Beautiful (Book Three of the Beautifully Broken Series)

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Beautiful (Book Three of the Beautifully Broken Series) Page 2

by Angela Stephens

  Her body glowed with a sheen of sweat, her hair a tangled veil keeping pace with her furiously swinging breasts. The passing seconds slowed to only the acute pleasure of the moment. Drifting in and out of awareness, she felt as though she were leaving her body.

  James’ guttural gasps barely changed tempo as he withdrew from Kathryn so abruptly that she cried out in surprise. Spreading her ass, he drove his hungry cock deep into her quivering hole. She was tight despite his juice-slicked cock, and the pressure of his thrusting brought tears to her eyes. The sensation was pleasurably uncomfortable, causing Kathryn to try to crawl away from James.

  Excited by her reaction, he continued the drive his cock in and out of her ass, his eyes fixed on the rhythm of her expanding and contracting hole gripping his flesh. Her face pressed against the cool surface of the floor, Kathryn could not seem to catch her breath as they rocked together in a primal rhythm. James paused, groaned and jerked as he came explosively in her ass.

  Feeling his twitching cock planted deep inside her, Kathryn wriggled until he withdrew and released a flood of hot, sticky cum that gushed out of her and dribbled onto her thighs. Numb, her pussy and ass both throbbing, she collapsed to the floor to catch her breath. James fell on top of her, and together they rolled into a tangled embrace of limbs. Their lips locked in a sensual kiss before James rest his head against her heart.

  With a deep sense of contentment, Kathryn listened to the rapid cadence of his heartbeat. Their bodies were clammy with sweat and commingled juices, and her knees were chafed from bucking along the floor. Never before had she experienced sex like a crazed, rutting animal, and never before had she felt so completely satisfied.

  Refreshed by a cool breeze wafting in from the balcony, Kathryn finally surrendered to her fatigue. She nestled against James, closed her eyes and began to doze off.

  James rose on one elbow and gazed down at her with a loving smile. He playfully twirled a strand of her hair.

  “I’ve never felt so close to anyone,” he said softly. “It’s something I never thought would happen to me. Thank you for coming into my life.”

  Kathryn’s eyes slowly opened. Looking into James’ eyes filled her with such emotion she felt on the verge of tears. He clasped her hand and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “I know things got a little intense, maybe more than you expected,” he said, “but—”

  Kathryn smiled. “You don’t have to explain. I felt it too. It was like something just released. I discovered a side to myself I never realized existed. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.”

  James gazed at her. “It’s the same for me,” he admitted. “It was like I was watching myself from another part of the room. The relationships I’ve had in the past, well, that’s if you can even call them that, none of them have even come close to the feelings I have for you. They were all just play acting, just going through the motions.” He paused, then laughed dryly. “And Heather... I don’t even know what to call that.’

  “A mistake,” Kathryn said, reaching up to caress his cheek. “A lesson learned?”

  James smiled crookedly. “That’s one hell of a lesson.”

  Kathryn yawned. James watched her with amusement.

  “You know what?” he said.


  “Think your makeup could do with a little freshening up.”

  Kathryn laughed.

  “And you could use a shower,” she replied as she reached for his hands and pulled him to his feet.

  Chapter Three

  Morning had come too soon. Still fatigued from her late night, Kathryn arrived at work more than a little bleary eyed. James had left early to go home and change, but the few hours they had shared in bed had left her with a warm afterglow still resonating throughout her body. Sleepy after their shower, they had simply cuddled together beneath the covers and slept, but the closeness they shared had created a bond she had never experienced with anyone before.

  Stepping from the elevator, she found a very alert Sandra setting up the conference table in her office.

  “I was just about to call you,” Sandra said, arranging coffee, tea and refreshments. “James just arrived a few minutes ago. He asked me to set up a meeting straight away with Sam and Frank to discuss Heather.”

  “So soon?” Kathryn asked. “I wanted to recap Gala first. There were some key people interested in investing in Manticorp that I wanted to contact this morning.”

