Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 14

by Erik Weir

  A deep wanting pushed at Victor’s very being. Seeing and feeling the beautiful dragons around him caused reason to grow silent as a grave. Hips punished Izy as her body moved to Victor’s movements. The sound of skin on skin mixed with the scents of uncontrolled desire burned with each thrust. Izy’s eyes glaze over as she surrendered to his powerful desires. The animalistic side of the Blade pushed Izy beyond her own control. Biting the pillow again, she moaned as her valley surrendered with a flood of bliss.

  Seeing the green dragon woman’s face buried in a pillow and her hands clutching at the bed sheets, he pulled on her tail to keep himself deep within her. Vindrel moaned as Mildra whipped her clit with a pointed tongue. Shyryth massaged her budding womanhood, intense eyes on Victor as he angrily impaled Izy. The green dragon lifted her head and moaned as her body shuddered to inner fireworks. Explosions clouded all reason as she and Vala’s Blade became one entity for a drop of time in the universe. Energy snaked along bodies and crashed into Victor. Driving his member to the hilt, he grunted while another spurt of come painted her inner valley.

  Shyryth’s eyes widened as Victor huffed and pushed every drop of come into the green dragon woman. The red dragon sucked in a quick delighted inhale as Victor turned his sights on her. She could not deny the fantasies of having him once again as her thighs spread to his gaze. Izy fell away, Victor’s cock free from her grasp. The green dragon stayed on her side as Vindrel moaned to Mildra’s wicked tongue.

  Victor’s gaze turned into that of a predator searching for his prey. Muscles worked as he moved toward Shyryth. Arms and legs opened as the Blade crawled to the waiting dragon. Shyryth basked in the throes of passion as Victor’s throbbing cock pushed in with little resistance. Hungry eyes bore down on the red dragon woman as she clutched to him, moving her hips against his invading cock. When they met in the middle, mouths opened before they pressed together in a passionate kiss.

  Victor buried himself down to the hilt as Shyryth coiled her arms and legs around him. The sounds of bliss sang on, feeding all those caught in its web. The dragon women glanced and smiled as Shyryth buried her face in Victor’s neck, a wondrous comfort cascading over her expression in sublime pleasure.

  “Victor,” Shyryth hissed as she felt herself close to climaxing.

  Victor’s animalistic urges cooled as a hand rose up and touched behind the red dragon woman’s pointed ear. The touch was intimate, gently sliding just an inch but enough for Shyryth’s eyes to widen.

  “Beautiful Shyryth,” Victor whispered back before running his finger along the edge of her delicate ear.

  The red dragon woman let out a soul breaking moan as her body shuddered. Victor moved a little slower, eyeing Shyryth as she fell back onto the bed, unable to do more than drown in an ocean of ecstasy. Wetness surged against the slow push and retreat movements of his hips. Wet inches appeared and disappeared.

  Victor continued to his slow, lazy invasion as Shyryth shuddered again and again. Three dragon women rose up behind him and before he could come, they attacked, pulling him back and smothering him in kisses. Victor tried to smile through the onslaught of attention when one of them climbed on top of his hips, taking his throbbing manhood and sliding down in lustful frenzy. Bodies blended into an intimate dance while a celestial goddess looked down with a heavenly smile.


  Clouds drifted away in the nighttime sky. Stars shined their ancient brilliant light as the air cooled. Animals emerged from hidden burrows for their nightly hunting and foraging as the town of Blackwood stood in the small distance. Ears twitched and eyes shined in the primal darkness when heads turned to movement deeper in the forests and nearby road.

  The sound of marching and the scent of people caused the animals to run and hide. From hidden shadows, wildlife cringed as humanoid bodies moved through the area. Dark eyes silently took in the town of Blackwood in the small distance. Hands flexed and whispers rose up like a mystical dirge. The forest and road were no longer empty as many shadows moved closer to Blackwood, dark intent etched into brows and incantations falling from whispered lips.


  How do you do that?

