Phālguna, month, 7.182
physician, polluted, 3.152, 180, 4.212, 220 unskilful, punished, 9.259, 284
pig (sūkara, varāha), 3.190, 239, 241, 270, 5.14, 19, 8.239, 298, 11.155, 157, 200, 12.55
piṇḍa, see ball
piśāca, see ghoul
piśuna, see slanderer
pitṛ, see ancestor; father
pitṛmedha, sacrifice for the ancestors, 5.65
pleasure, see kāma
pledge, 8.143–5, 149–50
poet (kavi), 2.151, 3.24
poison (viṣa), 2.162, 239, 3.158, 4.56, 7.90, 216–20, 10.88, 11.9
policy (nīti), royal four expedients of, 7.159
six tactics of, 7.160–215
theory of, 9.294–300
pollution (aśauca, aśuci), 4.71, 124, 127, 142–3, 5.59–88, 97–100, 106, 130–31, 6.71, 11.184 behaviour of mourners during, 5.73
on birth (sūtaka), 5.58, 61–3, 71, 77, 79
of the body, 5.135. See also purification
on carrying out corpse, 5.64–5, 85
causes interruption of Veda-recitation, 4.109–10, 127
on death of co-feeding relative (sapiṇḍa), 5.58, 60, 75–7, 83–4;
of guru, 5.65, 80;
of teacher’s son or wife, 5.80;
of children, 5.67,69;
of fellow students 5.71;
of unmarried females, 5.72;
of remote relative, 5.78;
of a priest who knows his Veda, 5.81;
of pupil, 5.81;
of maternal relative, 5.81;
of king, 5.82;
of friend, 5.82;
of learned guru, 5.82
exceptions to rules of, 5.89–90, 93–8
on following corpse, 5.103
makes food of giver unacceptable, 4.212
on miscarriage, 5.66
rite at end of period of, 5.99
on touching corpse, 5.64, 85
on two deaths or births following one after the other, 5.79 See also clean; defilement; purification; unpolluted
possession without title no proof of ownership, 8.200
Pracetas, one of the great sages, 1.35
‘Praise of Fire’ (agniṣṭoma), a Soma sacrifice, 2.143
prajā: progeny, 1.61, 3.42, 76, 263, 4.156, 189, 5.161–2, 6.37, 9.9, 25–6, 45, 12.121; subjects, 1.89;
creatures, 1.8, 25–6, 34
Prajāpati, see Lord of Creatures
prājāpatya marriage, see marriage
prakṛti, element of the circle of kings, 7.156; of the state 9.294;
subject of the king, 9.232
pramāṇa, see authority
prāṇa, see breath
prāṇāyāma, see breath, suppression of
prasanga, prasakta, see addiction
pratiloman (‘against the grain’), 10.11–19, 24–31, 68. See also anuloman; caste
Prauṣṭapada, month, 4.95
pravṛtti, see engagement
Prayāga (Allahabad), 2.21
prāyaścitti, see restoration
prayata, see purity
pregnant woman (garbhinī), see woman
preṣya, see servant, menial
preta, dead spirit, dead body, ghost, 3.127, 133, 166, 230, 4.69, 7.59, 71–2
prices of merchandise, fixed by king, 8.401–2
priest adhvaryu, sacrificing priest, scholar of Yajur Veda, 3.145
receives a chariot, 8.209
agrajanman, 2.20, 3.13, 35
Brahman, overseer, receives a horse, 8.209
brāhmaṇa, vipra, Brahmin, priest ancestors of, 3.197, 199
Death attempts to kill, 5.1–4
definition of a true, 2.87
duties, livelihood, and occupations of, 1.88, 102–10, 4.2–13, 10.1–2, 74–6
exempt from capital punishment, 8.379–81
in extremity, 8.339, 10.81–94, 101–14, 116–17, 11.11–23
feeding of, 3.96–109, 125–9, 4.29–30, 192–7
following forbidden occupations, 3.64–5, 150–66, 8.102. See also restoration for following forbidden occupations
gifts to, see gift; king, duties of
inherits property of priest, 9.188–9
judicial functions of, to be judges in court, 8.1, 10–11, 391;
judges, 8.9, 20;
present at examination of witnesses, 8.87;
to impose vows of restoration, 11.86;
to settle doubtful points of law, 12.108
marriage rites lawful for, 3.23–4
may forcibly appropriate property, 8.339, 11.11–21
neglecting duty, 12.71
offences against: (1) killing a, a major crime, 9.235, 11.55; also execution of, 8.380–81: see vows of restoration for;
punishment for, criminal, 9.237;
in another life, 11.49, 12.55.
