Monsters and Angels

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Monsters and Angels Page 30

by Erik Weir

  Lily lifted up her glass, “So our combined presence has changed everything?”

  Umus lifted his cup, toasted with Lily and they both drank down the dark red liquid. When they finished their sip, Umus put the goblet down, a trickle of wine in his beard.

  “Indeed. Vala grows closer to breaking death’s bonds and that means we can start rebuilding the realms the way they were meant to be. As you may have noticed, our citizens dwindle with each passing decade even through their extended life spans. Our city contains about eight thousand of our people when it held millions before. Another two thousand live on small islands across the ocean. I won’t mince words, we are on the verge of seeing our shining light wink out, but now, everything has changed.”

  Umus picked up his cup and held it out to Victor, “Because you are here.”

  Victor looked up with a strip of meat hanging from the side of his mouth, “Me?”

  Umus let out a deep hearty laugh, “Of course you, you magnificent bastard! You and your Shield…”

  “Lily,” the succubus interrupted.

  “You and Lily are our guests of honor, the humble beginning to an alliance that will stretch across the realms!”

  Victor glanced to Lily before slurping up the piece of meat and looking back to Umus. “I…think I’m a little lost. We came here because we think your realm may be in trouble and to find more pieces of Vala.”

  Umus leaned against the edge of the table, goblet in hand but not drinking. “I know all about Vala’s clever way to resurrect herself. It’s pure genius and I’m mad I didn’t think of it first. Well, I take it back, I’m not mad, but impressed. She was the first to die among the pantheon and she was able to cheat death in so many words.”

  Umus took a long sip from his goblet before continuing, “As for our realm, I’m not too concerned. We managed to fend off hordes of invaders, beasts, and monsters for eons. Even at our diminished capacity, we could defend against the combined might of the other five realms and remain victorious. No, the time has come to revitalize the realms and Valis is ready to lead the charge.”

  The god sat back with a confident smile, “With Vala returning, the forces of darkness will not stand a chance against our light.”

  Victor and Lily nodded, but said nothing. The Blade sometimes felt like he walked into the middle of soap opera and today was no different. The histories and stories were endless and everyone seemed to have their version of truth. A touch of uneasiness caressed the Champion’s heart as he took another sip of wine.

  “Some of my people have whispered about you…seeing you in their dreams… it Victor?”

  The Blade nodded, “Victor Hobbs.”

  Umus returned a bright smile. “Victor Hobbs, a strong name for Vala’s champion.”

  The god turned his gaze to the side before returning it to Victor, “Tell me Victor, did you notice Vala’s touch when you arrived?”

  The Champion chewed for a moment before shaking his head.

  “It would seem we still have the ability to hide otherwise you would have noticed you already met a few of Vala’s acolytes.”

  Victor and Lily turned their gaze to another table, Portia, Felice, and Hannah raising their glasses to them. Felice and Hannah giggled while Portia’s gaze was like a hunter’s eye on the Blade. An instant later, their bodies glowed in Victor’s vision as Vala’s touch warmed the insides of his heart and whispered in his mind.

  “They are beautiful,” Umus continued, “Prized leaders here in Valis. Their strength knows no limits and neither does their capacity to love. I wish you well when they, among many, give themselves to you.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Victor said in a low voice, unsure what the god was driving at.

  “Then don’t say anything, show it! Stand up and let me get a gander.”

  Victor froze, unsure what he meant.

  Umus nodded his head, “Come on boy, stand up and let me see your sword!”

  “My sword,” Victor said as if saying out loud would make it any clearer.

  Umus laughed, “The perfectly designed weapon between your legs! Come on and give us a peek.”

  Victor looked to Lily and the succubus gave him a wide, mischievous grin.

  “Go ahead. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  The Blade felt a pang of discomfort until the wine eased away the tension. With a shrug, he stood up, undid his pants and let them slide down to his thighs. Umus sat with an observant eye, mouth turning to a grim line before widening into a hearty, infectious laugh.

