Star_Lee Johnson_To Be Great Series

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Star_Lee Johnson_To Be Great Series Page 2

by Blue Saffire

  Her shift in attitude was nice to see. The cold shoulder didn’t suit her and I wasn’t feeling it anyway. We’d get more done without the animosity.

  We worked our way through a few more hours to find the resources we needed. I found myself enjoying being so close to her, as we sat side by side. She’d reach across me, smelling sweet, like vanilla and pineapples or something.

  We got into a system, she’d print off two copies of everything and I’d retrieve them from the printer. We had a great flow going, knocking the work out quickly. Our combined quick thinking and reading helped out.

  Once again, her stomach told on her. I looked at her and laughed to myself. She tried to ignore it at first, so we could finish up. I could see her making faces and rubbing her tummy. Once we had the last few, she looked like she wanted to run for something to eat.

  “I really want to help go through these with you this time, but I need to get something to eat,” she said, as we printed the last references.

  “Sure, no problem,” I answered. “You want to grab something and then come back here?”

  “My butt is killing me. I cannot sit in these chairs again, but my roommate is already having a study group. Do you want to go to a coffee shop or something?”

  “How about we go get something to eat and then we can go to my place,” I offered.

  “Okay… and I look like I’m going to your place? I barely know you,” she snorted.

  “Look, this is a lot of work and my place is comfortable. I have a taser in my car, I can show you how to use it,” I laughed and gave her a smile to show that I was harmless.

  “No, thank you. I have one in my bag and I know how to use it just fine,” she answered, pausing to think. “Okay, but I have a black belt just to warn you.”

  “Okay,” I laughed.

  “So what are we going to eat? The food budget is getting low for the month, so Wendy’s or Mickey D’s it is,” she chimed, as we picked up our things to leave.

  “Don’t worry, it’ll be my treat.”

  We went to the parking lot where I parked earlier. On the way, I called to see if I could get us into one of my favorite restaurants. Crystal was always fly, I didn’t have to be worried about her not being dressed nice enough to get into the place.

  The black slacks, grey blouse and lightweight cropped black leather looked good on her. Her heels were the same grey as the blouse. Yeah, she was dressed just fine.

  I opened the trunk for us to throw our things in, before I went to open her door. She climbed in, putting on her seatbelt. I expected more of a reaction to the car, but she seemed indifferent. I was cool with that. Again, I knew she was different.

  With our reservations set, I drove uptown to the spot. Crystal relaxed, closing her eyes for a few. I took note that she wasn’t very talkative. I turned the music on low, trying to make it seem like I was okay with the silence. I wanted to have a conversation with her, but I couldn’t think of anything to say.

  When we arrived to the restaurant, the hostess made sure we were seated right away. Crystal didn’t look impressed or disappointed. She took her seat giving her attention to her menu.

  I decided I would try to start a conversation while we waited to place our orders. She didn’t have to tell me her life story, but it would be nice to at least have some type of discussion. I looked over my menu, as I tried to decide on what to eat and what to say at the same time.

  She ordered for herself, while I made up my mind and ordered as well. Once the waiter left, before I could think of something to say, Crystal looked across the table at me with curiosity written all over her face. I couldn’t help wondering what was on her mind.

  “So Lee, how was practice?” she asked to my surprise.

  “Great. I’m looking forward to the season.”

  “So what do you play, might I ask?”

  “I play football for the NFL,” I answered and laughed to myself. My being drafted was a pretty big deal. I was surprised the name didn’t register with her.

  “Oh, my little brother is into football. He needs to focus more though. He has the talent.”

  “That’s cool, maybe he would like to come to a game. I could get you guys some tickets. I have the home game schedule in the car. You can let me know which game you want to come to,” I offered.

  “That depends,” she smiled. “Do those tickets come with strings attached?”

  “No strings at all.”

  “Okay, I’ll see if he wants to go,” she said, with a grin. “What’s making you take the classes? Just curious.”

  “I don’t want to count on the game forever. I want to have a business, something I can call my own. The classes are to build a foundation. You?” I returned.

  “Well, you know about my license. I want to open my own chain of salons. My dad says I never stick to anything, so I pretty much have been doing this degree on my own. I want to show him I can finish and then open up my first place.”

  “That’s cool. How much longer do you have until you finish the program?” I asked.

  “This is my last semester,” she said with a huge smile. “So Lee, what’s your vision? I mean what’s the perfect life for Lee?”

  “Let’s see…it would be to have a successful career in the NFL, my own successful business, a determined and accomplished wife and lots of kids.”

  “Nice answer,” she said, raising her eyebrow. “Sounds like you think about that a lot.”

  “Yeah, I’m putting things together. How about you?”

  “I want the successful businesses, a determined smart husband, and when all of that’s in place I want the children. I want the foundation set by the time I have children. You know?” She said, a pretty smile brightening her face.

  “Yeah, I feel you. Well, it looks like you’re on your way.”

  “Yup, tunnel vision,” she laughed.

  We ate dinner and talked some more. Just like I thought, she was a very intelligent woman. I found myself very comfortable talking to her. I didn’t mind her questions. I wanted to answer them and ask her more. We talked mostly about business, goals, things we accomplished so far.

