Bind Me Close: 3 (Knights in Black Leather)

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Bind Me Close: 3 (Knights in Black Leather) Page 13

by Cerise DeLand

  “I did. And I wonder,” she said as she tipped her head toward the drawing of Fancy and her two children, “if I might have a copy of that one of the three of them made to take with me?”

  “And a copy of Wyatt’s drawing of Bull Elk too,” Cara added. “Of course, we knew you’d want him. And you must have him. What do you say, Jed? The original for Willow?”

  “Where it belongs,” he said, nodding. “With family.”

  * * * * *

  Flush with excitement from her day of pouring over the hundreds of pictures of MacRaes, Turners, Saxons and Benedicts, Willow emerged from her new rental car in front of Wade’s house and felt her heart race with new anticipation. A thousand times today she’d warned herself to show some spine with him tonight. No nice little roll in the hay.

  But one look at him challenged her good intentions. Devastatingly handsome in a black t-shirt and faded denims Wade opened his front door and walked toward her. His lush mouth he’d drawn tight even as his arms reached to bring her right against him. He didn’t kiss her mouth but buried his lips in her hair. “You smell wonderful. Like sex and lavender.”

  She had to laugh.

  He drew back and caught her chin. “I missed you.”

  The man was too enchanting for her own good. “I’ve been working all day, focusing on learning all the details of family history that all of you seem to know like the back of your hand.”

  He cocked a brow, a twinkle in his eyes. “So you didn’t have time to miss me?”

  “I did.” She told him the truth, marveling at how quickly she had fallen into his spell. “When I saw photos of you as a child in diapers. Or in your cap and gown when you graduated from high school.” In a tux on your wedding day. “In your army uniform. Each one taught me more about you.”


  “You were a handsome devil then, and now that I know more about you I hate that you’re my ten-thousandth cousin twice removed.”

  He gave her a lopsided grin, satisfied with her answer. “Why’s that?”

  “Makes me wonder if we share any bad genes.”

  “You fear you’re crazy?”

  “Yeah.” She grinned, casting caution to the wind if only for tonight. “About you.”

  “Hey, works for me. I think Reg Saxon had the hots for Marguerite. You and I might be a really good pair. Keep the insanity all in the family.”

  That declaration had implications that made her shy and skittish. She slid her arms up around his broad shoulders and nuzzled his throat. “I’ve known you so briefly and yet I missed you today so much I ached.”

  He pressed her close to him, his legs against her, his cock rigid against her mound, his lips to her ear as he whispered, “Let me end the ache. Feed the hunger.”

  She blinked at the sight of his eyes flaming with a molten desire that turned her to ashes. “Wade, we could burn too high, too fast.”

  Groaning, he swept her up into his arms and pivoted for his house. “Only one way to know.”

  Clinging to him like Saran wrap, she felt her will drift from her. As if her whole being had floated into his, she marveled that she still felt like herself, whole, but full of his essence…and he hadn’t even kissed her yet.

  But he took the hall at a rapid pace, shouldered open the door to his bedroom and laid her down on the cool, soft sheets. Threading his hands through her hair, he ran his lips over her brows, her eyes, her cheeks, her nose and down her throat. She sank her fingernails into the luxurious wealth of his curls. He moaned, running that fantastic mouth of his along her cleavage and lower, lower to her belly and her mound.

  “You smell so good here. Like lavender and musky pussy.” He chuckled.

  And she burned for him. Tilting up her hips, she pressed against his cock and balls. Wound her legs around his calves.

  “So you wanted me today?” he asked, his voice husky, his mouth on her jeans covering her mound. “You remembered how good we are together?”

  “I did.” She bucked against him again, eager, panicked, dying to be filled, fucked, absorbed into his devastating charm.

  Through the fabric of her clothes he bit her mound. “Good girl. Did you masturbate?”

  She froze.

  He met her gaze, unfazed and unyielding. “Tell me. You can.”

  She trusted him with this. She swallowed and nodded. “I did.”