  “We can do that after the meeting,” Sandra said, looking at her with uncommon seriousness.

  Kathryn felt a knot of anxiety twist in her stomach. “What happened?”

  “Someone keyed James’ car last night.”

  “Oh, my God,” Kathryn said. “Where?”

  “On the street outside your apartment. James already filed a police report.”

  Feeling a little faint, Kathryn sank into one of the conference chairs. Sandra handed her some coffee.

  “Why didn’t he call me?” she asked, taking a deep swig.

  “He was going to but decided he didn’t want to worry you. He’s with Frank right now. He’ll be down shortly.”

  “His Jeep was parked on the street,” Kathryn said. “There’s only room for tenant parking in my building and I’ve been renting my space to a neighbor.”

  “We don’t know for sure it was Heather,” Sandra said. “Anyone could have keyed his car.”

  Kathryn sighed wearily. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself? You could leave a Ferrari unlocked on my street. Someone targeted the Jeep.”

  She rubbed her now throbbing temples. “She followed us. How else would she know he was with me last night?”

  “Can I ask if he’s stayed with you before?” Sandra said, sipping her coffee.

  “No, and that’s the truth,” Kathryn said. “Not that he didn’t suggest it, but I always knew it would be a bad idea. Turns out I was right.”

  Sandra approached and squeezed her shoulder. “We can’t say we didn’t expect some reaction, especially since we knew Heather was at the Gala.”

  “I know, Sandra, but this is personal. There’s a message here.” She paused. “Was there anything else?”

  Sandra shook her head. “James was pissed as hell, but from what I understood his car was just keyed. As soon as he noticed he called the police. I’m surprised you didn’t hear anything.”

  “He had to park further down the street,” Kathryn said. “At that time of the night there aren’t many spaces but I was so exhausted I probably would have slept through cannon fire.”

  They both turned when they heard the soft ping of the elevator. James and Frank emerged with Sam. Though Frank looked angry, the black look on James’ face would have cleared a room. He paused long enough close the door behind them.

  “Frank, James,” Kathryn said, rising from her chair.

  “Good morning, Kathryn,” Frank said with a clearly troubled expression.

  James merely nodded, but Kathryn knew there would be much to discuss later.

  She moved to shake Sam’s hand. Distinguished in appearance and impeccably dressed, he looked more like the a detective from a classic 1940’s movie than someone that would be toting an iPad.

  “Kathryn,” he said, firmly shaking her hand. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you in person. I only wish it could have been under better circumstances.”

  He turned to smile at Sandra, who smiled and nodded in return.

  “I suggest we get down to business,” he said, seating himself at the conference table and immediately switching on his iPad.

  Kathryn and the others sat around the table and waited expectantly.

  “You’re all aware of the keying incident this morning,” Sam said, “but for the benefit of those who haven’t seen the photos, let me show you what we’re dealing with.”

  He raised his iPad and displayed a closeup of James’ Jeep. Kathryn barely stifled a gasp at the extent of the vandalism. She had seen keyed vehicles before,
but the damage had generally consisted of a few lines scratched down the side. The vicious, jagged scratches defacing almost the entire Jeep, including the glass and the deflated tires, revealed an attack that was more than targeted, it was a very personal statement.

  “That’s unbelievable,” Kathryn said. “How did no one see anything?”

  “I had to park near the alley,” James said tightly. “In the dark, with all the trees on the street, it’s possible if she was quick.”

  Uncomfortable silence descended. “It’s all in the police report,” James continued.

  “Our attorneys are filing an injunction this morning,” Frank added. “I’m also having them contact the attorney of Heather’s family.”

  “Those are all important steps,” Sam said, “but the reality is that we’re dealing with someone who is disturbed. You can obtain your injunctions and file your reports, but as long as Heather remains at large, she will continue to be a threat.”

