Starting Over Trilogy Boxset

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Starting Over Trilogy Boxset Page 20

by Kennedy, Brenda

  “Angel, are you hurt?”

  I shake my head.

  “Angel, I want you to call for the nurse. Everything will be ok,” Mason says in his calm, low, in-control voice. I reach for the call button, pushing the button repeatedly. I try to move, but I can’t. I have tears in my eyes, and my vision becomes blurry.

  “And who the fuck are you?” Jim says sternly, while taking a step closer to Mason.

  Mason turns his attention towards Jim and smiles. “I’m your worst motherfucking nightmare!”

  Jim lunges at Mason, while Mason backs up, and Jim hits him in his left eye. Mason starts hitting as his only defense. They are throwing punches while Mason keeps backing up towards the hallway behind him. I start screaming and crying. I see a nurse in the hallway backing away from Jim and Mason, who are already in the doorway.

  Crying and shaking, I grab Mason’s phone from the bedside table and search his contacts. My hands are shaking, and I can barely see the names on the screen through the tears. I come across Bruce’s name first and call him. I can hear yelling and fighting coming from the hallway, but I can’t see anyone.

  “Hi, son,” Bruce says calmly into the phone.

  “Bruce, Mason is in the hallway fighting with Jim. I can hear them, but I can’t see them. Can you please hurry, please?” I say, crying into the phone. I am sobbing so hard I can barely understand or recognize my own voice.

  “Angel, who is there with you right now?”

  I hear more yelling and banging. I close my eyes and cry harder. “Please stop,” I yell, but no one hears me.

  “Angel, I’m on my way. Do you hear me?” Bruce yells into the phone at me.

  I forgot all about him: “Please hurry, I can’t see them.”

  The phone drops from my hand onto the floor and I push the nurse’s call button over and over. It’s the only thing I can do. I can’t move. I can’t get up. The only thing I can do is yell and scream as loud as I can. I throw my pillows at the door. I pick up the vase of flowers on the bedside table and throw it at the door, too. I don’t know what else to do.

  Vincent barges into the room and almost falls from the water on the floor. He steps over the broken glass and runs to me. He sits on the edge of the bed and hugs me. I am screaming and crying hysterically. I hug him back and cry into his shirt as he strokes my hair over and over.

  “Mason — is Mason ok?”

  “Shhh, he’s all right, Angel. Don’t cry,” he says while rocking me back and forth. “Mason’s fine,” he says, trying to reassure me.

  The nurse walks in and takes my blood pressure and vital signs. She leaves the room and returns with a pain pill and something for anxiety. I ask her where Mason is, but she says she doesn’t know anything, but will check for me.

  I can hear someone else in the room, then water running in the bathroom.

  “Mason will be here in a moment,” Vincent continues to rock me and shhhs me in my ear. “He’s in the bathroom washing up.”

  I raise my head and see that a maintenance employee is here with a mop and bucket. I wipe my eyes and nose with my sheet. I look around and see that Bruce and Raúl are also in the room.

  “Mason — where’s Mason?” I cry. “Is he ok?” I ask while looking around the room.

  Mason walks out of the bathroom and smiles at me. He has blood on his shirt and his face is red. His eyes don’t reveal the smile on his lips. He eagerly walks over to me, avoiding the glass and puddle of water on the floor.

  Vincent stands, and I begin to cry harder.

  Mason sits on the bed and holds me gingerly. He kisses my head while my face is buried in his chest. I wrap my left arm around his back and inhale him deeply. His masculine scent of spice and sandalwood calms me. He rocks me and talks softly into my ear. “Shhh, Angel, it’s ok, you’re safe now. Don’t cry, baby.”

  I pull away and look into his eyes.

  “Oh, my God, your nose. Your nose is bleeding — you’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine, Beauty. I’m fine,” he says as he pulls me back into his chest.

  I don’t believe him, but I rest my head on his chest and breathe in his scent.

  “I’m sorry I broke that, I heard all that yelling in the hall, I didn’t know what else to do,” I say, talking about the vase of flowers near the door.