  Victor opened his eyes as moans continued around him. Mildra lovingly sucked on his manhood while Shyryth, Izy and Vindrel hugged Victor and each other close. The mention of a small break touched everyone during the love making but Mildra demanded more. Victor tried to rest his eyes as the white dragon woman suckled on his cock, breathing new life into it once again.

  The Blade raised an eyebrow to the shadow in his heart.

  I have seen you abuse yourself many times, but it didn’t compare to what you are doing now and I’m inside you.

  “I wish I knew,” Victor said in his mind. “I feel like my body becomes possessed and it never wants to stop.”

  The shadow seemed to nod from within Victor.

  I suppose being a Champion to the Goddess of Lust and Love has some benefits, just don’t forget why we are here. You have gained their divine orbs and you need to spend them. I can feel something isn’t right and to be honest, I’m a little concerned.

  “What do you feel,” Victor mentally asked.

  It feels like something is drawing closer...something alien…and familiar.

  Victor pushed through the clouds of bliss as Mildra continued to suck his sore cock. With a mental command, Victor called up his stats.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 24/77

  Divine Orbs- 4

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 6

  Con (Nano)- 6

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 3

  Wis (Mind)- 5

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Victor spent his four Divine orbs and energy surged along his body. Mildra moaned as the young man’s cock thickened in her mouth. During the new storm of energy, Victor called up the Mind Sphere list to see what new powers he gained.


  Speak/Read/Write Languages


  Unseen Hand (New Ability!)

  Enchant Weapon (New Ability!)

  Victor eyed the digital words in his vision. He had no idea what Unseen Hand was, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt it might be some kind of sleight of hand or maybe telekinesis. As for Enchant Weapon, if Skyrim taught him anything it meant that he could power up weapons to new levels.

  Trying to concentrate as Mildra deep throated his cock with long succulent strokes; Victor looked to his stats and began assigning points. Mulling it over through the blissful haze, Wisdom was connected with the Mind Sphere. If he was going to be using these new abilities, he needed more influence in that area. Placing two points in Wisdom, he then placed a point in Strength and a point in Constitution. With each passing battle he found himself using those spheres the most. It made sense to continue to improve them so he would last a little longer in a fight. Energy cemented into each of their perspective spheres and Victor looked over his stats again.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 24/77

  Divine Orbs- 0

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 7

  Con (Nano)- 7

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 3

  Wis (Mind)- 7

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  The Blade smirked to himself as he saw he could now create a greater effect with three spheres of influence. Relaxing in the bed, the urge to come touched his entire body. Mildra slowly sucked up and down on his member, eyes closed in serenity. Shyryth and Izy snuggled closer while Vindrel stayed behind Izy, her blue scaled fingers rubbing the green dragon’s clit. The energy in the room grew and Victor gave a small grunt as several spurt
s of come struck the back of Mildra’s throat. The white dragon woman moaned her approval as she sucked it down, continuing to milk the Blade for all of his worth.

  Victor sighed in relief when a thunderous boom caused the very buildings and air to tremble. Eyes opened and bodies rose up as a voice penetrated homes and walls with a strong, deep tone.

  “This is Aldus Crane, High Magistrate for the Mage Authority! We have evidence there are criminals in Blackwood. Everyone is to leave your homes and gather in the middle of town! Those who comply will be treated with respect. Any who run will receive high justice.”

  Victor leapt from the bed and darted toward the window. Looking down, he saw rows of people walking in from the edge of town. Some wore leather armor with rune markings while others wore thick robes and hands out in arcane gestures.

  Victor grimaced as he turned to the dragons in the room. All four were gathering their clothes and putting them on, eyes filled with dark edges. Victor crossed the room to his new clothes piled on a nearby table. Lifting up the bundle, he began to dress as concern painted his heart.


  The laughing died as bodies stood up from chairs and tables. Hands moving to rune covered guns, Slingers made their way to large windows. Eyes peered out to the muddy street as Casters and Spellswords made their way further into town. Several of them turned their attention to the tavern and began speaking to one another while others pointed their hands, mystical energy swirling around fingers.