  “Tell me about the draft process. That must have been crazy to go through,” she said, after a small lull in the conversation.

  “I had the support of my mom and a few good friends. To me, that made the difference in getting through it all,” I replied. “You know, the support of those that love me.”

  “Yeah, I bet that did help a lot. It’s always good to have a supporting family,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Definitely,” I nodded. “I have my support system and I read a lot to stay focused.”

  She tilted her head at me with a smile on those gorgeous lips. I could see her assessing me. I watched her back, awaiting the thoughts I could see surfacing.

  “What do you read?”

  “I like motivational books. Greg Livingston is one of my favorites. He’s an ex-player gone entrepreneur and politician. His net worth is ridiculous. That’s where I see myself in the future. He has some great books that I’ve read,” I said

  Her smile grew while she listened to my words. She seemed to be listening, soaking them in. I liked that I could share all this with her.

  Once we finished dinner, we went straight to my place. I made sure she made herself comfortable, as I made myself a place on the plush rug in the living room. She kicked her shoes off and we went to work. We had papers spread out everywhere, on the floor, the coffee table, and the couch. Things seemed to go faster than when I did it by myself. She pulled out some great information and sources.

  Just like in the library, we had a flow going on, bouncing ideas and directions off of each other. She was one of the best partners I’d had in a long time. It was like talking to myself. We were highlighting the same things to show each other, cracking up once we saw we were on the same page. I didn’t realize that it actually was taking much longer than the night before, until Crystal gasped.

  “Do you
see what time it is?”

  “No,” I yawned, looking at my watch. “Oh man, four?”

  “I have a class in a few hours,” she said, as she started to gather her things.

  “Yeah, I have to go in to watch film today,” I yawned again. “I’ll take you home.”

  “No, you get some sleep. I can catch a cab.”

  “That’s not going to hurt the budget?” I chuckled.

  “Nope, I can borrow it from the date emergency fund. Plenty of money there,” she laughed.

  “Can I ask? Is that because you go on so many great dates or because you don’t go on many dates at all?”

  “Because I don’t date,” she shrugged.

  “I find that a little hard to believe. Guys must be knocking your door down. ”

  “I don’t have time for that. I’m focused right now. I don’t want the distraction. I figure if he’s out there, than he’ll wait until it’s the right time. I won’t miss him.”

  “I see,” I answered. “Are you sure I can’t take you or maybe you want to sleep here and I can take you to class?”

  “Right, I’m going to show up to class in the same clothes as yesterday, getting out of your car,” she snorted. “No, thanks.”

  “So what about later? What time do you want to meet?”

  “Oh, I have plans. You should enjoy your weekend. I’ll see you in class on Tuesday.”

  “Okay, well, let me walk you down to catch a cab.”

  “If you insist.”

  I was a little disappointed that we wouldn’t be meeting. I’d gotten used to seeing her so often. I tamped those feelings down and got to my feet, watching as she gathered the last of her things.

  I walked her down and hailed her a cab. She waved goodbye, as she got in her cab to leave. With her safely in the car I turned to head back upstairs, musing on the girl that had done a three sixty in personality.

  When I got back into my place, I threw myself across the bed. I was out the moment my face touched the sheets. All thoughts of anything forgotten.

  Chapter 3


  I could barely hold my eyes open for the first round of films. I was glad for the break and a minute to breathe. My teammates were laughing, while talking about a party the night before. They had texted me to come out, but I was busy with Crystal and the research project.

  “Johnson, what happened last night?” Sean asked.

  “I had to handle some schoolwork,” I replied.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that, Bookworm,” he chuckled. “You missed it, man. Honey with the green eyes was looking for you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah man. I know you want to know what that right there be like.”

  Before I could answer him back, my phone began to vibrate. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Crystal. I still had some time to talk so I picked up, before she hung up the line.


  “Hey Lee, it’s Crystal,” she called into the phone.

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I think I left my organizer at your place. I can’t find it and I know that was the last place I remember having it.”

  “Oh, well, I won’t be home for a few hours, but I can let you know if it’s there,” I said, as I tried to remember if I saw it this morning. My head was banging from trying to think that far back without enough sleep.

  “Please, my life is in there.”

  “No problem. I’ll call as soon as I get home.”

  “Thanks so much, Lee.”

  “It’s cool, Crystal. Talk to you later.”

  I hung up the phone to Sean shaking his head at me. Sean is one of the veteran players. He always had something to say or an opinion to give. I was sure this time would be no different.

  “So Crystal, that’s the reason you haven’t been coming out?” Sean asked.

  “Man, that’s my research partner.”

  “Research partner? I wonder if my wife would go for that one?” Corey laughed.

  “Well, you do still remember poker night is at your place?” Brantley asked.

  “Yeah, we still on.”

  The interruption to get back to films was welcomed. I was too tired to think or talk. I just wanted to focus on the films and relax my mind. I made it through the rest of the afternoon, without falling asleep.

