Enamored: The Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle)

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Enamored: The Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle) Page 4

by Colette Gale

  “There are so many ways I could punish you, my dear Jane. I could whip you until you beg for mercy. I could hang you from the ceiling and let you dangle for hours, naked and untouched. I could turn you over my knee and spank and spank until your arse was blazing hot, and your cunt red and dripping. And it would be, wouldn’t it, Jane? You’d like that…perhaps a bit too much. But I think,” he said, taking her roughly by the arm, “I have a more pleasurable way to punish you.”

  He yanked her to her feet, and her hair swirled about even as she staggered on weak knees. Her heart thudded and her mouth was dry, but she dared not speak.

  Darkdale pulled her from the chamber and she walked as well as she could, stumbling and trembling as they made their way down an empty corridor to a set of French doors. He flung them open and dragged her inside, entering a large bedchamber.

  A massive four-poster bed sat on one end, piled high with red velvet coverings and pillows. Its curtains were tied back at each ceiling-high post, thick rugs covered the floor, and a fire roared in the fireplace. Decorated tastefully and lit with the yellow glow of lamps, the chamber was amazingly warm and inviting.

  Jane hardly noticed the other furnishings as Darkdale shoved her toward the massive bed. She fell into the side of the high mattress, then turned to face him in trepidation.

  “You want pleasure, my darling? You cannot wait for me to grant permission? Very well, then, my dear…you shall have it. You may have as much pleasure as you like.” Though his words threatened, his eyes burned with that familiar heat, avid and intense as they swept Jane’s naked body. “Indeed. I look forward to hearing your cries and sighs and moans. Please…be as loud as you like.”

  Her palms were sweating and her belly roiled. What was the catch? What was the trick?

  “Now come here, Jane, and kiss me. Seduce me.”

  She balked, but only for a moment. Better to obey than to risk the wrath of yet another punishment. Swallowing hard, forcing her trembling legs to move, she moved toward him.

  Instead of grabbing her, taking her by the arms and pulling her up against him for a hot kiss, he stood passively. Despite the lecherous glitter in his dark eyes and the slight rise of his breathing, Darkdale remained still as Jane approached.

  He didn’t move when she came close enough to feel his warm breath and the heat emanating from his body. She lifted her face to find his lips, pressing her mouth against his.

  A surprising flush of heat shuttled through Jane as she tasted him. But when he didn’t respond, she stepped back and wondered if she’d done something wrong.

  “That’s all?” he said. “Perhaps I should have been more clear. Jane, you are to kiss me. You are to undress me and seduce me, and you are to make me want you. But…you may use only your mouth. No hands.” He looked at a small hourglass on the table next to the bed, and his handsome lips curved. “To make it more interesting, and to increase your investment in the outcome, my darling Jane, you have until that glass empties to make me come. Twice.” He smiled and flipped the hourglass over so that the grains of sand began to trickle down in a narrow stream. “If you succeed, you may share my bed tonight. If you do not…well, I have a gathering planned for tomorrow, and I suspect my companions would be more than delighted to help me punish you for your disobedience.”

  Jane’s heart thudded, and she felt hot and a little dizzy at the thought of some unknown number of men punishing her. She drew in a deep, steadying breath and stepped toward him again. She was just about to reach for his head to pull him close for another kiss when she remembered: no hands.

  Instead, she wet her lips with her tongue, feeling a stab of desire and satisfaction when she noticed his attention had fixed there. She moved her tongue slowly and sensuously over her lips, then eased up and into Darkdale.

  Making certain her naked breasts brushed against his shirt and vest, she licked the seam of his lips, then tilted to brush her mouth against his. His lips parted slightly and she thrust her tongue inside, deep and strong, swiping and tangling with his. When he made a soft sound in the back of his throat, she knew she was doing something right. He has a weakness, she realized suddenly. And it’s me.

  “Undress me, Jane,” he murmured, pulling away from her increasingly confident and passionate kisses. “My boots first.”

  She’d become warm because of the proximity of his body, and now as she knelt at his feet to obey, Jane felt a little colder. Her hair swung over her shoulders, falling in a lush pool on the floor on and around his booted feet.