  Dawn stood up as Skye moved to Kira’s side. The couple looked to the elf as she watched the crowd. Astor moved with several Slingers to a large window, bodies parting so she could get a better look.

  Skye turned to Kira, eyes wide, “We have to run.”

  “We can’t leave them,” Kira said with a sliver of fear in her eyes.

  Skye looked to the Dawn and then the Slingers before turning back to Kira, “They can handle this. I don’t want you in danger.”

  Kira’s gentle features tightened at the edges, “Skye, we are part of this. We can’t run, even if our lives are in danger.”

  “I don’t care about their lives…I only care about yours!”

  Kira’s expression softened as she touched Skye’s cheek. “I know…I’m scared too, but we can’t leave. Vala chose us to be part of this and we can’t say no to her…or us.”

  Skye’s fear and rage bled away as she hugged Kira close. “No matter what happens, stay by me.”

  Kira snuggled into her neck, “I will never leave your side.”

  Dawn looked to the two women, her heart warming. “I will protect you.”

  Skye and Kira looked to the elf with wide eyes, but Dawn simply smiled.

  “Vala protects her own,” Dawn said with confident eyes.

  Zeb turned his attention to Astor at his side, “What should we do?”

  “Shoot them all and let Nyphy sort them out,” Eric laughed.

  Valen gave Eric a slight shove against the shoulder, “We are here to protect, not murder.”

  Astor remained silent until the sounds of boots on the stairs caused everyone to turn their attention. Victor came down the stairs, four dragon women behind him. Black leather pants shined in the lantern light as a smooth leather jacket covered his torso. Thick silver buttons lined against the right side of his chest and a wide-brimmed black cowboy hat covered his head. An armored trench coat was open, hanging off his shoulders as he stepped off the stairs and walked into the middle of the room. Shyryth and Vindrel followed while Izy and Mildra followed them. Mildra yawned and flexed her wings, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

  From a side door, Lily, Vonn and Yimer emerged. The lilac colored succubus already had her staff in hand. Vonn and Yimer each held a thick tome in one hand, dark eyes on Victor and the rest gathered in the main tavern room.

  Victor made a beeline for Astor and when he was at her side, he peered out to the growing numbers outside. “Seems the information we received is accurate.”

  Astor simply tipped her hat in agreement. Lily made her way closer and stood on the other side of Victor.

  “It doesn’t look like the entire force is out there. The rest must be circling the town,” Lily said with a hard stare.

  “This is going to turn into a bloodbath real quick unless we think of something,” Victor said as his mind worked.

  “Fuck ‘em,” Zeb said and drew his gun.

  Astor reached over, touched the side of the gun with her hand and gently pushed it down. Zeb complied but the fire in his eyes didn’t die. Victor watched the exchange and could see the eagerness for bloodshed all around him. The Slingers were ready to go out guns blazing and the Spellswords and Casters were expecting it. Glancing around the room again, a tapestry of fear and anger touched all.

  The last thing Victor wanted to do was put everyone’s life in further danger. Mind searching for ideas, a small plan formed.

  “Lily and I will go out there to negotiate,” Victor stated.

  Many sets of eyes and heads turned to Victor.

  The Blade continued, “Astor, keep all the Slingers inside while we try to talk them down.”

  Victor turned his gaze through the crowd to Dawn, “Take Skye, Kira, Vonn and Yimer out the back and head east further into the Forsaken lands.”

  The elf with glasses acknowledged with a nod.

  Victor looked to Shyryth, “Guard them until they are all safely away.”

  “What about you and Lily,” Shyryth asked.

  “There isn’t a place that can hold us for long. Once we fall asleep, we can escape to Vala’s realm. But before that, we might be able to gain some intel on what’s happening with the Authority. They have a hate-on for all of us and maybe it’s time we find out why.”

  Victor looked to Lily, “If you want to do this with me?”