  Oh, hell. She glanced away and back at him. “Twice. Wanted to do it more but I was with the MacRaes and had to do it discreetly.”

  He cocked a brow then knuckled her pussy with a strong hand. “What did you think about when you did it? How did I have you?”

  Tell him, enjoy his reaction. “Once fast. Here on your bed.” She paused, struck by the delicacy of what she was revealing to him. “Then from behind. On the floor.”

  His lashes fluttered. His eyes swam with wanton waves of heat. “Where else?”

  She waved her hands, recalling her talk with Cara and Samantha, remembering her sexiest fantasy of making love to him. “In front of a hundred people.”

  Slowly, with narrowed eyes, he smiled at her. “Did they like us together?”

  “They murmured their thanks.”

  He rocked his pelvis against her. “I’m going to shout mine.”

  His statement had her chuckling, wrapping her hand around his nape and nipping his lower lip. “You better do it now, Sheriff, cuz if you don’t—”

  “What? You’re leaving?”

  “Don’t taunt me, Wade.”

  “No, baby. No more, just this.” He flicked open the buttons to her shirt, sat back on his haunches, weighing her down as he worked at her belt, her button and zipper to her jeans.

  She vibrated, her whole body tingling, jumping with anticipation that he was about to please her. Again. As no man had ever pleased her in bed before.

  He snapped open the clasp of her new lacy, white bra. Then tugged at the denim and her shoes, leaving only her white panties. And he paused, a hand covering her slick mound, a burning question in his eyes.

  “I did that this morning.”

  “For me?”

  “For you for tonight. Of course. Not for anyone else.” She felt silly suddenly. Too exposed. “Was I wrong?”

  He grinned like a man who’d won the lottery. Then he massaged her cleanly shaven pussy through the thin silk. “You have an instinct for what pleases me.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” She trembled, relieved.

  “Look at me, pretty Willow.” When she did he smiled sweetly. “I loved your bush. But shaving your juicy little kitty will let me love you totally. Make no mistake, baby, I love pussy. I love thick cream. But I adore yours.”

  At his admission tears sprang to her eyes.

  His gaze locked on hers, he slid her panties down her thighs, shifted a bit to remove them totally from her legs and then came back up to sit on his haunches over her. One hand settled over her delicate tissues. “I want to play with you here. You’re going to let me. As long as I want. Whenever I want. Aren’t you?”

  She nodded quickly, eager, putty in his hands.

  “Good. Because you need me, don’t you?”

  “I do.”

  “You want to come inside me.”

  “Oh, yes.”

  He parted her heavy labia with two gentle fingers and she sighed. “I’ll be inside you, like this—” He darted one fingertip inside her core and withdrew. “But you’ll become a part of me.”

  “Yes,” she sobbed, arching, twisting, wild for more. “Please.”

  He gripped her with one hand on her hip to calm her. Then with the other hand he gave her two fingers, heavy and huge, and held them inside her hungry pussy. “Tell me what you want, Willow.”

  She licked her lips. “Crazy to have you. Do anything you want.”

  He extracted his fingers. “No. For you to bend to me, I bow to you first.”

  That seemed fair but illogical. “I don’t care.”

  “I do. Becaus
e I want you bound to me. Now tell me what you need me to do to make your happy.”

  He was savage in his demand. Stunned, she liked it nonetheless. This need to be commanded by a man was new. But then, maybe only apparent now she had a man she trusted to lead her. Frightened, she also trembled with expectation.

  She inched closer to him. Opened her thighs wider, as wide as she could considering his thighs bracketed her own and his weight oppressed her. “I want you to finger-fuck me. Make me come. Many times. Make me so wet, so swollen that I can’t bear to have you inside me any longer. And then…”

  He flicked a finger over her clit.

  Sensitive, she mewled. She knew by his touch he demanded she speak, reveal ever more of her innermost secrets.

  “Then?” he urged her on a whisper.

  “Come inside me, fuck me, take me as you wish, when you wish, make me come until I faint.”