(2) other offences, assaulting and threatening, 4.165–9, 11.68: see restoration for threatening; defaming,
priest 8.267; seizing property of, 11.26
offences by: acceptance of property from thieves makes priest a thief, 8.340;
adultery and rape, 8.378–9, 383–5;
defamation ofequal caste, 8.269;
of lower, 8.268, 276;
not inviting virtuous neighbours to a festival, 8.392;
perjury, 8.123–4;
theft, 8.338
origin of, 1.31, 87, 93, 12.48
power and rank of, 1.93–101, 2.135, 9.245, 313–22, 10.3, 11.31–5
in relation to other classes, 1.32, 81, 88–105, 3.154
reverence due to, 4.39, 52, 58, 135–6, 142, 162, 10.43. See also king, duties of
seniority among, 2.155
should employ starving rulers and commoners, 8.411–12
special rules for: administration of oath, 8.113;
betrothal, 3.35;
burial, 5.92;
examination as witness, 8.88;
final haircut, 2.65;
greeting, 2.122–7;
initiation, 2.36–8, 41–2, 44–6;
naming, 2.31–2;
payment of fine, 9.229;
pollution, 5.83, 99;
purification, 2.58, 62;
studentship, 2.49, 190
who knows his Veda by heart, see śrotriya
why subject to death, 5.4
wives permitted to, 3.13–19 See also graduate, Vedic
hotṛ, priest of the oblation, receives a horse, 8.209 purohita, personal priest, 4.179, 7.78, 12.46
ṛtvij, officiating priest, 3.28, 148
definition of, 2.143
entertained at ceremony for the dead, 3.148
manner of greeting, 2.130
payment of fees to, 8.206–10, 11.38–9
pollution on death of, 5.81
punishment by, 11.31–5
punishment of, for rejecting sacrificer, 8.388
punishment of sacrificer for rejecting, 8.388
quarrels with, forbidden, 4.179, 182
receives the honey-mixture, 3.119
to be chosen by king, 7.78
udgātṛ, cantor, receives a cart, 8.209
who knows his Veda by heart, see srotriya
priestly class, woman of (brāhmaṇī) daughter of, inherits from co-wives, 9.198
prerogatives of, as wife, 9.85–7
punishment for adultery with, 8.374–8
primogeniture, see son, eldest
principle, see dharma
prisoner, excluded from ceremony for the dead, 3.158 food of, forbidden for priest, 4.210
prisons, where to be placed, 9.288
private recitation of the Veda (svādhyāya, svādhyāyana), 3.81, 134, 4.17, 58
profit, see artha
progeny, see prajā
property acquisition of, 9.44; seven modes of, 10.115
indivisible, 9.200, 219
lost and found, 8.30–34
self-acquired, of father, 9.209
separate, of sons, 9.206
stolen, to be restored
or made good by king, 8.40 See also dhana; minor; woman, property of
propitiatory offering of food (bali), such as rice or grain, made by arranging portions of food in a circle or scattering them by throwing them into the air, 3.70, 74, 81, 87–94, 108, 265, 11.27 description of, 3.87–94, 121
duty of performing for householder, 3.80–81;
for forest-dweller, 6.7
Pṛthu, a king, 7.42, 9.44
Pulaha, a Lord of Creatures, 1.35
Pulastya, one of the great sages, 1.35, 3.198
pulkasa, see ‘Tribal’
punishment (daṇḍa), 9.262–3, 12.100 capital, priests exempt from, 8.123–4, 359, 379–81, 9.248–9, 11.101
corporal or capital, 4.165, 8.129, 193, 299–300, 310, 320–23, 379–81, 9.232, 236, 248–9
degrees of, 8.129–30, 310
just and unjust, 7.16–31
places for inflicting, 8.124–5
by priests, 11.31–5
purifies offender, 9.318 See also king, duties of; vadha
puṇya, see merit
pupil (śiṣya), 1.103, 2.69, 140, 208, 242, 3.156, 4.114 inherits, 9.187
may be asked for money, 4.33
may be beaten, 4.164, 8.299–300
pollution on death of, 5.81
who may become, 2.109–15 See also student; teacher
purāṇa (‘old coin’), value of, 8.136
Purāṇas (myths), 3.232
purchase, one of the modes of acquiring property, 10.115. See also sale