  The succubus smiled. “I thought you would never ask.”

  Eric shook his head, “This is a shit plan. Astor, we can’t let these fuckers push us around. We need to make a stand against them or they will never leave us alone.”

  Several Slingers murmured in agreement.

  Astor stood tall and looked to the gathered Slingers. “The Steel Coalition defends those who cannot defend themselves. Victor and Lily can defend themselves against this threat. We must think of others before our own fears. We follow Victor’s plan.”

  “I’m not afraid,” Eric said with a frumpy crossing of his arms.

  Astor shot him a look of no nonsense.

  Eric looked away and let his arms uncross and fall to his sides. “You heard Astor, follow Victor’s lead.”

  Victor nodded, “Thank you Astor.”

  The Slinger gave him a small smirk. “We will make sure everyone gets out safe.”

  Victor gave the Slinger a smile before moving to the main doors. Lily followed, staff in hand. Victor glanced back to see all of Vala’s acolytes staring at him with heartfelt eyes. Skye and Kira held each other while the four dragon women gazed on the Blade with courage in their eyes. Dawn mouthed the words “be safe” before stepping back to Kira and Skye. Astor signaled the Slingers in the room to pull back from the windows and remain quiet. The crowd followed Astor’s commands, moving away and staying out of sight.

  Lily reached over and took Victor’s hand into hers. The Blade and Shield let their eyes linger on one another before the Blade gently pulled Lily with him to the front doors. Astor gave them a silent nod as everyone else looked on with heavy hearts.

  The doors opened and the couple stepped out. The muddy street was filling with townsfolk, confusion coloring their expressions and nervous glances to the force entering their town. Some eyed the man and demoness as they stepped from the tavern and made their way to the middle of the street. The air was cool and bodies mulled about as the leader of the mage force stopped walking and looked from the people gathered along the street edge to the man and succubus.

  “Do you think this is going to work,” Lily asked.

  “I have no idea,” Victor whispered before h
e took a few steps forward, leaving Lily behind.

  The Spellsword eyed the man in Slinger gear, his face a stony mask.

  Victor kept his hands to his side as he smiled broadly. “Greetings…Aldus?”

  “Who are you,” Aldus asked with an elitist flair in his tone. Behind him, Spellswords and Casters readied themselves.

  “I thought for sure they would know who I am,” Victor whispered to himself before puffing out his chest and speaking louder, “My name is Victor and this lovely demon with me is Lily. We are surrendering ourselves to you.”

  Aldus kept his stony gaze, shadows under his eyes. “Step aside while we search for the criminals hiding here.”

  Victor blinked.

  The Spellsword pulled out a rolled-up scroll from his belt and unfurled it. “By the order of the Authority, we are here to take into custody two Kurggoth and arrest all Slingers in town. No person carrying a Slinger weapon is allowed beyond the border towns. This is a breach of Authority law and those here will be punished.”

  The Spellsword rolled it up and stuck it back in his belt. “Where are the criminals?”

  Victor blinked again but many townsfolk in the street pointed toward the tavern.

  Aldus lifted his nose in the air but never took his gaze off of Victor, “You may be dressed like a criminal but you don’t have their weapons. Step aside while we search and if you interfere, you will be arrested.”

  Victor thought fast, “We...we are the Slingers you’re looking for. There isn’t anyone else here. Take us into custody and we will tell you everything about our…um…evil plans.”

  Aldus shook his head slightly, “Arrest them and search the tavern.”

  Two Spellswords broke from the front line and walked past Aldus. Hands flexing, blue-white energy began to glow around their fingers as they eyed Victor and Lily. Victor cursed under his breath. He thought for sure they were actually after him. Hoping the rest made a discreet exit, Victor began walking toward the two Spellswords with a wide smile. When they were nearly to each other, the Tavern doors opened and Astor stepped out. Slingers and dragon women followed and not far behind, Dawn, Skye, Kira, Vonn and Yimer joined them.


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