  Raúl comes over by the bed, and Mason stands so Raúl can sit beside me. Bruce calls for Mason, and he reluctantly walks away from me towards Bruce.

  Raúl sits and hugs me. He whispers in my ear, “Angel, ¿ estas bien, te ha hecho daño ese hijo de puta? [“Angel, are you all right? Did that bastard hurt you?”]

  “No, él no me hizo daño, sólo me asustó. ¿Cómo me ha encontrado?” [“No, he didn’t hurt me, he just scared me. How did he find me?”]

  Uncle Raúl strokes my hair and says, “No lo se mi niña, lo siento mucho. No te preocupes por él, lo atraparemos.” [“I don’t know, Pumpkin, I’m sorry. Don’t worry about him, we’ll get him.”]

  I look over at Vincent, Donovan, Mason, and Bruce, who are all talking near the hallway door. My vision is starting to get blurry. I tell Uncle Raúl I need to lie down.

  He stands and I lie my head down. Mason comes over with a new pillow and lays it behind my head. He dims the lights and gives me a drink of cranberry juice, before sitting beside me. He leans in and kisses me on my lips and whispers something into my ear. I am so tired I can’t make out what he is saying. He strokes my cheek and I drift off to sleep.


  I sit there beside Angel and just look at my beautiful, strong girl. I just sit there in my own personal thoughts, stroking her cheek. I feel like I let her down. I was supposed to be here to protect her and look what happened.

  “Mason, we need to go. Your mother is here and will sit with Angel. Dr. Collins is getting Angel a new room and is going to register her under an alias. He won’t be able to get to her.”

  I look up at my father. “I don’t want to leave her."

  “The doctor said they gave her something for pain and something to help her sleep. We need to have a quick meeting and you’ll be right back. Come on, son.”

  My Mom walks over to me and lays her small hand on my shoulder. “Go with your Dad, Mason. I’ll watch her.” She cups my cheek into her hands and looks my face over.

  “Oh, my Lord, you’re hurt,” she says as she rubs her hands over my left eyelid, nose, and mouth. She is starting to cry.

  “No, Mom, I’m fine,” I say, standing up to hug her. I hate when my mother cries. It is the saddest thing I have ever seen. I kiss the top of her head and hug her.

  Dad walks over and tells me we need to go. I let go of my mother and go change my bloody shirt. It’s my last clean shirt I have with me.

  Dad cups her face and wipes her tears from her cheek with his thumbs.

  “Baby, don’t cry. Mason is a strong man. He was doing exactly what we taught him to do.”

  “I know, but he’s still my boy and I don’t want to see him hurt.”

  “I know, Sweetheart, but he’s ok,” my Dad says while rubbing my mother’s back.

  “Lilly, the doctor is right on the other side of the door.” My father leans in and kisses my mother’s quivering lips.

  “We’ll be right back.” He waits for her to answer. “Ok, Lilly, 15 minutes?”

  She nods. “Be careful,” she says, looking him in his eyes.

  “We will, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She sits beside Angel before placing Angel’s hand in hers. I can tell she is saying a silent prayer.

  We walk into the same room we were in before. Vincent, Donovan, Detective George Walters, and the Private Investigator Frank Medley are also present. Raùl is at the head of the table. I sit beside Donovan and make my right hand into a fist. It hurts like hell, but it opens and closes freely. Nothing’s broken.

  “Mason, can you tell us what happened?” Raúl asks.

  I stand and clear my throat.

  “Angel’s nurse came i
nto the room to take Angel’s vital signs. After she left, I walked into the restroom. I was in there only for a minute or two. When I came out, I saw a man standing beside Angel’s bed and a yellow rose lying on her chest.”

  I clear my throat and flex my right hand again.

  “I asked Angel was she all right and if that was Jim. When she confirmed my suspicions, Jim came at me throwing punches. I deliberately retreated in order to back us out of the room and away from Angel. We fought in the hallway before he fled down the stairwell exit when Angel’s doctor showed up. I chased after him, but he entered another floor so I came back, not wanting to alarm other staff or patients.”

  I walk to the front of the room, taking a deep breath.