  How was she to take off his footwear without using her hands? Jane felt a rush of nerves and glanced up at the hourglass. The upper half was still full, and only a trace of sand had begun to pile in the bottom vessel. Still, the grains poured inexorably through the slender opening, and her time was limited. She had no doubt that, obsessed as he might be with her, Darkdale would mete out any punishment he deemed necessary.

  Kneeling at his feet, Jane bent over and nudged away the hem of his trouser leg to see what sort of fastenings there were on his shoes. She felt a wave of relief to find a single large buckle near the top of the ankle-high boot; it would have been impossible for her to simply tug off one that didn’t loosen.

  As she nosed the edge of his pants out of the way, Jane felt her arse lift high and her breasts bump and jolt against the floor. Her hair was in the way, and she felt vulnerable and exposed as she used her teeth and lips to unbuckle one of the straps. When it was loose, she didn’t know what to do, for of course she couldn’t pull it off while he was standing…and Jane didn’t know if it was permissible for her to speak.

  Other than to beg.

  So she looked up at him and then nudged against his leg in an attempt to make him sit down. Then, feeling like an insistent dog, she moved to the other boot and began to work on its buckle. The metal and leather felt odd in her mouth, hard and pliant, dusty and cold, and Jane couldn’t help but wonder what Darkdale himself would taste like once he was unclothed.

  To her mortification, she found she was almost looking forward to finding out, for the kisses she’d given him hadn’t been altogether unpleasant.

  When she finished with the second boot, she nudged him again, harder this time, and sat back on her haunches to look up.

  “You magnificent, lovely bitch,” he murmured, reaching out to caress one of her breasts. She arched into his palm like a ready cat, and he stroked her taut nipple with a nimble thumb. Jane shuddered with need, lust blasting through her as her body gathered up hot and moist and ready. Then, as if catching himself, Darkdale quickly removed his hand and stepped back. “You’ve managed to do nothing but unbuckle my boots and get yourself hot and ready, darling Jane. But my pleasure should be your only focus, and time is running out, my dear.”

  “If you would sit…Master,” she whispered, looking up at him with parted lips and as much of a sensual expression as she could muster. “I will commence with your seduction.”

  His eyes flashed dark and hot, and she felt him give a little shudder. Darkdale was most definitely enamored with her—possibly even weak around her—and that could only work in Jane’s favor. She licked her lips slowly once more as she positioned herself on her haunches, thrusting her breasts forward prominently.

  He sank onto the bed, his cheeks flushed and his eyes fastened on her as she shifted herself in place to work off his boot. It was nearly impossible to pull it off using only her teeth and mouth—plus her jaw was sore, and the grains of sand in the hourglass were running out faster and faster…

  Jane found herself fighting tears of frustration until she figured out to nudge his heel loose inside the boot by using her chin. After that, it was relatively easy to work it the rest of the way off his foot, employing her teeth and chin in turn to tug and shift it out of place. Her breasts swayed and bumped against each other, her sensitive nipples brushing the floor, his trousers, his leg…

  By the time she divested him of both shoes, a much-too-large pile of sand had formed in the bottom
of the hourglass, and Jane fought back a surge of real apprehension. A little frightened now, she set to pulling off his stockings, tugging with her sharp teeth as her cheek slid along his hairy, muscular calf. Tasting the essence of salt and man, she hurried to tug off the second stocking…and then, finally, she was able to get more serious about her goal.

  When Jane looked up from her position at his bare feet, she found him watching her with a languid, haughty expression. That edge of obsession was gone from his eyes, and he seemed prepared to make her work for her reward.

  But she really wanted to sleep in a bed tonight, not on the cold, hard floor. And she certainly didn’t want to be involved in any “punishment” tomorrow night. So Jane made her eyelids droop just a little, and she bit her lip, sliding it between her teeth so it puffed out, full and wet, when it popped free. He looked down at her. When he reached to brush a thick lock of hair from her face, she saw hot, bold lust in his eyes. And something else. Need?

