bent down and took the woman into her arms, hands glowing, “Free the others. I’ll heal them.”

  Victor stood up without a word and moved to each acolyte before slicing the chains away and catching them in turn then laying them on the hay-like mounds. The Blade looked to some of the mounds around where the women were chained. A foul realization flowed through him as he noticed the hay on the floor was used to soak up the blood. Red painted the yellowing grass stalks.

  Lily moved from woman to woman, hands glowing. When she touched them, wounds closed and cuts sealed. Bruises faded from tanned skin as strong bodies began to stir. Victor let his sword slip into his wrist as he watched Lily finish her work. When all four women were healed, the succubus stayed on her knees, ready to help.

  Victor moved to one of women as she looked up to him. Warmth touched her eyes and the edges of her small smile. A hand reaching up, Victor bent a knee to take it, helping the woman to her feet while Lily assisted another woman to her feet. Soon everyone was on their feet, eyes focusing on the man and demoness.

  “Thank you,” one of the women said, her gaze never leaving Victor.

  The Blade smiled. “You’re most welcome. My name is Victor and my associate is Lily.”

  The woman nodded. “My name is Nerin,” and pointed to the other three women in turn, “Ida, Halisa and Lix.”

  The three women waved.

  Victor smiled before it faded away, “I don’t know how much time we have before the rest of the tribe try to break in here. This may be a little weird but unless there is a secret door out of here, we are all going to have to try and get some sleep.”

  The women looked to each other with concerned expressions before looking back to Victor and Lily.

  The purple skinned demoness stepped closer to the four women with kindness in her eyes. “Vala has led us here and we can take you home to her realm.”

  Nerin’s eyes grew a little wider, “Vala did hear our prayers. She sent you to save us.”

  Victor gave a confident smile, “She did, but our priority is to get everyone out of here.”

  The slyths might not be too pleased to see women from the tribe that killed their clan.

  Victor’s eyes widened before he looked to Lily, “Can we talk…in private?”

  The Blade turned and walked toward the entrance of the room. Lily followed until they were just out of earshot of the four prisoners. Victor smiled at the women before turning to the succubus with a sliver of panic. Memories of the Tusk Tribe attacking the slyth’s homes were still vivid in his mind.

  “We have a problem. The slyths might not be happy when we bring Nerin and the others to Vala’s Mountain,” Victor said in a hushed tone.

  Lily glanced to the women and then back to Victor, brow creasing. “They will have to get along. We can’t leave them here.”

  Victor nodded. “I had no intention of leaving them, but we may have to ease them into meeting the others. When we get home, one of us should run up and let the slyths know what to expect while the other one brings the acolytes up the mountain.”

  Lily tilted her head and gave Victor a warm smile, “Good idea. You’re smarter than you look.”

  “Har har,” Victor grinned. “I see you’re finally letting your hair down around me.”

  Lily gave him a sly smile, “Yes, only because you’re like a pet I have to save from time to time.”

  Victor’s smile faded, “You do know I’m getting stronger. That means you’re going to eat those words.”

  Lily’s eyes half closed, “I’d rather suck on something else.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow, “Naughty demon.”

  Lily kept her razor smile as she turned and walked back to the gathered women. Victor followed, heart a little lighter. When he reached the group, a heat touched his senses. The glow of their bodies sank into his mind and heart, the edges of Vala’s power caressing his nerves.

  Lily spoke to Nerin, “How did they know you were Vala’s acolytes?”

  Nerin nodded, “It has turned into a witch hunt for anyone connected to the goddess. Worship of Vala is forbidden, but…but we couldn’t help ourselves. The four of us kept it secret, but Luka was determined to find anyone who worships the goddess. There were rumors that Baaldir himself is recruiting Champions and gifting them with powers.”

  Lily and Victor looked to each other before the succubus continued, “Are there any more acolytes imprisoned in the mountain?”