  He drove his fingers deep inside her and found her G-spot to press there. “And me? What do I get?”

  “Me. Me. To fuck, to have, to be all yours.”

  He caught her chin, his features dire. “I’m demanding.”

  “I know it.”

  “I could ask you to do things you never thought of.”

  “You have already.” She licked her lips. She dared herself to allow him all of her…and see if she survived. “I want more. To be surprised. Pleased. Excited.”

  “You’re certain of this?”

  Struck by the enormity of what he asked, what she had admitted, what she had asked of him and of herself, she stared at him and then glanced around his bedroom, searching for a normality that had escaped her. Here in this man’s possession she was a different creature. Easily led. Joyously his. She had no knowledge how that had happened other than she was taken by him, captured by him. The same way Fancy must have been captured by Bull Elk so long ago. Irrevocably, hopelessly enchanted with a man who was a danger to her, a stranger in culture and temperament.

  “I am.”

  “No part of you will remain yours alone.”

  “We’ll see…”

  She challenged him? He laughed, proud of her, then seized her mouth. She was lush, lovely, so new to being submerged in passion. Damn if he wasn’t honored to take her and show her the realms of abandon she had previously only glimpsed with him. He knew she had. He saw it in the way she moved, felt it in the way she breathed her life into him. Now he wanted to help infuse her with her sexuality, show her the power she had within herself and how she might give it to him and become even mightier and greater than she’d ever been.

  He kissed her with languid ease. Beneath him she undulated like a river of desire. She called his name over and over, entreating him to take more of her. And god knew, he would.

  He had not loved a woman in nearly twenty years. This one broke his will to never care again. This one spoke to him in deed and word of rapture he hadn’t experienced and hadn’t wanted to in ages. And the trick was, she’d done this so effortlessly that it had amused him at first. Then it had emboldened him. And now he saw the rewards of courting her, encouraging her, leading her into his care.

  “Take your clothes off, Wade,” she said, tugging at his shirt. “Let me make love to you too.”

  She knew this magnetic attraction was mutual. He smiled at her and helped her discard his shirt over his head. “Sweet baby.” He bent down and let her work at the buttons on his fly. “I love your hands on me.”

  Parting his jeans, she sank her hand inside his pants to cup his balls. His rigid cock lay along her forearm. “I adore mine on you.”

  He smirked. “Your fantasy said nothing about you pumping me, darlin’.”

  “I’ll dream some more and tell you how I’m going to love all of you.”

  He shifted and sank more fully into her hand. “Then dream away and come to me with each new fantasy.”

  “Oh, Wade,” she said, serious and sensuous, “I will. I promise.”

  “And I’ll give you everything you want.”

  She brushed his hair back from his brow. “Oh, honey, no one can do that.”

  “I’ll do my damnedest and try, Willow. I want to. Tell me what you want now.”

  “To be possessed by you. Again and again. ’Til I can’t stand or think.”

  And so he gave her the sexual fantasy she had conjured earlier that day. He took hours with her, petting her, eating her, masturbating her to one climax after another until she panted and cried and pushed him away. When she was impossibly drenched with her juicy desire for him, he parted her swollen, sore pussy and sank his waiting, weeping cock inside her and fucked her royal. Fucked her hard and fast, jetting cum inside her until he shouted his own madness for her. Minutes later he fucked her again, this time more slowly and with less cum to bathe her tender core. He carried her to his bathroom, turned on the jet tub and put her inside to loll against the marble. There he probed her pussy again with his cock, hungry again to pierce her sweet flesh. And he fucked her. She was limp from his loving and the hot water when he led her from the bath and back to bed. And there he ate at her lovely folds until she cried fat tears and begged him to just hold her.

  Exhausted, he did. And slept himself, the sleep of a man high on fulfillment of love.

  When he woke he saw the digital clock said ten. Slipping from the sheets, he covered her and went to finish his dinner prep. Steak and salad had seemed like the right menu that afternoon. And he’d been right. Both were quick and easy to prepare after long hours of loving his lady. His lady.