  Galvanized, she edged between his legs, as she had done in the other chamber, and the memory of his throbbing, ready cock between her lips, sliding deep into her mouth—and elsewhere—had saliva pooling around her tongue. Taking her time, ignoring the incessant drain of sand down the hourglass’s funnel, Jane used her teeth to unbutton the placket of his trousers.

  She felt that magnificent cock shift and rise beneath the fabric as she brushed against him, and she took every opportunity to rub or press against it. His breathing changed and she felt the tiniest quiver beneath his skin, as if he too anticipated what would come next.

  When she pulled the opening of his pants wide, then adjusted her position and went back up for his drawers, Darkdale stopped her with a firm hand on her head. “Undress me, Jane darling. I want to be skin to skin with you.”

  Biting back a curse of frustration, she hurried to do his bidding. Darkdale was accommodating, and rose to his feet as she worked the woolen fabric down over his hips and legs, using only her teeth. It was slow, tedious work, but she was determined. Once, she dragged her moist lips down the inside of his thigh and he tensed and shuddered beneath her touch. Emboldened, she nibbled the soft, hairless skin at the back of his knee, tasting warmth and salt, and feeling a brush of the dark hair that grew elsewhere on his legs.

  When she rose to do the same on the other leg, Jane glanced up and saw that his jaw had gone slack and his eyes were half closed. I can do this. She glanced at the hourglass and saw that the bottom vessel was still more than half empty, but filling steadily. He is ready for me.

  Now that he was divested of his trousers, she rose back up on her knees and tugged at the drawstring of his bulging underdrawers. When she pulled them away, Darkdale’s cock sprang free, tall and long and eager. It looked delicious: thick and red and fairly quivering with readiness.

  Jane couldn’t subdue a quiver of anticipation, and she lunged forward to take him in her mouth. Her lips closed over the soft, velvet-skinned head that looked ready to burst. But no sooner had she tasted the droplet of saltiness gathering there, flickering her tongue over the tip, than Darkdale was once again forcing her face away from him.

  “Jane, I will not tell you again. You are to undress me. Completely.” His voice was taut and dark and his fingers dug into her scalp painfully, twisting a lock of hair for emphasis.

  She swallowed a soft moan of disappointment and impatience and released the heat of his erection. With a tight half-smile, Darkdale eased back into a supine position on the bed as Jane began to work his underdrawers down over his hips, then muscular thighs and knees and to his feet. He did nothing to assist—obviously willing to prolong her efforts as much as possible—and she found herself kneeling on the floor in order to pull the cotton clothing completely free of his ankles and long, narrow feet.

  Then, breathing from exertion and frustration, breasts swaying and hair tangling, Jane finally climbed up onto the bed next to him. He wore only a shirt and vest, along with a loosely tied neckcloth, and she set to working free the knot of his cravat—but not before she impudently straddled him at the waist, settling her moist center over his bare belly.

  Pressing down into his abdomen, Jane felt her little pip quiver and swell, eager for pleasure. She slid up his torso with a sharp jerk, using her juices for lubricant over his warm skin as she bent to take the neckcloth in her teeth. Darkdale made a soft sound beneath her, and she felt his stomach muscles tighten as she shifted and moved on his belly under the guise of working his tie free.

  In other circumstances, Jane might have been smug about his reactions, but she wasn’t foolish enough to become complacent. The grains of sand kept falling, and she had not even brought him to one orgasm yet. She was acutely aware how easily her needs might come to fruition, but she had a difficult task ahead of her.

  At last the tie slid free, and she set to work on his shirt. By now, her jaw had become sore from clenching her teeth and shifting about, and her movements were slower and clumsier.

  Finally, his vest was open and his was shirt unbuttoned. All she had left to do was get his arms out…

  “Master,” she whispered, settling back on her haunches on his belly. “If you would sit up, I would remove your shirt. And then, with your permission, we could be skin to skin.” Her voice dropped low and husky at these last words, and it was, shamefully, due more to her own anticipation than any acting on her part.