  Ida stepped forward, “We are the only ones here. They tortured us...trying to break our spirits, but we wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.”

  Nerin nodded. “They wanted to know everything about us…so they could hunt others down. Vala spoke to us in our dreams, showing your faces. We knew she would help us,…but we thought she would simply be waiting for us when we died. It’s…a relief to know we can serve.”

  Lily stepped closer to Nerin, almond shaped eyes taking in the woman’s sad expression, “Victor is right, the only way we can escape is if we fall asleep. Victor and I can take hold of all of you, and bring you to Vala’s Mountain. There, you can rest and acclimate to Vala’s ways…if you choose to come with us.”

  Nerin’s brow tightened. The three women behind her put their hands on Nerin’s shoulders.

  Nerin looked to Lily, and then to Victor. “The tribe turned on us. They spoke of loyalty, but when Baaldir commanded the hunt, Luka and the others betrayed us. Where once they spoke of companionship, they beat and whipped us. We have nothing left here, and would gladly pledge our lives to Vala’s crusade.”

  Victor clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “Great, now we have to get some sleep…if we can.”

  The Blade stepped past the beautiful women, turned and fell on a large mound of hay. Weakness crawled into his muscles as he felt spent. He wasn’t sure he could simply fall asleep, but after all the excitement he was more than willing to try.

  Nerin turned, crossed her arms under her large breasts and looked to the Blade. “I had thought Vala’s champion would be a little more…hungry.”

  Victor lifted his head as the gathered women stared down at him. A predatory glow sank into their collective gaze as they eyed him. Even Lily looked down, licking her lips. The Blade knew when she used her healing powers, she was often demanding when they had quiet moments but the same look seemed to infect everyone. Nerin stood with long flowing black hair, heavy breasts and thighs that looked like they could crush a coconut between them. Ida and Halisa were redheads, with bodies a little smaller than Nerin’s but almost just as strong. Lix was the thin one with long blonde hair and athletic limbs. The Blade couldn’t help but notice the defined muscle lines along their bodies.

  They have bigger muscles then you.

  “Shut up,” Victor barely whispered.

  Nerin stepped closer, “What was that, Blade of Vala?”

  Victor gave Nerin an innocent smile and patted the hay next to him, “Plenty of room for five more.”

  Lily stepped past Nerin, red eyes on the smiling man, “He can be insatiable and I’m hungry.”

  The succubus stood over the Blade, hands rising up and pulling off pieces of clothing. Victor smiled at the succubus before his eyes wandered to the other four women. The air took on a warm heaviness as the mood struck out with loving ten
tacles. The women began to shrug off their own clothes, hard naked bodies glowing in the torchlight. They moved closer, their intentions clear.

  Lily pressed her naked body to Victor’s side as the others knelt down to join the Blade.

  “Praise Vala,” Victor sighed as hands took hold, undressing him to the flickering torch light.


  Emerald green firelight lit up the fireplace. Vonn sat in a comfortable chair, eyes moving from left to right, a giant tome in her hands. The warp spawn’s mouth was a thin line, drinking in the words and knowledge like cool water from a stream. A black tentacle rose up, wrapping around a teaspoon and giving her tea a gentle stir on a small table to her left. Across from her seat, two large chairs were each filled with a companion. Yimer and Caasa flipped pages and read, hungrily taking in knowledge. The warp spawn enjoyed the silence, the electric heat from the magical fire soothing their bodies.

  Caasa looked up from her book, black eyes on Vonn, “We should visit Vala’s realm.”

  Vonn looked up from her book, black eyes blinking. “You have had the dreams too.”

  Yimer put her book down, “Caasa has been feeling guilty that we did not come to their aid…and so am I.”

  Vonn gave the two younger warp spawn a motherly smile. “You know we couldn’t be involved. If any of us died, others would have come searching. It is a delicate time for Vala’s crusade. We must be a safe beacon to others.”

  Caasa shook her head, “A beacon none can find.”