  He smiled to himself as he went outside to his deck and fired up his gas grill. Willow was his, more than Kay had ever been. Willow knew how to surrender instinctively. Kay never had. Willow was more selfless, more open. More so than any woman Wade had ever known.

  So willing to admit she had dreamed of exhibiting herself with him.

  So open to revealing that she wanted to be taken by him until she was drained of herself and bound to him. And what would fulfilling her fantasy give him?

  One fine woman.



  He turned, the sight of her with his t-shirt on making him grin. “Hi there, lady. You look mighty happy.”

  She tossed all that long black silken hair and chuckled. As she walked toward him her breasts swayed beneath the thin fabric. “I am. Very. Are you?”

  “Madly.” He splayed his fingers against her cheek and drove them through the heavy mass of her hair. “I promise to be ecstatic if you do one more thing for me.”

  “Mmm.” She rubbed her cheek against his wrist. “Anything you want.”

  He grinned. God, she was his all right. Ready to obey him. “Take my shirt off.”

  Her gaze drifted to the window.

  “It’s okay. There’s no one in those woods.” He nodded toward the perimeters of his house and barn. “I want to see you. I need to know when you want me, don’t I? I can’t do that if these beautiful babies are all covered.” He caressed her nipples through the shirt. She was hard for him. And her pussy? He sank a finger inside her warm walls and kissed her nape. “You’re dripping for me, darlin’.”

  She pressed herself against him, her eyes shut, her arms going around him. “You are so unfair to do me like this.”

  “Am I? Look at me. Or do I give you all of me, all the time, any time, the same way you give me all you have?”

  For an answer, she stepped out of his embrace and whipped off the shirt.

  Sure enough, her dusky nipples pointed straight at him. “I want you. Again. And soon. But frankly—”

  He caressed her breast and sank a finger in her pussy to gather some of her cream. After he had licked it clean, he smiled at her enraptured face and asked, “Frankly what, baby?”

  “I’ve been very…agreeable. Would you do anything to please me?”

  “How could I not? After you’ve been so generous I’d be a fool not to.”

  She trailed a finger down his chest. “Watch me with another man?”
  He caught his expletive before it left his lips. “Is that what you want?”

  She stared at him. “Maybe.”

  “Testing me?”


  “Why?” He narrowed his gaze on her, the expression making him sinister.

  She stepped backward. “We don’t know each other very well and yet we’re doing the most intimate acts. As if we’ve known each other for years.”

  He caught her wrist and brought her flush against him. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “Only if we can’t see eye-to-eye outside the bedroom.”

  He nodded, not happy at this turn of conversation, but he wanted her so badly he’d weather it. “Takes practice, all that eye-to-eye agreement.”

  She smiled hesitantly. “It does.”

  He arched one brow. “And I like slow.”

  She draped her arms around his broad shoulders. “I favor that myself.”

  “You bet your pretty ass you do.” Sinking his fingers into the flesh of her derriere, he pulled her against his raging erection and kissed her.

  “One problem, Sheriff.”

  “Hurry and tell me.”

  She chastised him with a sidelong glance. “If I don’t eat food soon I’m going to faint.”

  He chuckled and grabbed her around the waist to take her inside. “No fainting. You need your strength to make love to me.”

  At the last few words he felt a ripple course through her body. “To make certain I love you like you deserve.”

  She didn’t look at him then but shyly pressed her head to his shoulder. “Feed me, will you?”

  “And then we’ll talk about what you saw and learned at the MacRaes’ today.” And why you want another man.

  “I want to see the family Bible again. Now that I’ve seen pictures and Wyatt MacRae’s sketches I feel I know my family better.”

  “Sure enough. The family Bible you get!”

  “And then you’ll take me to bed and make love to me one more time?”

  “Just once?” he asked, trying to be a good boy and not demand she give him herself all night long.

  “Right. I’m a working girl, you know.”

  “Yeah, darlin’. I do know that. Come on, you get the plates and utensils out and we’ll dig into these vittles.”


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