  “Very well, darling Jane.” He sat up and she scooted behind him to take the collar of his shirt in her mouth. His dark hair brushed her face as she tugged it free of his broad shoulders, and then pulled each sleeve down his arm.

  By the time she was finished, and the shirt and vest were gathered in a pile on the bed, Jane was panting and frustrated. But it was finished. He was naked at last, and now she could attend to the more pleasurable aspects of her task.

  A worried glance at the hourglass had her heart spiking with fear. More than half her time had elapsed!

  Jane maneuvered herself back to the front of Darkdale, noticing for the first time the pelt of dark hair over his chest, and that his body was well-muscled and lean. He wasn’t nearly as beautiful as Zaren—oh, Zaren! Will I ever see you again?—but she could not allow herself to think about her jungle-man lover right now. She couldn’t be distracted.

  Not yet. Not now. Later, she could dream about him, and pray he was safe and whole, and that one day they would be together again, but now she must concentrate and put her fear and sadness away.

  Thus Jane wasted no time straddling Darkdale once again. His cock was full and ready, and she was so wet and throbbing that he slid easily inside her. She heard him muffle a groan and felt his body tense as she impaled herself. A shock of lust whipped through her and she couldn’t control a gasp of her own. Oh yes. Oh gad, yes!

  She’d diddled herself in order to find relief, but the sensation of being filled and stretched, the weight and heat of his cock quivering inside her, was so much better than anything she did on her own.

  Darkdale seemed to agree, for his face had gone taut and his eyes burned up at her, dark and hot. “Are you going to fuck me, then, darling Jane?” His voice was as tight as his face, and laced with desperation.

  For that one moment, Jane felt completely in control. She began to move, first slowly, rocking her hips, feeling his broad cock bump and shift inside her channel. But that wasn’t enough—not nearly enough—and the next thing she knew, she was pumping up and down, bucking and riding him as if she were a madwoman.

  She was a little mad, desperate, crazed, blinded with lust. Her legs shook as she rolled her hips, undulating them as she stroked him inside herself. She rose and fell over him, faster and faster. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and slick suction filled her ears, along with the soft pants and moans and sighs she couldn’t control. The essences of musk and sweat and man filled her nostrils, and the sensation of his hot skin burned against her thighs. His body was hard and warm beneath her hands—yes, somehow her palms had found their way and become pla
nted on his chest as she used them as leverage for her manic ride.

  Jane reached her peak first—fast and easily—and cried out as it ratcheted through her, hot and hard. Exhausted, she slowed for a moment, shuddering and quaking, weak in the knees and elbows…and then she started up again, sliding and pumping and shifting and rolling.

  Now she wasn’t quite so blinded with lust, and she watched his face, watched for his reactions and responses so she could gauge how close she was to fulfilling her task. But as Jane rose and fell in a strong, true rhythm, Darkdale remained stoic and still. She glanced at the hourglass and her pulse ratcheted up. Not much time, not much time at all remained, and he hadn’t even come once!

  Hiding her apprehension, she sat back on her haunches, lifting her hands high so her breasts lifted and jounced as she made little figure-eight circles around and over his cock. Teasing its burgeoning head, she tightened herself around him, squeezing as she slowed her rhythm, then lifted her hands to play with her breasts, pinching and stroking her nipples, hefting and sifting the heavy globes in her palms, shifting and speeding and then slowing her rhythm. Pleasure spiked through her once more, as always shooting in hot, delicious licks to her core. But it was Darkdale on whom she must focus.

  Come on…come on!

  But still Darkdale remained still and cool, watching her from his position on his back, though his eyes were anything but frigid. More than a little nervous now, Jane moved faster and faster, and her own body tightened, growing wetter and throbbing with need. That familiar feeling of climbing the peak to orgasm gathered inside her once more, and she leaned forward so her breasts brushed his chest as she jerked her hips up and down over him.

  “Oh!” she cried in surprise when another orgasm washed over her—strong and sharp, sending her collapsing onto Darkdale’s torso as the pleasure trundled through her.

  But still his cock remained hard and raging inside her.


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