  I wanted to let Crystal know about her organizer as soon as possible, but I had to stop at the store to get some things for poker night. I did a little shopping and met the guys at my condo. As soon as I opened the door and we walked in, I could see the organizer in between the couch cushions. I placed the bags in the kitchen, taking out my phone to call Crystal.

  “Hey Lee, please tell me you found it,” she sighed into the phone.

  “Yeah, I have it.”

  “Oh great!”

  “Would you like me to bring it to you?” I asked.

  “Oh no rookie, you’re not bailing out on us,” Sean yelled, his laugh booming through my place.

  “Oh, it sounds like you’re busy. Would it be okay if I come and get it? I won’t interfere with your night I don’t even have to come in.”

  “It’s cool, you can come. Actually, you can hang out if you want,” I offered hoping she would want to.

  “Oh, well, it’s kind of girl’s night out,” she replied.

  “Well, it’s guy’s night out here. So your friends are welcome.”

  “I don’t know…I have to think about that one. Would it be okay if I come in like an hour or two?”

  “Sure, I’ll be here.”

  “Thanks, see you then,” she said, before hanging up.

  I hung up and went to put the things in the kitchen away. The guys were making themselves at home, setting up the table. My mind turned to how much I enjoyed last night with Crystal. I couldn’t help hoping she would have a change of heart and decide to hang out.

  “Please tell me you didn’t just invite some women here,” Corey sighed. “My wife will kill me.”

  “I told you before you wouldn’t have to worry about that if you stop hanging with us unmarried men,” Sean teased.

  “It’s just my research partner and some of her friends. I don’t think they’re going to stay. I don’t think she’s too into me,” I replied.

  I’d been thinking out loud. Crystal seemed to stop being so cold to me, but she still wasn’t interested. I think she just sees me as a research partner, maybe a friend or someone cool to study with.

  “Whatever, Lee, you’re an NFL quarterback. Every woman is into you,” Sean chuckled.

  Two hours went by, before I heard the doorbell. I got up to answer the door hoping once again that Crystal brought her friends and would stay. I opened the door and to my surprise, Crystal and four of her friends were on the other side dressed up like they were going out to the club. Crystal looked great. She had on a pair of tight white jeans, with a white fitted stretch top, a yellow leather jacket, and a pair of yellow platform pumps. I stared at her so hard, I almost forgot to let them in.

  “Hey ladies, please come in,” I finally managed.

  “Hey Lee,” Crystal chimed, as she walked in.

  Her girlfriends all followed her, waving at me as they passed. Each one of them fine as can be. I gestured for them to have a seat in the living room, where Crystal went to retrieve her organizer off the coffee table where I had placed it.

  “Thank you so much,” she beamed.

  “No problem,” I said with a big smile. “Let me introduce you guys to my friends. This is Corey, Paul, Brantley and Sean.”

  “Hello, ladies,” Sean called.

  “Hello,” they said in unison.

  “I’m Crystal, these are my friends Nichelle, Karen, Melissa, and Kelly,” she said, as she pointed to each of her friends.

  “So are you guys going to hang?” I asked, as I watched Crystal remain standing, while her friends all claimed seats.

  “I don’t know,” Crystal paused, looking at her friends
. “We had plans.”

  “We can stay a while,” Melissa interrupted.

  “That’s what’s up,” Sean crooned. “Crystal, why don’t you come sit on my lap and let me show you how to play poker.”

  “Ew. No, that’s okay. I’m good. Thank you,” Crystal snorted.

  There was something different about her, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “Would you like to play?” I laughed.


  I walked over to the table to my seat, waving her over. She removed her jacket, handing it to her friend Kelly. She paused to bite her lip, a pensive look crossing her face for a minute. Then, she walked over. I held out my hand to offer her my seat. Crystal looked at me shyly, moving over next to me.

  “I thought you were going to offer me your lap,” she lifted on her toes and said softly into my ear.

  I was stunned for a moment. I looked her in the eyes, as she smiled back at me. I let my eyes scan her body again. Reclaiming my seat, I winked at her. Her smile widened and she stepped in between my legs to sit on my lap. I slid us closer to the table, tapping the hand of cards in front of us for her to pick up.

  She picked up the cards, while I examined her sitting on my lap. Crystal was a very shapely young woman. I had more than a lap full. She pulled the cards to her chest, leaning into mine to show them to me.

  “Which one of you ladies wants to come sit on my lap,” Sean called.

  Karen jumped up and came over to the table. Another very pretty girl with a cute shape, but she was sort of thin for Sean’s taste. I could see in his face she wasn’t the one he’d hoped would respond, but she was willing therefore he was taking.

  He wasn’t the only one taking. After the rest of the ladies came over and sat on barstools around the game, Crystal and I went to town. We snatched everyone’s money. After the first three hands, I still remained cautious not to touch her or move wrong. I wanted her to stay right where she was.

  “Relax,” Crystal leaned back to whisper in my ear.

  I reached to place my hand on her waist, as I watched her eyes. She looked back at me, the looks and vibes she was sending my way not at all what I was expecting. She took me by surprise with each minute that passed. When I placed my other hand on her waist, she leaned into my chest and nestled there as we played. We were all having a good time. Sean knows how to keep a room laughing.


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