  Vonn gave the younger warp spawn a sad, understanding gaze. “The neboos are out scouting the city. They know the signs and will bring them to us. It is the safest way to ensure our secrecy.”

  Caasa’s tentacles trembled in annoyance, “It has been weeks and they have found no one. It could be that acolytes are in other cities. We should travel; see the other cities…even the dead city of Normir.”

  Vonn folded her hands over her book on her lap, tentacles writhing in thought. A long moment ticked by as Caasa and Yimer stared at the older warp spawn.

  Yimer broke the silence, “I miss Victor.”

  Vonn’s black lips spread out into a smile, “I miss him too. I’m sure we all feel the same. I don’t see the harm if we go to Vala’s mountain for a short time. I will need to research some spells to ensure none of our kind can follow us there. Give me some time and when I’m confident we can go, we will go.”

  Yimer and Caasa smiled.

  Vonn picked up her book and placed it on the table next to her tea. “For now, I do believe we should bed down for the night. We can pray to Vala so she may guide us to the answers we seek.”

  The younger warp spawn kept their smiles, tentacles writhing in excitement. Vonn looked down at their black tentacles and then back to their dark eyes.

  A knock at the door echoed through the stony home.

  The three spawn looked to the hallway before Vonn spoke, “I’m not expecting anyone. Perhaps the neboos have found an acolyte? Caasa, answer the door. Yimer, prepare more tea for our guests.”

  Yimer and Caasa rose up, their lower tentacles causing them to glide effortlessly. Yimer moved toward the kitchen while Caasa glided down the main hall toward the front doorway. Vonn glanced to her book, fighting the temptation to read and mentally prepared herself for guests.

  Caasa moved, the lower part of her robe rippling to tentacles. The young warp spawn smiled as she reached the door and opened it. The sounds of dripping water filled the area as a man stood. Drops dripped from the bottom of a long black trench coat. Wet bare humanoid feet glowed pale as clothes covered the rest of the man. Dark shadows covered his face until he looked up, dim light painting his face. Long black hair flowed from a widow’s peak to past his shoulders. Caasa noticed the hair was beyond jet black, almost as if light could not escape its darkness. The man’s face was triangular with a large forehead tapering down to the thin, pointed chin. Wide gray eyes drank in Caasa’s face as a smile widened a little too big for such a pointed jaw. The man’s hand reached up and he scratched at his neck while staring with unblinking eyes.

  “Greetings,” the man said a little too fast. “I hate to be a bother, but the trail led me here and I couldn’t stop myself.”

  Caasa gave a disarming smile, “Greetings. What can I do for you?”

  The man nodded quickly, the hand stopped scratching his neck and he shoved them into his pockets. “You are such a beautiful Kurggoth, but I had some questions I hope you could answer. Would you do me the honor of providing knowledge?”

  Caasa smiled. Beings asking for knowledge was a normal pastime in Dark Spire, but it was often among the warp spawn. Eyeing the strange two-legged man, it did seem odd he would come to their home when there were so many libraries, he could draw his knowledge from.

  “I can try and assist, but there are depositories versed in all manner of knowledge. I can give you directions to the best-informed ones?”

  The man kept his wide smile. “No, they can’t help me. I much prefer learning from the source. It is the best way to understand. Will you help me understand?”

  A dark tendril caressed Caasa’s mind, sending a shiver down her spine. “I’m not sure…”

  The strange man cut her off, “Yes you can. I know you can. I know you can help me understand, make the doubt go away for a time. I need to know…I must know.”

  Caasa stared as the man pulled a hand from his coat pocket and began scratching at his neck again. Fingers cut at pale skin but there was no blood and the marks faded after every scratch. The movements were maddening as the man stared without blinking, his smile growing wider.

  “Please…you have to tell me…what is his name?”