  “Look at that beautiful piece! I must say, Vala chose well. You can damage a lot of hearts with that sword. I salute you!”

  Victor’s face burned bright red before he redid his pants, sat down and took a long guzzle of his wine.

  “I hope you plan to stay awhile because there is a lot of work to do!”

  Victor and Lily gave the god a blank gaze.

  “Where are my manners, we are talking about a negotiation between Valis and Vala’s chosen. When Vala died, our population began to decline. The purity of Valis is built on only the chosen of a certain goddess. Vala often sent her chosen to Valis to rest and recuperate safely within our city walls. In exchange, her Blades would fill many bellies with their seed and on the cycle went. We didn’t know that her death would doom our realm to extinction. Now that she is returning and she has chosen a new Blade, we can pick up where we left off.”

  “You…want me…to have sex with your people?”

  “Handsome, smart, and carrying a heart slayer. You are truly beyond words,” Umus laughed.

  “Beyond words,” Victor whispered he looked around, taking in the many pairs of hungry eyes.

  “For taking on this epic task, you will have the support of Valis and its people. We will assist in matters that require a show of diplomacy and protection. Our laws will not allow us to attack or invade, but I doubt that was a question.”

  Umus looked away as he was thinking and talking, “The population here is seventy percent female so you will have roughly 5,600 women who will require your attention. Don’t look like that; we don’t expect you to do that in a day. I suggest you take your time, finding Vala’s pieces among the many who wish to share a bed…or any other place you wish to make a connection. You may have to make multiple visits and I know your time is precious, but we can work out the details.

  “Tonight, on the other hand is cause for celebration. The streets will fill with wine, food, and heavenly bodies. The only thing I must stress is the need for you to impart your seed directly. No showering them in your love, am I right!”

  Victor simply stared, mind reeling.

  Lily put her hand on his shoulder while smiling to Umus, “He is in shock of you and your people’s generosity. As his Shield, I’m sure he is up to the task.”

  “Excellent! I’ll coordinate with my people and we will create a celebration none have seen in several lifetimes! Victor, my prized commanders, Portia, Felice, and Hannah will accompany you as we prepare, but don’t wait for the celebration to begin. Enjoy what our city has to offer and rest up.”

  Umus stood up and walked to several people coming toward him. He directed with his hands and boisterous words what he wanted and how it was going to be done. Victor on the other hand simply sat, numb as possibilities ran through his mind. Lily pulled her seat closer, wrapped her arms around his neck and licked his ear.

  “I…I don’t know if I can do this,” Victor whispered.

  “With Vala returning, we do have to build alliances. Besides, I’ve seen you in action,” Lily grinned.

  “Yes, with small intimate groups…not thousands! I’ll die.”

  “Stop being dramatic,” Lily said while trying not to laugh.

  Umus clapped his hands and everyone in the throne room turned their eyes to their god.

  “Victor has agreed to reforge the alliance between Valis and Vala! Tonight, we will celebrate the holy union with a celebration not seen across all six realm
s! Let the word reach every citizen! Tonight, we dine in paradise!”

  The entire room roared with clapping and cheers! Victor looked down as Lily clapped along. A shadow in his heart laughed as Vala’s Champion wondered if this was truly his end.


  The room was white, a soft glow filling every inch of the chamber. A breeze flowed through the wide archway window as the sun began its slow descent beyond the horizon. Victor sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on knees and a crease in his brow. A shadow swirled around his heart as he sighed in the white room.

  I don’t understand why any of this would bother you? You have been jumping into bed with every hot woman you come across. I doubt James Bond ever had any concerns, considering if he was real, he would be riddled with STD’s.

  “You’re not helping,” Victor whispered.

  The point is, treat this like a long, sexy vacation. Vala wouldn’t have sent you here if you weren’t up to it.