  Kathryn shivered. When James dropped her off at her apartment, she had seen nothing suspicious, but then she wasn’t really paying attention. He had been gone ten minutes at the most to park the Jeep. Though Kathryn’s apartment had a secured entry, she could easily slip into the building if she happened to be at the door when another tenant arrived or left.

  Had Heather been watching them? Did she witness their toast on the balcony?

  As though reading her thoughts, James turned to Kathryn. “I’m telling all of you that if Heather attempts anything or threatens Kathryn in any way, there will be consequences.”

  “I don’t suggest taking matters into your own hands, James,” Frank said. “I’m meeting with security shortly to discuss enhanced surveillance James and the introduction of visitor sign-in. Not quite the Manticorp image I wanted to present but we appear to have no choice.”

  “I agree with your father,” Sam said to James. “Let the authorities deal with Heather. I suggest that we continue our surveillance. The more evidence we gather, the greater our ability to put her and her associates out of action.”

  Kathryn listened with a sense of surreal detachment. It was hard to believe that much of what was happening stemmed from a fateful meeting at her dorm parking lot. Though relationships came and went, there had been nothing normal about Heather and her relationship with James, and now everyone faced the unpleasant fallout.

  “How bad is it, Sam?” she asked.

  Sam paused and looked at each face before replying. “Just between us, I put a few feelers out on the street. I’m waiting to hear back from some my contacts. Depending on what they tell us will decide the best course of action.” He paused. “But don’t expect it to be what you want to hear.”

  Frank sighed. “As long as we can maintain a level of damage control, that’s my main focus.” He Glanced at his phone. “Anyway, I hate to cut this short, but our head of security is available now. James, would you update me later?”

  “Of course,” James said.

  “Sam,” Frank said, reaching to shake his hand. “Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your help. Feel free to contact me anytime.”

  Sam rose and shook Frank’s hand. “I’ll arrange another meeting within the next day or so. In the meantime, I’d appreciate it if you could keep me posted about your security measures.”

  “I’ll let you know what happens after my meeting,” Frank said, and left the office. As soon as the door closed, James turned to Sam.

  “Was I imagining it or was there something else?”

  Sandra gave Kathryn a concerned look. Trying her best to maintain her composure, Kathryn glanced out at the bustling, sunkissed river, dazzling the eye with brilliant reflections. It was a glorious day and she was seized by a sudden desire to run to the patio and take some deep breaths to clear her head.

  “You’re very perceptive,” Sam said. “I’ve actually heard from one of my contacts, but I wanted to verify the information first before going into more detail with your father.”

  “Is there anything you can tell us?” Kathryn asked.

  “It seems Antoine may have some connections to the Russian mob.”

  Kathryn frowned and tried to stem a wave of anxiety.

  “Should we be concerned?” James asked.

  “Not directly,” Sam said. “One thing I’ve learned is that there is no loyalty among thieves. Heather has been useful to Antoine as a cash cow until now, but if he finds out that Heather’s activities have come under scrutiny, he’ll be gone in the time it takes her to speed dial him.”

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” Kathryn asked.

  “Yes and no,” Sam said. “It really depends on how unstable Heather has become. If she feels threatened, it may be difficult to predict what she’s likely to do.” Sam regarded Kathryn and James. “Since it’s just the four of us here, let me be blunt. James, Kathryn, Heather obviously knows about your relationship. I didn’t want to delve too much into that in front of Frank as I don’t know if or how much he knows, but James, I think it would be a good idea if Kathryn stayed with you for the time being.”

  Kathryn tried not to look nonplussed, but James seem completely unsurprised by Sam’s suggestion.

  “I was actually thinking about that,” James said. “Kathryn?”

  “Do you really think it’s necessary?” she asked.

  “I would seriously consider it,” Sam said. “Your apartment is relatively insecure. I drove past it on my way here and from what I could see, it’s an older building with minimal security apart from a buzzer entrance and gated rear garage. Neither presents a challenge for someone determined.”