pure, purity: medhya, pure, fit for sacrifice, 1.92, 6.5, 11–13; amedhya, impure, 2.239, 4.56, 5.5, 128, 132, 12.59. See also clean, cleansing (śuddha, śodhana); defilement; pollution; purification; unpolluted
purification (śauca, śuci), the removal of pollution, 1.113, 2.61, 69, 240, 3.126, 192, 235, 4.93, 148, 175, 5.94, 100, 114, 118, 137, 139–40, 143, 146, 6.53, 92, 7.38, 9.11, 10.63, 12.31 of ascetic, 6.41
means of, 5.105–9, 127–8
of persons, 2.53, 5.85–7, 134–45
of things, 5.11–26
purified (prayata), ritually pure, 2.183, 185, 222, 3.226, 228, 258, 4.49, 5.86, 132, 142, 145, 8.258, 11.154, 259
purifier (pavitra, pavana, etc.), 2.40, 61, 75, 3.183, 186, 210, 223, 235, 256, 5.86, 127, 6.41, 46, 8.257, 311, 10.102, 11.86, 178, 226, 249, 252
pūrṇamāsa, paurṇamāsa, see moon
purohita, see priest
puruṣa; Man, 1.11, 19, 32–3, 7.17, 8.85, 10.45, 11.252, 12.122; man, 2.237, 4.134, 136, 157;
male child, 3.7;
the Rod, 7.17;
(king’s) man, policeman, 8.43
puruṣārtha, human goal, 2.13n, 12.38n. See also triple path
puṣpadha caste, 10.21
puṣya day, 4.96
put hell, 9.138
pūtimṛttika hell, 4.89
putra, see son
putrikā, see daughter, appointed
quality, see guṇa
quasi-man (Kinnara), 1.39, 3.196
rāga, see passion
rahasya, see secret text
Rāhu, the planet of the eclipse, 4.110
rainy season, see varṣa
raivata Manu, 1.62
rājan, see king
rajas: energy, see energy; menstrual blood, see blood
rākṣasa, rakṣas, see ogre
rākṣasa marriage, see marriage of the ogres
Rāmāyaṇa, quoted, 9.315
rape, punishment of, 8.364, 378
rasa: spice, 2.159, 177; taste, 1.78
rati, sexual pleasure, 1.25, 3.45, 9.28, 103, 10.5
raurava hell, 4.88
reality, ultimate, see brahman; sadasadātmaka, the essence of what is real and unreal, 1.11, 14, 74, 12.118
rear, hindmost castes (jaghanya), 8.270, 365–6
reason, see logic
reasoning, see logic
rebirth, 5.33–40, 164, 6.63, 8.82, 9.335, 11.48–55. See also karman; saṃsāra
receivers of stolen goods, 9.278
receptacle, see pātra
redemption (niṣkṛti), atonement, expiation, 2.227, 3.19, 69, 8.105, 150, 213, 9.19, 11.27, 86, 90, 99, 180, 210. See also restoration
refreshing libation (tarpaṇa, ‘satiating’), food and water offered to gods and ancestors, 2.176, 3.70, 74
refreshment for the dead (svadhā), 2.172, 3.223, 252, 9.142. ‘Svadhā!’ (‘Let there be refreshment for the dead’), the ejaculation accompanying offerings to ancestors, is the complementary opposite to ‘Svāhā!’ or ‘Vaṣat!’, the ejaculation accompanying offerings to gods
rejection (tyāga), 2.95, 6.78. See also renunciation
relative (bāndhava, bandhu), primarily maternal, 2.154, 184, 207, 3.52, 148, 264, 4.179, 183, 5.58, 68–72 (jāmī), female, 4.183
(jñāti), primarily paternal, 2.132, 184, 3.5, 31, 54, 110, 264, 4.179
(samānodaka, ‘sharing the same [funeral libation] water’), co-watering, 5.60, 11.183
definition of term, 5.60
pollution on birth or death of, 5.64, 71, 74, 79, 100–104
(sambandhin), in-law, affinal relative, relative by marriage, 2.132, 4.179, 183, 5.74. See also father-in-law, mother-in-law
(sanābhi), ‘umbilical’ relatives, 5.72, 84, 9.192
(sapiṇḍa), co-feeding (literally, ‘sharing the same balls’ through male bonding), a person related in such a way as to make funeral offerings of rice balls (pịṇda) to the same male ancestors. The ancestors are calculated for seven generations into the past and the future. The term thus includes a man’s father, father’s father, father’s grandfather; mother, mother’s father, mother’s grandfather; son, son’s son, son’s grandson; daughter; daughter’s son, daughter’s grandson. It also includes the same group starting from a man’s mother, as well as the brothers and sisters of both parents, and several others. 2.247, 3.5, 5.59–60, 100–101, 11.183