  “With the added pressure of trying to save an entire realm’s worth of people. You see why it’s a little unnerving.”

  You’re overthinking it. Treat every moment like a special point in time with Ms. Right Now.

  “There are a lot of Ms. Right Now’s.”

  And you have an insatiable appetite. Eat, drink, and laugh as you sex up the Valis Realm.

  “Why are you being so…positive?”

  I know I’m just a shadow living in your heart, but even I can feel your concern. It’s a little odd for me since you are pretty positive all the time.

  Victor smirked. “Sounds like I’m rubbing off on you.”

  I think you should focus on rubbing other people. But I cannot lie and say your spirit hasn’t brought a sliver of peace to me, something I never thought I would ever find. You have been fighting for a while now and you should get a break.

  “Thank you, Chill,” Victor said simply.

  Don’t mention it. Really, don’t mention it. I have a rep to keep.

  Victor kept his gaze down but the small smirk melted into a smile. A knock at the door caused his head to snap up. A second later, the door slid to the side and Portia stepped in with a kind smile. Victor stood up, eyes a little wide as the platinum blonde woman stepped into the room, hands at her sides. The robe she wore was different as in it had different designs of gold and silver, but the fabric was white and still just as see-through as the other outfit she wore.

  “I hope I didn’t come at a bad time,” the angelic beauty smiled.

  “No, not at all. Sorry, I haven’t looked in the closet for an outfit to the celebration,” Victor said with wide eyes.

  Portia gave him a shy smirk before she stepped closer. “You won’t find anything in the closet. That is part of the reason I’m here is to help dress you.”

  Victor looked down at his armored trench coat, tight shirt, black leather pants and boots. He knew he should wear something other than his travelling clothes, but he couldn’t get his mind together before Portia arrived.

  “I guess I’m just wearing this then,” Victor smiled.

  Portia stepped closer, several inches of space between them. Delicate hands rose up, but one had a thin silver band. Victor looked down with a raised eyebrow and the angelic beauty continued to smile.

  “It’s a gift, something to help you blend in,” Portia said as she took hold of his coat and pulled open the inside of it, near the chest.

  Victor watched as she placed the silver band to the inside of his armored trench coat. The edges began to wrinkle before the silver band melted into the coat and disappeared from sight. Victor waited as Portia took one step back.

  “It’s a device that can change your clothes with a thought. You never have to worry about not having your clothes or if they are ripped to shreds. The band will change and repair your clothes, as long as you are not in combat.”

  “Can I create any outfit I want?”

  Portia nodded, “Yes, you can create any kind of normal outfit. You won’t be able to create any armor or weapons except for what you already have. It’s an aesthetic device. Picture the outfit you wish to wear and the device will change what you’re wearing to it.”

  Victor pictured a V-neck flowing shirt. Instantly, the armored trench coat folded into itself and melted into his shirt. The top shirt shifted and morphed until it became the V-neck shirt he pictured, the end of the V below his chest and touching his stomach.

  “It seems to be in working order,” Portia smiled.

  “Thank you,” the Champion said with a kind smile.

  An awkward silence filled the space between them. Heat rushed into Victor’s face as he found himself looking away. Portia’s outfit was revealing enough and he didn’t want to stare, but he also wasn’t sure how to behave since the realm was looking to throw themselves at him. It was pretty obvious he could do no wrong as long as he was assisting the realm, but he couldn’t fight the small disbelief swirling around his stomach.

  “We understand your task,” Portia said, breaking the silence, “You will not be pressured into anything you do not wish to do. We only hope you will want to help us in our time of need.”

  Victor sighed. “I do want to help. I always want to help. I just don’t want anyone doing something they may not want to do. I don’t want your people engaging in something they may not want to.”

  Portia nodded with a solemn expression, “I understand your plight. There may be some who do not wish to mate with you, but I can assure you, there are many who do.”