  “I returned to Angel’s floor and notified hospital security, although the nurse had already taken care of it, and that’s when you showed up.”

  I look over at Dad and say, “And you know the rest.”

  “Thank you, Mason. How’s your hand?”

  I flex my hand several times and say, “It’s fine, and it’s not broken.” I walk back over to Donovan.

  “That’s good news about your hand, Mason. Well, it seems the scumbag has eluded the police again. Dr. Collins is having Angel moved to a different room and is placing her under an alias. We’re going to be asking the head of the hospital security to assist us until after Angel’s surgery and then we can get her moved out of here.” Dad clears his throat and walks around the table.

  “I called the Sarasota Police Department after I hung up from Angel, and they will be here to speak with you. We’ll see if they have any new leads as well. Vincent, get with Mason tomorrow about the privacy fence and security gate for his beach house. We still want that up and ready before she gets released from here.”

  “I’ll check first thing in the morning and will call him right away.”

  “Thank you, all. Now go home and try to get some sleep. Mason, text everyone when you get Angel’s new room number.”

  I nod.

  “Raúl, do you have anything to add?”

  Raúl stands and says, “I think you covered everything. Mason, do you want me to stay here with Angel tonight? Maybe you can go home and sleep in a real bed.”

  “No, I don’t want to leave her. I’m fine, but thank you. We are truly dealing with a nut job. Dad, please try to bring those things from the condo for me tomorrow if you have time.”

  “I will, Mason, and you are right, he is truly a dangerous man. I need to get Lilly home, so please be careful and I’ll see everyone tomorrow evening.”

  We walk back to Angel’s room, which is empty. I go to the nurse’s station and they inform me they moved her to the 7th floor, room 736. Dad, Raúl, and I take the elevators up to her floor. Her doctor is in the hallway when we arrive. He walks over to us and tells us she slept through the move and that Lilly is in there with her. He asks what name we want Angel’s alias under. I look at Raúl and he looks at me.

  “Wow, this is a hard one,” I say, looking stunned.

  Raúl laughs and says, “Well, she likes daisies.”

  “And she likes to read,” Dad laughs. “I noticed all her books on the table by her bed.”

  “She likes the book 50 Shades of Grey,” I say, laughing. “How about Daisy Grey?”

  We all bust out laughing.

  “You want to use the alias Daisy Grey?” Dr. Collins asks.

  Raúl is still laughing: “Driving Miss Daisy Grey it is.”

  “She will love that.” I smile, and it feels good to smile again.

  I thank Alec, Angel’s doctor, and then Raúl and Dad and I walk into Angel’s room. Mom is standing up when we enter.

  “What’s so funny?” Mom asks while looking at us.

  Dad walks over to Mom who is standing beside a sleeping Angel. “Angel’s new alias,” Dad says, smiling.

  “Really, what did you come up with?” Mom asks, looking at Raúl.

  “Daisy Grey,” we all chime in laughing.

  Mom also smiles. “It suits her, she’ll like it.” Mom bends down and kisses Angel on the forehead.

  “I need to get Lilly home; she has had an exceptionally emotional day,” Dad says before leaning down and kissing Mom.

  Mom stands on her tiptoes to meet him halfway and kisses him back.

  “Are you going to be ok, Mason? I can stay here with her,” Mom asks.

  “No, Mom. Raúl already offered, but thank you. Please go home and get some rest. I love you, and I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  Mom hugs me goodbye before looking over my face again, then kisses me on my cheek. “Mason, please be careful.”

  “I will,” I say as my Dad hugs me goodbye.

  “Come on, Lilly, let’s get you home.”

  “Goodbye, everyone, and we’ll see you all tomorrow. Mason, if you or Angel need anything, call and let us know. Raùl, go home to Maria,” my Dad says as he heads out the door.

  I look over at Angel, and she hasn’t moved. Raùl sits beside her with his hand on hers. Her face is still bruised, but the swelling is getting smaller around her eyes. I walk towards the hallway and look out into the hall to give them privacy. Alec sees me and walks over to me.

  “Are you all right, Mason?”