begetting son with widow of sapiṇḍa, 9.59, 147
definition of term, 5.60;
another definition, 9.186
inherits, 9.187
marriage with woman, forbidden, 3.5, 9.173
pollution on birth or death of, 5.58–9, 61–70, 72–9, 83–4
(sodara), uterine, 9.212 See also maternal aunt; maternal uncle
religion, see dharma
remorse, removes guilt, 11.288, 230–32
renunciation (pravrājya, sannyāsa, tyāga), 1.114, 2.97, 3.245, 4.17, 5.89, 108, 6.33–4, 38–9, 78
reproach, see nind
repudiation, see wife
rescinding of gifts, 8.4, 212–14
resentment (asūyā), 1.91, 2.114, 4.158, 185, 7.48, 10.128
restoration (prāyaścitti), 1.116, 2.221, 10.131, 11.44–54, 198–204, 221–6, 11.187, 210, 226 description of various, 11.72–247
for adultery and other sexual offences, 11.171–9
for associating with fallen men, 11.180–91
for bite of polluting animals and men, 11.200
for crimes causing confusion of class, 11.126
for cutting or destroying plants, 11.143, 145
for drinking liquor, 11.91–9, 147–52
for eating forbidden food, 4.222, 5.20–21, 11.153–62
for false evidence, 8.105–6, 11.89
for following forbidden occupations, 11.193
for improperly divulging Veda, 11.199
for injuring living beings, 6.69
for insulting priests, 11.205–10
for killing: adulterous women, 11.139;
animals, various, 11.132–44;
commoner, 11.127, 130;
cow, 11.109–17;
embryo, 11.88;
friend, 11.89;
impotent man, 11.134;
priest, 11.73–87, 90;
ruler, 11.127–9;
ruler or commoner engaged in sacrifice, 11.88;
servant, 11.127, 131;
wife, 11.89;
woman of priestly class, menstruating, 11.88
for loss of caste, 11.125–6r />
for malāvaha errors, 11.126
for minor crimes, 11.118
for neglecting duties of Vedic graduate, 11.202–4;
initiation, 11.192;
sacrificial fire, 11.41;
twilight rituals, 2.220–21
for performing ceremony for the dead for a stranger, 11.198
for performing forbidden sacrifices, 11.198
for perjury, see perjury
for rejecting supplicant, 11.199 for secret errors, 11.248–66
for sex with forbidden women, 11.170–79
for shedding semen, 2.181, 187, 220–21, 3.155, 5.63, 11.119–24, 158–9
for swallowing excrement, 11.151
for teaching and sacrificing for wicked men, 10.111, 11.194, 198–9
for theft of deposit, 11.89;
of gold 11.100–103;
of other property, 11.163–70
for those excluded from commensality, 11.201
for threatening, striking, or hurting a priest, 11.205–9
for unlawfully accepting gifts, 10.111, 11.194–5, 198
for violating the guru’s marriage bed, 11.104–7
how imposed, 11.86, 210
necessity of and reasons for performing, 11.44–7, 54
not to be performed under the pretence of gaining merit, 4.198
for Veda-recitation, 2.28, 165, 173–4
vicarious, for punishment, 9.235, 240–42
restraint (niyama), 2.97, 175, 3.193, 4.204; restrained (niyata), observing the technical restraints, 2.88, 93, 96, 104, 107, 115, 185, 192, 4.98, 175, 204, 256
restriction (yama), 2.3, 4.204
retas, see semen
reunited brothers, 9.210–12
revile, see nind
ṛg, ṛg Vedic verse, the ṛg Veda, first of the three Vedas, 1.23, 2.77, 80, 158, 3.131, 141–2, 145, 4.123–4, 131, 142, 145, 9.262–5, 12.112 origin of, 1.23
passages quoted from, 1.5, 31, 2.181, 5.86, 7.41n, 32, 42n, 8.106, 110, 9.65n, 10.107, 11.250–58, 260–61 See also canon; śrotriya
riches, see dhana
riddle, see brahmodya
right, see dharma
rinsing the mouth (cam, ācamana), 2.51, 70, 222, 3.217, 251, 264, 5.86–7, 138, 142–5 manner of, 2.60–62, 5.139
ritual, see karman; vidhi
rituals of transformation and perfection (saṃskāra)s, see transformative rituals
river (nadī), 3.9, 207, 4.47, 77, 203, 5.108, 6.78, 90, 8.406, 9.22, 11.133, 255
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