  Caasa’s expression soured into suspicion. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  The man nodded as he scratched at his neck, “Yes you do. His name? I need to know his name? I need words to hold what he is? I felt his power and it delighted my hunger. I saw the strands and I wanted to know more. What is his name so I can find him? What is his purpose…so it can be my purpose?”

  “There has been a mistake. Please leave,” Caasa said and tried to shut the door.

  The door stopped as the man’s hand held it open. The manic wide-eyed gaze stayed on the warp spawn. Caasa tried to shove the door closed but it didn’t budge. A small cackle fell from pale lips as the stranger made sure to keep eye contact.

  “You search for others and I search for more,” the man grinned as his left hand slipped from his trench coat, a dead and broken neboo in his hand. The lifeless eyes stared at nothing as big ears hung to the sides. Back broken, it curved in an unnatural angle in the man’s hand.

  Caasa’s black eyes grew wider as fear dripped into her spirit.

  “I followed the trail. They belong to you and others here in this dwelling. If I find the answers I seek, I can find him. I must understand. I need to understand so I can bend it to my will,” the man said and slammed the door open.

  Caasa glided back as the man hefted the dead neboo and threw it at her. The lifeless body bounced off her chest as she glided back, black eyes on the dead creature. The man stepped in, points of light appearing in his jet-black hair.

  “Vonn!” Caasa shouted as she turned.

  The warp spawn barely moved a foot when something sharp and black struck her back. Black blood spurted from her mouth as she looked down, a black spike sticking out of her chest. Body lifted up, the spawn turned her head to the man just as he pointed down, her body sliding off the spike. Caasa hit the floor, black eyes wide as she tried to crawl away.

  Yimer stepped into the hallway, eyes trembling as she watched Caasa trying to crawl and the stranger stepping in, reaching down and grabbing a tentacle.

  “No need to crawl away, death will not be denied after I’m finished,” the man chuckled.

  Yimer’s eyes grew wet as she was frozen. Black blood spilled from Caasa’s mouth as she continued to crawl away. The man pulled the bleeding warp spawn to him. Reaching down, he grabbed her
by the neck, lifted her up and slammed her into the wall. Caasa went limp in the stranger’s hand before he let her fall to the ground.

  “Tell me his name and I promise to only eat you after your dead,” the man grinned.

  Yimer sobbed as she looked at Caasa’s still body. A hand curled around her arm and pulled her further into the main room. Yimer turned her head to Vonn. The older warp spawn pulled the younger spawn toward the bedroom door.

  The strange man walked down the hallway and into the main room. Gray eyes scanned the room, stopping when Vonn glared back at him as she closed the thick bedroom door. A lock clicked into place and the stranger laughed loud and hard.

  “Don’t be shy! I simply want the knowledge in your minds,” the man screamed.

  “Caasa,” Yimer sobbed as Vonn moved to a large bookcase.

  The older warp spawn ran fingers along thick book spines until her pale fingers took hold of a tome and pulled it out. Opening it, she turned page after page. Yimer looked down through tears to the light under the door, two dark shapes touching the edges of light.

  Vonn spoke as she flipped pages, “We cannot save her. We must leave before he consumes us.”

  “We have to go to Vala’s realm,” Yimer said through thick tears.

  “No, he will follow us. We have to protect everyone,” Vonn said as she stopped flipping pages.

  The warp spawn glided to Yimer’s side when a hard knock caused the bedroom door to shudder. Vonn clasped a hand to Yimer while she held the open book with the other. The door shuddered again and laughing rang on the other side of the thick door.

  “What’s his name,” the man laughed.

  Yimer tilted her head forward, prayers falling from her black lips.

  Vonn gave the warp spawn a squeeze with her hand, “Vala will guide us, but we must save ourselves first.”

  Arcane words spilled from Vonn’s lips as Yimer clutched the older spawn. The tempo and power increased as Vonn let the energies flow into her throat. The door shuddered again, but Vonn didn’t slow down the magical incantation. Holding Yimer tight, Vonn shouted the trigger phrase.


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