  I look at him and say, “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Do you want to leave to get a bite to eat? I can stay here with Miss Grey.”

  We both smile. “I have some food in the room, I’m fine. Thank you for all your help tonight. I really appreciate everything you have done for us.”

  “Anytime. I’m heading home then. Have a good night. The police and hospital security will be in touch tonight.”

  “I’m sure they will. Good night, Alec.”

  I turn and walk back into Angel’s room. Raúl stands and kisses Angel’s forehead before telling me he is heading home. He waves goodbye as I watch him leave and shut the door behind him. After realizing how thirsty I am, I down a bottle of water and eat my last apple and granola bar. Before bed I go into the restroom and wash up and brush my teeth, but I leave the bathroom door open this time.

  I speak with the head of hospital security first. I am informed they will pull the surveillance cameras and will post Jim’s picture in all the break rooms and around the hospital workstations for the staff. They assure me they will do whatever they can to ensure Angel’s safety. Angel is sedated and doesn’t wake for any of this. They inform me they’ll be up tomorrow when Angel is awake to speak to her.

  Detectives Farmer and Evans arrive later. They have a current picture of Jim they got from the L.A. Police Dept. and will leave one with the hospital security and will leave some with me so I can pass them out, as well. Detective Farmer tells me they have some leads but are still checking on them. They will also be in touch tomorrow when Angel is awake to get her statement.

  I close the blinds and kiss her on her sleeping lips before pulling the chair as close to her as I can. I fall into a restless sleep.


  I wake up with the worst, most intense headache — I feel like I have been drugged. My mouth feels like cotton, and my vision is blurry. I try to blink away the blurriness, but to no avail. I want to move, but I can’t. I am so sick of being like this. I want a drink but can’t reach it. I lean forward, and Mason is there resting his head against my stomach. I don’t think he has left in what, a week? Has it been a week? I lay my head back down on the pillow and lie there as still as I can; I don’t want to wake him.

  I feel guilty for tying his life up. My problems have become his problems, just like I knew they would. That is exactly why I didn’t want to get involved with him, or with anyone else for that matter. I need to let him go so he can live his life. It’s not fair to have him deal with my life’s problems. It’s hard to tell how long I’ll be immobile. Where am I going to go after the surgery and how much time do I need to heal? Months? I try to blink back the tears that threaten to fall. I haven’t even thought of that. My heart aches at the thought of losi
ng him. I think I am in love with him. A tear slides down my cheek at the thought of not being with him.

  Mason moves and I push my head further into the pillow. I don’t want him to see me crying. He gently strokes my finger with his. A very simple but sweet gesture: one that I have come to love. My heart melts at his tenderness. Under other circumstances, things could be great between us. He is everything I have ever wanted. After meeting his mother, father, and sister, I know that the way Mason is, is no accident. His parents have instilled some valuable qualities in him. He is a true gentleman and a great boyfriend. It will be hard to let him go. Another tear slides down my face.

  “Beauty, why are you crying?” He stands and wipes my tears with his thumb.

  I force my eyes closed. I don’t want to look at him. I can feel my lip start to quiver. I just shake my head. I’m afraid my words will be inaudible, if I try to speak them.

  “Beauty, look at me.”

  I don’t want to, but I open my eyes anyway. I look at the ceiling — anywhere but at him. I have no control over my body when he is around. I do whatever he wants me to do.

  He gently turns my head towards him and forces me to make eye contact. The tears are streaming down my face full force by now. I try to blink away the tears that blur my vision, but it’s no use. They keep coming.

  Mason wipes them away with a tissue. He leans down and kisses my quivering lips ever so gently. He moves his mouth slightly and kisses the side of my mouth. He leaves his lips there and kisses me again. When he backs up slightly, he is looking at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen.

  “Why are you crying, Beauty?”

  I close my eyes.

  “Mason, when was the last time you went home?” I open my eyes and look at him, searching his eyes for the truth.

  “Beauty, why are you asking me that?”

  “When, Mason? Just answer the question, please.”

  “I went home the other day. I’m not sure when, two or three days ago.”

  “How many times have you left the hospital since my accident?”



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