  “I thought the area was safe,” Kathryn said.

  “It is a very safe neighborhood,” Sam said, “under normal circumstances. But considering Heather was able to vandalize James’ car so easily, there’s nothing to stop her from taking things to the next level.”

  Kathryn shuddered at the thought that her cozy little apartment was no longer her refuge. It would be impossible for her to sleep soundly knowing someone could literally be lurking outside her door.

  “What about a hotel?” she asked.

  Sam shrugged. “That’s definitely a possibility, but to be honest, it would take a lot to secure a hotel as well as a private residence like James has. Too many people. If that’s what you need though, I can talk to Frank about the expenses.”

  Kathryn bit her lip. She knew Frank would have no problem covering the costs, but it would be on more headache. Plus, to be honest, staying with James would be fun. She looked at him. “I have to admit as much as I love the place I don’t think I’d feel safe there anymore. And living in a hotel indefinitely isn’t exactly appealing. Do you have room?”

  James smiled. “I always thought my place was too big, but at the time it seemed to fit my ego. Having you there would make it feel more like home for both of us.”

  Kathryn tried not to blush. It was the first time her relationship with James had been openly discussed and she tried not to appear disturbed by it.

  “I could get Neil and some of the guys to help you move,” Sandra said. “A couple of trips with the vans should take care of it.”

  James smiled with a little too much eagerness. “Dad arranged everything with the landlord when he hired you so a short notice move won’t be an issue. There’s usually a waiting list for units in that neighborhood.”

  “Okay,” Kathryn said after a moment’s thought. “I don’t have much stuff. Let’s get this over with.”


  Watching the Manticorp vans drive away with the last of her belongings left Kathryn feeling emotional as she watched from the sidewalk beside James’ new Jeep. Leaning against it, James’ demeanor was alert as he scanned the neighborhood.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  Kathryn nodded. She took a moment to check her luggage and computer gear stowed in the back of the Jeep before climbing in beside James. The vehicle smelled like it had just come off the lot and everything about it beefed up to standar
ds only James would mandate.

  “Like it?” James asked.

  “It’s very you,” Kathryn said with a smile. “You must have some pull with the local dealerships.”

  “Friend of mine owns a dealership. Called him after the police took my Jeep in. I was going to trade it in for this upgraded model anyway. Just got delivery sooner, that’s all.”

  Kathryn found herself scanning the street as they drove away. The lush trees she had come to love so much rusted in a cool breeze, and familiar faces walking dogs or tending to their gardens imprinted themselves on her memory as she regarded her neighbors for the last time.

  James leaned over and kissed her. As always, the sensation of his lips melding with hers filled her with intense arousal.

  “I’m sorry, Kat,” he said. “This will hopefully be temporary. It may not have been what we planned, but in a way, we’ve just cleaned out the closets.”

  Kathryn smiled at his analogy. “Only you would compare being chased from my home by an unstable drug addict to spring cleaning.”

  “Come on,” he said. “Admit it. You’ve been secretly wanting to see my place. In fact, I never told you, but Rolf helped design the interiors. It’s a loft similar to his and it’s really quite impressive.”

  Kathryn instantly imagined some industrial age meets Bauhaus hybrid decor. “It better not be some man cave reeking of testosterone.”

  “Well... things can be changed a bit here and there.” They laughed.

  “James, what did your father say about me moving in with you?”

  “He was fine with it,” James said. “In fact he thought it was a great idea.” He glanced at her. “You can relax, Kat. Dad may be old school but he’s not clueless either. He’s noticed the vibe between us.”

  “I hope he doesn’t think—”

  “Kat, if you think Dad holds you at fault in any way for what’s going on with Heather, put it out of your mind. She was a train wreck waiting to happen.”

  James reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Dad told me this morning he thinks you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Okay, so we have a situation, but we’ll deal with it, and now that we have an advantage over Heather, it’s only a matter of time before she’s out of our faces once and for all.”


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