  Victor scratched his head, “Are there married couples or some who are in relationships? I don’t want to be…”

  Portia interrupted Victor with a small smile, “The people of Valis are open in many ways. There is no need to chain ourselves to each other like many do from the other realms. Jealousy and envy are outdated concepts here in Valis. Anyone who approaches you will be a willing participant.”

  Victor’s shoulders relaxed. “Good to know.”

  Portia bit her lip before standing a little straighter, “I can feel the shard of Vala, pressing on my spirit, but I must tell you, it does not influence me. I have complete control of my intentions and my body…but…”

  Victor blinked as Portia seemed to be fighting some internal war.

  “I saw you, in my dreams. I knew what it meant and I looked forward to seeing you when you arrived. I…wasn’t prepared for what I felt when I saw you emerging from the water.”

  Portia’s fingers curled together tight, “Because of my station, I have not taken to the pleasures of the flesh. I thought it would be a distraction since I am the High Commander of Valis. I hope…when you have a moment… You can show me what it means to truly share our bodies.”

  “You…haven’t…,” Victor trailed off.

  Portia shook her head lightly. “I didn’t allow distractions. Now that I stand before Vala’s Champion, I feel ill equipped to satisfy your varied experiences.”

  “Portia, you don’t have to say anything. We are both learning from this experience and I can say without a doubt, you are not ill-equipped. You’re quite beautiful and it is I who feels like he doesn’t measure up.”

  Portia’s eyes took on a glimmering sheen. “Thank you, Victor. You are truly a bright spirit.”

  The angelic beauty bowed her head, “Shield Lily should be on her way down to the main entrance of the Citadel. I received a report the city is ready. Valis’ citizens should be currently filling the streets. If you’re ready, we can join them. I believe Umus will want to say a few words before the festivities.”

  Victor watched as Portia spoke. Her demeanor switched from shy to a serious edge in the blink of an eye. The Blade felt she must be a demon in battle, but when it came to affairs of the heart, she was like a babe in the woods. The quality was endearing and before Victor knew it, he took a step closer to the High Commander. Portia looked up into his green eyes, her breath taken away.

  “May I kiss you,” Victor asked with warmth bleeding from his body.

��Please,” Portia whispered.

  Vala’s Champion leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Portia let out a small sigh before a strong hand touched the small of her back and pulled her in close. Arms shot up grabbing Victor’s back and holding him as he held her in one arm. Lips pressed and parted, tongues slipping into mouths. The heat and wanting was there, burning like a wildfire. Portia moaned, fingers digging into Victor and not wanting to let go. As for the Blade, fear and doubt washed away as their kiss played on.

  When the two parted, Portia’s eyes remained closed as she basked in the moment, her cheeks pink. Hands moved onto Victor’s shoulders, not wanting to leave the inviting warmth. Victor found himself staring with half closed eyes, the attraction sending shocks of need through his entire frame.

  Hate to interrupt but you still have to become stronger.

  Victor looked away and let out a small exhale. “Portia, can you wait outside for a moment. I need to do something first.”

  Portia opened her eyes, “I can stay and help with whatever you need.”

  Victor looked confused for a second before he understood what she meant and smiled. “I would welcome your help, but this is something I should do before we go.”

  The angelic beauty nodded before letting go of him and stepping back. “I’ll be right outside when you’re ready to come down.”

  Portia smiled as she moved to the door. When she was gone, Victor called up his stat screen.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 40/77

  Divine Orbs- 6

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 10

  Con (Nano)- 10

  Int (Abyss)- 3

  Will (Holy)- 4

  Wis (Mind)- 10

  Cha (Shadow)- 3


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Bone Sword

  Cursed Blade

  “Let’s see what the Holy Sphere has to offer,” Victor said and spent his remaining six Divine Orbs.

  Energy swirled through his body as white-hot vibrations burned against nerves. A moment later, it subsided and disappeared as words filled his vision.


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